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((Y/N)'s POV)

Alcian and the others did make me play fetch and monkey in the middle until I got tired and just wanted to sit down, but Cassandra just picked me up and put me on the couch. She made me lay down with her and the others came to join her, but Alcian tickled me a little by scratching my chin and my whole body went crazy a little and I almost fell off. Daniela grabbed me and pulled me back to make me lay across them.

Alcian-How adorable...~ Girls, tire him out some more with play time. I'm going to speak with Mother Miranda about our pet. Hopefully she's in a decent mood and that walking pile of filth hasn't said a word yet.

Bela/Cassandra/Daniela-Yes mother.

Alcian-As for you little man puppy... Be good for my daughters.~

She just kissed my head before she left to go upstairs and the girls went up the stairs too before they put me down.

Bela-We're gonna play a game, but you have to stay upstairs.

Cassandra-We're gonna play hide and seek, but there's a catch. If you don't find us when mother calls for you or if you brake the rules, you get a punishment.


Daniela-Oh, don't worry too much man puppy. You only get the big punishment if you break the rules... Good luck.~

Just then they all turned into flies and flew off and I guess the game was starting now, so I ran the way they went. I tried looking in every room, but I couldn't find a thing, not even a bug and I don't think Alcian is gonna take a very long time to talk to whoever Mother Miranda is. I was still looking, but soon...

???-*Giggles* Hello there.~

I don't know who that was because I never heard that voice before and it sounded kinda weird. I looked to where I heard the voice and it was from a room I just checked for the girls, but I went back in and this time I saw a doll on the bed.


(Y/N)-Huh?... Is anyone here?

I just walked up to the doll then tried to pick it up, but then it suddenly grabbed my hand and I screamed while pulling away to make it let go.

Doll-*Giggles* I'm here, i'm here!

I fell back on my butt then I saw the doll get up all my itself and float down a little while clapping her hands kinda fast.

Doll-You must be what my sister calls her pet.


She was a doll and didn't look anything like Alcian then the doll walked to me all by itself and it can't really be alive,... can it? She looked very scary and I was about to run, but then she said something.

Doll-I see you have your mother's eyes.

(Y/N)-... Y-You know my mommy?

Doll-Better. I have her... You want to see her?~

(Y/N)-B-But... i'm trying to be good, so the girls will let me see my daddy.

Doll-Hahahaha! Well, whiled you're waiting, I will let you see your mommy, "right now". You just need to come with me.

She held out a hand, but I was not going to touch it and I thought about leaving my daddy here. If the girls find out about this they will get mad at me and I don't wanna get punished again because I remember what they did to my feet and it really hurt.

(Y/N)-Um... I think i'm close to seeing my daddy... Can my mommy come here?

Doll-*Giggles* I think you miss understand... Finders, keepers.~


Just then I felt a pinch on my neck  and I was about to scream, but the doll covered my mouth and it was actually kinda strong while I was getting really tired, but before I fell asleep I saw what I thought was a curtain, but I think it was just a person in a costume covering their face. I don't even know if they were a boy or a girl since everything was covered in a robe.


Doll-You're going to be such a cute and fun little toy to play with.~

I couldn't even keep my eyes open anymore and fell asleep seeing their feet walking to me.

(Alcian's POV)

Mother Miranda was still in a bit of bad mood, but that ended up in my favor because she didn't care what I was doing. That means that enforced by Mother Miranda, I can keep my pet now and nobody can say so otherwise. I felt so happy and left my room to go tell my pet and daughters the good news and when I made it out to the hallway I saw Cassandra walking by.


Cassandra-Hello mother.

Alcian-Cassandra, where's our pet? I have some good news I want to tell you all.

Cassandra-We're playing a game of hide and seek with him. We also made sure to guard everyway out of bounds upstairs. He should be close by.

Alcian-Excellent. Find him and bring him to the living room and have the others there as well.

Cassandra-Yes mother.

She flew off in a swarm of bugs to go get her sisters and I walked down the hall and saw many open doors, so since Cassandra isn't here and up ahead, she must've past by without checking.

Alcian-(Y/N), come here my little pet!~

There was no response and I just checked room after room and I felt a little anger before I thought maybe Cassandra picked him up in the middle in hallway and he's with the girls, so I just calmed down. I went to the living room and I saw the girls sitting on the couch and when I got closer I saw they didn't have our pet and my anger started to come back.


Alcian-Where's our pet?

Cassandra-I thought you would find him in one of the rooms? Is he not there?

Alcian-... Search the whole castle! NOW!!!

The all left to go search as much as the could without going outside and when we find him, he'll be in huge trouble for making me worry. I went back to the rooms I checked in the first place and I was going to search every possible hiding spot and after I made it to the one where the window was opened before I saw something under the bed and it was a letter and all it said was...

Alcian's mind-Let's play... Donna.

Alcian-*Heavy breathing*... RRRRUUUUUAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!

(Timeskip ???)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up and I saw I was in a room and it looked kinda clean and empty and I got up and saw I was not tied up or anything. I left the room and I saw a nice house out here and on the stairs I saw a painting of that scary doll and some girl.


I went to the stairs and got a closer look then I heard a noise, but when I turned around I only saw a chair on the ground. I know it had to be that doll or this lady since the clothes did kinda look the same. I saw the front door and tried to leave, but when I made it to the door.

???-(Y/N), where are you going?

I just turned and when I did... I saw my mommy smiling at me and I felt so happy that I found her and ran to her to give her a hug. She just picked me up and it just felt so good to be held right now then she kissed my head.

(Y/N)-Mom, I was so scared! I didn't know where I was, I heard a bunch of scary noises, then a tall lady that has daddy-!

Mommy-Sweetie, it's ok.~

She just rubbed the back of my head then I backed up to look at her in the eye and she just smiled while going back up the stairs with me.

Mommy-You're going to love it here. Angie went on and on about how she thinks "you" can be her new favorite toy.~

(Y/N)-... What?

Mommy-She's so fun to play with and just the cutest thing ever. I wish I could be her favorite, but she said that i'm too big and old to be her favorite now that you're around. You're just going to make play time more fun for all of us.~

(Y/N)-Mom, what are you talking about? We have to go and get daddy and leave.

Mommy-Go? We can't go. Angie would be very sad if 2 of her toys left before play time was over.

Angie-And that wouldn't be fun at all.

We just turned and my mommy looked happy while I was getting scared then she curled her finger for us to come over, so my mommy did and got on her knees and Angie got closer to me.


Mommy-I caught him almost about to leave.

Angie-I turn my back for 10 minutes... I knew I should have tied him to the bed.

Mommy-Shall we put him in our play room to fix him?


Angie-I like my new favorite toy the way he is. I can't wait for my cute little friends to play with another new toy! Fuhuhuhuhu!~

I don't know why mommy was doing this, but then I thought about the lady from painting and it must be the person from the castle.

(Y/N)-Wh-What did you do to my mommy?! You made her crazy!

Mommy-Crazy? Sweetie, you'll learn that we're toys now the same way I did.

Angie-Tire him out before play time. We'll be playing all sorts of games really soon. Fuhuhuhu!

The doll kinda flew off and my mommy just stood up with me and took me to the room I woke up in then put me on the bed then grabbed my legs and started to bend them very fast to make it like I was running and soon I could feel them getting tired. I tried to stop, but my mommy was so strong and would not stop, but then we heard something downstairs.






(Y/N)'s mind-Uh-oh.


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