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((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been 3 days since that trick she pulled on me and she did more tricks like that. I know this old saying that my daddy told me about, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".

(Y/N)'s mind-What is it if she fooled me 9 times?

I was in the hot tub with her right now and she was holding me in her lap and I was still mad at her. She had my head on her chest, so I could hear her heart beat and now it was getting hard to stay mad at her and even if I try to push away from her, she just forces me to go back.

Violet-It's getting much easier to get you to comply. Are you calmed down, cutie pie?

(Y/N)-No... and stop calling me that.

Violet-You not yelling at me anymore says otherwise. I told you that a nice warm soak and cuddles is what you needed to calm down from the last game.

(Violet's POV)

I can tell he's trying to stay mad and pouty and he might be trying to look serious, but it only makes him look more cute. I know he was mad after our little "games" together and I think he's had enough for a while of me teasing him for him going back to his old life. He just needs to accept that his old life is over and that's one of the reasons why I continue to play these games with him and when he gives up trying, I win. I'll give him lots of love in between the games, so I don't break his heart completely. Last game, I made him run around in a maze with the goal is to grab a diamond in the middle of the maze and make it out without being caught. The twist there is that I don't need to chase them, I just need to easily beat them to the diamond and if they try to leave without it, my servants catch them and yell to me that they cheated.

Violet-Honey, do you wanna watch a movie? I'll the butlers make you homemade buttered and salted popcorn.~

He was thinking it over even if he was trying to be mad and he soon answered me.


He can saw no all he wants to throw a fit, but I see that look in his eyes that shows he wants it.

Violet-*Chuckles* Well you're getting it anyway.~

I just gave him a kiss on his head and he just laid there still trying to be mad and his smell was making me hungry, but I don't want his stress to ruin the taste for me again and I don't want to take a lot of blood from him. I don't wanna leave him alone either, so I guess it's time to visit my cattle, but which blood type to choose?

Violet's mind-I'll just see what smells better when I get down there later.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could smell the popcorn from the kitchen coming into the living room and it did smell really good and Violet went down to the basement where all those people are and I know what she was doing down there. It was scary to think about and soon she came back in the room and she was licking her lips a little and wiping her face with a washcloth that had a bit of red smudges on it and I know what they were.


Violet-You smell that popcorn and it's all for you.~

She sat down next to me and put me on her lap and she gave me the remote to pick a movie, so I searched for (F/M), but it cost money and I was about to leave, but she took the remote and just bought the movie for me and just then the popcorn came in.


My daddy always told me that buying movies online was stupid since you only need to see it once by renting it.

(Y/N)-That movie cost-.

Violet-If you see a movie you like, just buy it. My little cutie pie gets nothing, but the best.

(Y/N)-Stop calling me that!

Violet-Call you what?~

(Y/N)-I'm not saying it.

Violet-Then how do I know what you're talking about? What don't you want me to call you?~

(Y/N)-*Groan*... Cutie pie!

Violet-*Chuckles* Oh that cute little nick name I gave you. Hmmm... Nope.~

She just kissed my head and I just watched the movie while ignoring her and ate my popcorn. During the movie she ordered a few glasses of wine and when she was a little drunk like daddy is sometimes and during the movie she would play with my hair, give me more kisses and she took my popcorn when it was almost empty and wrapped me in a blanket like a baby and made me stay in her arms while she called me her baby.

(Y/N)-Let me out!

Violet-Aww, but why would I let my baby be even a little cold? *hic* Is it wrong for a mother just to love her baby?~

(Y/N)-I'm not a baby!

Violet-*Laughs* How about this, *hic* we say each others birthday and we'll see who's older. You first.~

(Y/N)-November 28th, 2017.

Violet-Wow, my baby is 4 years *hic* old! My birthday is May 8th, 1821. You're a baby compared to me, so maybe I should treat you like one.~


I tried to get out of the blanket and she only kissed my cheek and I could smell the wine that she was drinking on her lips and something else too. I kept on yelling at her and she only messed around with me until the movie was over and she got tired and just laid with me.

Violet-Mommy's really tired baby *hic*. Let's just take a nap, please.~


She just shoved a washcloth in my mouth and now she looked mad, but it went away when she closed her eyes to go sleep and I tried to get out of this blanket and she opened her eyes again, but this time they were a different color and she was very mad now.

Violet-Your mommy is very tired and if you won't let her sleep, I will take you out of this blanket and I will spank you until your bottom blisters, understand!

(No POV)

(Y/N) was terrified and was paralyzed in fear and Violet went back to sleep and will probably regret what was did when she wakes up. She's usually very patient and finds (Y/N)'s like outburst adorable because of how she could easily shut him up without hurting him, but when she's had one too many drinks then she's still patient, but when you get on her bad side, she lashes out and for others besides (Y/N)... Let's just say, the last guy that pissed her off would've had a huge headache from how hard she bite him, if he still had a head on his shoulders.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Violet's POV)

I woke up to (Y/N) being swaddled in a blanket next to me and I had a bit of a hangover and I quickly remembered that I yelled and threatened my baby while I was drunk.


I looked close and saw traces of a tears on his face and I just faced palmed myself.

Violet's mind-So much for one and done. Way to go Violet.

I sat up and unwrapped him and while he was still asleep I used the amulet to wipe and change his memories from last night and wish I could do it to myself. As far as he would know, he just enjoyed a movie last night and just cried from a tantrum before I said he needed a nap. As for me, I picked up the house phone and called the head butlers

Violet-Alex, lockdown my wine cellar for 3 months. I don't deserve wine of any kind.

I hung up and just looked at my baby and rubbed his head and even if he doesn't remember what truly happened, but I still want to make it up to him. I'll give him back his true memory when the time is right for one, but for right now, maybe I can take him to a place where I go to find single parents to snack on.

Violet-Cutie pie, can you wake up please. I have a surprise for you.

I just nudged him a bit and he opened up and I saw he was still emotionally sensitive from what really happened, but he shouldn't know I threatened to spank him with my true form to add fear into it. He just looked at me and those eyes and I felt so bad.

Violet-Morning cutie pie, I know you're just really stressed from being here, so how about I take you somewhere to have fun.

(Y/N)-... Can I see my daddy?

Violet-No baby, but I can take you to have some fun. How about Chucky Cheese, Six Flags, anywhere you want.

I just picked him up while he thought of it and was going to get us ready to go out and have some fun.

(Y/N)-Daddy took me to Chucky Cheese... Can we go there?

Violet-Of course honey. Let's just get in a bath, a change of clothes, some breakfast, and we'll be on our way.

This made me feel a bit better that I was treating my new baby to some fun after I fucked up last night and really gave him a reason to be scared of me now.

Violet's mind-It just feels weird that i'm going to a kids place and not to find single parents to feed on.


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