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(Bella's POV)

Yesterday I trace over (Y/N) where ever he was in the school yearbook and I tried drawing on my after, but it wasn't good, so I erased it. I was having breakfast with my parents and mom made oatmeal, but dad added chocolate syrup to his oatmeal and had a shot ready for him and after this one he'll have one left.


Mom-*Sigh* Would it kill you to not add chocolate syrup. You used a shot last night for dessert behind my back twice and after this you have to wait 2 weeks.

Dad-I'll be fine.

Mom-After you use the last one i'm locking up all the junk food and don't think I don't know about that secret stash of chocolate Twinkies you have. I already put it up in the attic.

Dad-You did-?! What stash?

Mom-Idiot. *whisper*

I just stayed out of it and after breakfast daddy used his last shot and mommy was starting to lock up all the junk food and sweet and there wasn't a lot since she doesn't by a lot out of her money and daddy eats a lot of it.

Bella-Mommy. Can I go to (Y/N)'s house?

Mom-Sorry honey, but you can see your friend tomorrow. Mommy has to go to work and I want you to make sure that daddy doesn't get a hold of the sweets.

Bella-But you're putting them up in the attic.

Mom-You how daddy gets sweetie and if you do a good job, i'll let you have 2 treats, your pick them.

Bella-But mom, I... I really want to go to (Y/N)'s house!

Dad-I can look after myself! *from down the hall*

Mom-Don't listen to him sweetie. After school tomorrow you can see if his mom will let you go over to his house. I love you sweetie.

She gave me a kiss on my head before she went to get her stuff for work and I was stuck at home watching dad. He never gets up from his chair anyway, so I don't know why I need to make sure he does anything bad. He never does anything! I actually want to play with my new friend she wanted me to have and now I can't! Soon mommy left and I was stuck here with dad, but I just went to my room to try and draw (Y/N) again.

(Trinity's POV)

I just got done with breakfast and getting out of the shower and mom was going to work, but dad was still here and I just need to tell him i'm going (Y/N)'s house while our cable and internet box get replaced. I just got dressed and my mom was gone now and I went to the living room.

Trinity-Dad!... Dad, where are you?!

I walked into the kitchen and I saw dad drinking from a glass bottle and he was dizzy and drunk already. I just took a shower and he's already drunk.


Trinity-Dad, i'm going to (Y/N)'s house.

Dad-Huh, oh yeah. Your... mom wants you to stay home.

Trinity-What?! Why?!

Dad-I-I-I-I-I... *burp* I got something else coming and when it gets here i'm gonna need help bringing it in.

Trinity-Dad, I can't lift heavy things.

Dad-Honey this is a t-two man job. Daddy needs you and this is something the whoooole family can enjoy. After that you can you to your best friend's house.

Trinity-Can a neighbor help you? What if Heather and Bella are at (Y/N)'s house right now?

Dad-Then when your friends come over here, they're gonna be jealous of what you got at home.

Trinity-But dad-.

Dad-No buts honey. I spent 500 bucks on this thing and trust me you'll love and you'll see your friends again.

Trinity-Can I just go to (Y/N)'s house and you can come get me when it gets here?

Dad-Or you can wait until after it gets here. Just stay home and help me, you won't regret it.

I just sat on the couch and pouted because I didn't want to be here because I wanna play with my friends and I bet they're at his house playing games and maybe swimming some more,

(Heather's POV)

Heather-Daddy, please!



Dad-No and that's final!

I was trying to get his permission to go to (Y/N)'s house, but mom was out grocery shopping and I wanted to go to (Y/N)'s house, but my dad said no. I just waited for mommy to get back home from the store and when she got back I ran up to her.


Heather-Mom, can I go over to (Y/N)'s house, please?

Dad-You're not going over to that boy's house!

Mom-Ethan, would you just let her go to her friends. I understand you want to protect her, but you're taking this too far.

Dad-No, she's not going over to that boys house!

Mom-She has no other friends and she just wants to play.

Dad-She can make other friends tomorrow. No boys!


Dad-End of discussion! I'm putting my foot down!

Mom-Sweetie, give me a while to talk to your daddy about this.

I was happy that she was going to talk to him and she wins most of the fights they get, so I just sat and watched T.V. and I should be going to (Y/N)'s in a bit.

(Timeskip to tomorrow)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't know why Heather or Trinity did not come over yesterday to play, but now that I was at school I could see them again. When I walked through the gate I saw the 3 of them walking up to me and they didn't look happy.


(Y/N)-Hey guys.

Trinity-Hey, sorry I wasn't over yesterday. My dad made me spend the day waiting at home to replace our cable boxes and he bought a stupid sign for his man cave. It says "Tig ol' Bitties".

(Y/N)-What does that mean?

Trinity-I don't know.

Bella-I... had t-to watch my dad y-y-yesterday. S-Sorry.

(Y/N)-You had to watch your dad?

Heather-My dad wouldn't let me come over to your house and doesn't want us to be friends anymore.

(Y/N)-What?! Why can't we be friends?!

Heather-Don't worry. My mom said we can still be friends. My dad isn't happy about it, but you can ignore him.

We talked about their homes until the bell rang and we lined up and got into class and to our tables before our teacher started class by taking role.


After role call he wrote something on the white board and when he stepped aside it said "Partner Projects".

Mr. Tesla-Alright class, I know it's still the beginning of the year, but I have big week long project, but it's also easy. I will be partnering you all up in groups of 2 and I made sure it was someone that it's someone who isn't a friend of yours. The project is to get to know some in class and make friends. Now we have more girls than boys, so some of you will be partnered up boy/girl. Give me a bit to write the names and find your partner then sit next to them and you'll be sitting there for the rest of the week.

He started to write names on the white board and I tried to see, but he was in the way, so I had to wait for him to move when he was done he moved and I saw Trinity got some boy named Trent, Bella got Ben, and Heather got Josh, but I got another girl named Kenzie. We all got up and I tried to find who Kenzie was. There was only 5 groups that had 2 girls and 2 boys and I was I had a friend that was also a boy, but the boys in here are all mean to me sometimes because I have friends that are only girls. Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder.

???-Are you (Y/N)?

I turned and saw the girl that must be Kenzie.


(Y/N)-Oh, you're Kenzie.

Kenzie-Uh huh. I saw you were friends with 3 other girls.

(Y/N)-Yeah. Trinity, Bella, and Heather.

Kenzie-You want some Starbursts? I have a whole bag of them in my backpack.


We sat down at her table and she went into her bag and pulled out the Starburst she promised.

(Kenzie's POV)

I wished I had a girl partner instead of a boy, but since he has nothing, but girls for friends I think he won't be as bad as the other boys. The teacher passed out a paper for everyone and it was a T chart that said "My Friend Likes and Hates".

Teacher-We will have small projects and activities through the week and depending on how you do, your team can earn points and there's prizes for the top 3 teams.

There's prizes now?! We all tried to ask what they were, but he wouldn't tell us and told us to write down at least 5 things our partner likes and hates.

Kenzie-So (Y/N), let's start with what we like.

(Y/N)-Ok, what do you like to do?

Kenzie-Well... I like taking care of my dog, playing with him, playing with toys, swimming, candy and sweets, and I like funny movies... Between you and me I also keep candy in my backpack.

(Y/N)-How much?

She showed me inside her back and she had the starbursts, skittles, jellybeans, and airheads.

Kenzie-I keep my chocolate at home. Now what do you like to do?

(Trinity's POV)

I just got some stupid boy and he was just talking with his friend at the other table, but I just watched with Kenzie and they were smiling while talking to each other... I didn't like it.


I just kept on watching them talk and I saw Kenzie give (Y/N) a few skittles and he quickly ate them before they went back to work. I tried to get to work with Trent, but he was too busy about talking about sharks and other stupid animals that kill people.

Trinity's mind-I stayed home all day yesterday for a stupid sign and now this?!

(Bella's POV)

Ben was being so mean to me just wrote stuff down that I didn't like and he said I like while he talked with Trinity's partner. He also said that girls were stupid and called me names while poking me. I looked over to (Y/N) and he looked happy with the girl he was partnered with and it made me sad. I wish I had (Y/N) as a partner.

Ben-Hey what's this?

I looked at Ben and saw he had my notebook in his hand and I was scared as he was about to open it, but I grabbed it.


Bella-Let go!

Ben-What is this, your diary?~

I tried to pull some more, but he pulled it away from me and held it back, so I couldn't reach it.

Mr. Tesla-Ben, give Bella her book back and i'll see you in detention.

Ben only looked like he thought it was unfair before he quickly opened my book and it was a blank page and he didn't see anything before the teacher came over and took it from him and gave it back to me.

Mr. Tesla-Now you have 2 days detention.

I put my book back in my backpack and looked back to (Y/N) and he didn't even notice me because he was working with his partner... It hurt my feelings... a lot!

Bella-Teacher,... c-can I go to the bathroom?

Mr. Tesla-Take the pass.

I quickly got up and left the classroom with the hall pass and ran down the hall to the girls bathroom before I started crying.

Bella's mind-It's not fair! I had to watch my dad yesterday while he just sat down and watched T.V. and now Ben wants my notebook now!

(Heather's POV)

(Y/N) saw Bella leave the room and I saw her get bullied since I didn't want to work with my partner because he was talking across the room to his friends and he sounds like a jerk. I just watched and his partner Kenzie work and they looked happy with her and I think she looks nice too, but couldn't I just get a good partner too? Josh was talking with the boy that was being mean to my friend. I just took his paper and wrote down what I like and hate and just made things up for him.

Heather's mind-Jerk.

I went back to watching (Y/N) and I just got up since we were done and they looked done too, but before I could make it to them.

Mr. Tesla-Alright class, have a partner bring up your papers and we'll have another paper to do.

I just took the stupid papers and I met (Y/N) over at the teacher's desk.


Heather-Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N)-Hey, do you know what happened to Bella?

Heather-Her partner was mean to her and she took the hall pass with her.

(Y/N)-I'll see if the teacher can switch her partner, but you wanna meet Kenzie? She has a lot of candy with her and she's really nice.

Heather-Maybe at recess, but my partner is a jerk too, so maybe I might wanna switch partners too... Do you... wanna be my partner.

(Y/N)-I would, but Kenzie seems cool and I wanna get to know her more actually. We can all be friends.

He... He wants to be with her more than with me?! My chest felt heavy and I was pretty mad, but I hid it and thought maybe we can be friends. I just went to the teacher and see if Bella can be my partner since I hate my partner and she hates hers.

Heather's mind-I can give her a chance... We can be friends.

He went back to sit and work with Kenzie and I couldn't get my eyes off them. I just wanted to go over there and be his partner. He can't like her as a friend that much already. I been over to his house and slept in his room, she never did any of those yet.

(No POV)

Bella/Trinity/Heather's mind-I wish I was (Y/N)'s partner... It's not fair!


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