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((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been 3 days since Trinity, Heather, and Bella came to school and it was because their dads died and I went to Trinity and Heather's houses yesterday and their moms were crying and they said they couldn't play because they needed to be alone before the funerals. I couldn't get to Bella's house, but I think it's going to be the same thing over there, but we did get a call from Bella's mom last night and Bella is staying with us for 2 weeks now. I've only been hanging out with Kenzie at school and she has lots of candy that shares, but only one piece at a time and she only gives them after we do something, but today when I got to school we get out early since it's Thursday and I also saw Bella, Trinity, and Heather standing by the gate waiting for me. I had to remember what my mom said and not talk abut their dads.



(Y/N)-Hey guys! Do you feel ok?

Heather-Oh, um... Not really. I miss my daddy!

She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and I gave her one too before the others joined in and when we broke up we went to our spot and Kenzie was already there and maybe with more candy she can share.


(Y/N)-Hey Kenzie.

Kenzie-Hi (Y/N)!

She patted her hand next to her and I sat there, but then Bella turned me to her and she was looking at her hands and pressing them together.

Bella-So um... I'm staying at your house for 2 weeks.

(Y/N)-Yeah, my mom told me.

Heather-Hey, can I spend the night this weekend?... I need my best friend.

Trinity-Me too.

They both sounded sad and I don't wanna say no and maybe make them cry, but...

(Y/N)-Actually, Kenzie and made plans for me to sleepover at her house this weekend and I was going to take Bella with me now. Maybe you both can come over too.

Kenzie-That does sound fun and you all get to meet my dog Hunter... Oh (Y/N).~

I turned to Kenzie and she pressed a skittle to my mouth and I opened up to eat it and she gave me a hug.

Kenzie-You're so nice and I think we can all be friends and my grandma won't mind more company over.

Trinity, Bell, and Heather pulled on me and bit, but Kenzie didn't let go and it was like this until the bell rung and we all got to class. When we all got in our seats and ready for the next assignment for the day and the girls last partners got buddied up together and when the teacher was talking to them privately trying to be nice and gave them each a lollipop the Bella pointed over to me and Mr. Tesla looked at me and when the girls waved, I waved back. The teacher came up to me and Kenzie and knelt down.


Mr. Tesla-Young man, you're a good friend.

(Y/N)-Um, thank you Mr. Tesla.

Mr. Tesla-I heard about what happened to them when they didn't come back to school for a while and when I asked them if they were doing alright, they brought up you saying how you were their best friend.

He tossed a lollipop on my desk before he walked up in front of the class to start teaching and take role.

(Y/N)'s mind-Wow, being a good friend rocks.


It was last period and we had free time today and the girls sat with me at the table and Bella and Heather held both of my arms in hugs, Trinity was sitting across from my while we were playing connect for and after every game if I win or lose Kenzie would give me a piece of candy and it wasn't long before we had to clean up and Heather would let go and let me help clean.

(Y/N)-Heather, can you let go of my arm, please?

Heather-Uh-uh. My mommy is going to be at work until night time and i'm gonna be all alone.~

(Y/N)-Well... you can always come over.

Heather-Aww, can I come over after school?

(Y/N)-Yeah and tomorrow you can also ask if you can spend the night at Kenzie's house.

Heather-I will. Can you just promise me something?


Heather-You know that my daddy passed away and he always protected me and made me happy... Can you protect me and make me happy?

(Y/N)-Of course... I promise.

Heather-Thank you.~

She held my arm closer and still wouldn't let me go until we all had to get our stuff and line up to leave class and because of that we were last in line and the others followed me home and Bella had her bag that she needed to stay over at my house since she said her mom was going to drop it off at my house. Kenzie went another way to go home, so it was just the 3 of us now, but I would really like it if they all can come over tomorrow and spend the night with us at Kenzie's house.

Bella-So,... where am I sleeping?

(Y/N)-My room, of course.

(Bella's POV)

We all kept on walking and talking with each other and it was about the sleepover I was going to and Heather and Trinity wanted to come, but need to ask first. Soon we split up and it was just me and (Y/N) when we got to his house and saw his mom in the living room and she walked up to us.


(Y/N)'s mom-Hey sweetie. Your mom told me what happened. Are you doing better now?~

Bella-I'm ok... I got my best friend.

(Y/N)'s mom-You sure do. Are you going to help her feel better, honey?

(Y/N)-Yeah mom. We're gonna play games and tomorrow we're going over to Kenzie's to sleep over.

I didn't want to go to the sleepover, but (Y/N) wouldn't change his mind. I just wanted to stay here and have him all to myself and acting sad even if i'm not didn't work. My mom didn't even cry when she found my dad in is chair after she took a long bath and I didn't mean to kill him, I just wanted to put him in the hospital for a few days at least. The last 2 days were nice and quiet with no fighting in the house. I took (Y/N) to his room and I was going to enjoy having him to myself right now.

(Y/N)-So what do you wanna do?

Bella-How about... a movie... and maybe... we can cover the window and make it dark.

(Y/N)-I got blackout curtains... If you close them i'll go get popcorn and you can pick a movie.

He left to go make popcorn and I closed the curtains and it did make it dark in here. I picked Jurassic World and got on his bed and I just can't wait for him to hold me close again. Yesterday I asked my mom some questions about romance stuff, but she wouldn't tell me, so while she was at work I went through Netflix and romance movies and they had lots of kissing near the end and sometimes other things like baths together, sharing food, cuddling close and in one movie the man was being held by the lady. There was even anime shows and movies with romance stuff in it that I saw, but nothing like that. After the movie while cuddling with (Y/N) I think I want to try some kissing games I looked up on YouTube and my favorite was The Candy Kissing Game. It's when I hold a piece of candy with my teeth while he is blindfolded and he has to guess what it is when we lean in, so he can take it with his mouth.

Bella's mind-I want to do all kinds of couple stuff (Y/N)! We're going to cuddle, play a kissing game, and all I need to get your attention when I don't is cry or act sad! I'm going to be your best friend.

(Kenzie's POV)

I was getting my room ready for tomorrow and Hunter was on my bed just watching me and I was happy to have a slumber party with all my new friends tomorrow and when I heard my grandma calling me went out into the living room to see my grandma she was watching her show.


Kenzie-Hey grandma, what is it?

Grandma-It's about your slumber party honey.

Kenzie-What is it?

Grandma-I don't know if I can handle 4 more children and I didn't need that much friends at my slumber party. I just needed 1 or 2 and we would cause so much rift raft.

Kenzie-Are you saying... I can't have all my friends over?... B-But (Y/N), Bella, Heather, and Trinity wanted to come over!

Grandma-(Y/N)?... Is it that boy? I think you're a little young to be inviting them boys over for slumber parties.

Kenzie-But you said that (Y/N) sounded like a nice boy when I told you about him!

Grandma-To come over during the day, not to sleep in the same room as 3 girls while you play with dolls or do make-up or other girly things that are boring for boys.

Kenzie-Grandma, I don't play with dolls and I saw boys wear make-up before!

Grandma-I'm sorry, but my answer is-... My answer is... What was I saying?

I just sighed and was about to go get her pills, so she could remember things again, but then as I was about to reach the pills I thought about what she would remember and...

(Flashback start)


(Flashback End)

I really wanted (Y/N) to come over too and not letting him come and let the others was just mean... I wasn't being mean... my grandma was being mean. I just grabbed the pills and hid them in the back behind everything and went back out to the living room.

Kenzie-... You were saying that... you were very happy that I was having my first sleepover and you thought (Y/N) was very nice.

Grandma-... Oh yeah, as I was saying, this (Y/N) fellow sounds like a nice young lad. Don't let this friend go young lady, he might be a keeper.

Kenzie-Don't worry... I won't. Oh, you also said that you were going to buy me and my friends pizza while you had all of your clam chowder all to yourself tomorrow night.

Grandma-Thank you for reminding me sweetie and I just remembered something else.


Grandma-Hunter, come and Kenzie to her bath!

Kenzie-No wait, did you forget again? I already had a bath.

Grandma-Nice try young lady, but I know when you're making things up.

Soon Hunter came in and he started to push me with his head down the hall to the bathroom.


Grandma-Make sure she smells good when she comes out boy!

I like baths, but I just wanted to get my room ready some more for tomorrow, but when I tried to get back in my room and grab treats to pay him to stop, but before I could Hunter bit my shirt and pulled me the other way down the hall.

Kenzie-Fine, i'm going... No treats for you tonight. *pout*

I just went in the bathroom and he waits by the door and he knows if I don't really wash myself, so I just wanted to get it over with. When I was done he let me go back in my room and I got dressed in my pajama dress and I was looking for my stuffed bunny I named Ms. Cotton, but she wasn't on my bed and I played with her all day, so she could be anywhere.

Kenzie-Hunter, find Ms. Cotton!

He hopped on my bed and sniffed the spot where I put her before he left the room and I followed him and he went outside where it was cold and he wouldn't let me go out after I had a bath and I saw her at the table outside when I had breakfast outside like I always do then had to go to the front door and let the nurse in before I left for school this morning. He brought her back inside by her ear to keep her from getting wet from his drool and I took her from him.

Kenzie-Thanks Hunter.


Kenzie-... Ok, fine, you can have a treat.


We went to my room and I went into one of his treat jars and gave him a doggy bacon treat and I have 5 others jars of different treats and if I give him enough, he'll let me do stuff he wouldn't sometimes. We both got on my bed and I turned on the T.V. in my room and I made kissing noises to make Hunter come and cuddle with me, but he never sleeps on my bed unless i'm crying.

Kenzie-Hunter, are you ready to meet all of my friends tomorrow... and don't be jealous, but (Y/N) really loves treats just like you and he is very nice and happy when I give him one... I even made him beg a little at lunch for a pack of skittles.~

It was true. At lunch he saw I had 3 packs of skittles with my ham sandwich and celery sticks and I made him say please 5 times and it was funny and cute, so I gave him one pack since they were fun sized. Soon the T.V. turned off by itself and Hunter know that meant it was my bed time, so he got off my bed and left my room to go help grandma get in her bed and he sleeps in the living room and I closed my door before I crawled back into bed and went to sleep thinking about the slumber party tomorrow.

(Bella's POV)

The kissing game was ruined since I think mom took out the candy I had hidden in there, I couldn't take a bath with (Y/N) to do a thing like in the movies because of his mom not letting us, and to top it all off... SHE TRIED TO MAKE ME SLEEP ON THE FLOOR WHEN SHE SAW I WAS IN HIS BED WITH HIM!!! I snuck back in it when she left, but it made me really mad that almost everything I had planned was ruined and it was all the good stuff and most of it was because of...

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Bella's mind-Her.

Maybe leaving here tomorrow won't be so bad because she won't be around to ruin things again.


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