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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 6

School was gonna start in around 10 minutes when I got here and I went to my spot where Trinity and I meet everyday and I was happy because today was Thursday, so we get out early today and Trinity and I plan to go over to my house and play Beat Saber on my new Oculus Quest 2 VR headset. It's our favorite game and we always try to beat each other's high scores or do cray hard stuff. We fail really bad, but it's just funny to see how hard it is. When I made it to our spot I saw Trinity sitting on the bench waiting for me and I sat next to her and tapped her shoulder.


Trinity-Hey, what's up?

(Y/N)-Just waiting for school to end already and go play Beat Saber.

Trinity-Oh yeah and I have the high score on more than half on the songs.

(Y/N)-I also got this cool new game called Super Hot and it's really cool.

Trinity-Hey, do you think I can spend the night this weekend. My daddy is gonna have friends over and they take over the T.V. in the living forever and it gets sooo boring.

(Y/N)-I have to ask my mom about it, but you can always come over during the day. You live only a block away.

Trinity-I know. Anyway, I heard we're getting a new student.

(Y/N)-Already? School started on Monday.

Trinity-I know.

We kept on talking until the bell rang and we went to get in line for class and I was right behind the smartest kid in class and she lived close by, but she doesn't really make friends and just reads books and does her homework a lot from what i've seen. Her name is Bella.


Rumors are that she's so smart that knows some things that 4th graders know when it comes to stuff like math. Soon our teacher came out and did a few things on his clipboard before he started to lead us to the classroom and since today was Thursday it was going to be science, then history, then recess, then math, then english, then lunch, and finally art.


When we got in the class we sat down and I saw the new kid and the teacher had her stand in front of the class and she looked nervous, but to be fair, I think we all hate standing in front of the class.


Mr. Tesla-Good morning class. As some of you may have heard already that we have a new student joining us today. She's also from another city in California, so let's give her a warm welcome. Do you have anything you want to say.

The new girl just looked at the ground for a bit before she looked up.

???-Um hi, my name is Heather and... i'm from L.A. and um... I like video games, dolls, and I was on a junior basketball team.

Mr. Tesla-Ok Heather, let's find you someplace to sit... Trinity raise your hand.

She raised her hand and the teacher pointed at her and had Heather sit next to her at our table and thankfully Miles was gone because he was always weird around girls and trying to get a girlfriend. Other boys say he has cooties now and they say the same thing about me, but Trinity knows how to call them off. When Heather sat down in the open seat class got started and we each got a packet and a video to watch. Science was so boring and history was even worse. Why do we even need to know that some ladies carried pots of water on their head? We can easily do that and it's called the ice water challenge. Soon it was recess and I was so happy to get away from these history books and Trinity and I went to our spot again and talked about what we could do if she spent the night, but then suddenly we saw the new girl go up to Bella and they started talking a bit, but Bella didn't look at her much.

Trinity-New girl is about to find out that Bella is the shy girl in class.

(Y/N)-What do you think Bella even does for fun?

Trinity-My guess is studying .

(Y/N)-Well what do you think of the new girl?

Trinity-Well we spoke a bit in class and she hates Science and talked about her old school a bit. I don't know about her yet.

While we were still talking about the new girl Trinity pointed behind me and when I looked I was surprised to see Heather and Bella behind me.


(Y/N)-Uhhh... Hi.

Heather-Hey, Bella said you 2 talk about video games sometimes and also you do a lot of other things... I was wondering if I could join.

Trinity-Well... what kind of games do you play?

Heather-I only have a Nintendo Switch and I mostly play mario games and Animal Crossing.

(Y/N)-I have the Xbox One and I just got the Oculus Quest 2 for my birthday a few days ago. We were gonna go to my house after school if you wanna come.

Heather-I'll have to talk to my parents first.

Trinity-Wait if you came over to wanna talk to us then why is Bella here?

Bella-M-Me? I... I-I, um...

Heather-I asked her what she does for fun and she just brought up you 2.

I'm not surprised that Bella doesn't want to talk about herself, but did she want to come over here. We were all looking at her and she just held her notebook close to her chest.

Bella-My m-mom wants... *mumbles*



I got closer to her this time to hear her better.

(Y/N)-One more time.

Bella-I have to make a friend. *whisper*

Trinity-What did she say?

(Y/N)-She needs to make a friend.

She was embarrassed when I said that and my mom makes a big deal when I invite Trinity over because she's a girl, but now I might have two more coming over and what are the boys around here gonna say?

(Y/N)-Well... you can come over if you want.

Bella-Wh-What are we gonna do?

(Y/N)-I got video games, I got a pool, I got a tire swing, I got some candy I bought with my allowance, and some movies.

She only looked down before she just nodded, so i'm taking that as a yes. I guess I have Trinity, Heather, and surprisingly Bella coming over.

(Timeskip after school)

We were all just getting out of class today and we had to go to the office to use the phone and everyone could call their mom's and they all got permission and I called my mom to see if it was ok and like I expected... she made a big deal out of it, but thankfully she was at work until 7. We just left the office and started to walk to my house and I only live a few blocks away and the boys were looking at us and making fun of us and this made Bella face turn red and hold her notebook closer.

Boy#1-Look at (Y/N) just walking with his 'girlfriends'.~

Boy#2-All he talks to is girls like he is one.~

Trinity-Well I never seen a girl want to talk to either of you at all!

They kept on arguing until we finally took a turn that got us away from them and she was still kinda mad for a bit. Heather was trying not to laugh and Bella finally didn't hold her notebook as tight. When we made it to my house I used the house key and we went inside.

(Y/N)-Take your shoes off at the door. My mom shampooed the carpet yesterday and will lose it if shoes get on it.

They did what I said and we sat in the living room and I got my headset and we were all going to have to take turns.

(Bella's POV)

I was so nervous because i've never been to someone's house that wasn't a family member's and it's a boy house. What do I do, do I have to play in dirt to fit in or something? The others were playing a game and we could see it on the T.V. and it looked fun, but I just opened my notebook book, but before I could draw Trinity sat next to me since her turn was up and I quickly closed it.


Trinity-Hey, what's in your notebook?

Bella-N-Nothing! It's uh... n-notes... for homework.

She left it alone and I was happy she didn't want to keep trying to look inside. If somebody did see what's in here I would just die from embarrassment. After (Y/N) was done with his turn he took of the headset and held it up to me.


(Y/N)-Your turn.

If I can't see my notebook they might open it and see what's inside and I don't want that... I don't play games that much anyway.

Bella-N-No thank you.

(Y/N)-Huh, why not?

Bella-I... I just don't play that much.

(Y/N)-Well... then how about a movie. Have you ever seen Sonic the hedgehog?

I just shook my head no and he just smiled.

(Y/N)-Come on, let's go to my room.

We all went to his room and it was clean. I always thought that boys were just messy since my daddy never cleans up after he makes a mess. He put on the movie and he had about a 32-inch T.V. in his room with a Roku on it. When the movie started (Y/N) and Trinity got comfy on his bed and Heather slowly went on, but I never been on a boys bed before.

Trinity-You coming on Bella?

Bella-A-A-Are w-we allowed... b-by his p-p-parents?

(Y/N)-It's fine. My mom doesn't care and won't be home for a while. Trinity and I even share my bed when she spends the night. We just can't jump on it since Trinity accidently knocked me off one time.

I guess if his mom is ok with it... I sat on the edge of his bed and we just watched the movie and I wish I had a T.V. in my room or my daddy didn't take over the living room then I could watch my shows all I want.

(Heather's POV)

I miss my home and friends so much and my mom and dad just want me to make new friends over here and I thought Trinity was nice, but my dad will get mad since he doesn't like me around boys that aren't family. Good thing I asked my mom to come here because this was actually fun and (Y/N) was nothing like what daddy said other boys were. They were mean to girls, they would make me cry, do stuff for them, and never share with me, but (Y/N) was the opposite of that.

Heather's mind-Maybe dad doesn't know everything.

(Timeskip to the end of the movie)

(Y/N) made some popcorn during the movie since we were hungry and he even had candy that he shared. I hated moving here at first because my dad was getting a new job, so I had to say goodbye to all my friends and my old home, but this is the only good thing to come out of moving here.

Trinity-So now what?

(Y/N)-I don't know... Heather, Bella, what do you wanna do?

Bella-Um... Let's do wh-what Heather wants.

Heather-Is she always like this?

Trinity-Yes... How about we go swimming?

(Y/N)-Actually my mom says the water is dirty and she's gonna shock it when she gets home tonight.

Trinity-Shock it?... Like with a taser or something?

(Y/N)-I guess, but we can go tomorrow when you spend the night.

Just then he looked at us and I think it could be fun, but I might want to go ask my mom about this because if I ask dad then he is definitely gonna say no and gave me a long talk about boys again.

Heather-I'll ask my mom if I can spend the night too.

(Y/N)-Ok, just ignore my mom when she starts talking about me and girls... Please.

Trinity-No pay attention, it's funny on how it gets.

(Y/N)-It's not funny!... How about you Bella?

Bella-Um... I d-d-don't wanna b-be mean, but um... Wait was that mean?! I um.-

Trinity-Calm down, it's just a sleepover and we'll be swimming and having fun. At night (Y/N) and I do try not to laugh challenges and stuff. Expect near Halloween in kindergarten when I broke into my dad's movie collection and brought over a move called A Nightmare On Elm Street... we both got in so much trouble and had nightmares.

(Y/N)-It's ok if you don't want to come.

(Bella's POV)

My mom really wants me to make a friend, but now I gotta make 3 and this is what friends do? What other stuff do they do? Is it like movies when they play spin the bottle for truth or dare? What if I pick dare and they dare me to let them look in my notebook?! I can't say no because when mom says no to dad he gets sad and cries or yells to mom until she just does what he wants.

Bella-I... I'll ask my mom... Sh-Should I br-bring anything?

(Y/N)-Just a swimsuit and spare clothes, and whatever else you think you need.

Bella's mind-I can't believe i'm staying the night at a boys house tomorrow if my mom says yes.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Looks like I have 3 girls staying the night tomorrow... I'm gonna need some ear plugs for when mom finds out. On the bright side, Trinity and I can have that game tournament that we always wanted to have on Tekken 7.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wonder what Heather and Bella like?


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