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((Y/N)'s POV)

Keenie had me back at her cabin and this time her friends were not here. I was in the living room on the couch and she was starting a fire. Whenever I tried to get off the couch she would freak out and make me sit back down until she was done then got on the couch and made me put my head on her lap. She just started to pet my head and I was just looking at the fire. I just wanted to get up and walk around then soon she just grabbed a brush off the table next to us before she started to brush my hair and it just felt nice for a second before it started to pull my hair a little.

Keenie-All these knots in your hair. That demon had no care for you what so ever.

Martha was kinda mean, but also weird and brushing my hair did hurt for a bit longer before the brush stopped pulling my hair. She kept on going for a I think was a long time before she picked me up and held me while she was flying then put me on the rug closer to the fire.

Keenie-Don't go anywhere. I have a nice treat waiting to be cooked in the kitchen, just for you.~

(Keenie's POV)

I just left my baby on the rug next to a warm fire and there's a metal fence to keep him from getting hit by hot cinders. I just got started on baking from scratch, starting with the flour I will need. While I was getting to work I had a nice view in the living room of my baby staying right where I left him and he did try to wander off, but I just need to snap my fingers a few times before he goes back down. He was so obedient and I love it, but I have a strong feeling that it's the same case with those demons taking advantage of his kind and submissive nature. I doubt they would look in the place they murdered my friends, so we should be safe and just to be sure, I got stronger doors and windows.

Keenie's mind-It should be nothing, but smooth sailing, at least for a while.

(Millie's POV)

We were searching since the moment (Y/N) went missing and we can't even go after them because we don't have the fucking book. Stella and Octavia were pissed and so were we and whoever took (Y/N) has the damn book too since the trail suddenly ended which meant there was a portal involved. I was just walking past a guard that was a statue from Stella's rage and short temper, but I just pushed it over and smashed it.

Loona-YOU HAVE WHAT?!?!?!

I just looked to where the yelling was coming from in the garden and when I got there I saw the book on the ground and Loona was holding down a servant her and was growling at him.


I just picked up the book and this was great since we can finally go after him much faster now, but I was also pissed to see it was here the entire time.

Millie-What happened?

Loona-He had the book the entire time!

Millie-... Excuse me.

Servant-I-I just saw it and thought Ms. Stella would be mad if I was touching it! I swea-!


His blood splattered on the ground after I shot him in the head then Loona got off him. All this time we've been here and we could've had our baby back by now. I just texted Moxxie what happened and that we'll be back and he should tell our new boss about this. Loona just opened a portal and we went through to get started right away.


Loona-Give me a sec, the trail's cold.

She kept on sniffing at the air and slowly started to walk and I just groaned that this was going to take forever, but something seemed familiar about this place.

Millie's mind-Have we been here before?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Keenie was feeding me some apple pie she made and it was really good and even had a scope of vanilla ice cream on top of it with caramel.


This was the best pie I ever had, but there was only one problem and it wasn't just her feeding me... I was wrapped in a blanket with a sheep on it and it was fluffy and cozy, but it just made me feel more like a baby.

Keenie-Let's get some yummy ice cream in this bite. Say ahh.~

It was just so good that I wanted more and maybe even seconds like this and the ice cream made it better. She just kissed my head while I was chewing and smiled at me. When I finished the pie and ice cream I put the plate on the table and rubbed my head after she put it from her chest to her lap.

(Y/N)-Um... Can I have seconds?

Keenie-Hmmm... After dinner, if you're a good boy for mommy.~

(Y/N)-What's for dinner?

Keenie-It's a surprise, but only the best for my special little boy.~

I felt my face get warmer and she just giggled before she got up with me and took me to my room and laid in bed with me.

Keenie-I think it's the perfect time for a nap. You hardly slept at all on the way here and you need more than just a few hors of sleep after what you've been through.

She pulled my head to her chest again and I could hear her heart beat now while she was hugging and rubbing my head. I tried to talk, but she just covered my mouth and started to shush me and I didn't feel tired at all, so maybe after an hour she'll give up on this and-.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

(Keenie's POV)

My baby was finally asleep after a while of comforting then I carefully got up to go get dinner started without waking him up. Rest is the best thing for him right now in my eyes and I let him stay up a bit even if I would've preferred he slept. I just cleaned up a little before I took some fresh meat out and started to season it for dinner.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

(Loona's POV)

This was getting frustrating because one moment (Y/N)'s scent is getting stronger, I can feel it getting weaker and almost gone. I was going out by threads and Millie was even getting tired of this shit too. After a long as walk I smelled the scent getting stronger and now it was staying that way, so I picked up the pace. Later we recognized some of the parts of these woods and when i put it together I burst into a full sprint.

Loona's mind-I know where you are and I know who has you!

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)


(Millie's POV)

I think Loona got something and I was starting to recognize where we were and it was the place were those Cherubs took him. I could tell we were getting closer to the cabin and when we got there Loona and I peaked through a window and saw (Y/N) in a bed, wrapped in a blanket, and sleeping. I was just about to open the window and grab him, but the damn thing was locked.

Millie-Alright, plan B.

I just went and grabbed a rock and through it at the window to smash it,... but the damn thing didn't break. I looked through the window and he was still sound asleep.

Millie-Looks like the flat chested ball of cotton made some improvements.

Loona-Fuck this.

Loona just went around the cabin and to the front door and tried to kick it in, but it didn't even budge and we saw a curtain move then it was none other than the Mary's little bitch herself.


She gave us a smug smile and that really pissed me off and I hit the wonder and she gave a fake silent gasp while holding her chest.


She only held her ear to us acting like she couldn't hear us and the bitch must've sound proof the place and that would explain how our baby didn't wake up when I hit the window with a fucking rock.


She only closed the curtain to leave us and closed the rest to the house and we tried our hardest to get in and if it wasn't for our baby in there, I would just set this cabin and forest on fire!

Millie's mind-Oh, this is not over yet. Either she lets us in or we flush them out.



I'm guessing you stop doing this series ?


Sorry had writers block on it. Maybe I’ll do a remake when more episodes come out, but until then this is it