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(Violet's POV)

I left (Y/N) in bed to sleep for a little longer, but right now I went down to my cattle and to the room to check on Larry, but I turned off the sound and lights then walked in to see Larry panting and his ears were bleeding a little and his eyes were pink from all the flashes he had to see. He was breathing heavily then I made him look at me and the poor thing looked so hopeless at first look, but he had a bit of fight left in his eyes. I get stubborn cattle from time to time, but he'll break sooner or later and in the mean time, it's just more fun for me.


Violet-Hey Larry, did you miss me?

Larry-Wh-... What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Violet-What's wrong with me? Pardon me, but I do recall you taking my baby out of my grasp and yelled at him, just so you could get my clothes off and have me in bed however you like... What's wrong with you?

He just glared at me, but I just took him out of the chair and dragged him to his new cell and cell mate. I always make sure to keep the genders apart so they don't get any girls pregnant down here.

Violet-Well my baby is waiting for me upstairs. I plan for us to have a bath together, so you can think about that while you spend the rest of your life down here if it makes you feel better.

Larry-Let me out of here! THIS IS INHUMANE!!!

I flashed my fangs and vampire eyes at him with a hiss while jumping at him and he jumped back and fell on his ass in fear.

Violet-How can this be inhumane,... if i'm not human?~... Breakfast will be down her in 3 hours, have a good time in there.

I just left him down here while he was shouting at me to come back, but I gave him plenty of my time. I went back to my room and saw my baby still asleep in bed and I just crawled on the bed and I was gonna wake him up gently by playing with his little ears and nose and I could see him getting fussy and annoyed by this, but it was adorable.


He finally opened his eyes and looked at me, so I stopped annoying him and stroked his head softly and kissed his forehead.

Violet-Morning baby. I saw the chefs making french toast. How about we get in a bath before breakfast.~

(Y/N)-... Can I just stay in bed?

Violet-Sorry cutie pie, but no. Come on. I know a nice bath will wake you right up.

I didn't let him argue again by using my breasts to cover his mouth and carried him into the bathroom and got him stripped to let him go to the bathroom before I started to get the bath ready.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I finished going to the bathroom Violet stripped in front of me and took me in the bath with her and got me all wet before she started to wash my hair. It did feel nice, but I can't stop thinking about Larry being down where "the cattle" are and I hate thinking about the others down there too.

Violet-Cutie pie, are you ok? You're very quiet right now.~

(Y/N)-... It's just-.

Violet-Is it about Larry?

I just nodded my head, since I still didn't want to talk, but then she pulled my head back and on her boobs, so I was looking at her.

Violet-He was a very bad man. Taking you away from me like that and yelling at you and I know where that leads. If I let him stay here and be nice to him, he would want "all" of my attention and for you to be ignored and neglected. You could run away and I would never forgive myself for what you would be putting yourself through, so... he deserves to be down there.

She faced me back normal and I would like it if that happened because I don't want to spend the rest of my life here.

(Violet's POV)

I'm not stupid and know that (Y/N) still wants to go back to his old life, but that ship has sailed when I had Jeremy make him immortal. I don't wanna tell him until he notices to let him feel normal, but in reality, he was going to be my baby forever and ever while others will come and go for him and there was nothing he could do about it. After our bath was done I got us both dried off and dressed before I carried him downstairs and went to the dinning room and saw that breakfast was just being brought out for my baby and I could tell that (Y/N) couldn't wait to eat, but I was gonna take this moment to feed and teach him.


When I sat down with him on my lap I didn't let him grab the fork and he understood what was happening and looked a little sad, but didn't fight me. I just got a bite ready for him and he had his mouth open already and it was cute, but he wasn't getting it yet.

Violet-Settle down baby. You'll get it, but first you have to ask me politely for every bite.

(Y/N)-Um... Can I have a bite, please?

Violet-Are you forgetting something?~


Violet-Very good.~

I gave him the bit he wanted and he loved the french toast, eggs, and bacon, all soaked in syrup. I got another bite ready, but this time I wanted something else.

Violet-Alright, now tell me what's your favorite thing to do with mommy. Do you like our baths together, watch a movie, or-.~

(Y/N)-I... I like it we sleep, mommy.

Violet-Awww, you love it when I cuddle you?~

(Y/N)-... Yes.

I gave him the bite and I could tell he forced it, but I knew he didn't really lie to me since he falls asleep just fine with me. I had him say other things about me and call me mommy too, but when we were out of bites I was sad and he was full, so no seconds. I just took him with me to the living room for us to cuddle on the couch and watch a cartoon he likes, but then my new head butler came in and Jeremy was right behind him.


Violet-Jeremy? What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?

Jeremy-I'm here to have you discuss something with someone.


Jeremy-They're an omega werewolf from the pack of the alpha wants to talk to you.

Violet-... Excuse me?

Jeremy-Come on in.

Just then someone walked into my living room and there was no doubt that they were a werewolf and (Y/N) was drawn to them by their ears and tail, but I forced his face into my breasts to keep him quiet and made sure he could still breath and wouldn't let him turn to look at the werewolf.


Violet-Why did you bring a werewolf here after I made it clear I want nothing to do with them?! *hiss*

Jeremy-It was either he came with me or they do everything in their power to come here. I thought this would make you less angry.

Omega-My alpha wants-.

Violet-I gave your pack my hair to get you what you wanted!

Omega-It didn't work forever and now she wants your tooth, so it does last forever or she sends-.

Just then I stood up with my baby and walked over to him and showed him my teeth and eyes while I made sure (Y/N) didn't see them. The omega just backed up until I grabbed him by his shirt and that's when my baby looked at him again.

Violet-If you threaten me and my baby again, i'll throw you in with my cattle in the basement!


We all looked at my baby and he said it by instinct this time and if I wasn't so mad right now, I would be showering him in kisses. I did however calm down enough to find the strength to let this werewolf go and gently pet my baby's head and moved his face back to where I had it before.

Violet-Tell your alpha that I will not be giving you anything else from my body or anything in my possession. I might not be able to beat your whole pack, but I can cut your numbers down by a lot before you take me down and i'll be sure to go after this "female lover and pup" of hers... Do I make myself clear? You leave me alone and I leave you alone.

He just nodded his head in fear before he ran off to the front door and Jeremy left with him or go do whatever it is that Jeremy does. I just looked at my baby and sat back down at the couch and he looked shaken up a bit.

(Y/N)-That... That was a real werewolf?

Violet-Yes baby and i'm sorry you had to see that. You wanna watch your show now?

(Y/N)-No... I wanna play a video game.

I just kissed his head and gave him his controller then changed the channel to his game and he was still a little tense after my outburst. Nothing some love and playing teasing can't fix and I got started with licking his ears a bit and he shivered which was a nice cute way to lighten the mood a bit. I'll admit i'm not the best at keeping my emotions when i'm not in the zone, but i'm good at making up for it at least. I'll also treat him to some sweets later, but right now i'll let him play his video games while I play with him. I might even take some pictures of (Y/N) getting close and personal with me, I might even be naked with (Y/N) covering my private parts and show them to Larry just to pissed him off and he'll shoot for the stars to get out which will be more satisfying when I kick his hopes back down into the dirt. As for that bitch and her pups, she better stay away and know that i'm dead fucking serious about hurting her and her pack before they get me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I didn't know how to feel because I thought Violet could be lying about werewolves, demons, angels, and ghosts, but now I can't think they're "not" real. I just saw my first werewolf and I helped save him from Violet and I wanna see him again, but I know Violet won't like it if he comes back.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wonder what a real angel looks like? Do they have a robe and that gold ring over their head?

My thoughts were interrupted by Violet tickling my sides and I was in the middle of a round of Forza and couldn't pause an online game, so I couldn't stop her and just laugh and I tried to think of a way to get her to stop and quickly thought of something that she likes.

(Y/N)-M-Mommy *laughs* st-st-op, please! *laughs*

Violet-Hmmm, will you take pictures with me if I promise you milk cookies after?~

(Y/N)-Y-Yes! After the game!

Violet-Deal, no take backs.~

She took me off her lap and took her shirt and skirt before she left the living room and I felt my face get warmer from thinking why she would do that for the pictures, but hoped she was just gonna go get changed.

(Y/N)'s mind-She's just gonna put on new clothes,... right,... right?


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