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(Larry's POV)

I was in this hell hole all night and this place was dead silent without me talking and when the butlers or whatever came down here they sprayed us all with hot and soapy water. It didn't matter if you were man, woman, or even that kid in the cell across from mine. If you're done here for crime she finds you guilty of or for me just hating me, nobody gets special treatment. No deals, no extra food, no better food besides this gruel, and no comfort. On my first night my cell mate told my why everyone was here and there's not one that didn't sound like they didn't have something like this coming. They also have this rule to not say names as much as possible because sometimes they listen and it's best if they don't know who you are. Just then the door opened again and everyone backed up to the wall and prayed that Violet isn't here for them and they know it's here because it was bath or meal time.

Violet-Ohhhh Laaaarrrrryyyy.~

Soon she walked in front of our cell and she was smiling at me and I just stayed where I was just glaring at her then I noticed her going on her phone.


Larry-What do you want?

Violet-Oh you know, I thought I would come down and say hi to my new cattle. I know how much you love seeing me and you want to see more of me, so i'm gonna be nice and grant you your wish.


Violet-Just look at the pictures I took, just for you to see.

She showed me her phone and in these photos she was more than half naked or completely naked with her kid covering her private parts to the camera. They were in the hot tub, the bath, the shower, in bed cuddling, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't ticked off from all this teasing and she knew that, but kept going, so I just turned my back.

Violet-Awww, don't you think i'm beautiful? You couldn't take those greedy little eyes off me even after you PULLED MY BABY OUT OF MY ARMS!!!

She punched the metal bars once out of rage and when I turned back I saw that she broke it, not bent, "broke it in 2". She was still made and even had her vampire eyes and teeth out glaring daggers at me. Soon she calmed down, but you could still feel the dread in the air before she leaned on the bars and I was frozen.

Violet-I'll be back down here in 2 days and when I do come back... I'm gonna make sure feeding time "hurts".

Just then she left and went upstairs and closed the door, but when everyone looked over here, they saw what Violet did to the bar of my cell and when I turned back to my cellmate, he was traumatized.

???-... You're dead... I'm not even kidding.


???-I was here last time she was that mad and the woman that pissed her off after she tried o escape and broke something that Violet loved... she bit a chunk of her neck off... That was 4 or 5 years ago.

Larry-How long were you here?

???-... Since I was 23 and i'm somewhere in my thirties now I think... It's hard to tell time down here.

I could tell he was serious. You don't come down here until she thinks you're ready to come up like a jail... You come here and die here like a tomb... Well fuck that! I went up to the bars and hit it with a tin cup I had to get everyone's attention.

Larry-Alright, listen up!... Violet has you thinking this is where you die, but I say no! We have the numbers and if we all take her on at once, we don't need to run away! We can kill her! Now who's with me?!


Nobody agreed with me and went back to their corners or whatever... Tough crowd, but I wasn't gonna give up. I just gotta motivate them into to rebelling against Violet. She can't take us all on at once and I watched a few vampire movies, so I know what to do, but I need an army.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Violet was making me sit on the floor on a blanket then she pushed me down to where my head was off the blanket and she wrapped me in it before she picked me up and used tape to hold it together.

Violet-Is it too tight baby?

(Y/N)-N-No... Why are you doing this?

Violet-Because I thought it was cute... and it is.~

She picked me up and laid on the couch while holding me like a teddy bear while she had her show on and it was boring and she wasn't even watching it. She was just playing with my cheeks. I tried to get out or at least one arm to try and stop her, but she just tickled my neck and made me laugh while she gave me kisses.

Violet-Aww, you're just so fun to play with. Maybe I might get you an indoor swing for me to push you on.~

I shook my head no as best as I could while she was tickling me because I didn't wanted to be treated more like a baby and I can swing myself like my dad taught me, but she looked at me.

Violet-No?... Oh baby, but I like the idea of pushing you on a swing, so I don't think you have a choice. I can let you decide which on to pick though.~


Violet-Oh, you know, I could get a regular big boy swing, or do I need one that I can strap you in.~

Just then she stopped and I was catching my breath and rested my head on her then she started to pet my head while I saw her go on her phone and a amazon app to get this swing like she said. When she got what she wanted, she was about to tickle me again, so I did the only thing I could think of to make her stop... I kissed her check and she looked at me with a big open smile.

Violet-Did you... Did you give your mommy a kiss all by yourself?!

She covered my face in kisses, but at least she wasn't tickling me again and just then there was a knock on the door and Violet took me with her to the door and when she opened it, we saw that guy again, but no werewolf was with him.



Jeremy-Just wanted you to know, you owe me something now. I made a few deals and got those werewolves from coming after you. After your messenger gave the message to the alpha, she was "pretty" mad and bent on coming here. Can't have customers killing each other.

Violet-What did you do?

Jeremy-*Grown* Some demons are more of pain than others and i'm here to call in my favor now.

Just then Violet turned to put me behind her and held my head closer like she was protecting me.

Violet-... What do you want?

Jeremy-I running low on some blood to work with and I got a business to run. I want 1 pine of blood from each of your servants and even you.

Violet-Ok,... but you're not touching my baby.

Jeremy-Done. I'll save you for last.

He just walked in and Violet took me back to the living room while Jeremy was working on getting blood from everyone and I was just happy he wasn't getting any from me. Later he came in and got some blood from Violet by sticking a needle into her and she didn't even flinch while holding me like a baby, but it was still embarrassing being held in a blanket like this in front of someone.

Jeremy-There, we're done.

Violet-You got all the blood you wanted?

Jeremy-And then some. Like I never made the deal in the first place. Werewolves are happy with submissive humans and I won't be losing customers.


Jeremy-Be good for your mommy kid. She's all you're gonna have soon enough.


Violet-Jeremy... Not now.

She gave him a look and she just sighed before he just left and Violet put me in front of her, face to face.

Violet-Baby, can mommy have another kiss?~

(Y/N)-... Fine.

I just gave her another kiss and she was happy again before she got up and was taking me to the kitchen and opened the fridge to take out something for me and it looked good.


Violet-You were such a good boy, giving your mommy kisses. I think you earned some cake.~

She sat at the table with me on her lap and of course she fed me, since my arms were still stuck in the blanket. The cake was good and I do like it better cold, but it would be better if she didn't make train or plane sounds like I really was a baby to her.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Larry's POV)

I spent all day trying to convince everyone here that if we all work together, we can be free again and I got a few to have some hope of doing this and one was my cellmate that finally told me his name was Todd. I got that kid that just wanted to go home, a few women here, and fewer men and I made good progress today, but maybe if we can get out of the cells and let everyone else out, they'll see we have a chance.

Larry's mind-Just you wait Violet. I bet you never thought that your own food would turn on you.


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