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(Violet's POV)

It was after lunch and I was bored just watching T.V. with my baby, so I mixed things up and I decide to comb his hair and it was so easy and I kinda liked the way it just slides across his head and he wasn't complaining one bit. I can still tell he was a little achy from his body adapting to the magic, but the dose I had put in his food wasn't enough to make him sleep, but feel a little numb. During the show he was watching while I was still combing his hair I was thinking since his blood is contaminated for now maybe I should go out in a few days. I can settle for an A positive type, but if I go out, what am I going to do about (Y/N)? My servants will take care of him, but the thought of even the servants meant to comfort me in times of need. I don't want them to give my baby fake love.

Violet's mind-Maybe I can put them to sleep before I leave, but i'll have to be back by morning.

On second thought, he might try to run if he wakes up and if I just lock him in a room then he'll be terrified and I don't my baby to be scared just so I can go out and hunt... I guess my cattle is all I can have for right now. I just stopped combing my sons hair and put him on my lap as I thought of what else we could do and maybe a game could be fun, but what to do?... I got it, I love playing this with my new cattle all the time, but I just need a different punishment when he loses.

Violet-Oh (Y/N) honey, how would you like to play a little game of mine. If you win, i'll do one thing you want.

(Y/N)-... You'll let me go back home?

Violet-Of course.

I heard the hope in his voice and saw it in his eyes, but I already knew he wasn't going to when. I took down an Olympic runner without breaking a sweat and he didn't even come close to victory. I just pulled out my amulet and swung it in front of him to tease him with the prize.


Violet-All you need to do is take this necklace, put it on, and make it out the front door before night time. Simple, but if you lose, you get a penalty.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I quickly tried to grab it, but she was quick and moved it, so I missed then I tried climbing on her and holding her arm still, but she tossed it to her other hand before she pushed me on the couch and got up before she started walking away, but I just ran to her and tried to grab the necklace again, but she was holding it too high for me to reach. She suddenly ran and I chased after her, but she was too fast and I can tell she was slowing down, so she was always right in front of me.

Violet-Come on baby, you gotta hurry up or you'll never get this necklace and leave.

I ran as fast as I could to catch up to her, but she was only trying not to laugh and when I gave up chasing after her she accidently dropped the necklace and I took this moment to grab it and I put it on before I started to run to the door.

(Y/N)'s mind-It's still day outside! I win!

Violet wasn't chasing after me, but she was walking and I was getting farther away from her. Soon I saw the front door and when I opened it I was outside.


(Y/N)-Yes, I win, I win, I win-!

(Violet's POV)

I knew my baby wouldn't be strong willed enough to fight of the amulet's effects and he was fast asleep the instant he put it on since he didn't even know what the amulet would do to him, but now he just looks so happy in his sleep

(Y/N)-I win... win. *mumbles*

Violet-Awww, enjoy your "victory" baby. I'll give you a few hours for a nap. I don't want my baby to slip into a coma.~

I know he couldn't hear me, but it was the thought that counts and I took him to my room and tucked him in bed and I think I earned myself a massage after giving my baby a really good dream. For my cattle I only drag them back down to the cells and after their little dream in heaven, I wake them up to show them that they never left hell and the shattered look in their eyes is always priceless and I expect his to be the same, but unlike the others, he'll have comfort in a nice warm bed instead of being laughed at in cold stale pile of blankets. I went out into the hallway and called a butler for a massage in my room and a certain butler here was guilty of hitting his mom and little sister, but I would've never guess that his hands were like magic themselves when he was put under my control. He came in and put down a portable massage table and I just stripped and got on before he covered my ass in a hot towel and got started.

Violet-Focus on my upper back, I could feel something going on up there then I want to a little adjust on my arms and legs.

Butler-Yes, madam.

He just got to work and got some oil on me and I wonder what my baby was dreaming about.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was at Disney World with my dad and we were having a lot of fun after we won the lottery and we were even staying at the hotel. The ride we were on a ride so high that we were in space  and we went back down super fast. After the long and fun ride my dad and I went around on our hover boards and Mickey mouse came to use and gave us free ice cream.

(Y/N)-This is the best day ever!

Dad-Is that right? You know what will make it better?


Dad(Violet's voice)-Come on sweetie, it's time to wake up.~


Everything was dark and I was being shaken a bit and I slowly opened my eyes and I was back in Violet's room and someone just left and she wrapped me in a hug when she saw I was awake. I just pushed away from her and scooted away.


(Y/N)-Hey, I won! Why am I here?!

Violet-Awww, that look in your eyes is so cute, like a scared little bunny.~

(Y/N)-You lied to me!

Violet-I didn't lie. You never made it out.

(Y/N)-Yes I did!

Violet-No you didn't. Allow me to explain.

She showed me the necklace again and I just saw it was almost night, so maybe there's time for me to leave.


Violet-The moment you put this on, it takes a toll on you and unless you're strong enough when you put it on, you'll just fall asleep into a peaceful dreamland that you will never wake up from as long as you wear it.

(Y/N)-You... YOU CHEATER!!!

Violet-I like to call bending the rules to my favor. *chuckles*

I was about to cry that I was back here... No... I never left. When she saw I was crying she just pulled me into another hug and she was petting my head.

Violet-Oh, i'm sorry I teased you like that baby. How about about after dinner, i'll let you pick dessert and watch a movie that you want together.~

I didn't say anything, but she picked me up and we went to the dinning room and it smelled very good from the kitchen. I didn't care about food right now and when we made it to the dining room I only thought of one thing.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is there's no way out of here?!


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