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(Violet's POV)

I gave my baby an all day pass to go play some games and I kept a close eye on him in the crowd of kids and parents while I was just relaxing at my table. I still felt weird that I was hear without hunting for single or unhappy parents to feed on and I didn't bother with that either because I was watching my baby have fun, but I was worried because I know that some children are just spoiled brats and like to start stuff and if they wanna start shit with my baby, i'll come over there and finish it. I soon saw a lonely man and I can just smell the lust coming off him and he was coming to you.

Violet's mind-Don't come over her and just take the hint that my look shows I don't care.

He didn't take the hint and just leaned on the table and that stupid look on his says it all... i'm not even gonna give him the satisfaction of me trying to humor him.

Man-Well hello there.~

Violet-Can I help you, sir?

Man-As a matter of fact you can. I've been looking for my mommy.~

Violet-Is that so? Well if you find her, maybe she can teach you how to talk to women without your stupid pick up lines.

Man-... How about we hit the reset button on this?... The name is-.

Violet-I can already tell what kind of man you are. You're here alone with your kid since you're alone or unhappy with your partner and now you see a lone woman sitting at a table and you think you can get with me. I can even see that you're looking at my ass and tits which just shows you're either a pervert or just really horny, so if I may suggest, just go to a strip club and try to pick up a girl "paid" to deal with men like you or just as sad as you.

He couldn't come up with another thing to say and just walked away from me and good thing too or I would've lured him to the bathroom and if nobody was in there I would've beat him to a pulp, wipe his memory then leave him there. I lost sight of (Y/N) for a bit until I saw him playing Ski ball and I felt I was getting more stares for other adults and some I saw were woman looking at me either hungry or angry that I was getting their hubby's eyes on me. Not my fault that their partner isn't satisfied with them. When (Y/N) came back to the table when he saw the pizza come to the table and that made some of the dads stop looking, but not all of them, so I had my baby sit right next to me as he ate.


Violet-Hey baby, are you having fun?

(Y/N)-... Yeah.

Violet-You didn't tell the employees again, right?


Earlier he tried to tell an employee that I kidnapped him, but thanks to a little magic, I got them to believe me and if (Y/N) did it one more time, we would go home early. I'm just trying to give little nudges right now and while I was holding my baby close a man came over and this was really getting on my nerves.

Man#2-Hey, I noticed your kid was playing with mine.

Violet-Is there a problem?

Man#2-No, I was just hoping we could talk.

Violet-*Sigh*... Sweetie, come here for a moment.

I turned (Y/N)'s face into side and covered his eyes then I made sure that nobody was paying attention to us before flashed my vampiric eyes at him and bared my sharp teeth at him and he was terrified of me now and got up to make a scene of him scrambling to get away from me saying I was a monster, so I put my eyes and teeth away then let my baby go to eat again, but he was watching the show like everyone else now.

Man#2-Sh-She a monster! H-H-Her eyes and teeth changed!

The more he panicked the more crazy he looked and put on a show for people and the manager came to help and had to take him to the back and most likely call the police.

Violet's mind-Let's see if you find a nice girl in the looney bin.~

Soon my son finished eating and went back to playing for a while before he got bored, so he cashed in his card for prizes and he got a few small prizes and we left and even saw the man from before sitting on the sidewalk talking to an officer with his son and he was even being tested while I saw another cop searching a car.

Man#2-Th-That's her officer! I'm serious she changed right in front of me!

Officer-Sir, calm down and just wait for you wife to come.

Man#2-You're not even going to question her?!

Officer-Sir, stay calm and we're gonna do a few tests her in a bit.

I just picked up my baby and he was looking at the man and even my new son knows that trying to tell people that i'm a vampire won't do anything like it would back in the day. That's when I had to kill anyone the was even suspicious of me, but when I made it back to the car with (Y/N) we just started to drive.

Violet-Honey, you're being very quiet. Are you ok?

(Y/N)-... Why did you scare that man?

Violet-He was a bad man, so I just gave him a little scare.

(Y/N)-How was he bad? He just wanted to talk.

Violet-We'll get into that when you're 16, but for now we'll just say that he wanted me to do something bad with me. Just play with you your little toys and I even got a little something waiting for you back at home.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Violet-Well I know my little cutie pie is going to need his naps while mommy has to do things, so I had a few servants go out to buy something I found and have a room ready for it.

(Y/N)-I get my own room.

Violet-Ehhh, yes and no. You're still sleeping with me at night, but lets say if you're tired during the day and mommy is doing something, you'll go to this room to take a nap or if I have an important, but not very friendly guests come over.

((Y/N)'s POV)

So i'm getting my own room to sleep in and at the same time i'm not getting my own room... How does that work? When we made it back to the the house she took me in while carrying me and when she took me to a room next to hers that was a servants bedroom before she opened the door and what I saw was cool.


Violet-Are you kidding me, it's not done yet?!

(Y/N)'s mind-Not done?

Violet-Alex! You and your helpers get in here right now!

They came in and when they did Violet put me down and still wasn't happy, but she calmed down a bit.


Violet-I gave you a list and you only got me the bed after I gave you so much time... You wanna explain that.

Alex-We found that the other items you requested were at different stores and will have to be shipped here... I'm sorry madam.

Violet-How long until the rocking chair gets here, that mattress also looks like the wrong one. They didn't have that either?

Alex-No, madam.

Violet-Oh ok, then here's an easier one... Where's the locks and matts I wanted to baby proof this room. The cushioned matts on the ground, pads to put on the steps to his bed, glow in the dark stickers... You got none of that at the store?

Alex-... I have no excuse for that... I take full responsibility.

Violet-... Go back and get what you can and when you come back... go to "the room" and wait for me there. The next head butler will take care of decorating my son's room. Understand, "servant"?

Alex-Yes madam.

Violet-Now go.

He left and the others did too before Violet picked me up and took me to the living room to watch cartoons with her and I was thinking about Alex and I just looked at her and she turned to me.

Violet-Is something wrong?

(Y/N)-After what happened... is Alex... going to be with those cattle people?

Violet-Oh, you think because of what happened, he'll be put with my cattle? Well he isn't, I just demoted him for being unable to perform tasks correctly. It's like a game to be the best butler, but since he ruined your surprise i'm gonna have to give him some sort of punishment.

(Y/N)-What are you gonna do?

Violet-Don't worry baby. I'm not going to do anything too bad. He'll just get a slap on the wrist and it'll be over with. Finding new servants is such a pain.

Just then the phone rang and she answered it, so I went back to watching my show.

Violet-Hello... Oh, Jeremy... What's the problem?... What?! I'm not helping them. Tell them they can find another vampire to help them... You know I don't go to werewolf dens for a reason... Last time I went in the 1920's a woman walked up to me... in her birthday suit... My son is right next to me, i'm not saying it... My answer is no, good day honey.

She hung up the phone and just held me closer to her and pet my head and I tried to push away, but she pulled me into her and I would talk, but when I saw where my mouth was, I didn't want to open it at all... it'll just be weird.

(Violet's POV)

I put (Y/N) against my breast on purpose because I know this much, he likes to pop off, but if you fluster him, he'll back down. I just want him to be quiet and let me hold him for right now. I got bothered by 2 men today, the surprise for (Y/N) was ruined, I have to pick a new head butler or maid later, and now those lap dogs want my help to get rid of extra hunters after a team of them died. I'm not cleaning up their mess and I got enough servants around here, thank you very much.

Violet's mind-Make a mess and want me to help clean up. Go bite your own tails.

They don't know where I live and they got nothing, but Jeremy to go off of and he can slip away from those beasts and if they do get over here, i'll show them that i'm not a vampire that you want to mess with.


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