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(Bella's POV)

It was breakfast and they were all looking at my notebook except for (Y/N)'s mom because she was too busy making breakfast and I was so nervous, but not as nervous when I was this morning when I woke up snuggled into (Y/N). The only good thing is that he wasn't awake.


Trinity-I didn't know you were so good at art.

(Y/N)-She does have an A in art.

Trinity-She has an A in everything, even when we were in kindergarten.

Heather-Some of these look like they belong in the show... If I give you 5 dollars and a poster, can you draw me a poster of a unicorn tea party?

Bella-I-I never d-d-did that before.

Bella's mind-At least they don't hate me now, but why does anime have to make you like my dad?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I knew everyone would love her drawings and her face was red again and when I asked her this morning when I woke up, she said it was nothing and she wasn't sick. My mom even took her temperature and she was normal and after I told her her face was red all she said was that she was feeling 'big girl feelings'. Dad was right, girls are a mystery. I just wish he was here to tell me what the mystery is. When mom was finished making breakfast she sat at the table with us and gave us all plates and I love it when she cooks.


(Y/N)-What do you guys wanna do after breakfast?

Heather-I don't know.

Trinity-How about hide and seek?

(Y/N)-Ok, but you have to stay in my house.

Mom-No going into my room or tearing apart the house to hide.

(Y/N)-We promise mom.

After we all ate breakfast we put our dishes in the sink and We all played rock, paper, scissors to see who was it and it was Trinity, so she stayed in the kitchen and counted to 30 and we all left to hide. I ran down the hall and opened the closet before I moved stuff on the bottom and got in while closing the door to move it back and getting behind everything while I can still peak out. I was trying not to laugh because they were never going to find me.

(Timeskip 10 minutes)

I was so bored just laying down in the dark and I heard the others get caught and were looking for me. They opened the closet a few times and I stayed quiet and I wish Trinity would just give up because when it comes to hide and seek, I find the best spots and she can't find me half the time and now she has 2 other helpers.

Heather-We give up! Come on out! You win!

I carefully got out and kept my hiding spot a secret before I went out and they saw me come out of the closet.


Trinity-We checked the closet 5 times!

(Y/N)-Look harder. I'm the master at hide and seek.

Bella-You m-mom said we w-were going home soon. M-My mom called is on her way to p-pick us up... Sorry.

(Y/N)-Ok, we don't live far from each other and we have school. Do you have any game systems?

Bella-N-No... Does my m-mom's computer c-count?

(Y/N)-My mom doesn't let me on hers because it's for work... I'll see you at school.

Bella-Oh... ok.

We just went to my room and played with some of my toys until my mom called everyone and it was about the time that she goes to work and when that happens sometimes I can't have Trinity over. When they all left my room I just said goodbye and put on a movie on Netflix on my Xbox One.

(Bella's POV)

The others were walking home my mom was parked in front of (Y/N)'s house and I felt sad again, but I don't know why. I'm going home where I can draw where nobody can see me.


I got in the car and she started to drive and she had dad's shots for the month for when he has junk food or else he could die.


Mom-Did you have fun with your new friends?

Bella-Yeah... Mom.


Bella-I... I've been feeling... weird lately. Like my chest feels funny, but also good, but it always felt bad when my feeling were hurt.

Mom-*Giggles* It's called being happy and it's because you have friends now. The you spend time with them, the more you get to feel it.

Bella-So... it's normal?


Bella-Do you ever feel this good with dad?

Mom-Uhh... You're dad is a special case. I just help him, so you can have a dad. It's like me taking care of a sick or hurt person at a hospital.

Bella-Like a doctor?

Mom-Yes honey.

I don't understand her and dad, but if (Y/N) made me feel happy... I like it. When we got home and dad was home and I thought he was going over to Eric's house.


I just went to my room and mom put the shots on his lap and went to her room and my dad already had a cupcake by him. When I got to my room I opened my notebook and thought about what I could draw, but then I heard my parents yelling again.

Mom-You're already using one?!

Dad-I have 3 left!

Mom-This was the last of your disability money and you're not touching my bank accounts!

Dad-You take my money!

Mom-For rent and bills then the rest goes to 'your' junk food, 'your' games, and 'your' medical needs!

Dad-More than half goes to bills and medicine! Am I not allowed to enjoy myself?!

Mom-You're such a pig!

I just grabbed my ipod and my headphones to play some music, so I couldn't hear them and it helps me focus and think.


I never use the radio because I don't the commercials, so I just download my songs and I like slow songs. I couldn't hear them anymore and I was thinking on what to draw, but (Y/N) popped into my mind, but I never drew a person before... I do have the yearbook from last year that nobody signed and I think he was in the class next to mine.

Bella's mind-Tracing is a good place to start.

(Trinity's POV)

I made it home and my dad's friends were gone, so the living room was mine and I just had to move the beer cans out of the way and I was about to throw them in the recycle bin in the kitchen and my dad was asleep on the counter.


I just left him and relaxed in the living room, but something was wrong with the cable box and internet. Just then my mom came in and she saw me on the T.V. and had the face she gives dad after he does something stupid or something that had something to do with dad.


Mom-Sweetie, your dad's friends spilled beer on the cable box and internet box. No T.V. until tomorrow. We just got video games and a few blu-ray movies until Monday.

Trinity-But mom, I wanted to go on HULU!

Mom-I'm sorry honey. I know your dad can be stupid, but how about we get something from Redbox.

Trinity-I had a show on HULU that you can't get on Redbox!

Mom-You can thank your daddy.

Trinity-This sucks!

Mom-I'm sorry. You know how your dad gets when he gets wild. I can play a game with you.

Trinity-... Ok. Can we play one of dad's games?

Mom-No, no rated M games for you.

We just went on one of my games I was allowed to play and it was minecraft, but not on the world (Y/N) and I do. While my mom and I were playing my dad came in with a headache, but still kinda laughing and I know that laugh.

Dad-Hey honey... how was your sleepover at (Y/N)'s house with your new friends.


Mom-Honey, play with your daughter a bit, I gotta go to the bathroom.


He took mom's controller and she left to go to the bathroom and dad was just punching trees to get wood while I was building a house.

Dad-So... you 2 still best buds?

Trinity-Yeah. Why?

Dad-Well here's how boys work pumpkin. When we're young we have lots of friends and sometimes old friends just grow apart both ways or things happen and from what I heard there was 2 other girls there.

Trinity-But... me and (Y/N) are still best friends. He was my first friend since kindergarten and my only friend.

Dad-Competition honey. It's how I met your mom. Middle school and we started as just friends and this other guy she used to hang out with, we both liked her and soon he found other friends and when next year they didn't even talk.

Trinity's mind-(Y/N) would never leave me for other friends... We're best friends... Dad is just being dumb again... Heather and Bella don't know him like I do.

(Heather's POV)

I made it home and when I walked in I saw my dad in the living and I ran up to him after putting my bag on a hook and jumped into his lap.


Dad-What is this? Is this a monkey girl?!

Heather-No, i'm your daughter!

Dad-Are you sure?


He sat me upon his lap and rubbed my head and messed up my hair and I stopped him.

Heather-Dad, stop!

Dad-I'm just playing pumpkin. How was the slumber party with your new friends?

Heather-It was fun!... Can I talk to you about something?

Dad-Of course honey, anything. What do you wanna talk about?

Heather-... About boys.


He lost his smile and looked more serious and he sat up.

Dad-What about boys?

Heather-Remember when you said that boys my age are meanies?

Dad-And nasty, they will make you cry, and you don't need them.

Heather-Well... there's this boy in my class and he's really nice, clean, and-.

Dad-Boy? Wh-Who's this boy?

Heather-We're actually friends now.



Dad-This boy... was he at the slumber party?

Heather-... I mean...

Dad-There was a boy there?! Why are you hanging out with boys?!

Heather-He was nice and he has a nice pool, shares all his games, and-.

Dad-Wait, pool? You were at a boy's house?! Was it all boys?!

Heather-No, he was the only boy and there was 2 girls there too.

He put me on the couch and got up and started to walk back and forth while holding his head. He kept on asking me questions like if (Y/N) touched me somewhere bad, hurt me in any way, his name, and I had to be honest, but I just wanted to tell him how nice (Y/N) was, but when I did...

Dad-Sweetie, i'm not ok with you being around that boy!

Heather-But (Y/N) is nice and last night was fun and I made 3 friends in 1 day.

Dad-You don't understand. You said that boy doesn't play with other boys and just Trinity because he only wants to be surrounded by girls! He sounds like bad news and I don't want you seeing him again and don't see Trinity or Bella until they're done with him too!

Heather-But dad-!

Dad-No! Boys!

Heather-... That's not even fair! You made us move and away from all my friends and I make 3 friends, but since one of them is a boy, I don't get to be friends with either of them!

I ran to my room and past my mom and I just locked my door and jumped into bed. I heard my mom knock on my door, but I just cried into my bed and she left and I heard them yelling. I just turned on my switch and put on Netflix to make noise louder than them before I cried into my bed again.

Heather's mind-Why do you hate all boys dad?! (Y/N) is one of the best friends I ever had and because he's a boy, you won't even give him a chance!

I heard them arguing still and soon I stopped crying and I just watched cartoons and movies alone and ignored everything else.

Heather's mind-I don't care what you say meanie! (Y/N), Trinity, and Bella are my new friends and... AND (Y/N) IS GOING TO BE MY BEST FRIEND TO FRIEND!!!


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