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((Y/N)'s POV)

Today was the day of the sleep over and Bella went with Heather and Trinity to help them get ready and they wanted to talk about girl stuff like they've been doing for a few days now I think and Kenzie and Tess should be here too. We had no homework over the weekend, so we don't need to think about school and have fun. I was in my room and made room for the girls to make their beds on the floor and it was going to be hard even if Bella sleeps in my bed, it might be a tight squeeze and just then my mom came in my room.


Mommy-Hey honey, what are you doing?

(Y/N)-Trying to make room for my friends to make their beds.

Mommy-I'm sorry honey, but you have too much stuff in you room to make room for 5 beds on the ground. They might have to sleep in the living room tonight.

(Y/N)-But it's not carpet out there, it's a wooden floor. Is that too hard to sleep on?

Mommy-Do you just wanna cram them all together in your room? That doesn't sound comfy either. They'll have sleeping bags and the couches, so they'll be fine.

I guess... I just cleaned my room a bit and my mom just smiled before she left and I went to the living room and just put on a show out here and soon there was a knock on the door and when I opened it, Kenzie came in and hugged me while lifting me up a bit.


Kenzie-Hi (Y/N), you were such a good boy at school today, so I brought king sized candy bars for you!~

(Y/N)-Ok... Can you put me down now and we can get your stuff in.

Kenzie-Hmmm... Ok.

She put me down and we got her stuff in and I saw a car with a nurse or something in it drive off before we sat down to watch the show. While we waited she made me lean on her while she had me in a hug and rubbing the back of my head until there was another knock at the door and I got up to go answer it and when I opened the door I saw Heather, Trinity, and Bella and Trinity had her dad's tablet with her.



She took a picture with the tablet and it had flash on before they came in and joined us on the couch and I just looked at Trinity's new tablet.

(Y/N)-Isn't that your... um...

Trinity-*Giggles* Yes, it was my daddy's tablet, but my mom reset it and i'm getting a cute cover in the mail in a few days.

(Y/N)-Cool. What else can it do?

Trinity-I can only get free games unless my mom lets me buy other things.

Bella-We also talked about taking lots of pictures with you.

Heather-Where's Tess?

(Y/N)-She said she was coming.

We all just watched the show and we were getting bored, so we all started to get ready to go swimming in the backyard and right before we were about to go outside there was another knock on the door and I quickly answered it and it was Tess and her mom was in the car still and was driving off.



Tess-Hey... So we're going swimming now?

(Y/N)-Yeah, did you bring your swim suit?

Tess-Yeah, let me get changed in the bathroom.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was chatting with the moms of the girls I was watching and they were fun to chat with and I had my window open and I could hear the kids playing in the pool and Kenzie's grandma nurse wanted me to make sure that she takes sleeping pills to help her tonight in case she can't sleep and to make sure to only give her one because the pills are strong and are used for her grandma in case she has a panic attack and need to put her under. I'm not exactly comfortable giving a little girl a strong pill, but as long as I know how much to give her, I think it'll be ok.

(Y/N)-Chicken fight!

I looked out the window and he had Trinity on his shoulders, Bella had Kenzie on her shoulders, and Heather had Tess and her shoulders. They were having a 3 way chicken fight and having fun outside and it was cute, but I kinda wish he made friends with some boys too and not just girls. I just went back to chatting with the moms and Tess's mom told us what happened with her family and it was awful, her son was in military school, and her husband is in jail awaiting for a trial and from almost an hour long video of him molesting his own daughter makes it look like he could be looking at not come out until Tess is at least in her late 20's. It was hard to believe how happy Tess looks outside.

(No POV)

The day went on and while the kids were playing and having fun, the moms and grandma's nurse were getting to know each other online and at the same time, learning more about the kids. For dinner, (M/N) was going to make a casserole for dinner while the kids were playing in the living room now.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were playing Tekken and right now it was Tess vs Trinity and they were on the final round with one win from each of them and before the match could finish my mom called us for dinner and while Trinity was distracted by that, Tess used her special move to win and Trinity didn't block it in time.

Trinity-Hey, you cheated!

Tess-No, you just looked away from the game.

Trinity just stuck her tongue out at Tess and we went to go eat dinner while my mommy made plates for all of us and it looked so good.


(Y/N)-Thanks mom.

(M/N)-After dinner, I want you girls to make your beds in the living room and Kenzie, let me know if you need to take a pill to help you sleep.


(M/N)-It just helps her sleep because this is her first time sleeping away from home and her grandma can't pick her up this late, sweetie. I want you to sleep in your room since they'll have enough room on the couches for themselves.

Bella-Actually, um... I don't mind sleeping on the floor in (Y/N)'s room.

Trinity-Me too.

Tess-I thought we were already doing that.

(M/N)-Sorry girls, but I think it would be better if you all slept on couches instead of the floor. It's only for bed and you 6 can play again in the morning.

Kenzie-Can he sleep out in the living room with us?

(M/N)-No room on the couches for another kid and I really don't want anyone sleeping on the floor tonight after I just mopped.

(Y/N)-How come I can't just sleep with one of them?

(M/N)-We'll talk about that when you're older, but for now you'll sleep in your room and the girls will have the living room.

Trinity-Can we please sleep in his room?

(M/N)-(Y/N) tried to make room when he came back from school and there was no room for all of you, so my answer is no. Just put you sleeping bags on the couches and while you do that and (Y/N) takes takes the first shower to get all the chlorine off him, i'll make everyone hot chocolate.

The girls kept on asking and trying to come up with ideas and it was making my mom a little mad until...

(M/N)-That's it, (Y/N) you're sleeping in your room, they will sleep in the living room and if anyone has a problem with it, i'll be telling there mom or grandma about this and they can go home tomorrow and won't be in this house ever again!

My mom does have a thing where she needs to be in control and if you push her too much, she gets mad and last time I did it, I got sent to my room for the rest of the day when I kept on saying that I wanted to go play in the rain outside.

(Trinity's POV)

After dinner was over I was angry that she made us sleep in the living or go home tomorrow and when (Y/N) went into the shower we just got our sleeping bags from (Y/N)'s room and Tess threw hers at the door and it made it close.

Tess-Who does that bitch think she is?!

Trinity/Bella/Heather/Kenzie-*Gasp* You said a-!

Tess-Get off my back! I did worse things than say bad words and had worse things done to me!

Trinity-What happened? Is it why your daddy got arrested?

Tess-I don't wanna talk about it. This is stupid.

Bella-I slept in here and on his bed every night with him and I don't know why we can't just pile up.

Heather-I thought it was a good idea too.

Kenzie-I know! She was being mean!

We kept on talking and it was (Y/N)'s mom being mean and unfair and that's when I remembered that Tess stood up to a mean yard duty person and made them cry yesterday when they were being mean to (Y/N) by us using a ball to play a game to ourselves. I remember what she said still.

(Flashback Start)

Tess-Does coming up to us and trying to tell us what to do give you more control than you do at home from when your "husband" makes the calls and tells you what to do?! I bet by how angry you are that he's barely home and more focused at work or maybe another person that's not you. How's that, am I in the ball park or does it go deeper that "he" might even be looking at other "MEN"?!?!?!

She threw the ball and it hit the yard duty in the face and we were all scared that she might get in "huge" trouble, but...

Yard duty-... *Whimper* *sobbing*!

She just ran away crying and we all looked at Tess while she got the ball back.

Tess-What? I had a teacher before with the same problem that acted like that.

(Flashback End)

If Tess knows how to deal with mean adults then...

Trinity-Tess, you're the toughest and meanest girl in class sometimes. Can you do something about (Y/N)'s mom like you did with that mean yard duty?

Kenzie-Hey, yeah. Just say means things to his mom and make her cry and let us sleep where we want tonight.

Tess-If I go out there and do what you just said then I will be gone tomorrow.

Heather-You also threw a ball at the yard duty's face, so maybe something like that.

Tess-*Giggles* Ok, that was funny,... but it doesn't work like that and I don't wanna end up leaving tomorrow.

Kenzie-Come on, you gotta think of something... Oh, what if pour ice cold water on her after we trick her into going outside and lock her out.

I started to think of a plan myself and so were the others except for Tess because I think that she didn't like Kenzie's plan, so if we give her a good idea then she might do it.

Heather-What if instead of water, it's syrup and feathers!

Bella-Where are we going to get all the syrup and feathers?

Tess-Oh my god. *mumbles*

Bella-Maybe we use Trinity's tablet and send a message to (Y/N)'s mom that... um... give me a second.

Tess just face palmed herself from how bad the plan was and I think I got something and it was going to be good.

Trinity-I got it! First we just need to get her outside while one of us is on the roof with a net and throw it on top of her and while she tries to get out, we spray her with the hose, and when she is looking at us, Tess throws a ball at her head to knock her down, so while she's down we hit her until she lets us do what we want!

Tess-... Are you done?


Tess-Your plan is stupid. We got no net, nothing strong enough I can throw to knock her down, and she's an adult and can beat all of us.

Kenzie-Well... What plan do you have? It can't be better than ours.

Tess-I got my dad arrested and sent to jail for at least 25 years, so I can say that my idea for that puts all of yours to shame... Let me think.

We were just looking at her and I was surprised that she said that and her dad got arrested at the school, so it must be true. Soon she looked like she thought of something good and had a smile on her face, so we were listening.


Kenzie-... We're gonna send a letter on a black piece of paper?

Tess-... Yes Kenzie, that's what i'm talking about. We're gonna write a letter about how she won the lottery and a trip on a cruise with the president.


Tess-No! Blackmail is something that she doesn't want others to know about that we know, so she does what we say or we tell.

Bella-But we don't know anything bad about her... Do we just make things up?

Tess-I have something else in mind... Trinity, is your tablet charged?

Trinity-Yeah, it should be at 100% by now.

Tess-Kenzie, those pills to make you sleep, where are they?

Kenzie-In my bag.

Tess-Good, now listen carefully and do "exactly" as I say. Now, here's what we're going to do.

(Short Timeskip)

(Tess's POV)

We were all coming down stairs with our sleeping bags and laid them on the couches and saw that the milk for the hot chocolate was still boiling, so it wasn't too late and "she" was in the kitchen, so we have to get her out for now.


I looked over at Heather and nodded to give her the signal and she kicked the coffee table a bit on purpose and was about to give us the distraction you need.

Heather-AAAHHHH!!! OWIE, OWIE, OWIE!!! *sobbing*

She "fell over the table crying" and she said she was good at fake crying to trick her dad into carrying her when she didn't want to walk. It actually was convincing and the mom came in to check on her.

(Y/N)'s mom-What happened?

Heather-I *sniffle* hit m-my toe and f-fell over *hic* the t-t-table and n-now *hic* *sniffle* my l-leg and toe hurt really b-b-bad!

(Y/N)'s mom-Come with me to the bathroom. I have ointment to help before for put ice on it to help the bruising.


They went to the bathroom and I took Kenzie with me to the kitchen and took the lid off the pot and she got her pills that we needed out.


Tess-Are you sure they're strong enough to keep her asleep? *whisper*

Kenzie-Yeah, it's for my grandma and I take one to really help me sleep, but a few times a nurse accidently took some when they put it into a drink to trick my grandma for when she needs to go to the hospital for surgery and doesn't want to go and I even fell on top of her, but she would not wake-. *whisper*

Tess-Just put the stupid pills in the boiling milk! *whisper yell*

She just dropped them in and I put the lid back on before we ran back into the living and I gave a thumbs up to them, so we know not to drink the hot chocolate. Soon they came back in and Heather even got an ice pack after she sat on the couch and I smiled at her to let her know we did it. We just put on a show and we heard the cups being poured and (Y/N) came down after a shower.


(Y/N)-Is the hot chocolate done?!

(Y/N)'s mom-I'm just adding the whipped cream and marshmallows.

Tess-I'm just gonna go take a shower now. I wanna let my hot chocolate cool down a bit.

I passed (Y/N) and smiled at him before I went upstairs to get in the shower even if it was a cover not to drink the hot chocolate. So far my plan was going smoothly and this will be my second best plan I ever had...

Tess's mind-The plan with my dad got him 25 years in jail, so it has number 1 spot locked up for now.

After a nice shower that I took my time in I got dried off and dressed before I went back downstairs and saw only (Y/N) and his mom drinking hot chocolate during a movie, so I just got my hot chocolate before I sat down to join the others. The girls and I weren't drinking and during the movie...

(Y/N)'s mom-*Yawn*... What time is it?

Trinity-Here, let me check... 8:23.

(Y/N)-*Yawn*... I'm so tired.

I looked at them and the mom got up to go to her room to go to sleep and (Y/N) was next and we waited until 9 to go up to (Y/N)'s room to test this and I know how to... I grabbed him and shook him like I was really trying to wake him up.


Tess-Hey, (Y/N), your room is on fire! Wakey, wakey! Show me anything if you're up!

He only stirred a bit, but didn't even open his eyes and I smiled at this and Kenzie walked up and kissed his cheek and left a king sized Kit-Kat next to him, so he can find it when he wakes up.

Kenzie-Told you, so what's the next part of your plan? You said you would tell us if the pills worked.

Tess-Follow me, i'll show you how my dad got arrested.

We went to (Y/N)'s mom's room and she wasn't even under the blankets and in her pajamas, but just to be sure it worked for her too, I nudged her... Nothing, good so far.

Bella-Can I try something?

Tess-Well... Kenzie, give her another pill to make sure.

Kenzie-Those were all I had, but these are meant for before surgery. She should be asleep for 8-9 hours.

Heather-What's surgery?

Kenzie-It's when doctors cut you open somewhere and do stuff inside your body.


Bella just crawled on the bed and shook her a bit to make sure she was asleep, but when (Y/N)'s mom didn't even move a bit...

Bella-These is for ruining my fun with (Y/N)!


She smacked her in the face and I was kinda laughing a bit, but then...





Tess-Ok, that's enough. We got other things to do. Trinity, get the camera on your tablet ready and after we'll send copies to my laptop, but for now, help me with her.

Kenzie-But what are we gonna do?

I just looked at (Y/N)'s mom and grabbed her pajama pants and was about to pull them down.

Tess-Just do what I do and after we're done, we have to dress her again before we leave.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((M/N)'s POV)

I woke up to my alarm and I felt a little numb when I woke up, but I managed to get up and I don't know if this is kinda like sleep paralysis, but I can barely feel anything at all and still felt so tired. I just went to the kitchen to make some coffee to help wake me up and was careful to be quite since the girls were asleep in the living room. After a nice cup of coffee with some creamer, I felt a little better, but still kinda drowsy. Soon the girls woke up and woke each other up before Bella went upstairs to wake up (Y/N).


(M/N)-Morning girls.

Tess-Can we talk about last night when Bella comes back downstairs.

I just nodded since it was just going to be an apology and I expected this, so they can try to get back on my good side, but it doesn't change much since they were never on my bad side. I just put my foot down and I would've sent them home, but not stop them from coming back after a few days to know I was serious. They all sat at the table with me and soon Bella came downstairs and sat at the table with us.

(M/N)-Where's (Y/N)?

Bella-He said he felt really, really tired, so I helped him to the shower to help wake him up.

That does sound nice, so after this I might go take one to help me wake up, but i'll take care of this first.

(M/N)-So you girls want to apologize to me after what happened at dinner last night, right?

Tess-No,... we want you to apologize to us.

(M/N)-... Excuse me?

Trinity-No, I don't think we will.

(M/N)-Do I need to tell your mothers about this, because I have their numbers and emails!

Tess-That's great, but do you want to see some pictures we got from our sleepover last night.

Trinity got her tablet and soon started to show me her pictures of all of them in the backyard when they were playing in the pool.

Trinity-This was after our chicken fight that Tess and Heather won then we sprayed her with a hose, this next one was after we got inside and I took a picture of Kenzie surprise hugging (Y/N) while she was lifting him a bit.

She went through more pictures and I was getting fed up and was about to call their parents and guardians, but then...

Trinity-Now the next pictures... Can you see what they are?

She swiped the screen and my eyes widened at what I saw... I was cuddling with Kenzie and Bella... AND WE WERE ALL-!!! WE WERE-!!!

(M/N)-WHERE DID YOU-?!?!?!

Tess-Shut up and look at the others!

She went through more pictures and I couldn't even process some of the stuff it looked like I was doing because the few pictures where you could see my face, my eyes were closed and I only remember going to sleep right after the movie last night! Why didn't I wake up?! I didn't even let her show me the rest before I took her tablet from her.


Trinity-Give me back my tablet!

(M/N)-Not until all these photos are gone!

Kenzie-I wouldn't do that if I were you.


Tess-We sent copies to my email on my computer and to and unless you want these pictures online and showed to the cops, you're going to sit down and listen us.

I checked myself and the pictures were shared and my heart sank, so I put the tablet back down on the table and Trinity took it back. I was still pissed off while also feeling a little dizzy and they all smiled at me. Tess just left to go get plastic cups and the apple juice we had and poured the others a cup.

Tess-So... Are you going to say sorry?~

(M/N)-... Sorry.

Tess-Good... What do you say girls?

Bella-I say it's not good enough. She wanted me to sleep in the living room alone before the sleepover until (Y/N) had to get her to let me to sleep on the floor.

Tess-Now I think you got that out when you smacked a few times last night.

(M/N)-You did what?!

Heather-Shut up!

Kenzie-We tried to be nice last night and just wanted all of us to sleep together, but you were being a meanie about it and yelled at us and would've made us leave and never be allowed back here!

Tess-That was pretty mean. Well,... do you have anything you wanna say and this time better?

(M/N)-... I'm... I'm sorry.

Tess-... I feel like you don't mean it.

She just got up from her chair and walked to me with a smile until she quickly got mad and grabbed my hair then yanked my head to her level and I grabbed her, but Trinity held her finger over a post button and it had the pictures, so I slowly let go of Tess and she pulled her finger away... This was blackmail.

Tess-(Y/N) was the first real friend I ever had and after everything i've been through with my dad, brother, and mom, I deserve him, so do you know how it felt when you said I can't sleep close to him?... It felt like this!

She yanked my hair again and it hurt, but soon we heard a door open upstairs and it had to be (Y/N) and Tess smiled before she let go of my hair and made me sit up.

Tess-Don't tell him it was me. *whisper*

She quickly poured her apple juice on my sweat pants between my legs and ran back to her seat and I stood up to see it dripping down the middle... like I just pissed myself and (Y/N) walked in through the kitchen looking tired.


(Y/N)-Mom, where are the tow-?

He just looked at me still tired and surprised and he rubbed his eyes a little in disbeleif and before I could say anything.

Tess-Eww, your mom just peed her pants!

(Y/N)-What?... Did you?

Trinity-(Y/N), we all saw it!

Bella-She did!

Kenzie-Yeah, she'll tell you too!

They were all looking at me and (Y/N) couldn't see the smug smiles they were all wearing because he was too focused on me and they had their backs turned to him.

Tess-Tell him what happened.

Trinity had her finger over the post button again and the pictures were all there and were going to go on Facebook and it had a message on it that said "Help, she made us do this". I couldn't let that go online because it will ruin my life and make me lose everything if I do.

(M/N)-I... I did pee myself.

She pulled away from the button again and went onto her home screen and (Y/N) was surprised that I said that, but the girls got up and grabbed his hands.

Tess-Here, we need a bath too and so does your mom after she cleans up her mess, so let's go before it smells like pee in here.

Kenzie-Oh and my grandma uses diapers, so maybe you might need some too.

The girls left with my son laughing a little at her joke and i've never been so humiliated in all my life. I just got blackmailed by little elementary school girls and they were all heading upstairs to take a bath with my son and I can't do a thing as long as they have those copies and I can't just go to Tess's house and go on her computer, it'll look bad by itself.

(M/N)'s mind-Those girls... Those photos... My whole life... What am I going to do?!


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