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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up wrapped in a blanket with no clothes on, and the cuffs were still on me. Violet was still asleep next to me and I tried to move without waking her up, but I could barely move and felt tangled in the blanket. When she heard the cuffs making noise she making noise she slowly woke up and sat up while looking and smiling at me.

Violet-*Yawn* Morning honey. Don't you just look so cute and helpless.~

She just kissed my head before taking me out of bed with her and held me like a baby while we left the room and went to the dinning room where there was a butler waiting for us.

Violet-Nothing for me, but I want something for my baby. Nothing fancy... how about just some oatmeal with some berries or something. Surprise us.

Butler-Yes madam.

They left, so it was just us now and Violet just played with my nose until it made me sneeze .

Violet-Aww, bless you.~

(Y/N)-Can you take the cuffs off now?

Violet-Why would I do that?

(Y/N)-Because it's breakfast.

Violet-And i'll be feeding you. Don't forget that little stunt you pulled. I'm still upset about that.

(Y/N)-I-... But I-.

Violet-I don't want to hear your excuses. You had no reason to ditch the butler after you went to the bathroom. Now behave before I change my mind about oatmeal and have them go get you formula or I might even take another step,... but we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

Soon the butler came back in with the oatmeal and Violent took the spoon when he put it on the table and held the bite to me.


Violet-Open up for mommy.~

I didn't open my mouth because I didn't want to be fed like a baby and she can't make me eat if I keep my mouth closed.

Violet-I said "open up"... If you want to act more like a baby, I can always give this to the servants an have them go get you bottles. Do you want that?

(Y/N)-... No.

Violet-... 3... 2.

I just opened my mouth for her and she fed me and turned her serious look into a smile before she gave me more bites. It was good, but this was also embarrassing. The butler came back with a glass of milk for me to drink and saw me being fed like a baby, but he didn't even try to look at me. Violet did do stuff to their brains, so... are they even thinking at all?

Violet-After breakfast mommy wants to go soak in the hot tub and listen to some music. You're coming with me.

(Y/N)-Can I have a bathing suit?

Violet-Sorry baby, but that would include having to take your cuffs on your ankles off and besides, I took baths with you, so I saw "everything" and you saw "everything". A family shouldn't hide anything, so don't be embarrassed.

Just then she turned to the butler and he looked at her.

Violet-I want you to play something outside. Something... a little up beat at the start then it works it's way up. I steady wake up call and make sure there are no curse words. I hear so much as one or something dirty that reaches my baby's ears, it's the room for you.

Butler-Yes madam.

He left and she took me outside with her to the hot tub and took the blanket off me and it felt so cold. She took me to a small shed and it looked so clean and when she opened it, there was bathing suits for her to change into and she changed in front of me, but I didn't watch. She picked me back up and turned on the jets and bubbles in the hot tub before we got in and just then the music started to turn on from the speakers out here.


(Violet's POV)

I was swinging my baby in the water to the song and I felt like I was waking up more now then when the song was over I put him back on my lap. His little cheeks were so red and it made the smell of his blood strong and I have to hold myself back, not only for him, but for me. If I have too much then I make get too addicted to him.

Violet-Aww, baby. What did I tell you about being embarrassed. I'm your mommy... In fact, say it.


Violet-Call me mommy.

(Y/N)-I don't wanna.

Violet-I wasn't asking. I was telling you... You're no longer allowed to call me by my name. You "will" call me mommy. Is. That. Clear?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Her eyes changed a bit and I was scared of her now and I felt confused when she was petting my head and smiling at me.

Violet-Who am I baby?~


Violet-Say it... saaaayyyy iiiit.~

(Y/N)-I-I'm not-.

Violet-Careful what you say baby... You wouldn't want a bigger punishment, now would you? I won't hurt a hair on your head, but I got all sorts of ways to punish you.

(Y/N)-I'm... I'm not saying it.

Violet-*Sigh*... Alright then... don't say I didn't warn you.

She got out of the hot tub with me and dried us both off before she took me to her room and took the cuffs off, but cuffed my arm to a chair then dressed my in underwear and sweat pants before she put the cuffs back on my ankles then freed my arms to put a shirt on me then cuffed my arms behind my back again then took me back out.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Violet-I told you I have more punishments that don't hurt you, but this even whips grown men in my cattle back in line. You're going to "the room".

Now I was really scared. If she does this to her cattle and they are really scared of her then this was going to be bad, but if it doesn't hurt, what is she going to do. She took me down to where the cattle were and they all backed up in their cells while we were going to a door when she turned the corner and there was only a wooden chair and spears with a metal door, floor, ceiling, and walls. When we got in she took the cuffs off and strapped me to the chair then kissed my head.

Violet-This is going hard for both of us, but just know that you'll get it easier than others that come in here, but when you want it to stop, just say "mommy" and i'll be listening on the other side of the door, ok.~

She just got a washcloth and a rope and covered my eyes with them.

Violet-I don't want those mean flashes to hurt your wittle eyes...~ I usually pry open the others eyelids and trust me... 3 hours of that makes them burn.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are gonna do?!

Violet-I wish we could stop, but maybe you do need a little punishment... maybe 5 minutes in here at least. I love you.

(Y/N)-No wait!

I just heard the door close then I heard a noise getting louder and louder and it was kinda hurting my ears... then it really started to hurt.

(Author Note: Warning to those wearing headphones)


(Violet's POV)

With those very high frequencies bouncing off the walls making a echo that only gets louder is like having needles in your ears. Combine that with LED flashes to non blinking eyes is why this is where I send those to really piss me off. My baby in this case is not going to be in there for nearly that long and the flashes shouldn't be reaching his eyes, so as soon as he calls for me the right way i'll pull him out, but if it hits 20 minutes and he isn't making a sound, i'll go in and pull him out myself and he knows to fear this room like the others. I don't like that he's in there, but it's like my dad said all those years ago, "you said it, now you gotta do it."

(Timeskip 6 minutes)

I was waiting him to call, but all I heard was him struggling in their and by that last boy that's here called it quits, but I didn't let him. I did protect his eyes, but his ears should be hurting by now.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* St-Stop it!

Violet's mind-Just say it, call me mommy.

(Timeskip 8 minutes)

He was screaming in there and my heart was shattering and I was so on edge that when one of my cattle tried to tell me what to do I kicked him in the stomach and made them cough up blood. I was about to "play" with him some more, but then my heart fluttered, yet ached when I heard something.


Violet-*Gaps* MY BABY!!!

I left the cell slamming the door shut and went to turn the room off and opened the door to see my baby calming down and I took the blindfold off him and whipped his tears while he looked at me.


Violet-What did you call me?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* M-Mommy.

Violet-Now... do you have something to say for me?~

(Y/N)-Um,... I love you mommy.

Violet-Well, I love you too, but I was looking for an apology.

(Y/N)-I'm sorry.

Violet-For what?

(Y/N)-For... not calling you mommy.

Violet-Well there's that, but remember how you got in trouble in the first place?

(Y/N)-... I'm sorry for trying to run away.

He could tell I was waiting something and he soon he realized what he was missing.


Violet-Good... Now let's go put you down for a nap then later we'll go out... I feel like showing you off.

I took him out of the chair and thankfully I put clothes on him because others sit in that naked and I wasn't going to let him do that too. Before I left the cattle I looked at the man that tried to tell me how to be a mother and it still pisses me off... I think i'll have him in "the room" overnight. When I made it to his room little room I had him crawl into bed and I stood on the ladder to reach in and tuck him in and he just curled up and he was rubbing the inside of his ears.

Violet-Awww, your poor ears. Let mommy help you.~

His ears must be very irritated, but I think I got just the thing for him, so I turned his head and got to work.

I took a few sips and he can consider those his last part of the punishment, but now he really was tired. When I finally stopped I saw he was already asleep and I thought this might work because I use to do this to lower a man or woman's guard before drugging them before I got the amulet.

Violet's mind-Get plenty of rest baby. Tonight i'm taking you a place were it's kid friendly and grown single and horny men love going too.~

I gave him one final kiss before I closed the curtains to make the room darker then left the room. I was just gonna put that fucking smartass in "the room" and was going to take joy from that then go for another soak in the hot tub then a massage after this stressful morning. The only good thing that came out of was...

Violet's mind-He called me mommy, he called me mommy, he called me mommy! HE CALLED ME MOMMY!!!


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