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(2 Days Later)

(Violet's POV)

My baby's room is completely finished and just in time soon because I have a few guests coming over and they're not very friendly, so i'll just put him in his little room. These guests are just humans that talk about my house to make sure my staff has fair conditions, so the cattle was being moved to a temporally located somewhere away from the manor and sometimes they help plan with adjustments here and there. Rich assholes that I can't risk tampering with like I can the others, but I can smooth talk them a bit into getting out house since i'm not interested in changing my home right now or when they try to exploit anything they can to get money out of me. Right now it was lunch and I was going to make sure (Y/N) eats before I put him in his room for the night and my goal is to get these rich assholes out of my house before 8, so I can have time to get my baby and I in a nice shower after a nice dinner.

Violet-Eat up honey. I have company coming over and I don't want them near you.


Violet-It's not you baby, it's them. They're just not very friendly and I don't want them being mean to you.

(Y/N)-If they're mean then why do you want them over?

Violet-It's adult business stuff and you don't need to worry. You just need to be in your little room and have fun until I come get you. Mommy is just going to speak to them for a bit then they'll be on their way and we can get ready for bed.

(Y/N)-It's only 2. How long is this going to take?

Violet-A while, but you'll have toys, and a T.V. to keep you busy... I might come in sometimes too to check on you.

I just watched him eat and his smell and neck was just so appetizing and I haven't drank from him in a bit, so I thought I could slip in a little sip. I just bent down and just gave his neck a little prick that doesn't hurt him, but he stiffed up when I did it and I took a few ounces of blood from him and when I pulled out he just looked at me completely flustered rather than scared and it was so cute.

(Y/N)-Wh-What did you do that for?!

Violet-I just wanted a little sip baby. I didn't hurt you, did I... I see that wittle blush on your cheeks.~

I bopped his little nose with my finger and he just turned and went back to eating and I savored the taste of his blood in my mouth, but when he was down eating it was time to take him to his room since those men were gonna be here any minute now and we got into his home I looked at all the new stuff he has now.


He also have a toy chest full of toys, the matts were all down, the locks were all flipped, I have a baby monitor hidden in here hooked up to my phone, so if something happens i'll know, the mattress was a purple mattress, his Xbox was in here, and finally his glow in the dark stickers were all over the ceiling. I just put (Y/N) down when I heard the doorbell then knelt down.

Violet-We'll take a bath after they leave, don't leave this room unless it's important, if you do just knock on the door and a servant will let you out, and I love you more than life.

I gave him a kiss before I closed the door and locked him in before I went downstairs where I saw my new head butler taking their coats.


Violet's mind-Let's get this over with.

(Timeskip 5 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

This room was fun, but I had to go to the bathroom, so I knocked on the door and soon there was an answer from the other side.

Butler-What is it, young one?

(Y/N)-I have to go to the bathroom.

They opened the door and took me to the bathroom and I heard voices down the hall and one of them was Violet. When I got in the bathroom to go I realized that this could be my chance to leave while she was busy, so after I finished I got out, but the butler was waiting for me there.

Butler-Kindly follow me back to your room.

(Y/N)-Actually, i'm thirsty.

Butler-I will bring you a drink after you're back in your room. Your mother does not wish for you to be downstairs.

(Y/N)-... Fine... i'll follow you.

I did follow him for a bit before I snuck away quietly and went down the halls to the stairs and I knew the way to the front door. I snuck down the hall and saw other servants walking around, but they didn't even bother to look at me like I wasn't even here, but when I was getting close to the stairs I saw a man that didn't have the same clothes as the other butlers and he looked at me, so I stopped.


Man-Oh, hello... You must be the adopted child Violet spoke of.

I took a step to me and I backed up a bit, but he kept on coming.

Man-I have a few questions for you, boy. In the short time you supposedly lived here, has Violet treated her employees with fair conditions, is your room comfortable for you?

I just kept on backing up down the hall and soon I bumped into someone and it was the butler I ditched to try and escape.

Butler-There you are. Come with me and I shall tell your mother about this.

Man-Now hold on, I want to talk to him.

Butler-Madam Violet ordered me to not have anyone talk or come into contact with her child. Good day, sir.

Man-Don't forget who your boss answers too when something here happens. I demand to speak to this child.

Butler-I'm sorry, but you will have to take that up to their mother. If you excuse, I shall take her child to their room and tell her of this as well. She will not be pleased.

Man-I said I wanna talk to him.

I was starting to get nervous then the man grabbed me then the butler to push him away, but he never let go and the big tug pulled my arm kinda hurt then something got knocked over.


Violet-What was that?!

Soon I saw Violet come up the stairs with 2 men behind her and when both of these guys finally stopped pulling and fighting they saw Violet was angry.


Violet-What is my son doing out here?! Chester, tell me what happened!

Chester-Yes madam, your son wanted to go to the bathroom then after snuck away behind my back and when I found him he had a run in with this man. I was going to take your son back to his room, but he insisted on talking to him even after I reminded him that they weren't to talk or come into contact with your child.

Violet-... I thought we had an understanding... Don't. Touch. My. Baby.

Man-Why don't you want us to talk to him?! You're obliviously-!


Man-Excuse me?! Who do you think you're talking to?! Who the hell do you think you are?!

Violet-I am giving you one warning to get out of my house! You won't be doing business here again!

Man-You think you're making demands? We can get this whole place searched and when they find what you're hiding, you'll be in jail and this place will be up for market and out of your family's name.

Violet-... Chester... take (Y/N) to his room and i'll deal with him in a bit... and clear out "the room"... these 3 will be having a visit there.

Chester-Yes madam.

The man let go and I saw Violet bare her sharp teeth as I was being pulled away back to my room and before my door was closed I heard something loud and clear.

3 men-AAAHHHHH!!!

(Timeskip 3 hours)

I was still locked in my room and I was watching HBO max until my door opened and Violet walked in and she wasn't mad... at least I don't think she is.


Violet-Sweetie, we need to talk.

She just picked me up and sat down in the rocking chair with me. She was quiet and just looking at me and I was too scared to talk.

Violet-So... you snuck away from Chester after you used the bathroom... Why would you do that?

(Y/N)-Um... I was thirsty.

Violet-That's funny because Chester said that you said that before sneaking away while he was helping me with those men.

(Y/N)-Are they cattle now?

Violet-No... They just know not to mess with me or touch you again, but enough about them. They're gone and never coming back, so now they'll find me new agents, so now we need to talk about you... What were you gonna do if you didn't run into that man?

(Y/N)-I was going to kitchen... I swear.

Violet-Honey bunch... Do you know how old I am? I heard every lie and know one when I hear it. You weren't going to the kitchen, were you, in fact I think I know where you were going, but i'm going to give you one last chance... Where were you going?

(Y/N)-I was... uh...

Violet-Going outside, so you can run off on your own and leave me?

(Y/N)-... Pl-Please, I don't wanna go to the room!

Violet-Oh baby, you're not going there... You're just gonna see how much you need your mommy now.~ Chester, get in here!

The door opened and Chester walked in and he had something with him.


I tried to run again, but Violet held me and they put one pair of hand cuffs on my ankles then she put my hands behind my back and Chester cuffed them together while I was screaming for them to let me go.

Violet-It's my fault sweetie. I didn't show you that I will have rules for you because I was so caught up in pampering and loving you and you didn't think that this would happen if you misbehaved. Until I feel like I can trust you and you learned how much you need a mommy right now, i'm not going to let you even lift a finger to do anything by yourself.

(Y/N)-Please take them off! They hurt!

Violet-They're not that tight, but I will get you some comfy hand cuffs soon, but until then you'll just have to deal with the handcuffs I use for my cattle. You can consider this punishment for trying to leave me and causing so much trouble. I should spank you, but... I can't control my strength like that and you're too cute to have blisters.


She just covered my mouth with her hand and I couldn't do anything to stop her.

Violet-No, not another word. We're getting in a bath together and someone earned an early bedtime with no dessert after dinner tonight.

She just took me out of the room and now we were going to take a bath and I was hoping she would take the cuffs off,... but she didn't.


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