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(3 Days later)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Violet was pushing me on a swing in the living room and she even has one in her room, the porch, my room, and another part of the living room. Right now it was night time and she pushing me on the swing in the living room during a movie night and the swing was like a chair with a seat belt, so I could relax on it during the movie. It was her turn to pick a movie and she picked a horror movie, but it looked so old that it wasn't scary. It was a zombie movie, but you could tell that there was make up and they don't move like the zombies do in call of duty, so I wasn't scared.

(Y/N)-Violet, are zombies real if werewolves, angels, and demons are real?

Violet-Good question, but no. When you're dead for that long, you're not getting back up.

It made me think about when I die unless Violet turns me into a vampire, but I think she loves my blood too much to do that. Soon she stopped pushing me and took me out of the swing and sat me on the couch with her and gave me kisses all over my face before she let me pick another movie and I picked a Spongebob movie ang she just put me on her lap and we just watched the movie together until I had to pee.

(Y/N)-Violet, I have to go to the bathroom.

Violet-(Y/N), this better not be another stunt to go down to the cattle.

I might've... tried to go see Larry and see how he was doing, but when she caught me twice before she spanked me and put me on time out saying i'm not allowed down there and next time she said she would give me 50 spankings if I try to go there a 3rd time... They really hurt just at 10, so I don't wanna do 50.

(Y/N)-No. I really have to pee.

Violet-Ok, but if I catch you near the kitchen where the door to the cattle is, you're in big trouble. You go straight to the bathroom then straight back here. Understood?


I just went to bathroom since I really had to go and I don't know why a house needs to be this big. Walking to the bathroom is a hike like this when I used to just go down a hall and the bathroom was nice, but sometimes I think about what the servants and cattle do for a bathroom and baths and it has been bothering me since Larry got put in there. I just feel so bad for them and want to help, but what can I even do? I just left the bathroom and on the way back to the living room I heard something get knocked over and I looked down a hall that also leads to the dinning room and thought it was just one of the servants, but they might be hurt, so I just walked down the hall.

(Y/N)-Hello... Is everything ok?

I got in and saw a chair knocked over and I was about to leave before I got suddenly grabbed.

(Violet's POV)

I was still waiting for (Y/N) to come back and I wasn't kidding about his punishment I said I would give him. He might be immortal now, but I still worry about my baby getting hurt and if he does something stupid down there those are the kind of people to break promises and put themselves before others always. Soon I heard a multiple footsteps then a small whistle and saw all my cattle out and were very angry at me, so I stood up calmly to face them, but when I saw Larry walk up from... He had my baby.


I went from calm to being very upset now and he even had a knife to my baby's neck and he was terrified now which made me furious.

Larry-Hey Violet. Your "food chef" was nice enough to lend us the keys and look who I found.~

At least it wasn't (Y/N)'s fault, but that only made things worse for Larry when I get my hands on him and his little army. My only regret it that my baby might have to see something ugly and I hope it doesn't come to that, but if they force my hand, i'll show them the hand that can easily break theirs.

Violet-Let. My baby. Go... NOW!!!

Larry-Eh, eh, eh, you're not in the position to be making demands. We got a little thing called "leverage".

Violet-So you just wanna walk out the front door?

Larry-Oh no, we want you "dead". After all you did to us, you're going to do this.

Just then another cattle person slid a knife over to me and the handle hit my foot.

Larry-You're going to stab yourself in the heart and kill yourself and if you do that... i'll let the boy go.

I just slowly picked up the knife and looked back over to them and nothing like a little fear to stir things up.

(Larry's POV)

I had everyone on my side and as long as I have this kid hostage she can't and won't do anything other than what we say. I know how this looks, but after you've been through so much shit in just a few days and for most of these people, years, you're willing to do anything. I just smiled at he and just then she looked at the ground and...

Violet-Hehehe, hahahaha, HAHAHAHAHA!!!

We were all looking at each other and looked back to her while she was slowly calming down before she looked as us with a smirk.

Violet-Oh i've never been so pissed, yet so amused at the same time. Tell me this. You kill my boy if I don't kill myself and what do you think happens next?

Larry-Look around. It's 33 of us and only 1 of you.

Violet-So you can count after your first feeding yesterday? Nice, but ask yourself this. I lived for hundreds of years and had others in my cattle before, from witch hunt times to right now... do you really think this is first time I dealt with something like this? All my cattle trying to kill me or runaway at the same time.

She was starting to get mad again and even showed us all her vampire eyes and teeth and she was looking directly at me while she licking her teeth at me.

(Flashback Start)

I had almost everyone on my side and waiting now, but today was the day that I plan to turn the rest over and get out of here. Just then we all heard a door open and footsteps coming closer while echoing in the silence before I saw "her" stand in front of my cell.


Violet-Hello Larry. Did you miss me?

Larry-What do you want?

Violet-Don't you remember? I did say 2 days and i'm feeling a little hungry and who better to welcome to my cattle other than the sexual predator that wanted me so bad he "yanked" my son out of my arms and yelled at him.

Just then she had a fake ass smile and opened the cell and my cellmate didn't do a thing to help me as she grabbed me and bared her teeth before she sunk them into my neck really hard like there was a knife in it now.


I could feel her suck my blood and it just added to the pain as it felt like she was yanking it out by force and soon she finally let me go and threw me to the ground.

Violet-Ugh, not what I was in the mood for, but I guess I could just get some from my baby. Anyway, I hope you "enjoyed" your first because I sure did enjoy your screams. Hehehehehe.

I was just left on the ground as she left and closed the cell and the pain was still agonizing and others looked at my cell and I could barely hear them, but I did hear... "She was never that rough before".

(Flashback End)

I just stared at her teeth and felt a throb in my neck as sweat was starting to pour down my forehead. Others were getting nervous about what she said and even backed up a bit.

Violet-How about this. All of you that want to follow Larry still, just stay up here. All that want to make to tomorrow just head on back down to your cell and i'll forget you were ever a part of this.

Larry-Don't listen to her! She's trying to divide us! If we all work together, we have the power in numbers and we still got her kid!

Violet-You're already on thin ice Larry and just know... I won't lose anything, but my patience.

Larry-You think I won't do it! I don't what I gotta do to get out of here!

Violet-You hurt him, i'm make sure you pay a hundred fold.

I held the knife closer to (Y/N)'s neck and he was starting to cry, but he hasn't felt what we felt and if I do die... i'm taking someone she loves with me. Nobody was talking and actually thinking about what she said, but I saw through it...

Larry-She's lying! She won't forget this, you'll be killed or in that room for long time if you go back down there, but we can kill her... I'LL EVEN PROVE IT!!!


(No POV)

Everyone was shocked about what happened as (Y/N) feel to the floor covering his neck and passed out due to blood loss while Larry's followers were surprised by this and saw how Violet's pupils shrunk in anger and veins were popping out of her forehead, so their adrenaline was through the roof from most likely going to die.

Violet-You... You hurt him... YOU HURT MY BABY!!! *hiss*

She lunged forward and the crowd was ready to attack until Violet grabbed their leader, Larry and sunk her teeth in his mouth, but this time... she ripped a big chunk out of his neck and held him up to everyone for them to see. This was a moment for them call fight or flight, but it didn't matter to Violet as most of them ran for their lives as others froze.

Violet-So, you're all next.~

Woman-Pl-Please, w-we didn't know Larry was gonna kill-!

Violet-Kill, hehehehe, my baby's not dead.

Woman-Wh-... What?

Violet-Don't think about too much... You choose your side just like they did and here's your "reward".

Woman-N-No, we'll go ba-!

She was cut off by Violet biting her neck and ripping another chunk out off neck and the others were next. They went the wrong way to front door because they don't know their way out of the house and her servants know to catch any cattle they see out of a cell and put them back in.

(Violet's POV)

I have no intentions on keeping this cattle anymore since no i'm gonna have some rebels after this like I always do when this happened the first 3 times, so i'm just gonna have to start all over again and that was going to be such a pain. I just picked up my baby and his neck was already healing quickly, but still slow and his breathing was getting stable. I'm not letting him remember this tonight and the rest of my cattle will be caught in the house, but in the mean time I was going to lock my baby in his room before I continue to look for them too.

Violet's mind-Just rest baby. You'll be fine and won't remember a thing in the morning... They won't be able to bother you anymore.~

I just wiped his memory real fast since I didn't need to do much and changed his clothes, but know I need to find more cattle while looking after my baby, but where am I going to find any bother I have to feed again. I don't wanna use my servants unless I have too, it's luck I find some worthy of being cattle on the street, and death row is really hard to get someone out unnoticed. I just thought over it while I was looking and I thought about those werewolves, but I now they won't work with me unless I give them something and even if they do they won't give me the humans they have unless they... betray them. Werewolves wouldn't dare turn on their pack, but will a human they found do it... I guess it depends on what Jeremy did.

Violet's mind-I guess it's worth a shoot. I just need to talk to Jeremy to tell me what he did and where those werewolves are.


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