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(Erelah's POV)

I was just watching my baby sleep next to me in bed and he just looks so peaceful wrapped in my wings and when I brushed his hair away from his eyes my heart just melted when he stirred a bit. It was almost time to wake him up soon and I wish I could let him sleep in a bit, but I want him on this schedule. I think about making him some waffles with some strawberries on it for breakfast and the mother can have it too since i'll be making a keto version of the pancake mix, so it'll be more healthy. Soon it was 8, so it was time to wake him up and I gave his cheeks soft yet firm strokes to wake him up gently and I see him getting little fussy.

Erelah-Come on sweetie, it's morning. I got breakfast, a bath, and games waiting for you.~

Soon he opened his eyes and when the light hurt his little eyes I brought up my wing a bit to shield him, so he can comfortably open his groggy eyes without feeling any pain or stinging in his eyes. He just rubbed them a little and I sat up with him still keeping him wrapped in my wings.

(Y/N)-*Yawn*... What time is it?

Erelah-It's 8 in the morning... Come on, let's get you in the bath first this time. You want some toys to play with in there?~

He nodded his head and I got out of bed with him and went to the bathroom. He looked a little cold without the warmth from the blanket, so I wrapped my wings around him a little tighter to keep him a little warmer and he nuzzled into them. I got the bath started and closed the door before I unwrapped him and started to get him undressed and he shivered a bit.


Erelah-I know honey, but you'll be in some nice hot water with toys to play with later. How's that?~

Soon I got him in the bath and while he was getting comfy in the warm water I went under the sink to get his new rubber bath toys and put them in the water for him to play with.


He looked at his light up bath toys and gave them a few taps before I poured water on his head and got some shampoo for his hair. He closed his eyes, but he grabbed his fishing pole toy and tried to find his other toys, so I scattered them a bit to make it more fun for him. He seemed to wide awake already. His whole bath made me feel good by just taking care of him and when I let him soak I caught him looking at my wings again.

Erelah-My word, he's addicted to my wings.

I just went ahead and stretched one out to him and he leaned back into it to relax in his bath. I did take him out soon and got him dried off and dressed. I was about to send him to the living room to go play his games while I take care of his mother, but he clung to my leg.


Erelah-Don't you want to go play your games?


Erelah-*Sigh*... You want to be in my wings again, don't you?

He just smiled and nodded his head and it figures, but I don't want him to see me treat his mom like a toddler throwing a fit... On the other hand if he does see this then it could show him how bad his mom is and show him he's far more behaved, maybe it will even deter him from becoming like her.

Erelah-I have to give your mommy a bath. Are you ok being in the bathroom if I let you touch my wings?


Erelah-*Giggles* Alright then, but your mommy is going to be upset, so if it's too much you can leave.

I just picked him up and held him away from the door incase she decided to snap at me again, but when I opened the door we saw she was awake and mad, but what caught my attention was that she was about to throw something at us and I reacted in just enough time to bring up a big enough shield of light and blocked what she threw.


I looked down to see what she threw at us and when I looked at it my heart felt rage at what she planned to do to me even if it would have very little affect, but she could've hurt (Y/N), her own son and was setting a very bad example, but on top of it all...



I saw her running at me reaching for me with her gloved hand she used to throw the broken glass, but I put up a barrier to keep her inside and I was just so mad, but then I just noticed that (Y/N) was shaking in my arm and kinda crying from being scared. I looked back at the broken glass on the floor and quickly used some magic light to cover it up until I clean it later. I couldn't believe a mother could be so reckless and careless on how she acts with her child around, but one thing was for sure...

Erelah's mind-She's not staying here anymore!

I went back to our room and put (Y/N) on the bed with me and wrapped a wing around him for comfort after what just happened. I was looking at places to put her because I was willing to put up with tantrums, but if she wants to put children in danger like that is crossing a line. After a bit of searching I found something and it's said to recover a good amount of patients, so it sounded like they were capable of protecting her from herself.

Erelah-Sweetie, can you try to go play or watch T.V. in the living room. I need to make a call.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

4 men were taking my mommy out of the house while she was sleeping on a rolling bed and I couldn't stop crying, but I hoped Erelah could do something to bring her back today because she's an angel. She can do anything, right?

Man#1-Ma'am, since this is the mother we're gonna need you to sign some papers to become a legal guardian if you are not and plan to keep this child in your care.

Erelah-Yes, of course. Would you happen to have it on you?

Man#1-No. Someone will be here later today or tomorrow to help you sign papers. We also need you to vacate the property for a few days seeing as this is a crime scene. The 3 days you need to be gone will be covered. You'll be booked at a hotel downtown called "Sunny Settlements". Do you need a ride there?

Erelah-Yes please, but may I pack a few clothes for him?

Man#1-We will take care of that. Can't risk anything being tampered or taken regarding the investigation.

Erelah-Completely understandable.

Erelah just went to a police car and she got in the back with me and held me close and I wish she would wrap me in her wings, but she won't bring them out. She just rubbed my back and I looked to see my mommy being put in a truck, but Erelah made me look back to her.


Erelah-Honey bunch, I know this is hard, but you know what she did was wrong and very dangerous.

(Y/N)-... *Sniffle* Maybe she didn't mean it.

Erelah-(Y/N), you saw her throw that broken glass. That can be very sharp and if it got in your mouth, eyes, or tiny parts in your nose or ears, they could cut you really bad.

(Y/N)-B-... But maybe she was just mad. She does silly things when she's mad.

(Erelah's POV)

The officer was staying out of this and most likely listening to us, but I have almost nothing to hide other than i'm an angel and after the mother's ranting back at the apartment before she was put under sedatives, she will put put in a cite ward. I also understand (Y/N) wanting to defend his mother because most children will defend their parents, even after clearly they're in the wrong. It was heart breaking and I tried to get him to understand while we were heading to the hotel, but this lasted until we got to our hotel room and he was on the verge of crying again.

Erelah-No, no, no, please don't cry. It's going to be ok.~

(Y/N)-*Whimper* I-I just want *hic* t-toooo-. *sobbing*

We were alone right now and there was no camera in here, so i brought out my wings and wrapped them around him for more comfort while he was crying. It was hard to understand what he was saying after, but know he was talking about wanting his mother back at him and that's simply out of the question.

Erelah-I know you love your mother, but she was not safe for us, not even herself. She's going to be ok, she's not going to jail.~

(Y/N)-*Sobbing* *whimper*... Sh- *hic* She's not?

Erelah-She's just going somewhere where she can be watched and be kept safe from herself.~

(Y/N)-B-But she can stay home. Home is safe.

Erelah-But this place is safer and she can meet all sorts of friends. I know she didn't like to go out and make friends. We can talk to her on video, but they need her there to help her get better.

(Y/N)-Like helping her exercise?

Erelah-Um,... yes. Exactly that.

I was glad he was calming down, but he still looked sad and a little scared because he was never in a hotel before or slept anywhere other than his home. He just needs to have some fun and to know that i'm here to love him and keep him safe.

Erelah-I think someone needs his breakfast still. How about we go to a bakery and get some fresh and yummy doughnuts and ham and cheese croissants?~

(Y/N)-... Can I have to ones with the custard filling?

I just gave his head a little kiss and smiled before I put my wings away before we left, but I was not going to put him down until we get back. On the way there I saw this was a decent area, but I just held (Y/N) a little tighter just to be safe.

((M/N)'s POV)

I woke up in the truck a while ago and I was strapped to a fucking fancy table on wheels or some shit being pushed down a hall and I heard bits of crazy ranting and looked to see men and woman in full white suits and I knew where I was.

(M/N)-Let me go! You don't understand, she broke into my house and made me do it after-!

Man-Yeah, we know about the angel ma'am. They told us everything you said to them back at your home.


Lady-Ma'am, you're going to be fine. The angel can't torment you here and your babysitter agreed to watch your child for you until the angel is gone and it's safe to go home.


I tried to get out and they had to stop moving to just fucking try to keep me from getting up and begging! This was all bullshit and I was going home and getting all my shit back today! Soon more people came and I saw one of them poke me with a needle.

(M/N)-GET THAT FUCKING NEEDLE AWAY FROM ME!!! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!?! YOU... Y-You can't treat me like this!... I-... I know my rights as a grown ass... a-... adult.

I was getting so tired now and I tried to stay awake while they were pushing me down the hall again and got me into a room where I finally passed out.


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