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(Kenzie's POV)

School just ended and I rushed home to wait for my friends to come over and they were all coming over. I wanted to make sure everything was good to go before they come over after they pack up and when I made it home Hunter came to the door and licked me and I was petting him.


Kenzie-Hi, buddy! My friends are gonna be over soon and you get to meet them!

I walked to the living room where my grandma was and she was having a nap right now, so I just left her alone and went to my room. I put all my school stuff in my closet then got in bed and Hunter got on with me before I turned on the T.V. and put on YouTube for some music.

Kenzie-Hunter, did the nurses give you a bath? You look more fluffy.

I just pet his head before he put his head on my lap and I just couldn't relax because I couldn't wait for my friends to get her and we can finally start having fun.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kenzie gave me her address, so I can give it to my mom when Bella and I get home then she can give us a ride. When we got home we just packed up our clothes in our backpacks after we emptied of our school stuff and I gave my mom the address, so she could take us to Kenzie's house and soon we were on our way.

Mom-Make sure you behave (Y/N).

(Y/N)-I will mom.

Mom-Are you sure you still want to go? Girls have different ideas for fun than what you have.

(Y/N)-They're my friends. I want to go.

Mom-Fine, Bella dear, keep an eye on my boy please.

Bella-Yes ma'am.

Soon we made it to Kenzie's house and saw Trinity and Heather were being dropped off too.


(Y/N)-Hey guys!


They both gave me a hug and Bella gave me on too for some reason then we went to the door to knock on it and heard a dog bark for a bit before the door opened and we all saw Kenzie with her big dog and that dog was almost as tall as my mom.


Kenzie-Hey guys! This is Hunter, come in, come in.

I just waved bye to my mom and the others went inside with me and I saw her grandma on a big rocking chair.


Kenzie-Hey grandma, my friends are all here!

Kenzie's grandma-That's nice dear. Just don't get into too much rift raft and later i'll order that pizza for dinner for you kids. More clam chowder for me.

Kenzie-Thanks grandma. Come guys, let's go to my room. I got everything set up!

We all went to her room and she had T.V. that was a bit bigger than mine, a big bed, there was a dog bed in here, lights were up, and there was a big bowl of candy on her dresser. We put our stuff down and out of nowhere Kenzie gave me a hug and her dog Hunter had his big tail wagging.

Kenzie-I'm so happy you're all here! Hunter likes all of you too! What do you wanna do first, play hide and seek, watch a movie, or maybe we can play board games?!

Her dog was sniffing me and Kinzie just smiled and the others were kinda laughing as I backed up only to have the dog follow me and soon I tripped back on something soft and I saw it was the dog bed.


Kenzie-*Laughing* I would get off Hunter's spare bed before he gets the wrong idea.


Kenzie-When I feel sad or scared and don't wanna sleep alone then I just get on Hunter's bed and he sleeps with me.

I just got off his bed before he did what Kenzie said he would and he licked me and went to do it to the other girls.

Kenzie-Relax, Hunter is just saying hello.

(Y/N)-How can a dog even get that big? He's as big as an adult!

Kenzie-My grandma's nurses say he's normal size for his kind of dog, it's why he's our service dog. He helps around the house, he's fun to play with, and when I take him on walks, he lets me ride on his back like a horsy.

I wonder how a dog helps around the house, does he know how to use a vacuum and stuff, that's pretty cool.

Trinity-Dogs can't clean a house.

Kenzie-Can too. He picks up his toys, makes sure I take my baths, watches me, helps my grandma walk around the house sometimes, finds stuff and brings them to you, protects us, but he listens to my grandma more than me even if I give him the most treats, but here's a little secret,... you can pay him in treats sometimes to make him stop or do something.


Heather-How about we play a board game. What do you have?

Kenzie-Here's one I play with grandma and some of the nurses sometimes. It's easier on the switch and I don't use it much because I play with Hunter, but have you played monopoly before.

(Y/N)-Yeah, but just the board game at Trinity's house.

Heather-I played the board game too.

Kenzie-The rules a little different. Like if you get doubles 3 times in a row, you go to jail.

We all got on the game and passed the controller around to take turns and Kenzie pulled me with her to her dog Hunter and he curled up a bit and he was so fuzzy and warm, but Heather laid on top of me while she was rolling.

Heather-Room for one more?

Trinity-Hey, no fair!

Bella-Make more room!

Soon we were all a pile and somehow I was on the bottom just before Hunter and it was hard for me to take my turn and after a lot of rolls the game was still going on and it went on for so long, it was almost sun down. I was close to being at below $0 because nobody was landing on my spots and the chance card I got made me pay $100.

Grandma-Children! Pizza is on it's way! I got 2 pepperonis and a Pepsi!

Kinzie-Ok, thanks grandma!

Grandma-Hunter, I need help getting to the bathroom! Come here boy!

Hunter got up and left which made the girls fall on me and Trinity and I were face to face.

Trinity-*Giggles* Hi.


Kenzie-I'm getting kinda bored. You guys wanna watch a movie? I have Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, YouTube, and 39 movies on VUDU and 25 of them don't have adds because I paid for them. I got 101 Dalmatians, Jurassic park movies from the first to The Fallen Kingdom,-.

Trinity-Let's go on Disney+ and watch Home alone or something.

Kenzie-Ok. (Y/N) get on my bed and you can lay with me.

Heather-No, he's sitting with me!

Trinity-I was his friend the longest since kindergarten, so he's sitting with me!

Bella-No, his mom said I had to watch him, so if he's sitting with anyone, it's me!

Trinity-You're living with him for 2 weeks and you just got last night with him!

Kenzie-How about this, let him decide.

She got on her bed with the bowl of candy and put it next to her.

Trinity-Hey, you're using candy to make him choose you!

Kenzie-Am not!

Trinity-Fine, then put it back where it was.

Kenzie did get up to put the bowl back, but she took a king sized piece out and instead of more yelling, the others got candy too and now I just have to choose. Kenzie has the bed and it's so bed and looks comfy, but girly, Trinity was just sitting on a chair while tapping on her lap, so maybe I would have to sit on her lap if I choose her, Heather took the dog bed and it was big and cozy, but if Hunter comes in, he might lay on us if we don't move, and Bella on the mat in the middle of the room with the sleeping bags we brought and she put one in the other to make it one doubled layer sleeping bag.

Kenzie-Oh (Y/N), I got a Snickers. Come and get it.~

Bella-B-Big deal, I have a Kit-kat bar!

Trinity-Both of you don't know, but I know he loves Recess pieces. It's his favorite.~

Heather-Well I have a Twix bar!

(Y/N)-There's plenty of room on the bed... Can we just sit there together?

They all just looked at me and when I got on the bed Kenzie pulled me to her side, Trinity got my other side, Bella got on top of me, and Heather pushed Bella aside a bit to make room and now I just had a blanket of girls while Kenzie was putting on a movie and she put on "Coraline".

Kenzie-You want your Snickers now?

(Y/N)-I'm gonna wait until after pizza.

Kenzie-Fine, i'll save it after.

I saw the others looking at her and Kenzie held my arm tighter  while smiling at them and we just watched the movie until the pizza and Kenzie had to get up to go get it then Trinity held me tighter before Kenzie came back with the pizza.


She put the pizza next to her bed and I got up to get some and Kenzie left to get plates and cups before she came back in and closed the door behind her. I was put to grab a plate, but Heather got to it first and didn't let me grab a plate, but she put 3 slices on the plate before giving it to me.

Heather-Here you go. I made it for you.~

(Y/N)-Uhh... thanks.

That was weird. Next Bella gave me a plastic cup of Pepsi and she smiled at me before she got her own food and drink. I was about to talk, but Trinity pulled me a bit to the chair and had me on her lap.

(Kenzie's POV)

That wasn't fair! I didn't get to do anything for him and this was my slumber party in my room. He should be sitting on my lap and he doesn't even look comfortable on her lap. The movie was starting to get to where Coraline first goes through the little door and I was just enjoying my pizza and soda. They can have dinner with him, but we got all night and I already planned on where (Y/N) will be sleeping. Either my bed or i'll let him use his sleeping bag on Hunter's dog bed he uses for naps sometimes or when I do need comfort and as much as I love cuddling with something, I have Ms. Cotton for that and...

Kenzie's mind-I think (Y/N) would look cute and comfy in Hunter's dog bed.


It was bed time after my grandma called it and we all got changed in different rooms and I got changed in my room and soon all my friends came back in with pajamas on now. I liked how (Y/N) looked when he looked a little sleepy.


Kenzie-I brought in couch cushions, but only enough for 3 of you, so (Y/N), do you want to sleep on my bed or i'll close my door, so Hunter doesn't come in and lay on you if you wanna lay on his bed.


(Y/N)-Um... I don't wanna take room on your bed, so i'll take Hunter's bed.

I smiled and he put his sleeping bag on Hunter's bed and I closed my door and the others moved the cushions to sleep closer to him, but I got on bed and turned off the light and saw how cute he looked in Hunter's bed and I know how comfy it is. He was nice and cozy and I stayed awake while he was closing his eyes and he just looked adorable that I just wanted to get up and find the spot where he loves to be scratched and give me the look Hunter gives me when I scratch behind his ears just right.

Kenzie's mind-Do boys even have a spot where they loved to be scratched... It can't hurt to check tomorrow.~


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