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(Violet's POV)

I was in the limo with my baby in my lap on our way to Dave and Busters when a look of adults go to play arcade games and they have a bar too. Men and maybe some lesbian women will be there and it'll just be so fun to tease them and have quality time with my baby. I even put on a put on a nice dress and leggings that just hug my whole body and I have my baby in a nice t-shirt with a red blood drop on it and gave him normal jeans to give him a little tough guy look and with his little body and baby skin, it just makes him look cute. He was even well behaved even it it is just being afraid of "the room" and I don't blame him. The man I dragged in there earlier was kicking and screaming like a baby, begging for me not to leave him in there.

Violet-Are you ready to play some games?~

(Y/N)-You said adults play at this place.

Violet-Kids play here too. You'll be fine, but what's our one rule?~

(Y/N)-... Do what you say and be good.

Violet-And if you're very bad?~

(Y/N)-... It's... It's the room again.

Violet-What? No... Maybe, but the punishment I am only to "willing" give you is suck out your blood to where you feel weak and go back in your cuffs. Just behave and we'll have dessert when we get home.

When we made it, we were dropped off and I plan to be here until 9, so that gives us 2 hours to play and have fun. I even put a bracelet with a tracker on it, so if he tries to run off or if some sicko tries to take him, i'll know. We went inside and I bought him an all day pass and I got a look from the lady at the counter and I purposely showed her some cleavage when I got the message that she was into woman. After that I went with my baby to take him to play games and I swayed my hips a bit when I walked with him and took him to a game called "Packman Mania" and watched him play. During his little game I felt a pair of eyes on me and soon someone tapped on my back, so I turned around and saw a slightly overweight man.

Violet-Hello, can I help you?

Man-I noticed you and your boy there could use a third.

Violet-Oh did you now?

Man-Unless of course you have a third already?

Violet-No. Tonight is just me and my baby. Isn't that right cutie pie?~

I kissed (Y/N)'s head while bending over towards him and when I took a peak back I saw that hunger in his eyes and he can't have it. After (Y/N) lost the game I picked him up right in front of the a pressed him close against my breasts to make my boobs look bigger before I walked away.

Violet-Have a good time sir.

I left him speechless and when I looked back he was walking away with his head down. Next I saw an air hockey table and I kinda felt like playing now, so we used his card to play a game and got started, but I saw that look on his face.

Violet-Why the long face baby? You didn't even react when I called you cutie pie.

(Y/N)-... Why did you mess with him?

Violet-Hm, what makes you think I did? He came to us while we were having fun.

(Y/N)-I saw you looking back to him 2 times. That's what my dad did when he saw a girl he liked... he talked to them about something and look when she wasn't looking.

He picked all of this up from his dad and for his age that was something. I wonder what else he noticed from his dad.

Violet-You kids these days... You are smarter than you used to be at your age... at some places.

Violet's mind-But you don't know everything and you never will.

(Y/N)-Why did you even want to come here anyway? You're super rich. You could have a whole room or something like this at home.

Violet-I could, but I like to get out of the house... I'll admit I wanted to come because I wanted to show others who you belong to now.

Just then he made a goal when I got too caught up in what I was saying then I picked up the puck and put it on the table before I started the game. We played until the game ended with 5-7 and I did let him win before we went to play other games and later he had to use the bathroom, so I just leaned on a booth near by, but suddenly my ass was grabbed and when I turned I saw a man just walking away and I caught him turning away.

Violet's mind-Oh, so you wanna be a play boy?

Just then (Y/N) came out of the bathroom and he was about to go to another game, but I took his hand.


Violet-Baby, maybe we can have dessert a little early tonight.


(Larry's POV)

I just got done playing some ski-ball and I saw that woman again sitting at a table, so I went to the dinning area to get closer to her, get a beer, and maybe some chili fries and when I got there I saw that thick woman up close and she looks better up front and this close, but this time she was with a kid... She's a mother, but then why is she dressing like that like she's on a date or girls night?


Just then a waiter went to her table to drop off her food and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was everything I could want in a woman.


I tried to play it cool then I saw her put her kid on her lap and he was leaning on her boobs before her grabbed a fry. I was just stealing glances at her while ordering at the counter then when I went to go sit in the booth next to hers she did something.

???-Cutie pie, look. You got nacho cheese and chili all over you fingers... Here, let me see them.

I took a look again and saw her licking and putting her kids fingers in her mouth and I could see how talented her tongue was from here. Soon she was done and looked at the fries her son was eating.

???-Oh cutie pie, be a dear a give mommy a fry. How about that one with no chili on it, please.~

He slowly picked up the fry she wanted, but then something made him jump a bit and drop the fry into the cleavage of her boobs.

???-Baby, why did you drop it?~

???-You just-.

???-I know it was an accident honey. Just get it out for me please.

Larry's mind-Oh come on!

He slowly reached in and pulled out the fry before he fed it to her and I couldn't take it anymore and took my beer over with me and went up to her table and had to play it cool.

(Violet's POV)

The man that grabbed my ass earlier came over to my table with a smile on his face holding a beer and my guess is that he was really paying attention to our show.


???-Hey, room for one more?

Violet-Oh, did something happen to your table?

???-Yeah, you weren't at it.~

Violet-Oh, you're funny, but i'm afraid i'm here with my baby boy for his birthday. Isn't that right (Y/N)?~

(Y/N)-Y-Yes,... mommy.

I felt so happy that he said that and I didn't have to push it in anyway. He did it all on his own and it made my heart skip a beat.

???-Well happy birthday little guy. If you want, I can join you guys. Name's Larry.

Violet-Oh, well i'm Jessica and that won't be necessary. He's just a mama's boy.

Larry-Come on, he needs a father figure too.

Violet-Sweetie, what do you think? Should he join us?

(Y/N)-... No.

Larry-Nonsense kid, just give me a chance.

I don't mind teasing him some more and soon he'll get the picture when I give him none of my attention and focus on my baby.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I said no for 2 things. He doesn't know or want to know or maybe even believe who Violet really is and what Violet might do to me if this night is ruined. I didn't want my blood sucked out or... I didn't want anyone to get hurt. He doesn't even know her real name. After I ate we went back to playing games and this guy wouldn't go away and kept on having more beer and now he was like dad when he acts stupid. Larry tried to get closer to Violet and I could tell she didn't like it and soon an alarm on her phone turned on and she took her phone out to take it off.

Violet-Well would you look at that, it's time for us to go home.

Larry-I'll *hic* come with... you.

Violet-No thank you. My baby has school tomorrow and I have work.

Larry-But is *hic* tomorrow Saturday?

Violet-... He has private school, so we'll be leaving. My driver should be here now.

Larry-Driver?... Ohhh, so you're a rich sugar mama... I'll be your sugar daddy.~

Violet just took my hand when we were about to back "home", but then suddenly my arm was grabbed and I heard his glass break when it hit the ground and he managed to pulled me out of Violet's hand and she looked back at us while he was now holding me kinda and her vampire eyes showed, but nobody noticed that, because they were looking at Larry holding me.

Larry-See, look how good of a daddy I *hic* am.

Violet-... Give. Him. Back.

Larry-I'm just-.


She took me from him and she really did pull hard and him fall forward and when he did, he poked me in the eye and his second hand scratched my arm really hard before he feel to the grabbed, but now my eye and arm really hurt, but I covered my eye.

(Y/N)-Aaahhh! *sobbing*


(Violet's POV)

his idiot went from being fun to tease, to annoying, and now that I see a scrape mark on my baby's arm that was bleeding a little and he was holding his eye in pain... I'm gonna,... i'm gonna...

Violet-*Sigh*... So you really want to come back to my place?

He looked up at me while I was comforting my baby and now he had a dumb smile again, but this time it makes my blood boil.


Violet-Alright then,... let's go.

He sloppily got on his feet and followed me outside and I was consoling (Y/N) by letting him crying into my while I stroked his head and got a look at his eye that got poked and it looked a little irritated and pink now. My driver pulled up and I let Larry get in first before I got in the limo and sat (Y/N) down before I reached into my purse.


Larry-Woah, *hic* you are rich.

Violet-... Hey, I got an offer you.~

I tugged down my dress a bit to show more of my tits to him and he was like a dear in the headlights now.

Violet-I have an opening at my mansion for a job if you want. You get to live there and see more of me.~


Just then I pulled my amulet out of my purse and scooted closer to him in a seductive way.


Violet-That's right. You get your own room and there's a "special room" where my "naughty workers" go and you get to go there on your first night.~

Larry-Ohhh, *hic* I think I see what's going on. *Hic* What's the job "mistress"?~


Just then we both looked at my baby and I gave him a look and he shrank back while looking at the guy, but then...

(Y/N)-Please, you don't wanna-.

Larry-Oh I think I do mama's boy! JUST SHUT UP!!!

That made (Y/N) shrink back even more after Larry got aggressive even more and it was harder to keep the act up now. I'll give (Y/N) a smaller punishment since we're not in public, but I went back to dealing with "him".

Larry-Now I believe I was being *hic* hired.

Violet-Oh, you're hired alright.~

I pounced on him and pinned him down like I was a tiger and made him think I was about to do it with him to make him think this was heaven before I get him with my amulet and he wakes up in hell.

Larry-Oh, mama... What's the job? You just need company a night?~

Violet-Actually, you're gonna be a part of...~ my cattle!

He looked confused, but I hit him with my amulet and knocked him out before I turned back to my baby before I sat back down and put him on my lap.


Violet-You already got hurt and yelled at, but you can expect a... 15 minute timeout when we get home after what you did.

He only looked at the man that was now a part of my cattle after he pulled my baby out of my arms and at first I was just gonna make him a servant of mine, but after he poked my baby's delicate eye and scratched his arm, he made a special place in my cattle for damaging what is very special to me. I was planning on keeping that guy told me how to be a mother in the room over night, but Larry just earned himself a spot in there until dinner time tomorrow.

(Timeskip to home)

I just got done waking up Larry and putting him in the room to serve the time he owes me and it was enough time for me to get back to (Y/N) after his timeout was over while the servants were cleaning him arm and put eye drops on his eye. I just took him to bed to cuddle with him and had him close his eye, so I could kiss it better.

Violet-Does it hurt anywhere baby?~

(Y/N)-Um... no.

Violet-Ok. It's getting late and already way past your bed time. If you go to sleep right now without a fuss, i'll have the servants make you chocolate chip pancakes in the morning for breakfast.~

I gave him a kiss goodnight and he was about to close his eyes, but then I thought of something else and stopped him.

Violet-Are you gonna give your mommy a goodnight kiss and say "goodnight mommy, I love you"?~

He hesitated a bit, but gave me a kiss and his little lips were so soft and gentle then I had him look my me in the eyes and waited for him to say...

(Y/N)-Goodnight mommy, I love you.

Violet-Hmm... Next time you can say it better, but i'll let it slide for tonight.

I gave him a few more kisses before we both closed our eyes and went to sleep and I could hear Larry's horrified screams play again in my head from when I left him in "the room" and it made a smile curve on my face.

Violet's mind-Let's see how happy you are to see me in the morning now Larry.


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