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(Violet's POV)

When we got inside I took my shoes off and my servants put them up for me while I held my baby in my arms as I was going to take him on a tour and he'll see all my butlers, maids, everything my home has to offer and there's a lot. (Y/N) was still struggling in my arms, but I dealt with far worse, so holding him was easy and I just waited for him to tire himself out before I decided to get started to make sure he pays attention. I won't show him where I keep my cattle our my magical artifacts and books because he won't be able to use magic and artifacts are too dangerous for him and soon he was a little limp in my arms.

Violet-Now that you're calm, let's start a little tour. We'll start with the living room, as you can see I have a 125 inch T.V., a full living room set with recliners, and your game system will be out here. Let's move on.


((Y/N)'s POV)

She showed me the kitchen, her back yard that had a pool and hot tub, a dinning room, a library, an office, and I noticed one door that we didn't go through then we went to her bedroom and she looked inside her walk in closet to see some of my clothes, but not a lot of them.

Violet-They only saw 6 outfits that they thought I would like?... I guess i'm going to have to do some shopping for you and thankfully, you can shop online these days.

She finally put me down by putting me in her bed and laying down with me and I would try to run, but she would stop me right now, but the least I could do is not let her hold me close to cuddle and she just smiled.

Violet-Awww, no snuggles for me? Too bad you don't have a choice. Come here.~

She grabbed me and held me tightly close to cuddle with me.

(Y/N)-Let me go!

Violet-What are you going to do to make me Cutie pie? Are you gonna have an answer this time "Cutie pie"?~

(Y/N)-I said to stop calling me cute!

Violet-Oh, you can tell me you hate it, but your wittle blushes tell me that you like being called cute.~


Violet-*Laughs* I love that you're so easy to fluster!~

(Violet's POV)

It was cute, but when he started to hit me it didn't hurt, but if he was going to learn to respect me, so I grabbed his arms and pinned him down.

Violet-Hey, hitting me is 'not' ok!

(Y/N)-Y-You kidnapping me is not ok, you meanie!

Violet-So i'm mean now? You haven't seen nothing.

(Y/N)-You kidnap good people and now... now you call them meat puppets!

Violet-Oh,... so the big bad vampire kidnaps good people? You think everyone here-... Actually, how about this. You dad shouldn't be up yet, so the damage isn't fully done. If you can find someone besides you in this mansion that I can't prove guilty, i'll let you go and you'll never see me again, but if you lose then you're going to make it up to me, however I like.

He stopped struggling and looked at me to show he was thinking about it and I kept a blank face on to make him feel more confident.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This was my chance to go back home and my dad would never know I was gone and I saw a lot of people here, she probably did get bad ones, but there has to be some good people here too since she was so mean.

(Y/N)-Alright, let's go!

Violet-Then it's a deal.

She let me go and I got up with her and she grabbed big binder full of paper from her drawer and motioned me to lead the way, so we left her room.


We walked down the hall and I saw a man and he looked old and nice enough, so I pointed at him and Violet opened the binder she had and smiled.


Violet-Ah yes, my head butler. You're gonna love this... His name was Alex Fig, before I took him in and made him work for me, he was a gang member back in the 50's wanted for 5 armed robberies and domestic violence against his 'girlfriend' which was a girl he held hostage at one of his robberies that he managed to get away with.


Violet-Do you wanna give up or accept that I win?


I ran to the kitchen and I saw 3 girls in the kitchen cleaning and ignoring me while doing it and Violet came in and flipped through the binder and pointed at each girl and said something.

Violet-Abusive mother and wife, street hooker and thief, stalking and threatening families.

We went around the house and she would show me the files she had on the people and they had pictures and there was more to them than what she said and I didn't know what they meant, but they did not sound good. I was getting scared that I might lose and I was about to open a door, but she stopped me.

Violet-You don't want to go in there.

I had a good feeling now because why wouldn't she want to keep a secret unless she knew I would win against her.

(Y/N)-So you do have good people or something to prove that you're bad! I win!

Violet-It's not that, but you don't wanna see what's behind this door and this is me being nice.

(Y/N)-Liar, you're just mad you have to let me go!

Violet-*Sigh* You wanna go in there? Don't say I didn't warn you.

She opened the door and it showed stairs that lead downstairs and I walked down the stairs and I saw how creepy it was.


(Y/N)'s mind-What is this place?

I was scared, but I kept on walking down the hall and I saw people in jail cells and they were all in bed and when a made it to a cell I saw man in a corner and when he looked at me for a bit he ran to the door while reaching for me.

Man#1-Kid, how did you get out?! Y-You gotta get me out of here before-!

Violet-Don't waste any effort on him Cutie pie, he doesn't deserve your help. Isn't that right, "Chris"?

Just then he saw Violet and backed up and Violet picked me up and I was scared of this place, wishing I didn't come down here now.

Violet-I didn't want to show you this until I thought you were ready, but down here is where I keep my source for all my blood at home or you can call them my cattle. They get fed scrapes from the servants upstairs and they're down here for 'very' good reasons... They're all murders or so much worse. Chris here kidnapped people to sell them on the black market, people that were scared and wanted to go back home. Isn't that right Chris?

He was just silent and she took me with her in her arms and I just wanted to leave this place and I felt like if I didn't I would cry.

Violet-Let me show you one more human down here and fun little fact,... he's around your age, 3 years older than you.


She made me look in another cell and I did see another kid and he's curled up in a bed scared of Violet and I could see him shaking from her.

Violet-You wanna hear what he did? He had 2 loving parents and they spoiled him for his whole life until his baby sister came along then he couldn't get whatever he wanted whenever he wanted for 8 months and he would still get some things he wanted and attention, but to him, it wasn't enough, right Aiden?

He only whimpered and curled up more then Violet whispered something to me while I was looking at him.

Violet-He killed his baby sister on his birthday because he didn't a few things out of a lot of things he wanted. I have his file, a video of his parents telling the police what happened in a conference room and all he was going to get after his trial was 7 months in juvenile hall with parole... Does that sound fair?... Guess what else... for the first month he was here, the only ones he blamed was his parents for having their baby girl. *whisper*

I was whimpering now trying not to cry and Violet just held me close while rubbing my back and bouncing me a bit.

Violet-So... do I win or do you want to meet more of my cattle?~

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Y-You win. *hic* I-I go back u-upstairs, *sniffle* please!

Violet-Ok then Cutie pie.~

She took me upstairs and she closed the door then she took me back to her room and stripped me down before putting my bathing suit on and she laid me on her bed before she went to her closet to get changed. I was too scared from what I saw to move and how everyone out there is a puppet to her and actually are. When she came out she just finished putting her bathing suit bottom on before she picked me up and took me outside to the hot tub and got in with me while holding me in her arms. It was quiet besides the bubbles until she spoke to me.


Violet-I just want you to know that I didn't want you to see that or have to learn the hard way so soon about what happens here, but to me it was better than to go back into town where nobody will know you or think you were dead, only for me to bring you back here. I do care about you, you would be like the others if you weren't.

(Y/N)-Wh-Wh- *hic* *hic* Why?

Violet-Don't cry honey... It's true I was only after your dad for a little drink of new blood that wasn't from my cattle and meeting you after was completely by chance. I noticed that you smelled better than anyone else and later found out your blood type was super rare... I was going to keep you for another blood bag to fed off of, but it's like I said earlier. When I babysat you, I actually enjoyed it and decided that you were going to be more for me... I'm going to take good care of you here, you'll have all the love and attention you'll ever need for me, games, delicious food, and every night like this, we'll snuggle in a soft and warm bed together. I'm going to be like your mother and you are going to be my baby.~

(Violet's POV)

He's learned way too much in a short time, so i'm putting a lid on it for a while know. I'll have him asleep when my apprentice comes to give my baby immortality and keep it a secret for until he realizes that he stopped ageing and growing. I just want to relax him a bit before we go to bed together for the night since he's going to have enough trouble sleeping. I don't want to wipe his memory of this only for him to go through this again later on down the line. He just needs love and care and I might use a spell or two later on if he starts showing signs of breaking down. I just rubbed his back in the hot water since a while in the hot tub helps me relax after a rough day. After a nice soak I took us back to my room to dry us off and I just noticed those idiots didn't grab pajamas for him either. Since I gave him a bath before and there will be 'a lot' more of those with me down the road, it'll be fine for him to sleep naked with me tonight, but i'm gonna do online shopping tomorrow and go regular shopping for things I need for my baby immediately. When I got changed into my favorite pajamas I got comfy in bed with my baby and he was still too scared to fully function right now which was no surprise.


I might use a spell on him tomorrow or at least wipe his memory of my cattle and start locking that door for him, but if he wakes up crying during the night, i'm going to do one or the other.

Violet-Come on baby. Let's try and go to sleep. You had very long and rough day.~

I tucked us in and gave him a kiss before I made him the little spoon while I was spooning him and did online shopping behind his back. He tried to get away from, but I wasn't going to let him do that and he only did it a few times before he stopped, but wasn't going to sleep. I just used my amulet I keep next to my bed to make him go to sleep after an hour when I was done shopping for him and closed my eyes myself to go to sleep while holding my baby close.

Violet's mind-Cuddling never felt so good.~

I was so happy that it was going to be like this every night for all eternity. I just need him to accept this life and I can show him how nice it is to have me suck his blood out a bit. I actually had sex with humans before and sucked their blood too and they actually liked it thinking I was just giving them a hickey. Before I fell asleep I planted another kiss on my baby's head and fell asleep to his wonderful scent of blood.


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