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(Trinity's POV)

All day at school he was with Kenzie and she played with us at recess, ate with us at lunch, and she was nice, but the school day ended and (Y/N) had to go with his mom to some place. I was just happy that we didn't have any homework because of this project and before I left I meet up with Bella, Heather, and Kenzie in front of the school.


Kenzie-Hey guys. See you tomorrow I guess.

Trinity-Hey, I got a question for you.

Kenzie-What is it?

Trinity-So... what do you think of (Y/N)?

Kenzie-Well he's nicer than the other boys. You're all nice too. He even invited me to come over tomorrow with all of you.

Heather look kinda sad when she said that and Kenzie left to go home and I started to head home while Bella went into a car and Heather came to walk with me. The whole way home she was quiet and looked kinda sad.

Trinity-Heather, are you ok?

Heather-I don't know if I can come over tomorrow if my dad won't let me.

Trinity-What about your mom?

Heather-She tried to talk to him, but she can't change his mind.

Trinity-If it makes you feel better, my dad was so annoying lately and if Bella has to watch her dad then I don't think she's happy about it. Maybe if he met (Y/N) then he might change his mind.

Heather-I don't know... I don't want my daddy to yell at him.

Trinity-So what do you think about Kenzie?

Heather-She's nice I think and I like that she shares candy, but do you remember what happened at lunch?

(Flashback start)

We were sitting at our lunch table and Kenzie was next to (Y/N) and we were all talking about the sleepover and Kenzie asked questions about it and then...

Kenzie-Hey guys, I have a dog at my house that can do all kinds of cool tricks. Maybe you can sleep over at my house this weekend if it's ok with my grandma.

(Y/N)-I never had a dog before. I can ask my mom about this weekend if I can.

Kenzie-You really wanna come over?

(Y/N)-Yeah, playing with a dog sounds like fun.


She reached into her lunch box and pulled out a jellybean and held it up to him and fed it to him while smiling.

(Flashback end)

(Heather's POV)

We spoke some more before we got home and when I got home I saw my dad in the living room and he was looking at me and didn't say anything, but motioned me with his finger to come over. I did what he wanted and he picked me up and put me on his lap.


Dad-Sweetie, you know I love you, right?


Dad-I went by the school today and waited until recess to start and do you know what I saw?... You were with that boy again.

Heather-Daddy, he's just a friend and he's nice!

Dad-Honey, you'll understand when you're older, but tonight i'm going to talk to your mom and have you home schooled.

Heather-What?! Dad, I have friends at school!

Dad-My decision is final and i'll be homeschooling you myself.

Heather-But dad-!

Dad-No buts Heather. You're not going near that boy or those girls again.

Heather-... I hate you! I lost all my old friends and now my new friends because of you!

I got off his lap and ran to my room crying. I was about to never see my friends again and the more I thought about the more it hurt me.

(Flashback start)


(Flashback end)

Heather's mind-(Y/N)... I don't want to loss you as a friend! My best friend!

(Flashback start)


(Flashback end)

Heather's mind-Why are you doing this to me?!

I kept on crying and my heart felt so achy, my lungs burned a bit, and my eyes itched and burned like a rash. I kept on crying until I was just getting so angry and couldn't calm down.


(Bella's POV)

My parents were yelling at each other again and I was drawing again and I think I almost got (Y/N) down. I was getting thirsty, so I left my room to go get some water and while I was doing that...

Mom-You're not touching my money!

Dad-It's just $50!

Mom-You're going to use it for more shots and more junk food for yourself! I told you you're waiting two weeks!

Dad-You're not going to be here when that happens and my mom said she wouldn't get me any when we stay with her!

Bella's mind-We're going to grandma's house?

Mom-You and Bella are going to be there between a week or 2! I had to beg your mom to take you for 2 weeks at most and she's only doing it for Bella!

Dad-Just give me the shots and we can stay here!

Mom-I don't trust you to be with Bella alone for 2 weeks! I need her to watch you!

Dad-Just send her to a friends and I can take care of myself!

Mom-3 weeks ago you tried to make a cake and not only did you almost set the kitchen on fire, YOU TRIED TO HAVE BELLA TAKE IT OUT BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO SCARED BECAUSE OF THE SMOKE!!!

Dad-I gave her over gloves!


They kept on yelling and I got the water and was running back to my room and I went back to drawing and thought about what my dad said and I don't like going to grandma's house. She and dad fight worse than he does with mom and those scare me, but what he said about staying at a friends... That time (Y/N) cuddled with me in his bed felt so nice and it was maybe the best night sleep I ever had in a long time. I sleep with mom sometimes since she and dad have separate beds, but (Y/N)... it was just better. I had a better idea than going to grandma's house and went out to the living room after they stopped yelling and I went to my mom.



Mom-What is it honey?

Bella-Instead of going to grandma's house, can I go to (Y/N)'s house and dad can go to a friends?

Mom-Sorry honey, but even his friends won't put up with each other for that long and your grandma and dad might not get along, but unless something happens. You're going to your grandma's in 2 days.

Bella-Please, (Y/N)'s mom is nice and (Y/N) is my best friend.

Mom-Sorry, but then nobody will take care of your dad and I don't think his mom will like your daddy.

I just went back to my room sad that I can't just go to (Y/N)'s house,... but she did say nobody would be around to take care of dad and she also said...

Bella's mind-Doctors take care of people.

(Trinity's POV)

I made it home and when I did I saw a broken bottle in the kitchen and vomit then I heard someone getting sick down the hallway, so I went to the bathroom and saw my dad leaning over the toilet.


Trinity-Dad are you ok?

Dad-J-Just celebrating honey... Maybe too hard.


Dad-I got a job offer to act in a show... We're moving in a few weeks and *vomits*-!

Trinity-Move?! But I don't wanna leave my best friend!

He kept on vomiting in the toilet and I think I saw that his puke was red and he was holding his stomach.

Dad-Ok... Now it hurts. *grunt*

Trinity-Daddy, why do we have to move just so you can act in a show?!

Dad-Sweetie, daddy needs a favor. Go grab his phone and don't worry. You can make new friends at our new home... *grunt* Ok, I need my phone and tums from the kitchen or something. *cough* *cough* *vomit* Run!

He laid on the ground and I ran down the hall and looked for my dad's phone to find it in the kitchen and I saw the paper that had Netflix on it and I looked for the town or something to where we were moving and it was in Los Gatos and I don't know where that it, but it wasn't here. What if it was very far away and I never see (Y/N) again?... Dad always thinks of himself to get what he wants and now I had to lose my best friend. I picked up his phone and dialed 911 because he looked very sick, but I just held my thumb over the green button, but if I do that...

(Flashback start)


(Flashback end)

Trinity's mind-I don't wanna lose my best friend.

I remember what dad did to me all my life by breaking stuff and buying stupid things and sometimes he just makes me so angry. Mom says he ruins almost everything he touches.

Trinity's mind-What if he screws this up and I lose my best friend for nothing?

I... I hid the phone under a towel covered in vomit and went to wash my hands in the other bathroom then to my room to put my stuff down and take a nap after a long day at school.

Trinity's mind-He's my best friend dad. You take a lot of things and break them, but not this time... (Y/N) is mine and you can't take him away from me!

(Kenzie's POV)

I made it back home and my grandma was in the living in her chair while watching T.V. and hunter came up to me to lick my face.


Hunter was taller than me and just as tall as my grandma when she stands up. He's our guard dog, fetches things for us and a very good friend of mine. I just wrapped my arms around him as much as I could.

Kenzie-Hi Hunter! Who's my big boy?!~

I walked into the living room and I went to my grandma.

Kenzie-Hi grandma.

Grandma-Hello sweetie... How was school?

Kenzie-It was great. I made a new friend today.

Grandma-That's great honey... Oh, hello sweetie. How was school?

Kenzie-Hold on, i'll go get your pills. Then Hunter and I are gonna go for a walk.

I went to the kitchen to grab grandma a pill to help her memory and I also got a cup of water to help her swallow it.


Kenzie-Here you go grandma. Hunter and I are going for a walk.

I gave her the pills and water and went to grab Hunter's leash and a small bag of dog treats and I might ride on Hunter's back again since he knows to just walk around the block. He's very smart, sweet, and protective.


I hooked the leash on and went outside before I told him to lay down and I got on his back before he got back up and I rode him like a horsey when he started walking. When he made it to the side walk and I kissed the back of his fuzzy head.

Kenzie-Hunter, do you want to make a new friend like me buddy?... He likes treats like you and me and he ate out of my hand today.


Kenzie-Don't get jealous.

I saw he wasn't growling at me, but another dog that always barks at us and I tried to pet them once, but they almost bit me. Now Hunter doesn't let me go close to that house unless i'm behind him or on top of him. The dog started to bark at us while they were on their leash and Hunter walked faster to get us out of here, but one of my sandals fell off, so he went back to get it.

Kenzie-Thanks Hunter, here's treat.

I grabbed one of his treats and reached up front and he took it from me and ate it.

Kenzie-I think you'll like (Y/N). He's was always the nicest boy in class since kindergarten and now I finally talked to him.

Kenzie's mind-It was easier than I thought. I just hold out a treat and just like Hunter he takes it and likes me.

(Timeskip to night)

(Bella's POV)

I really wanted to go to (Y/N)'s for 2 weeks and not my grandma's to see her and my dad really fight. All I need to do is get my dad in the hospital since he likes it there so much and I had a plan. Mom was in the shower right now and I just got back from the attic and headed to the living room where my dad was pouting and being mad that my mom won't give him any more shots. I walked in front of him and he looked mad until I showed him something.


Bella-Hi daddy. I think mommy was being mean too, but one chocolate bar can't be that bad. You had a cake without taking a shot before.

Dad-Give it, give it, give it!

He took it and unwrapped it and I think the cake thing for his birthday was sugar free and mom tricked it. I left the living room very happy while he was eating his chocolate and I was already packed and ready to go to (Y/N)'s house for when mom takes dad to the hospital or whatever and calls (Y/N)'s mom to see if she can watch me since (Y/N) is my best friend and I 'need' him. I don't care at all about what happens to my dad, as long as I get to be with (Y/N).

Bella's mind-I hope you like where ever you go dad, because I now I will love where i'm going.

When I made it to my door I heard my dad wiggling and trying really hard to breath and I know it was dangerous for him, but I just felt so happy to stay with (Y/N) for 2 weeks now that I might explode. Mommy should be out soon and take him to the hospital.

(No POV)

While Bella ran into her room and she was so happy she was jumping on her bed while in the living room her dad was trying to hold onto life while the chocolate he had was literally killing him because of his diabetes. Bella was waiting for her mom to come out and see he needs to go to the hospital, but after her shower, she plans to soak for a while and in a few minutes Bella's dad stopped moving and he last act was dropping the wrapper on the ground.

(Heather's POV)

Daddy was talking to mom about home schooling me in the kitchen and she wouldn't let it happen, but if dad gets his way, I won't see (Y/N), Bella, or Trinity ever again. Why won't he let me have friends that I like?! I can't just sit here and let him do that. He always said to not let others push me around!... Maybe I should do what he told me to do that time, but what can I do? Maybe something mom told me can help.

(Flashback start)

Mom-Sweetie, the best way to get through a man is through his stomach and your dad knows if he crosses me I just give him something that doesn't sit right with him.

Heather-Is that why you put milk in his coffee after he forgot your honeymoon to make him go to the bathroom?


(Flashback end)

Give him something that can hurt his tummy as much as he hurt me. I think milk won't be enough. I went to the garage and got one of his tea cans he loves, but now for something that will hurt him like he hurt me. I looked around the garage and soon I found a bucket of white sand and put a little in the can after I opened it and poured it into a cup since he hates drink from the can and add ice.

(No POV)

On the other side of the bucket that Heather did not see was something she didn't plan, but from how much she wanted to keep all of her friends, especially her best friend, it's unlikely she would care.


(Heather's POV)

I went to my daddy with his drink how he likes and he saw me hold it up to him and sighed already telling me that it was still a no for him... He deserves this drink.


Dad-Heather, thank you, but i'm still going to take you out of school for home schooling.

Mom-No you're not!

Dad-Do you want our daughter to be a mother at the age of 14?!

They kept on fighting and I saw him have sips of his drink, so I left and smiled as I went to the bathroom to have a nice bubble bath.

Heather's mind-Maybe while daddy is sick i'll have a bubble bath with (Y/N) to show how good of a friend he is.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

(No POV)

The drink Heather's dad drank gave him an upset stomach before bed and he took some tums before he went to sleep, but it didn't really help. The poison his daughter gave him was attacking his internal organs. It takes at least 12 hours for poison to kill a man and by the time he wakes up, it'll be too late for him to catch it in time before he even knows what he drank. By the end of school tomorrow he will be lucky to see his daughter come home.

Heather/Kenzie/Bella/Trinity-You're my best friend (Y/N)!~


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