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((Y/N)'s POV)

Yesterday was fun, but Heather was still nervous to do stuff and Bella was... Bella. Today was friday and there was a lot of tests over what we saw and we won't get our scores until Monday and I have a bad feeling about Science and History, my 2 worst subjects. The bell was about to ring and I will be having Bella and Heather over too with Trinity. Trinity was coming home with me since she was already packed and brought her stuff to school, but Heather and Bella had to go home and pack up. Before the bell rang we met up at a table.


(Y/N)-So what time are you both going to be over?

Bella-M-My mom and dad w-w-will drop me off wh-when they can.

Heather-It won't take long for me. I got everything packed up, I just need to go home and get it. I actually live only 3 blocks away from you.

(Y/N)-Ok, see you there and we'll go swimming first.

Just then the bell rang and we all left the classroom for a nice weekend.

(Bella's POV)

Mom asked me about (Y/N) yesterday and I accidently brought up the sleepover when I planned to just say they said no, but when she heard that I made a few friends she was making go and something like ending up like dad. While she explained it to me my dad came in and said we needed more soda and he wasn't happy with the soda he had and when she said no, he punched the wall and hurt his hand, so my mom had to take care of it while he was crying. I tried to talk her out of it, but she said I was going. When I made it outside the school I saw my mom and dad in the car and I got in.


Mom-Are you ready for your sleepover sweetie?

Dad-Why does she have to go? I didn't have friends until I was in highschool and look at me.

Mom-Because our daughter needs friends and I was with you in highschool. Your friends were guys that did drugs, role play, and play games. I even know that some of them are still living with their parents.

Dad-I'm not.

Mom-You mom kicked you out and I know you can't make it on your own and you got me pregnant at a party!

I just ignored them and went into my notebook and was thing of what else to do in here, but I couldn't think because my dad was being so loud again.

Dad-Well if you think i'm so annoying and immature then i'll just go over to Eric's mom's house and stay the night there because Eric is cool!

Mom-Ok, have fun, but you're not taking the care while your license is suspended.

Bella's mind-If dad is gone for the night then that would be nice to have the house quiet.

(Heather's POV)

When I made it home I was happy not to see dad since he was at work and mom promised not to tell him. I was just here to take a shower since she made me and after that I grabbed my bag and my mom came in my room.


Mom-You ready to go to your friends honey?

Heather-Dad won't find out, right?

Mom-As far as he knows, it's just a slumber party with 3 new friends, but how much do you know about this boy?

Heather-Well he's nice and fun to play with. Boys at my old school we stupid and made fun of every girl that tried to talk to them.

Mom-Just remember, I might be letting you go, but if he does anything, you call me or come home.

Heather-I know mom. Bye.

I picked up my bag and gave her a hug goodbye before I left the house and started to go to (Y/N)'s house.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Trinity and I were already in the pool having fun and my mom came out with 4 towels and put them and I was about to jump off the rock and do a cannonball, so Trinity backed up.


Mom-Where are your other friends?

(Y/N)-Heather and Bella should be here soon.

Mom-Ok. Just remember they're not as good as friends as you and Trinity. Don't play too rough, and-.

(Y/N)-I know mom! We went through it like a thousand times already!

Mom-Just making sure.

She went back inside and Trinity and I just keep on swimming and we even had water guns. We had a water fight and she might have a water gun, but I have something better now... the hose. During our water fight the back door opened and I saw Heather and Bella walk out here.


Trinity-Hey, jump in before (Y/N) sprays you!

(Y/N)-I wouldn't do that to them... yet,... but for you.

I sprayed her again as Heather and Bella were taking off their clothes and had their swimsuits underneath and it was all one suit the covered their whole bodies, but not their arms and legs. I put the hose down and jumped in the pool and Heather tried to jump in, but got scared from how cold ths water is when you first get in and Bella just used the stairs.

(Y/N)-When you both get fully in what should we play?

Trinity-How about Marco Polo?

(Y/N)-No, you always cheat.

Trinity-Do not!

(Y/N)-Do too!

Trinity-Do not!

(Y/N)-Do too!

Trinity-Do not!

(Y/N)-Do too!

Trinity-Do not!

(Y/N)-Do too! She gets out of the water and hides at the bottom of the deep end and we called the out of bounds!

Trinity-Well now we have more players.

(Y/N)-... FIne.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was looking out the window and watched my son play with his new friends and I know he doesn't get along with the boys at school and Trinity is a tomboy, but now he has more friends that are girls.

(M/N)'s mind-My son is going to be a lady's man when he grows up. I can just tell.

Right now, it's just little kids playing together and I know Trinity and (Y/N) have no idea what sex is or even heard of porn, so I got nothing to worry about.

(Timeskip to night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all inside and dried off hours ago and we had pizza from Little Caesars and I looked over at Bella's stuff and I just noticed her notebook on top of her bag.


(Y/N)-Hey Bella, since we're friends can we see what's in your notebook.

Bella-No!... I m-mean... It's just... to-do lists. It helps me remember stuff.

Trinity-I thought you only have homework notes in there?

Bella-Oh, I d-do!... I have a lot of lists and notes!

She was getting scared and got up from the table and grabbed her notebook before she held it close to her and came back to the table to have more pizza.

Trinity-Come on Bella, we're all friends now. We won't tell others because it's a friends secret. I still didn't tell anyone about the time (Y/N) chickened out on jumping off the high dive last summer.


Trinity-We're all friends now.

(Y/N)'s mind-Doesn't make it better! You promised not to tell anyone at school!

We all looked at Bella and her notebook and she turned it away from us and now I really want to know what's inside. I just turned to Heather and she saw me looking at her.


(Y/N)-You guys wanna play video games again after this?

Heather-I wanna play Beat Saber again!

(Y/N)-Ok. What about you Bella?

Bella-Oh, n-no thank you.

Trinity-Come on, you'll feel weird at first, but it's really fun. Just one song and if you wanna stop then we'll let you.

(Bella's POV)

I just want them to stay away from my notebook. Nobody can see it, but me and if I play one song then I can stop, but what if they look in my notebook. I was scared about when I don't look, not even my mom and dad are allowed to look inside...I put my notebook under my shirt and in my pants, so now I can hold it while playing.

Bella-O-Ok, 1 song.

We all went to the living room and they put the headset on me and got a game started and I played a song called Escape and I started the song and played while making sure my book doesn't fall out. This actually was fun and I might wanna play some more and when the song was over I took off the headset and saw (Y/N) walking in with popsicles for all of us and he gave me one.


He put the plate down and these were really good. I don't get to have them a lot because my dad eats them all first and mom doesn't let me have one before dinner.

Bella-Th-Thank you.

Heather-This is really yummy. Where did you get these?

(Y/N)-My mom makes them with homemade ice cream and puts them in a popsic cup tray thingy and we make six at a time.

Trinity-Her cakes are really good too and I don't know how she's this good at cooking if she's a doctor.

(Y/N)-My mom said she did this in school too.

These were way better than what my mom gets my dad from the food store and while we were having these (Y/N) went on Netflix and I saw shows that I really liked, but I couldn't let them know that. My dad watches them and my mom calls him names because of it and I don't want them to call me mean names,... but I really wanna watch them now.

(Y/N)-What do you guys wanna watch? How about-?

Trinity-We're not watching A Series Of Unfortunate Events again!

(Y/N)-It's a good show.

Trinity-Almost everything they say is something you need to look up to understand and I can't even remember it before the episode is over and you can't either... Let Heather or Bella pick.

(Y/N)-Fine, here.

He gave me the remote because I was next to him and I wanted to go to my shows so bad, but maybe I can find something close enough.

Bella-Uhhh... H-How about... P-P-Pokemon?



Heather-I think that's a boy show?

Bella-O-Oh, it's about boy that catches magical animals and bugs and battles with them to become the best pokemon tr-!

I was saying too much and they were looking at me and I just looked away and waited for them to call me names.

Trinity-... Are you gonna put it on?

Bella-You... You all d-d-don't think i'm weird?

(Y/N)-No. I watch this show too. It's about Ash wanting to be the best pokemon trainer in the world with his pikachu, but my favorite is Mewtwo because he can defeat almost anyone by just thinking about!

I wish I could pick the better shows, but it was too late, so I just put on pokemon and it wasn't bad, but I would have liked to pick something like BNA, or Sinbad, or Hunter x Hunter, or Sword Art Online. We watched 5 episodes starting from episode 1 before we had to go to bed, so we went to (Y/N)'s room. I got changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth before I went to (Y/N)'s room for bed and when we all made our beds while (Y/N) got on his we all went to sleep,... but I felt like I couldn't. I can't sleep without my notebook, but I had it, so why can't I sleep.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

???-(Y/N)... (Y/N)... (Y/N). *whisper*

I opened my eyes from sleeping and I saw it was still night outside and I saw Bella standing on the side of my bed with her notebook and when I looked at the clock it said 12:35.


(Y/N)-What? *whisper*

Bella-C-Can I show y-you something?... I-If you p-p-promise not t-to laugh at me. *whisper*

(Y/N)-Ok. *whisper*

She took me out of my room and into the bathroom with her and locked the door behind us and opened her notebook, but I couldn't see what was inside.

Bella-P-Please don't laugh and th-think i'm w-w-weird.

(Y/N)-I won't. Let me see.

She closed it and gave it to me and I opened it and her face was red and I saw tears in her eyes, but I just looked on the pages and these were...


(Y/N)-You draw these?

Bella-I-I l-learn fr-from Y-Youtube and other p-p-place on the i-internet how to draw?

(Y/N)-Why do you want to hide these? These look cool.

Bella-R-... Really?

(Y/N)-Yeah, you almost got Pikachu finished.

Bella-M-My mom hates cartoons and anime because it's all my dad watches... I like it too, but... I don't w-want my mommy to... to hate... *whimper*

(Y/N)-Well I think your mom doesn't know how good you are. What other things do you have in here?

I looked from the beginning and I saw she made a small comic about a dog and cat fighting adults and having them as pets. I looked at more drawings and she looked better and half way the pages were empty, so I gave it back to her.

(Y/N)-Let's she Heather and Trinity in the morning.

Bella-No! What if they hate it o-or think i'm a freak?

(Y/N)-You're drawings are awesome.

(Bella's POV)

Did he really like them? I thought mommy hated cartoons because they turn you into what daddy is, but (Y/N)... likes my drawings? I didn't know how to react because I thought everyone would hate them. He opened the door and took my hand and I looked at him and my face was heating up again, but this time I didn't feel like crying.

(Y/N)-Come on, you can sleep in my bed with me tonight. I know you're squished into that corner.

I didn't talk as he turned off the light and we went back to his room and he never let go off my hand as he felt the wall in the dark. When we got to his room we stepped over Trinity and Heather and got into his bed and it was very bed, but there was room for me to get on with him.

(Y/N)-Goodnight. *whisper*

He closed his eyes and I just laid next to him not knowing what to think and I felt something I never felt before... It feels weird to my chest, but it doesn't hurt... Why do I feel like this?

Bella's mind-... (Y/N)?


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