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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night outside and Violet was feeding me something very good for dinner and I forgot what it was called, but it had a crispy crust on the outside and the meat on the inside was so juicy. It was just so good.


She was feeding me every bite while she was drinking wine or what I hope if wine and I was forced to sit on her lap. After dinner she took me to the living room and put on a show for us and she made me look at her.

Violet-Did you enjoy your dinner, my little Cutie Pie.~

(Y/N)-What was that bread and meat stuff?

Violet-That was called beef wellington. You can expect dinners like this everyday for that tummy of yours.~

She tickled my belly a bit and I stopped her, but she just pulled me to lay on top of her and was petting my head. We just laid down until we heard a knock on the door and she looked happy.

Violet-He's here!


Violet-Relax baby, let's get you to sleep.

She reached into her pocket and pulled something out of her pocket and pressed it on my lips and I suddenly felt really tired and I couldn't even keep my eyes open until I quickly fell asleep in her arms.


(Violet's POV)

My baby was fast asleep in my arms, so I put my amulet down and went to go see my apprentice and my head butler already let him in and he saw my baby in my arms.


Violet-Jeremy, how long has been?

Jeremy-About 90 years, since I gave you that amulet.

Violet-90 years? Feels like 40.

Jeremy-This is the little boy you want to be immortal?

Violet-I just put him to sleep with the amulet, so he won't be fussing at all. I know you like a calm patient.

Jeremy-I just got done dealing with werewolves kidnapping humans and the female alpha was punishing her lesbian lover and when I had to put my foot down to let her go, the pack wanted me in their teeth.

Violet-Sounds like you need my baby to be calm during this.

Jeremy-What I need is a whip to crack for those pack of short sighted savages.

Violet-How about a drink before you get started?

Jeremy-*Sigh*... Thank you.

Violet-Alex, give him a drink of his choosing. I lay my baby down in my room and after your drink, you can get started.

Jeremy-It's gonna take me a few hours, so I would suggest another room if you plan on sleeping soon.

Violet-A few hours?

Jeremy-I can't just say a few magic words and snap my fingers to make someone immortal. It's a long and complicated process and i'm going to need workspace.

Violet-*Sigh*... I can put him in a servants room. How long is a few hours?

Jeremy-I tried this with animals before, this will be my first human subject for immortality. It took me 2 hours from the test subject I confirmed and it was just a mouse, so this might be an over night thing. It's way I slept before I came over.

Violet-You're not... gonna have to cut him open, right?

Jeremy-No, just poking a few needles, take blood, research spells, and make my formulas. No surgery.

Violet-Serums, formula? I don't want you to ruin his blood!

Jeremy-I'm not going to add things to his blood, just blood samples. I take tiny bits, experiment and how it reacts is based on what spells and charms do. I can stand here and go over the whole process or you can let me do what I came here to do.

Violet-Fine then... (Y/N) will be ready for you.

Jeremy-I'm going to need to borrow a few servants. Have your head butler get to work on the serum, I have instructions that he is to follow "exactly".

I motioned for Alex to be with him and went to put my baby in a servants room and their nothing fancy like my room since they were still criminals at heart, just in auto pilot.


I put him in one of the beds and the servants in this room can squeeze in with others or help out here. I just stayed and cuddled with my baby until I heard them coming and I gave him one final kiss for the night.

Violet-We're going to have a good life... I promise.~

I left the room and just then servants started to come in and get ready and they started by taking his shirt off and I just went to go to bed for the night... I already miss cuddling with (Y/N).

(Timeskip To Morning)

I woke up and when I did, the first thing I did was go to the room my baby was in and when I got there my apprentice was on his phone sitting in on the other bed and he saw me.



He just smiled and motioned me to go to him and I was so happy that my baby was going to be mine forever and I scooped him in my arms. He didn't lose his smell of blood and my apprentice gave me a tiny bit of blood in a cup and it was (Y/N)'s... it didn't lose the amazing taste either.

Jeremy-He'll wake up with a headache and achy muscles for a few days while body adjusts to the magic and charms I put on him to stop his ageing process. Just give him some pain killers and he'll be fine.

Violet-This is simply the most wonderful thing in my life! How can I ever repay you!

Jeremy-I came here for 2 reasons. Those werewolves are a pain in the ass and I need that alpha to agree to stop kidnapping.

Violet-What do you want me to do? I'm strong, but I don't have numbers and they won't listen to me.

Jeremy-True, but they only have one demand in order to stop.

Violet-And the demand is?

Jeremy-I'm going to need some of your hair, just a trim, so I can wipe up a submission charm. Humans there won't run away and comply with their ways of life and the forest they live in will be as quiet as it was before.

Violet-Done, go ahead and trim my hair.

He got scissors out and took a little off the bottom and put it in a jar before he closed it.

Jeremy-There, now I satisfy them before exposure. Good day.

Violet-You as well.

He started to pack up his things and I took my baby with me to my room and before I could lay him down, he was already waking up in my arms.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and my head was hurting a little and so was my arms and legs then when I opened my eyes I saw that I was still in Violet's arms, but we were in her room and it was morning. I remember that amulet that makes you sleep and that she pressed it on my lips to make me kiss it. She just gave me a kiss before she went to the bathroom and got a pill, but I hate taking pills. I can never swallow them.


Violet-Open up and in a little bit, you'll feel better.

(Y/N)-What happened?

Violet-Oh, my friend came over and we chatted for a while and silly me accidently dropped you while you were out cold. I always keep chewable pain killers in my bathroom. Now open and we'll go get you some water.

I was about to talk, but she put the pill in my mouth and wouldn't let me spit it out, so I just chewed it and it tasted nasty and soon she got me water to wash it down. After she gave me a few cups until the taste was gone, I heard a door open and close without seeing who it was and she took me outside in the backyard and sat at a table.

Violet-Now then my little Cutie pie, what do you wanna do while we wait for breakfast because after, we're going to have a good soak together in the hot tub to help with those achy bones of yours.

(Y/N)-I told you to stop callin-!

She just gave me a kiss and smiled and I couldn't even think of what to say before she laughed and I just covered my face with and screamed into it. She just pulled my hands down and covered my face in kisses and I tried to pull back, but it hurt my arms and she just kept on giving me kisses.

Violet-If you keep on throwing this little fits about being called cute, I might just have to start doing it more often. They're adorable and funny.~


Violet-*Giggles* Breakfast should be out here in a bit and just tell me if you get full.

Soon a butler came out and he had one a plate of food, but what was on it was so delicious.


Violet-Oh look, he thought you deserved a little treat after being in pain.~

When he put the plate down she took a piece off with her hands and fed it to me and it was so warm and sweet. I had bite after bit until it was gone, but her fingers had the syrup on them, so before she could wipe them off I licked them clean.

Violet-Awwww.~ *chuckles*

(Violet's POV)

He just licked my fingers clean and I didn't even think of that, but I didn't hate it either. I just didn't push on it and had Alex take the plate to be cleaned and now I think it was time for our bath. I took my baby upstairs and we were going to the bath and shower area I have, but I don't use a lot, since the smaller one is in my room and I don't feel like walking 3 halls down to take a bath and walk 3 halls back in a towel and the cold air blowing on me. Also i like laying down to relax and bathe more than stand up.


(Y/N)-Woah,... do the servants use this?

Violet-Of course not. I don't let them use the baths and showers, those are for me and my guests, not brainwashed criminals. I only let them in the bathrooms to clean them.

(Y/N)-Then how do they get clean? Where do they go to the bathroom?

Violet-They go down to where the cattle are and into a room and spray themselves with hot soapy water and spray down the cattle too and the water goes down the drain in each cell. As for the bathroom they either use the toilets the cattle have in their ceils or they go at the bathroom I have in the woods at the other side of my backyard, out of sight of course. Now enough stalling, bath time.

I stripped him down and because of his body still adjusting to the charms of magic he was too sore to put up a fight and after he was naked I took my clothes off and opened the door to the hallway.

Violet-I want an extra towel and a change of clothes for me and my baby!

Someone had to hear that, so we went into the shower area and I closed the glass door before I put (Y/N) on the seat in here before I got his bath going then turned on the shower. When the water was warm I started to fill the bath and put him in and he was trying to cover himself. It was pointless since I already saw everything, but I just let him since I was doing his hair first. Soon I was done with him, so I was going to let him soak after the dirty water drains and in the meantime, I was washing myself in the shower. When I was done I went to the bath and scooted my baby up a bit before I started to fill the bath again and cuddled with my baby in the bath. I feel like a proud mother.

(Y/N)-Violet, can we get out? I never had a bath with a... um... vampire before.

I could here it in his voice. He was shy to take a bath with a girl, but he better get used to it. This is the rest of his immortal life and he was going to have lots of baths with his mama, but I think I can tease him a bit.

Violet-Oh, I don't think a lot of people can say that. Maybe I can suck your blood without you knowing again or cover your face in kisses or maybe,... this is your first bath were you're in the same tub as a girl.~

His cheeks blushed and and he closed his eyes.

Violet-Oh relax, mothers take baths with their babies all the time. You don't need to be embarrassed.

(Y/N)-Y-You're not my mommy.

Violet-I am now. Why do you think I call you my baby sometimes and you sleep in my room and not with my servants? I even got some stuff for you and it's coming later today. I got you more cute little outfits, I fuzzy wuzzy socks for your wittle feet, little sweaters and gloves-.~

(Y/N)-Do I at least get my own room?

Violet-No. You sleep with me in my bed. You don't need your own room.

He only gave off a look and we're moving too fast about all this and I don't want him stressed again, so maybe I should get his mind on something else.

Violet-... Hey, while's we're soaking in our bath together, would you like to hear about something. It's a little about vampires, but also werewolves, demons, angels, and ghosts... all kinds of monsters.

(Y/N)-Th-... They're real?

Violet-That's right, let's start with werewolves.


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