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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was getting close to bed time since it was dinner and my mom just got us a pizza and the girls made me play so much today that I was actually kinda tired. I was done playing for the day and when we were done I still wonder why my mom changed her mind to let the girls sleep in my room, but earlier when we all tried to fit on my bed, it was very uncomfortable and when some of them would have to sleep on the floor that just made them fight a little, so we're all sleeping out in the living room tonight now.

Kenzie-So what do you wanna do after dinner. Play hide and go seek, pillow fight?

(Y/N)-How about we just lay down and watch a show or something. I'm tired.

Tess-I'm with (Y/N). I'm beat.


Heather-How about we just play on the Xbox?

Trinity-I just wanna watch a show and relax. I'm done playing now.


((M/N)'s POV)

After dinner I just went to my room to go take a shower and wash up and maybe even wash some stress today after what happened. I was blackmailed with child pornography pictures that were taken out of context and because of that, I was forced to do 3 things today in front of my son and it was humiliating. First I had to say that I pissed my pants, second I had to let the girls sleep with my son tonight after they all got out of the bath and shower together, and finally...

(Flashback Start)

Kenzie was making me do this while they were all playing in the pool again and I was just sitting on a chair while the kids got a bucket full of ice water. I didn't even get to change into my bathing suit before she made me get down on my knees and when they poured the water on me Kenzie pulled out my pants a little and shoved a 3 ice cubes between my crack and let go before (Y/N) noticed and I had to go inside before I could take them out, but there was a tap on the window and Kenzie flashed the pictures at me, so I knew she wanted me to leave them there until they melted.

(Flashback End)

When I got out of the shower I dried off before I entered my room to get dressed, but when I did, I saw that Tess was on my bed.


Tess-Hey. How was your shower?

(M/N)-What do you want?

Tess-You know, this is a real nice bed... and big too.


Tess-I told (Y/N) that I was going to the bathroom before he takes a shower, but I thought how big your bed was and how comfy it was when it was just us girls.

I just shivered a little when she said that and then she got up and walked up to me.

Tess-Let me put this simply. I like your bed and it's big enough to hold all of us, but... maybe not you tonight, so here's what is going to happen. You're gonna get ready to go out because "something happened" and while you're gone we'll just take your bed for the night. I don't care where you go as long as it's not in this house tonight and you have until (Y/N) gets out of the shower to be gone and if I catch you in this house before morning tomorrow, the pictures go up.

She was kicking me out of my own house and taking my room, so she and the others can have my bed and when she got closer she grabbed my towel and gave it a few tugs, but I didn't let her pull it off me.

Tess-Have a good night.

She left my room and as long as they have those pictures... I have to leave soon then.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was about to go to the bathroom to get in the shower after this episode and when my mom came in she had her purse with her and her car keys.


Mom-Hey sweetie, I have to go help a few friends tonight. I won't be back until morning.

(Y/N)-Oh... ok.

Mom-I love you.

She gave me a kiss on my head in front of everyone before she started to leave out the front door and when she did Tess pulled on me and kissed my cheek.

Tess-Hey, since your mom is going to be gone for the night, how about we go sleep in your mom's bed. It's big enough.

(Y/N)-I don't know if my mom would like that.

Tess-She doesn't have to know.~

Trinity-(Y/N) we can all fit on her bed and be comfy. We'll be out of her room before she gets back.

Bella-It's better than the floor.

Heather-Yeah, she has a T.V. in there too, so we can watch our show in there.

(Y/N)-I don't know... My mom will get really mad if she sees us all in her bed.

Tess-Come on!

She grabbed and pulled me while the others turned off the T.V. and pushed me upstairs with them and we went into my mom's room and got me on her bed and they got on too and there was enough room for all of us on the bed and it was comfy. Trinity was on one said and Kenzie was on the other side of me while Bella laid on top of me and Heather and Tess were getting close to Kenzie and Trinity.

Tess-See, this is better than sleeping on the floor.

(Y/N)-Ok,... I still need to take a shower... and can I have it alone? Last time we all went it was very hard to fit.

Kenzie-... Fine.


They all let me go to the bathroom alone and got in the shower for a while since the hot water felt so good. When I got out I went to my room to get changed, but when I did I saw Kenzie was in my room going through her stuff in her bag.


Kenzie-Oh, hi.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Kenzie-I'm trying to find out what treat to give you that I owe you.


Kenzie-Remember, you asked your mom to do the ice bucket challenge.

(Y/N)-Oh... ok.

Kenzie-Yeah, so I have Snickers, Twix, but i'm all out of Recees peanut buttercups, so i'm thinking of the next best thing.

(Y/N)-I'm actually full and don't want candy right now.

Kenzie-Well I have to give you something... I got it.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Kenzie-Get dressed and come back to your mom's room.

(Y/N)-Uh, ok.

She left while looking happy and I just got dressed in some sweat pants and a a t-shirt before I went to my mom's room and saw everyone looking at me.


Kenzie-Come on (Y/N). You can't get your reward from over there.

I just got on the bed and when I did she just took my shirt off and put me on my belly before she scratched my back like she did at her slumber party and I couldn't hold still because it felt so good, but I stopped her by flipping over.


Tess-What was that?

Trinity-Oh, I forgot about this. If you scratch the middle of his back, he acts weird by stretching and blushing a bit.

Tess-That's so cute and funny. Do it again!~

(Y/N)-No! I'm not gonna let any of scratch my back and it's not funny!

Tess-Oh, you're doing it.

She flipped me on my belly by force and held me there by sitting on top of me and held me still.

Tess-Do it!

(Y/N)-No, don't!

Kenzie was scratching my back again and it was so embarrassing, but they didn't stop and I was already tired, so I couldn't fight back much and soon I didn't even bother fighting while Kenzie kept going.

Kenzie-Awww, see how nice it is when you don't fight and be a good boy?~

She kept on scratching and Bella came to move my pillow and put my head on her lap instead and rubbed my head slowly and softly. They were all aweing at me like I was little puppy to them when I gave up fighting it, but it didn't make me feel better about it. Heather and Trinity came to my sides while Tess and Kenzie were on top of me, so now I was completely surrounded by girls and dog piled by them.

(Kenzie's POV)

He was so calm if you don't count his struggling from his back scratches and I just wanna tuck him in and give him something to chew on to make it squeak a little in his sleep like what Hunter does sometimes. I kept on scratching his sweet spot and I know he loves it. I'm so happy that Tess is our friend or this won't be happening and I giggled a little when I remembered that I shoved ice in her pants and made her keep them in and new Tess got us her big bed thanks to her plan to...

Kenzie's mind-What did she call it again?... Black bird?... No, blackmail!

I just didn't like where Tess put her fingers... I don't even want to think about that. Adults are so gross if they like stuff like that. When (Y/N) finally closed his eyes, Heather turned on the T.V. and turned off the lights before she got back to (Y/N)'s side and Bella slid under (Y/N), so he was laying on top of her.

Kenzie-Hey, I want (Y/N) to lay on me. I give him all the treats.

Bella just stuck her tongue at me and I just pouted and she put her head on the pillow and (Y/N) was on her chest and Tess and I got off of him and everyone was going to sleep.


Everyone was asleep, but I couldn't sleep, so I just left the room while everyone was still sleeping. I went to my bag in (Y/N)'s room and I got my lucky charm that I take with me everywhere, even to school, but I just hide it in my bag.


It was Hunter's first collar when he was a puppy and I was a baby and when he grew out of it I kept it incase my grandma would let us get another dog and Hunter can have a little friend, but my grandma and her nurses say no. They also said that when i'm old enough and have money, I can buy my own puppy and I just want a perfect puppy like Hunter was. I just kissed the bell and jingled it a bit before I put it back in my bag and went back to bed to everyone sleeping and I just got back in bed and just watched T.V. until I fell asleep too.


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