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(Kanga's POV)

I could tell my little Roo was still adjusting to all this, but in time he should be comfortable here with me and I won't have to have an empty home anymore. I let him out of my pouch, but in turn I tied a rope around him to make a harness for him to keep him safe. Relationships are built on compromise and in the end he gets a taste of freedom and I still have him close enough to what I can live with. I was just hanging up laundry and watching him just look around outside his new home and I did have to give his harness a few tugs, but nothing too bad. I was done, but I think i'll let him run around a bit more out here. I did enjoy just watching him explore.

(Yuffie's POV)

I was still wrapping my head about being in a book meant for kids, but Aerial wanted my help getting (Y/N) back without making too much of a scene and if she wants this done quickly and as quietly as possible she came to the right ninja. She took me to who had (Y/N) and won't get him back and when we got there I saw a living stuffed kangaroo holding him on a harness that just looked like a rope tied on to him.


Yuffie-You need me for this? A living stuffed animal?

Aerith-Merlin doesn't need this book damaged more on the inside like it is on the outside. We just need to get him without her seeing us. Can you do that?

Yuffie-Just live it to me and get ready to run back to the portal.

I could see the smile on her face and I just pulled out a few smoke bombs and by the look of how harmless she is, this should be a piece of cake.

(Kanga's POV)

A butterfly was flying near my little Roo and he was following it to not lose sight of it and it was adorable. I wanted this moment to last forever, but then something happened when I saw what I thought were rocks and even if they were clearly going to miss I was going to have a stern talking to who threw them, but when they hit the ground there was a bunch of dust and smoke in the air and now I couldn't see my Roo. I pulled on the rope to get him over here, but soon it got really easy and when I saw the other end and the smoke was gone... The rope was cut and my Roo was gone and panic, anger, and sorrow filled my heart.

Kanga-*Gasp* (Y/N)!?!?!?... MY LITTLE ROO!!!

I quickly checked the area before I ran into the forest calling out for him only to be responded with an echo. My breathing was getting faster and faster as I was starting to cry from despair, but then I thought that they have to be in the woods still and I have friends to help me, so I took off to see who I could find first.

Kanga's mind-What was I thinking being reckless like that?! When I get you back, I promise to keep you with me where nobody can see or touch you!... You'll have to be safe then!


((Y/N)'s POV)

Aerith was putting me in bed while Yuffie was giving Merlin the book back to him then Aerith get in the bed with me to give me a hug. I felt better now that the rope was off me and soon Yuffie jumped on the bed and laid next to me and scratched my cheek a little.


Aerith-You scared me half to death when you disappeared like that.

Yuffie-Not his fault.

They kept on talking and even asked me if I was hungry, but Kanga fed me already, so I wasn't hungry, but this did remind me of something and I wondered how it was going.

(Y/N)-Um... Can I ask a question?

Aerith-What is it?

(Y/N)-Well,... you said Cid was working on the ship, but do you know how much longer until it's ready to take me home?

Aerith-Oh... he should still be working on it. It was really broken you see, so it's gonna be a while.

Yuffie-How about we show you around town? I think we know some places that you can get some yummy treats.~

She tickled my tummy a bit and I kinda laughed before she sat up and pulled me in her lap before Aerith just got up and helped Yuffie out of bed while she was holding me. I think Cid did look like a car and engine kind of guy, so I think they're telling the truth. Yuffie was giving me a piggy back ride on her back when we walked outside and Aerith tickled my neck a little and when I opened my eyes after laughing I looked at them and they both looked nice and actually helped me so far.


(Y/N)'s mind-I... I trust them.

(Yuffie's POV)

It felt good to carry someone so small, light, and soft and he even looked like he was enjoying it. He was actually clinging to me a bit and his tiny hands felt adorable on my shoulders and Aerith has a showing of a little guilty conscience, but better than telling the poor kid his home is probably and most likely gone. When we made it to a bakery Aerith was gonna get some doughnuts for us and I just sat in a chair with (Y/N) on my lap. I just had an idea to have some fun with him, so I just lifted up his shirt and took a deep breath before...


(Y/N)-*Laughing* Stop it!

I did it again and some people were staring, so I did stop after a few stop... when Aerith came back with the doughnuts and gave (Y/N) an apple fritter.


We just kicked back and relaxed and he looked so cute stuffing his face a little enough for his cheeks to puff out a bit and when I gave them a little poke he got defensive of them and turned away. Aerith and I just giggled a little at this before I just took a doughnut.

(Y/N)-Hey, can we see the gummi ship?... Maybe it's almost done.

Yuffie-Yeah, Cid likes to have his own space when he works. He'll tell us everything he knows when the time is right,... but we can show you the other ships.


Yuffie-No touching, just looking. No harm in a little exploring.

Aerith-I think he's had more than enough exploring for someone his age right now.

Yuffie-He'll be held the entire time. He likes piggyback rides.

Aerith-*Sigh*... I'm holding him.

I just agreed with her and we just enjoyed the doughnuts until we were finished and I just put (Y/N) on her back. We started walking down to Cid's garage and when we got there he stared in awe from our gummi ships and the one we found him with looked better than these. Soon this was getting boring and I wanted to hold (Y/N) again, but now Aerith wants to hog him. I could just play with his hair and small stuff like that until.





We looked to where the noise came from and there was a ship in the way, but we heard another noise before we saw what was causing it.



Nine more came out and I got out my weapon to get ready to fight, but this was my area and I was sure this was clear. Aerith just put (Y/N) down and pushed him back and he ran somewhere to hide.

((Y/N)'s POV)

What are these monsters doing here?! Not again! I was gonna get out of here and back to the house here where it was safe, but before I could make it to the door I saw another monster and these one was flying.


It was coming to get me, so I ran into one of the ships and tried to look for the door button or something, but the monster got inside and I screamed. It hit me in the face and I flew into a chair before I found a wooden stick and picked it up. I ran to the monster and was about to hit it, but it went right through it like it was a ghost.

(Y/N)'s mind-What?!

It just hit me again and I flew into a wall and hit something hard that made the door close while it was coming to me and was about to hit me again, but I jumped out of the at the last second. I saw it missed me and when it turned and it's tail swung back a bit I saw it get caught in the door while it was screaming now, but it still reached me then grabbed and threw me at the front of the ship and I hit the front desk and heard a noise... It was the engines.


I tried to run and get out of here, but the monster was guarding the door until the ship took off and I flew back with it and it was being pulled by it's tail and while we were flying super fast it was reaching for me. Soon it got free and flew back here only to hit the wall and on a corner of some pipe and machine thingy and disappeared, but I was starting to pass out like from the last ship.

(Y/N)-Aerith... Yu-... ffie.

(Aerith's POV)

I could feel my heart pounding when we saw one of our gummi ships take off and (Y/N) was nowhere to be found. It was no mystery where he is, but the question is where did that ship take him and we have no way to track down a gummi ship... We lost him.

Aerith's mind-No, we can't lose him again!... He needs to be with us!

It's not safe for him to be world traveling all alone because he doesn't know the basic rules to keep the other worlds a secret. On top of that, some worlds can be very dangerous!

Aerith-Yuffie, get a first aid, get ready, and we're leaving, right now!

Yuffie-If that was warp mode, then it had to have visited a world or other worlds. I'll get Cid to pull up a list and we'll search at those worlds.

Aerith-What world do you think he's in right now?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up and when I was able to get up I looked out the front window and when I did I saw a castle. I tried to find a way to get back since this thing was not broken, but this looked so confusing instead of a button that says launch like last time. I did see a liver at the door, so maybe that's how you open in and when I did open the door I looked to the castle here and last time I went to a castle, it didn't end good, but I don't have a choice.

(Y/N)'s mind-... On second thought, maybe I should wait for Aerith and Yuffie.

I just got back in the ship and they had more ships, so they can come here and get me.

(???'s POV)

I was feeling lonely since the king left a week ago to go study and train with someone and I understand why and need to stay strong for my kingdom, but it was hard sometimes. Being in this big room all alone is just hard sometimes and when I looked in the mirror I just sighed and told myself everything will be just fine.


Minnie-*Sigh*... Mickey.




Guard-Queen Minnie, we just received a report of something crash landing in the north outskirts of town.

Minnie-Huh... Um, I will be there in a moment. I will see this for myself.

Guard-But my queen. We can't-.

Minnie-No buts. If it's a threat to the kingdom I owe it to the king to try! I'm going!

Guard-... Yes, my queen.

I just needed to get some shoes on then I will be going with the guards to address this issue and hopefully it's something I can end peacefully.

Minnie's mind-Let's see what this thing is that crash landed.


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