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((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were going to school right now and Ayaka was cleaning up after breakfast and it was good, but I just wish she treat me like a baby while we were eating. I don't start online school for another 4 weeks, so I get to relax until that happens. I just went to my room while Ayaka was talking to the girls in the hall before they left and I just climbed on my new giant bear since it was more comfy than the bed when you get on it just right. Soon my door opened and I saw Ayaka come in and she saw me on my new bear and smiled.


Ayaka-Awww, don't you look cozy considering last night.~

She was talking about me waking up crying and she helped me go back to sleep when I just wanted my mommy so bad,... but she was good in getting me back to sleep. I didn't want to think about that right now because she might treat me like a baby again if she stays here too long.

(Y/N)-Can I be alone for a bit,... please.

Ayaka-Aww... I guess I do have a few things to do today... I'll leave you alone until lunch.


(Ayaka's POV)

I did only have a few quick things to do that should not even take me half an hour to do, but I could understand he might want a little alone time to cuddle with his toys even if I did want him to cuddle with me again. He was so clingy in his sleep last night and I enjoyed every second of it. Those memories helped me get through the small and quick amount of chores, but just as I finished I heard a knock at the door, so I went to go answer it and when I opened the door I saw Nishiki and she had a crate of cider with her, but I saw that three of them was not cider.


Nishiki-Yo. What's up?

Ayaka-Oh, hi Nishiki. What brings you by?

Nishiki-Shop's closed for the day, so I thought I would come hang. Did the girls already leave?

Ayaka-They left for school a while ago, but you're welcome to come in. I just finished cleaning.

I decided to keep (Y/N) a secret for at least a while to give him the alone time that he wants, but i'll introduce her to him later. She just put the case she had with her down then I saw her pull out a bottle of alcohol and had a smile.

Nishiki-I brought your favorite. Thought it would be nice to have a few drinks while we chill.

Ayaka-Oh,... well... I don't think I should right now.

Nishiki-Come on, I can see you want it. A few won't hurt.

Ayaka-I suppose so, but after I have something to show you.

Nishiki-Cool. Let's pop this bad boy open.

She reached into pocket to get a bottle opener while we went to the dinning area and I just got 2 cups and I made a rule to only have one... two will be the max.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was getting bored of being by myself and I did hear a few noises outside the room, so I just left my room and I think I saw some bananas in the kitchen earlier. That did sound like a good snack, but then I started to hear laughing and talking, but I never heard one of these voices and when I made it to the kitchen I saw Ayaka with someone and they were drinking something or trying to drink something from an empty bottle.


They both looked happy and talked some more before the new girl turned and saw me, so I kinda went behind the couch in here.

???-Heeey, who's the *hic* little guy?~

Ayaka looked over here and saw me peaking out from the couch and she had a wide open smile before she got up and came over to me to pick me up into a hug then the new girl came over.

Ayaka-This is (Y/N). Aww, I think he had enough alone time then just felt lonely and came out here! (Y/N) this is my friend Nishiki!~

Nishiki-Don't you look adorable. Ayaka must love you.~

Ayaka-Isn't he just the cutest?~

They sat down in the living room on the couch with me in the middle and they were both so happy and wrapped me in a hug from both sides.

Nishiki-Where did you hide him?

Ayaka-He just wanted to cuddle with his big stuffed bear in his room alone for a while.

Nishiki-Ohhh, so we have a cuddlier?~

(Y/N)-*Whimper*... C-Can-... I just came out here for a banana for a snack.

Ayaka-Awww, he's hungry. Aren't you my little honey bunch?~

They both kinda laughed before they kissed both of my cheeks at the same time and I tried to get up and leave, but they won't let me go.

Nishiki-Where are you going?! I wanna hang!~

Ayaka-Oh, I just love you sooo much!~

They gave me more kisses and hugs while I was trying to get away and soon I got tired, but they looked like they were full of energy. Ayaka made me lay down and I was laying on both of them and they were petting me.

Nishiki-*Chuckles* He's all tuckered out... I wanna hold him.~

Just then my body shivered when I went a cold wind come in from the window and both of them saw this.

Ayaka-Aww, is my baby cold... Let's get you wrapped up first.~

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

Nishiki was holding me while I was wrapped in a blanket like a baby and being held by one and my face just felt so warm and I was so embarrassed that I just wanted to disappear. Ayaka was in the kitchen and she said she was getting me the banana I wanted for a snack, but when she came back I saw her holding a bowl.


Ayaka-This was supposed to be for your dessert tonight, but I hope our little baby here wants some yummy banana pudding. Say ahhh for us.~

It did look good and she was waving the spoon to me and I took the bit when it got too close to keep it from getting on me, but when I did take the bite...

Nishiki-Oh my god, he actually did it! That's so adorable!~

Ayaka-Good boy, good boy.~

She fed me more bites and I just hope this ends soon, but Nishiki got up with me and went to the front door where I saw a box of bottles and she grabbed a bottle from it.

Nishiki-We still got 2 more bottles and a whole day to kill, so let's make these stretch!... As for you, you get to spend the day with 2 girls. Lucky you.~

Ayaka-Before we do that, he still needs his bath for the day. I'll be giving it to him now.

Nishiki-Don't leave me out here all alone!

(Y/N)'s mind-Are they both going to take a bath with me?!

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I could hear them laughing while I was closing my eyes to not look at them, but Ayaka said she brought in my bath toys while Nishiki was filling the tub with me in it with her because she won a game of rock, paper, scissors with Ayaka.

Ayaka-Don't be shy honey bunch. I need to make sure you're nice and clean. Don't forget your mommy expects me to care for all your needs.~

Nishiki-Men everywhere would do anything to be where you are kid. Lighten up, we don't bite.

Ayaka-But that doesn't mean that you're so cute I could just eat you up!~

Soon I felt her kiss my cheek again then felt a few splashes in the water, so I opened my eyes to see my toys, but I also so them naked, so I quickly took my bath toys and turned away and they laughed before Nishiki pulled me into a hug from behind.


Nishiki-You're so cute and small that I just want to hold you forever and ever!~

Ayaka-Nishiki, you won, but that means you have to wash him now. Those were the rules.

Nishiki did what she said and Ayaka leaned over and gave me a kiss while Nishiki was washing my hair. I tried to get out, but they both made me stay in the bath while treating me like a baby until while I was shaking my head side to side... she accidently kissed me on the lips and I froze.

Ayaka-*Laughing* You look so flustered. It's so adorable... I just love you so much!~

The bath went on, but now they were a bit more crazy and when they were finished with me they took me out to dry me off then took me to my room to get me dressed and while Ayaka was dressing me Nishiki looked at my toys in here and even my new giant bear.

Nishiki-Oh my god. This kid just doesn't stop getting more adorable.

Ayaka-He was even cuddling with that big bear earlier before you got here. He was small enough to be it's cub.~

Nishiki just chuckled at that before Ayaka finished dressing me, but she got the blanket again and I didn't want to, so I tried to get away again and this time I really did it.


I just ran out of my door and down the hall to get away from them, but they came out and only smiled at me while I was running in the living room.

Ayaka/Nishiki-Ohhh, (Y/N).~

They came out with the blanket and I tried to find a place to hide, but there was no place for me to hide and they both came in and quickly surrounded me.


Ayaka-Come on (Y/N), we know you want the cuddles.~

(Y/N)-W-Wait, stop, please! I don't-.


(Yuri's POV)

I was heading home alone while Yuzu and Sumire were going to get some ice cream, but I just wanted to get home and they promised to bring me some. It was a long day at school and I thought about (Y/N) almost all day and the pictures I had of him were really addicting to look at. When I made it home it was really quiet, but when I made it to the living room I saw Ayaka, Nishiki, and (Y/N) wrapped in a blanket and they were sleeping together, but what was kinda worrying was that I saw an empty alcohol bottle.


Yuri's mind-Wow, poor kid. Hope Ayaka wasn't too tipsy and crazy.

I just walked up to them and (Y/N) looked so cute and peaceful in sleep swaddled like a baby which is what I bet they were treating him like when they got drunk. I got closer and used a finger to play with his cheek a little and he didn't even stir.

Yuri-Hmmm... Don't mind if I do.~ *whisper*

I lifted Nishiki's arm from around (Y/N) and carefully took him from here without waking him up and he was a little heavy for me, but I could still hold him. I took him to my room and laid him on my bed and I wanted to get more accurate measures, so I unwrapped him and got out the measuring tape.

Yuri's mind-I wonder... What outfit should I make first?~


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