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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was playing a guessing game on how to get the ship to take off because I got tired of waiting and some of the buttons did nothing or at least I hope they did, but I did find the biggest button and hoped it would start the ship, but it turn on a screen and showed some very important stuff, so I pressed the button again and it closed it.

(Y/N)-Come on, how hard do you need to make it to start?

While I was trying to get this thing started I started to hear noises outside, but I didn't know what it was. I was about to open the door, but then I didn't think that was a good idea, so i'll check first and if it's Aerith, Yuffie, or their friends then it will be safe to come out. I peaked out the window a little and it was hard to see since it was dark outside, but suddenly I heard something tapping a part of the ship, but not at the door. I didn't think it was them, so I got away from the window and went under the desk. It was the only place I think I could hide right now without leaving the ship.

???-*Muffled* Does it even- *muffled*. *Muffled -can find something.

I tried to stay quiet and remembered that as long as I don't open the door, they can't get in.

???-Hey, I think I found a door!

Ok, everything outside can look like a door, so maybe they were wrong then I heard them messing with the door and now I was getting scared. That door was strong, but I saw strong doors get broken before.

(Y/N)'s mind-What do I do?! What do I do?!

(Minnie's POV)

I was talking to the second in command of the guard since the captain was taking a nap after a hard day of work. They were looking at this thing carefully and think they found a way in and some of our farmers out here are in distress, but I got them to calm down a little bit and ensured them we have everything under control. Soon Daisy came over after dealing with the farmers out here trying to find answers we didn't even have.


Daisy-No matter what I do only works for a little bit, but more are getting worried.

Minnie-We just need them home and get this thing open. It definitely looks like a ship and every ship needs a pilot.

Daisy-So far nobody plans on leaving until they get some answers and we'll need more guards to make them leave.

I didn't want to force scared citizens back into their homes and cause worry and unrest. I wish the king was here, he would know exactly what to say to get everything under control, but me... I'm not so good with words like he is. I only watched the guards trying to pry open the door on the ship we found while others were on guard and I know they were being cautious incase whatever was inside was hostel, but this only caused the farmers to watch with anticipation.

Guard#1-Alright, *grunt* alll-most.


The crowbar was the one that broke and the guard fell to the ground and the door didn't even budge. After a few more attempts it was clear that it wasn't going to work and now all they were doing was making the people worried.

Guard#2-Wait, if we can't get through the door, why not try breaking the window?

Guard#1-Because-!... Because... that... actually makes since.

They only boosted each other up and hit the glass and after many hits, there wasn't even a crack and none of this is working. Now they were taking a break by talking to the citizens and I just went up to the ship and leaned back on it feeling kinda tired.

???-*Soft whimpering*.


I put my ear against the door and I could hear whimpering inside, but it was kinda hard to hear, so it makes sense the guards didn't hear it because they were too loud and focused on getting in to hear it. I just kept on listening and sometimes they were too noisy for me to hear it, but I know someone or something was in here making that noise.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw the shadows of whoever was out here trying to get in and they were trying to break the glass and my ears were starting to hurt from the banging on the door and window. I just wanted Aerith or Yuffie or my mommy and daddy to be here, but I was all alone and starting to cry.

(Y/N)'s mind-Just go away, please!

I started to think about when they get in and started to hurt me or lock me up or something worse. Every thought was worse than the last and making me cry more. Soon they stopped hitting the window and went back to the door and did something to it again then I came out from the desk to look at the desk again while staying out of the window, so nobody could see me. Maybe a horn or something will scare them off at least and I pressed the middle of the wheel,... but there was no horn.

(Y/N)-Oh, come on.

???-What the?!

I looked up and I saw someone standing on other people and looking at me and I panicked and fell back.

???-There's something this thing!

I soon saw more weird looking animal people come to the window and I just screamed. I couldn't take this and my body acted on it's own and opened the door before making a run for it. I saw I was in a field and saw more animal people in clothes this time, but I kept on running. I ran as fast as I could, but I got tackled to the ground by someone bigger than ma and I just started screaming and kicking while more dog people ran over here to hold me down and I couldn't move.


I went from screaming to crying then all the animal people on top of me relaxed a little then we all looked and I saw a mouse and duck girls in dresses walking over here.


Mouse-Don't pile on them like that! You're just scaring them! Just look at them!

They all did look at me before they got off and got in a circle around me and the girls got closer to me and I tried to get away, but I had no where to run and now I was wishing I stayed in the ship.

Mouse-It's alright, we won't hurt you.

The mouse girl came up to me slowly and held out a hand and I didn't know about this, but I took it and she helped me up and she was just as tall as me, but maybe I was a little taller, I think. She just smiled at me, but that's what all the animals did to me, first they're nice then BAM!!!

Mouse-Hi, i'm Queen Minnie and this is my friend Princess Daisy.

Now she was a queen and she might be like the like 2 queens, but more like Sarabi since she was queen and animal. The only 3 nice girls I know from all this are Jasmine, Yuffie, and Aerith. I don't know about her.

(Daisy's POV)

Minnie looked a little hurt because when this kid accepted her help he still looked like he didn't trust her and he did look hurt too. We don't know who this is or what they've been through, but Minnie got everyone to mostly calm down now since the mystery of what was in this ship was solved and everything was really under control now. We all headed back to the castle and Minnie treated him a bit in the living room while I was watching and had his scarf being cleaned by some of the broom guards here and when I gave it back, he just put it back on and he looked cleaner and cuter.


Minnie-Pardon me, but we never got your name?

???-... It's (Y/N).

Daisy-How did you get here? I think it's a little reckless for someone around your age to be flying anything like that.


Minnie-We don't need to pry into that right now, but I am concerned for your safety. Is there anyone looking for you?

He only nodded his head and I can understand he won't be very talkative right now after how our guards were too rough with him. Minnie tried to comfort him and he didn't fight her off and let her just rub his back, shoulder, and head. He was kinda enjoying it and this kinda reminds me how alone we are here. Donald and Goofy set off after the king took off with only a letter about training with someone. I went next to him to and got in on this and he jumped a little, but I copied what Minnie was doing and he relaxed a little. This did feel kinda nice, almost like how our pets help us feel better, but this just feels better. It was a nice moment before the door opened and some of the walked brooms came in while pushing a cart with a big apple cinnamon fruit tart.


Minnie-Oh, thank you... I got you a treat to say sorry for how our guards scared you back there.

He eyed it and we heard his belly growl a little and we were out there for a while, so he might be hungry. Minnie only smiled before she made him a bowl and when he took a bite I saw a his eyes go wide like a puppy before he had some more. Minnie and I kinda giggled at this and had the rest of the tart ourselves, but he finished first looking like he wanted more... I have a figure to keep, so I held a bite to him and when he saw this his eyes kinda twinkled before he tried to turn away and refuse my offer, but I could see it.

Daisy-Come on, I know you want it.~


He took the bite while Minnie was watching and now she copied me when she gave him a bite and he was trying to act tough, but failed each time.

Daisy's mind-This is adorable.~

(Minnie's POV)

I noticed some of the injuries on him couldn't be just from the crash had unless he was very unlucky. Something had to have got him if he was so scared and was waiting for someone to come and get him if he was telling the truth. It's a very sad thing either way because he's clearly not from here and a child so sweet like him should never get hurt like this.

Minnie's mind-I don't know if you were telling the truth or not,... but you'll be under our care until we can figure something out.


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