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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a limo with Violet right now after she spoke with Jeremy on the phone this morning during breakfast and now we were going to... I don't even know where, but we were in this car for what felt like hours now. She was holding me the whole time and stroking my head while she was laying down and it got boring after a while. Whenever she saw that she would move me and make sure I was comfortable, but I just wanted to get out of this car and whenever I say it, she says, we need to get somewhere and the sooner we get there the better. We had food and drinks in here like crackers, cheese, salami, ham, pepperoni, and water, so she would feed me.

Violet-We should be there in about an hour sweetie, but when we get there, I want you to stay in here.

(Y/N)-What?! I've been in here forever and a half now.

Violet-I know and i'm sorry, but I couldn't leave you alone at the manor for this long.

(Y/N)-Can I at least walk out with you?

Violet-No baby, out of the question.

I really don't want to stay in here, but maybe I can change her mind some other way. I see this on cartoons and that's how they get what they want. I just gave a pouty face at her and all she was chuckle before poking my nose.

Violet-You're such a silly boy, but that face won't work.

(Y/N)-Please, are vampires really, really, really strong?

Violet-Well, I wouldn't say-.

I just sat up and gave her a hug and soon she just sighed before looking at me.

Violet-You are going to "stay behind me and hold my hand" the entire time and this is very dangerous. Ok.


(Violet's POV)

I would rather have my baby safe in the car rather than taking him to a werewolves den where anything can happen, but as long as I have a hold on him, I can make sure they don't touch what is mine. When we finally made it, it should just up ahead until we reach a mine which should be a 5 to 10 minute hike. I of course carried my baby the whole way there and soon we heard something.


I just held my baby tighter as we were getting closer and soon I saw wolves running around us and moving up ahead probably to alert the alpha wolf and that's who exactly I want to talk to, so I didn't even try to stop them.


Violet-Shhhh, it's ok baby, it's going to be ok.~

Soon we made it to the mine I was looking for and I saw 2 wolves laying out front and growling at us and for their safety they better not charge at me and my baby or i'll do what I have to.

Violet-I'm looking for your alpha.

Just then they sniffed the air before they stopped growling and went inside then soon another werewolf came out and I don't know if she's who i'm looking for, but she sniffed the air and got mad at me.


???-Vampire. *growl*

Violet-I'm looking for the alpha. Goes by Diana.

???-I'm her. Speak.

I just put my baby behind me and I saw her eyes follow him which got on my nerves, so I got her eyes back on me by showing my real eyes.

Violet-My name is Violet and i'm here to make a deal. Jeremy said he solved your problems again, but it won't last forever still. I have a way we can both be happy. Your pack properly takes care of traitors both human and werewolf then when they come back from however long they are gone.

Diana-You will not touch my pack! *growl*

I saw I wasn't getting anyway like this and she was scaring my baby, but I just stroked his head a little. I knew this was going to be too much for him which is why I wanted him to be in the limo with food and the A/C.

Violet-You wanted my help before, right?

Diana-I wanted your tooth.

Violet-Well I need them to eat, but in a way you will have all of them.

She looked a bit confused by my statement, so she was definitely listening, but was still on guard.

Violet-You don't like me and-


Violet-So I did, but do you any werewolves that cause trouble or humans that misbehave and make things harder. That's why you wanted some help with them, right. I'm here to help you now.

Diana-... Help?

Violet-Yes. I will leave a few servants here, you give a bad pack member to them, they bring them to me for punishment until they learn not to betray you.

(Diana's POV)

Some humans are bad without magic to make them good and I do still have out of control werewolves that want my spot as alpha and get rid of the humans that are a part of my pack now...

Diana-What will you do to make them learn?

Violet-I will feed on them of course. I won't kill them, but show them that without you they will not be treated kind. I can guarantee by the time they come back, they will submit to you and your rules of your pack.

I thought about it and thought about the bad pack members that want to be bad and go against the pack be wanting to attack and kill our humans. I even had to attack a delta werewolf because they were going to attack a human pup and it's human father. There was other problems when other pups hate human pups and even picked on my pup, so I had to punish them and then Tracey because it was while she was watching him while I was out hunting, so she was no longer allowed in my private territory with my pup and not put in charge of him anymore.

Diana-... You feed on bad pack members, make them see they were bad, and bring them back?

Violet-Whenever you want them back.

I looked in my den and where my private territory and pup is in his metal box before I turned back to the vampire and her human pup.


This could be what I was looking for to make my pack better and more behaved to humans and humans more behaved to... well everyone in the pack because even human pups fight more than werewolves do.

Diana-... Come in. We will talk with no pups around.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We walked inside a cave and I saw a lot more werewolves and humans in here and we were going up some stairs to a room with a blanket for a door and when we got in the room was kinda mess, but not that bad, but there was another kid in a huge cage with a bed and toys in it and Diana opened it by taking a lock off with a key.


Diana-Put your human pup in here with mine and they "better" play nice,

Violet just looked at me and was kinda mad, but not a me before she picked me up and helped me in and while Diana was talking to her kid, Violet got closer to me.

Violet-Just wait for a while in here. I'll be done as quick as I can and you'll have some cake when we get home. How does that sound?~


Just then she gave me a kiss and pulled away before Diana closed and locked the cage then left with Violet, so I just turned to the kid and was kinda nervous.


(Y/N)-Ummm... hi, i'm (Y/N).

???-My name is (Y/N) too.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

We talked for a while and even played some pass back in this cage and he said Diana was mad at his mom when he got bullied and said she wasn't allowed in this room anymore after she spanked her in front of everyone and I said that Violet was babysitting me one time and took me from my dad. We kept on talking about how things are with Diana and Violet and they were both pretty weird and sometimes sounds scary, but sometimes it was kinda hard to think about some stuff and I have no idea why since it wasn't that long ago. Later Violet and Diana came back in and both looked kinda happy then Diana opened the cage then Violet took me out while Diana took the other (Y/N) out.

Diana-Did you both behave?

(Y/N) (Werewolf)-Yes.

Violet-We finally worked something out, so now you just send over anyone who's bad and I take care of them before they get to come back here. I even have servants coming here to pick up some bad pack members right now.

(Y/N) (Vampire)-Huh?

Just then we all left Diana's room and saw a line on people and werewolves lined up and watched by other regular wolves just growling at them to stay still. I saw a lady in front of the line with her hands tied her back and I didn't think she was different than the others at first, but then...

(Y/N) (Werewolf)-Mommy?!


He tried to reach for her, but Diana just tapped his hands down and he soon stopped while still looking at his mom.

Diana-It's going to be ok little pup. She will learn what she did wrong and I can maybe trust her enough to let her back in our private territory again.~

He told me that meant her room and it was kinda tricky to understand what werewolves really mean, so you have to think about it.

Violet-I'll make sure she learns her lesson and you'll have her back as soon as possible. That's the deal we made.

Just then Violet looked at me and gave me a kiss on my forehead, cheek, and nose.

Violet-As for us, we'll be going home now and they will be picked up and brought to the manor and someone has a treat I promised waiting for them.~

Violet just left this mine with me and we started to head back to the car and when we got in we started to drive back home and now I was thinking about those werewolves and people that were going to be in that place where the cattle used to be.

(Y/N)-Violet, you said you let all your cattle go after I was good last night! Why would you just get more after you let them go?!

(Violet's POV)

I did make him think I let my cattle go back to their homes, family, and old life, but in reality they're all dead, thanks to Larry after slitting my poor baby's throat. The thought still angered me, but I stayed calm and looked my immortal baby right in the eyes before I said...

Violet-They were all bad. They attack innocent people, fight others a lot, and broke rules that are meant to keep them safe. I'll let them go back to their home, but my new deal says I need to make sure they're not bad anymore and learn their lesson. Does that sound better than keeping them until they die?

He was thinking about it and later on the way home I saw the cargo truck I sent to pick up the prisoners pass us. My baby kept on complaining about this, so I just used my amulet to put him down for a nap and adored him while he was sleeping. Everything was actually easier now. I have cattle delivered to my doorstep that I just have to return which gives me more time to find new permanent cattle and Diana wants me to take care of that woman first, so i'll just have her put in "the room" since i'm not hungry yet.

Violet's mind-Don't think I forgot all about you in this and after I saw you getting along with "her pup"... I don't see a problem with you 2 being friends and I can even watch you 2 play cute little games, but he will know who you belong to still... Me.~



Epic the Orca

I see you did a crossover with the Werewolf book in this. Nicely done man! I kind of ak hoping that you republish that one on wattpad again.