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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke to being moved and now I was on top of something and when I opened my eyes I saw I was on top of Violet and she was awake. She was smiling at me while rubbing my back under the blankets and I looked outside to see the sun before she turned me back to her and kissed my forehead.

Violet-Good morning. Did you sleep well?~

I just shook my head no, but she just poked my nose and laughed a little.

Violet-Don't lie to me honey. You went to sleep before me and you slept like a baby in my arms all night long.~

(Y/N)-I just wanna go home.

Violet-Sweetie, you are home.

(Y/N)-No! With my dad!

When I said that she just got up with me and the air was so cold and she was holding me and looked like she was loving it.

Violet-You humans are so warm. I forgot what it was like to have warm blood, but cuddling with you and even holding you right now is like having the warmth of a cute and cuddly teddy bear when I was a child.

I hated it when she called me cute and soon we got to a kitchen, but she put me in her lap while she sat at the table then a butler came up to us and it was one of the butlers from yesterday that I found out used to be bad.

Butler-What will it be today, madam?

Violet-Nothing for me thanks, i'm saving room for later. For our new resident, just make him a nice breakfast. French toast, bacon, sausage, and eggs. I don't want any drugs to be put in the food for sedation and i'll be checking.

Butler-Of course madam. Be a moment and for your guest, I suggest fresh squeezed orange juice.

Violet-Excellent, leave us.

The butler left us and soon returned with the orange juice he said he would get.


She smelled it before holding it to me, but didn't let me take it, so I just drank from the straw. My feet were getting cold, so I tried rubbing them together and Violet saw this while watching me drink.

Violet-Awww, is my little shnookums getting cold?~

(Y/N)-Don't call me that.

Violet-*Chuckles*... Maid!

Just then someone came in and she was the woman that Violet said robbed and sold other peoples stuff to get money for drugs.

Maid-Yes, madam?

Violet-Go get a space heater and hurry.

She ran off and soon came back with the space heater and around the same time my food came in and was put on the table and I could feel the heat blow onto us.


Violet-Leave us.

They left without saying a word and she started to feed me some bacon and I the to eat myself, but she still wouldn't let me eat myself until she saw I was getting mad, so she just bust up my french toast and let me eat, but by the smile on her face I know she was thinking-.

(Violet's POV)

Violet's mind-How cute.

He was getting, so fussy when I was trying to feed him and letting him eat by himself he just sat peacefully in my lap busy with eating. I just give my servants this food mostly to have a nice smell of food in the air, but my cattle gets gruel that just focuses on protein and victims instead of taste and smell, gives me some healthy options in blood. I want him to have a good source of a balanced diet and tasty foods, so his body will have clean system. After he finished his food I took him with me to the living where there was a fireplace and had a servant get a fire going. The wood I had made it have a smell that reminded me of Christmas and his smell made it so much blood, speaking of which, i'm going to let his food settle a bit before I ask him. In the mean time my goal is to get him in a good mood, so I put a cartoon on for him, grabbed a spare blanket and cuddled on the couch with him on top of me. I made him rest there even when he didn't want to then I wanted to really care for him while relaxing, but I don't know other ways either a bath or soaking in a hot tub. I'm new to this whole mother thing, so maybe I can try to remember what my mom did for me hundreds of years ago.

Violet's mind-Ok let's see,... she brushed my hair,... that hurt back then when brushes weren't very good... Chores were her ways of bonding, but I have servants for that, massages were more in my sex life when I have men or woman give me a back rub before I either actually go through with doing them or right before I double cross them to either feed off of or capture them, I could see about his ears, but then I remembered that I learned to be gentle with my teeth, but I had my servants to wait on me hand and foot, so I don't know how deep I can go without hurting his ears.

I went over my choices and the massage can be innocent and probably my best option besides cuddling, so I flipped over gently and put (Y/N) on his belly.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Violet-You're more important and innocent than the others here. I think you deserve far better treatment. How does a massage sound, Cutie pie?~

(Y/N)-Stop calling me Cutie pie!

Violet-Maybe if you stop secretly liking it, I will, but until then, you're my special little cutie pie. Now hold still and let me know if it hurts too much.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

She started to press on my back then rubbed a bit hard, but it felt good and it soon popped a bit, but it didn't hurt. She moved to my shoulder blades and rubbed in little circles and it pushed them the opposite way she was going. The massage went on and whenever I tried to get up, she would push me back down and not let me leave or move, but she got to stand up and massage from the side if she wanted to.

Violet-Are you enjoying your massage Cutie pie?~

(Y/N)-Stop calling me that and why are you doing this?

Violet-Wow, you didn't yell or sound angry. I take you like it. *chuckles* That's so cute.~

I just buried my face in the couch and she laughed and stopped the massage before she picked me up and put me on her lap.

Violet-Ok, I think that was a good massage and you can say you hated all you want, but I saw the looks you had and heard the way you just spoke to me. You loved it and since I didn't a favor for you, maybe you can do a little something for me.

(Y/N)-Do what?

Violet-You know that i'm a vampire and I do need blood. I thought that maybe I could have a little of yours.

I felt my heart stop and I tried to get off her lap and run, but I couldn't even get off her lap. I was screaming and struggling and she only held and rubbed my head and back trying to calm me down and after a while I was kinda tired.

Violet-Now sweetie, relax. I'm just going to have a little drink and I know how to do it where it hardly hurts at all. I did this to countless people while they were awake and eye o me, but they never even noticed. It was my way of taste testing if I felt a little picky about which blood type I wanted when smell wasn't enough. It fells like a little nibble then done, you won't even feel a hard pinch.

She laid me back down and pushed my head slowly to the side to show her my neck and I know that's where vampires bite you to turn you into them and I tried to push her away, but my arms weren't strong enough and I was crying now.

(Y/N)-P-Please... *hic* I don't w-w-want to be a vampire. *whimper*

Violet-No, no, no, no, don't cry! I'm not going to turn you. If I did then your blood will be ruined.

(Y/N)-Y-Y-You're gonna bite me!

Violet-That doesn't mean i'm going to turn you. I would have to drink until you d-. On second thought, let's not get into details. The point is, its just going to be small little taste then it's over... Tell you what, we'll make this a game.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* A game?

Violet-You have to tell me when I bite into you when you start bleeding. If you win, you can go back to your dad and i'll clean up my mess, but if you say I bit into you when I didn't or don't call me out in time you lose. I can also fake sound and pressing my teeth on your neck. You just have to scream or something at the right time.

She moved in and I felt her sharp teeth on my neck and I wanted to scream, but I would lose. I heard her make gulping sounds, but she didn't bite into me yet, so she was faking it. She made the noise 5 times, slowly before she pulled away and licked her lips. I rubbed my neck and there was a bit of blood on my hand.

Violet-All done *chuckles* I never faked it. The "game" was just to get you to sit still, but the stress did spoil it a little, but delicious all the same.

(Y/N)-But... you never bit into me, you just had you teeth on my neck, it didn't hurt at all!

Violet-I know. I can make my feeding slow and harmless to only get a little bit of blood, or I can go all in and really make it hurt, but that treatment is for my cattle. You'll stop bleeding in a minute or two.

She picked me up and we left the living room and she took me to the kitchen and she looked in the fridge and she pulled out a popsicle and cup of pudding and gave it to me.


Violet-I keep sweets in the fridge to give to my cattle in case I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I give it someone to give that blood a little extra sugar.

(Violet's POV)

By that I mean I give it to my cattle from time to time, but they know it means they're next for sure, so I would have to force feed it to them by taking them to a special chair and put an O ring gag in there mouth. It's harder or them and some just eat it while crying, but in the end, I get what I want. I just think in this case a little treat might calm him down after my feeding and lying to him.

Violet-Do you want to cuddle and watch T.V. in the living room again, or do you want to go out on the terrace? I have a nice view outside and a little radio to listen to music.

He didn't answer me and I just got a spoon for his pudding and I guess since children love cartoons, well go back in the living room for a while then i'll let him play in the backyard for a while. I have a pool with a water slide and a wide open field. The wide open field is so I can easily spot my cattle trying to escape and it's rare they get out, but not one succeeded in escape. The only way they leave this place is in a bag to go be buried somewhere miles and miles away from civilization. While I was enjoying the taste of my son's blood in my mouth and in trance I was snapped out of it by a text message alert and it was from my apprentice... they're gonna be here tonight to make my baby immortal... I felt so happy.



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