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(Fiona's POV)

I texted the head butler at the mansion to prepare a dinner for a special guest upon my return and they will soon be a 'permanent' resident. (Y/N) was sleeping soundly by my side thanks to my amulet after I everything staged to match the set of what will be (Y/N)'s death and everyone will believe it, even his father after I manufacture the memories into his head. I just had to deal with the mess for a while until his father comes home then when I talk him into bed by acting like I really want to have sex with him, that's when I use my amulet on him.

(Garret's POV)

I got home to find my apartment was a complete wreck. Glass was on the floor, there was holes in the walls, and I heard something in the hallway and it was coming out until I saw Violet and she seemed scared.


Violet-Oh, Garret! Thank god you're home! It was terrifying!

Garret-What happened!

Violet-A man came in and tried to hurt us before he ran out the fire escape! I had to look (Y/N) in his room while I got his attention and... and... *whimper* I was just so scared!

She ran up to me and gave me a hug and I returned it since she sounded like she was telling the truth, but when she pushed away she came back in and gave me a kiss, but now it was my turn to push away.

Garret-I need to see my son.

She wouldn't let go and came in for another kiss and she slipped her tongue in my mouth and lifted her skirt, so now I can see her panties through her leggings and even more clear when she pulled them down with you.

Violet-Please Garret... I need you now.

I wanted to go see my son, but she pulled me with her to my room and on the way there I saw (Y/N) laying in bed and his chest was moving to show me he was breathing, but before I could get a better look we made it to my room and she throw me one the bed. She grabbed my right arm and made me massage her boob and I was getting so hard and horny that I used my other hand to grab her ass and squeezed.

Violet-Oh baby, can I say something?!~


Violet-Did I ever tell you-?~... How gullible humans are?


She reached into her pocket and slammed a necklace on my chest and I was starting to get really tired and Violet started to fix herself up.

Violet-Seeing as you won't remember this, I left a tube full of bleach, baking soda, and more chemicals in the bathroom for you. I'll be taking my new son now and leave you clean up the mess. When you wake up, you're gonna feel like a monster that got too drunk and angry one night and drowned his own child in a hot bath of chemicals and hid the body somewhere.

I couldn't talk anymore and tried to figure out what she was talking about, but she just got up and left while waving my phone in her hand.

Violet-One more thing, i'm gonna go ahead and transfer every last penny you have to a private bank account of mine since you're going to jail for a 'long' time... You won't be needing it.

I was reaching for her as she left my room and went to the bathroom down the hall and I couldn't keep my eyes opened anymore.


(Violet's POV)

I just got done manufacturing his memories and transferring his money from checks and saving to separate fake bank accounts of mine and have them transferred to my real account soon to avoid suspicion. I'll take (Y/N)'s toys and clothes with me when my driver and servants get here and I wanted to get out of this messy house, even if i'm the one that trashed it. I just went to (Y/N)'s room and saw him still sound asleep and just picked him up in my arms and even if you could smell the chemicals from down the hall, I can smell his blood clearly like I was close to an air freshener. Soon there was a knock on the door and when I went to go answer it, I saw 3 butlers of mine at the door.

Violet-Alright, I want you to pack up his video game stuff and his clothes that you feel will be up to my standards. Anything else is to stay here and leave the human man in his room alone. You have 10 minutes before I leave you and you 3 will be walking home.

I walked past them and they blankly walked in and I cradled (Y/N) in my arms as I made it to the limousine without being seen by other humans, not like they would care much at all. When we got into the limo I was introduce by my favorite kind of music.


Nothing to me beats a nice night out and being driven home with a nice relaxing song to fill the car and when my servants came back in 8 minutes to load things into the car and they came as silently and the driver started the drive home. I motioned my servants to give me a drink from the mini bar I had in here and I only had wine in here and I was feeling in the mood for red wine from the 1970's, something light and they gave me the drink and I was careful not to spill on my baby.

Violet's mind-This night is just simply wonderful. I don't think there's anything right now that my servants can accidently fuck up that can make me angry.

During the ride home I felt my baby stirring a little in my lap, so I gave my drink to a servant before I sat my baby up and he let out a cute little yawn before he looked around him. He was starting to get confused and scared and when he looked into my eyes we locked and he just had the look of a scared and lost puppy.

(Y/N)'s POV)

I saw 3 men and Violet and felt like we were driving with us in a long back seat with drinks back here and Violet was holding me in her lap, so I tried to get off her, but she held me tight.


Violet-Did you have a goodnight, "cutie"?~

(Y/N)-Where am I?!

Violet-First of all, you don't need to yell, second, you're in the back of my limousine on the way to my manor.


Violet-No, it's basically a mansion and it's my home. It's your home too now.

I just looked back to the men and they way just sitting there staring directly in front of them, not looking in front of them.

Violet-Did my servants catch your eye? Well... I guess you can call them meat puppets. Watch, I want all of you to copy what I do.

They all looked at her and she moved her hand and they copied her then she started doing stuff, even play with her hair and they were all moving the exact same way like a mirror.

Violet-Ok, stop.

They looked back in front of them and I looked at her and tried to get up, but she still wouldn't let go and she smiled before she opened her mouth and I saw that she had 2 very sharp teeth in her mouth and I was scared.

(Y/N)-I-I wanna g-go home with my d-dad!

Violet-Sorry, cutie pie, but you don't have a choice in the matter and even if I let you go back to your father, you won't get what you expected... He thinks he killed you now.

(Y/N)-Wh-... What?

Violet-I'll explain it all bit by bit to not overwhelm you. Right now you just need relax and look adorable for me.~

(Y/N)-Th-This is against the law! You can't do this!

Violet-*Chuckles* Oh, but sweetie, from the way I look at it... I can do whatever I want. I have power over you,... your daddy, and soooo many other humans.~

She tickled my chin a bit before she sat me down next to her and I tried to open the door to get out, but it wouldn't open.

Violet-I never open the door on my own and have my driver do it for me, so I just turn on the child safety locks "just" incase a little guest tries to get out of a moving car.

(Y/N)-Wh-Why?... Why are you doing this to me?

Violet-... *Deep inhale*... *exhale* Your blood is just so rare to come by that I just had to have you. Not only that, but you also put "life" into my life by being cute, funny, cuddly, and just entertaining.~

(Y/N)'s mind-My blood?!

Violet-You saw my "vampire" teeth, right? Aren't they beautiful and sharp teeth? I take care of them very well if I say so myself.

(Y/N)-Y-Y-You're a vampire?... YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!!!

Violet-Oh heavens no. Why would I kill something so rare and cute? I have plans for you and you can relax because it has nothing to do with hurting you. I may be a vampire, but I fed off living humans before and I can feed off them gently to where it doesn't hurt as long as they cooperate with me.

She just rubbed my head, but I moved away from her and accidently hit my head on the seats and she just laughed a little at me before she rubbed my head again.

Violet-You won't end up like most of the other humans I come across. You will be more important to me. I even have your games and clothes in the trunk for you to keep.

(Violet's POV)

I could tell we were almost home when we were surrounded by trees and (Y/N) was terrified of the thought of me hurting him and all this stress and fear coming off him would make his not as enjoyable. He looked cute and I wasn't going to feed off him anytime soon, maybe a little sip here and there starting tomorrow after I feed a bit of the cattle for a little treat. I'm not gonna take a full pine from him with how small he is. I'm going to take a bit at a time, savor the flavor like a treat to make it more special. I won't tell him anymore about me or m home yet, since he just took in a lot to where he was silently crying to himself and I just pulled him closer despite his struggling and held him close. When he starts getting used to this life and what I have planned for him, his blood would be more delectable without all the adrenaline to cover up most of the flavor.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please, *hic* I just w-wanna go home.

I just kissed his little head when I saw where we were and put him on my lap.

Violet-Oh, but sweetie... we are home now.~

Soon we parked and when the door was opened we all got out and my butlers went to the trunk to bring his stuff in and I faced (Y/N) to his new home with me.


Violet-Welcome to your new home (Y/N). I just know you're going to love it here.~


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