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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were having breakfast and daddy wants to have violet be my babysitter instead of our neighbor coming to check up on my while he's at work. He also wants me to be inside until he gets home and that was fine since none of my friends were going to be home this weekend and he had to leave for work soon. I don't know what we're going to do while my dad is gone and I just looked over at the couch since she said she wasn't hungry and dad was too tired to ask her again.

(Y/N)-Dad, what time will you be back home?

Dad-After I get off work at 7 i'm going to the store to do some grocery shopping.

(Y/N)-Oh, oh, can you get more cookies to make at home. The peanut butter ones!

Dad-Fine. If you're good for your new babysitter then i'll but some chocolate milk for them too.

I was excited for when he comes back home now and after a while he had to leave and I looked over to Violet on the couch and she just smiled and waved at me.


Violet-Are you ready to have fun today? We can play some games, if you want to show me them.

(Y/N)-Um, ok... I play some of my dad's games sometimes, but I need his permission first.

Violet-What game?

(Y/N)-It's... Call of Duty Black Ops 3... He let's me play zombies, but not online.

Violet-Oh, that's a big boy game. Are you sure your daddy would let you play it.

(Y/N)-Sometimes he says no, but only if I was bad or he was mad.

Violent-I'll text and ask your dad and you put the game on.

(Violet's POV)

I did text his dad to keep up this babysitting act and still waiting on word for my apprentice and I could smell the blood for over here and it was just intoxicating. (Y/N) grabbed 2 controllers and came to sit next to me. I'm not one to play video games most of the time, but I guess I can handle a few rounds with him, but when he sat down he accidently bumped into me and quickly scooted away then for a moment the smell of his blood was a tad bit stronger which meant his heart was beating a bit faster, but when I looked in his eyes, no lust.

Violet's mind-So he's a little shy around new people. How cute.~

I do like the stronger scent of his blood and sometimes I do tease shy guys when i'm bored then sometimes bring out my fangs to scare them, of course I wipe their memories after, but it's a nice way to get a laugh. I don't flirt with little boys unless I catch them stealing a look at me and I just softly and kindly approach them just to terrify them with a glare and bare my teeth then I have those little perverts crying home to mommy and daddy. I wonder... how easily can I get an innocent boy flustered.

Violet's mind-Can soft and innocent touches even make him blush?

I took a finger a twirled it around on his little head to play with his hair and that shower he just got out of before breakfast made his hair very soft. I felt him jolt a little bit and if he's a so called well behaved boy then I just need to act all happy and innocent for him and there's no telling what reactions I can get out of him. The more flustered he gets, the better I can smell his rushing blood.

((Y/N)'s POV)

She was rubbing her finger on my head and it felt weird and I tried to move, but she followed me and I started the game of zombies on my favorite map and she finally stopped rubbing her finger on my head, but then something else happened.

Violet-Hey (Y/N), you don't mind if I lay down, do you?

(Y/N)-Uh,... ok.

Violet-Thank you, sweetie.

I didn't like being called that and she laid down and almost laid on me and now she was taking the whole couch.

(Y/N)-Hey, where am I going to sit?!

Violet-Right here, of course.

She picked me up and she was kinda strong then put me on her belly and the loading was done, so the game started and I can't move without messing up, but... I was just sitting on her belly while we played. After the 1 first round she started to tickle my side and make me laugh.

Violet-Awww, you have such a cute wittle laugh.~

(Y/N)-Please, don't call me cute.

Violet-Awww, but why? You are just the cutest little thing ever.~

She scratched under my chin and I moved away and I got down in the game and she was already down, so we lost on round 2. I was mad and she just laughed before she sat up and put me in her lap while holding me close.

(Y/N)-You made me lose!

Violet-I did?


Violet-Are you mad?


Violet-And what are you going to do about?

(Y/N)-I'm-!... I'm... I'm gonna-.

She turned me to the side and kissed my cheek and I didn't know what to say and I felt my face burning up.

Violet-*Snicker* What are you going to do?


She quickly kissed my forehead and I stopped to wipe it off and before I could talk again she gave me another kiss and rubbed my nose. I tried to talk again, but every time I did she would kiss me somewhere, tickle me, play with my nose or ears, but the last time she did something very embarrassing... she stood up and carried me like a baby.

(Y/N)-P-Put me d-d-down,... please.

Violet-Are you begging me?~

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Y-Yes.

Violet-Well when you put it like that... you're just too cute and wittle to put down.~

(Violet's POV)

He was trying his best to stay mad, but the smell of his blood does not lie about how flustered he is. Whenever he tried to threaten me even when he couldn't even think of something, I just have to give him a kiss or something and it would shut him right up. This was fun, he smell was heavenly and I was barely trying... Let's take this up a notch.

Violet-Ok, i'll put you down and I have to check off the list your daddy left for me. I'll go get it.

I put him on the couch and went into his father's room and got a pen and paper then found something in his father's handwriting and managed to copy his hand writing and when I was down I went out to see (Y/N) still blush and where I left him.


Violet-We got a few things to do today and the first is to clean your room.


Violet-You heard me. March.

He got up and went to his room and it wasn't that bad. Just some clothes and toys on the floor, with a messy bed. I just wanted his room clean since I can't stand messy rooms and if i'm here for a while then I want to feel cozy. He soon finished cleaning his room and with that out of the way, let's have some fun.

Violet-Next your dad wants to have me give you cooking lessons, so let's make something as sweet as you!~

He blushed when I said that and human food is bland to me, so it'll be just for him and I plan to make the smell in the kitchen wonderful for the both of us. I once got a royal to date me all because I could cook, but at the end of the day he pissed me off and I suck him dry and left him dead on his bed.

(Y/N)-Stop calling me cute! I hate it!

Violet-Say that 'after' you stop blushing. Little cutie.~

I picked him up went to the kitchen and I found brownie mix and I was going to do all the work, but I was also going to have a bit of fun with him. I added all the ingredients into a bowl and started mixing while he was watching on the counter.

(Y/N)-My dad wants me help too.

Violet-So you want to help me?

(Y/N)-Yeah, but you did everything already.


I booped his little chin with the spoon and he tried to get it with his tongue first instead use hus hands and it was so cute. He soon used his hands and I put the brownies in the oven before I took him off the counter and put him in the living room.

Violet-Aren't you just an adorable little cutie.~


He got on the ground and started to throw a tantrum about how he hates being called cute while he was still blushing and if I wasn't immortal, I think I would literally die of laughter right now. I've never genuinely laughed this much in I don't even know how many years. I just let him go on before he tired himself out after 8 minutes and I saw his eyes were getting droopy from being burned out from his tantrum and I just walked over to him.

Violet-So we agree you're cute?

(Y/N)-*Pant* No. *pant*

Violet-Are you sure?


I just got down next to him and nipped his ear a little to not hurt him, but everyone shows their true feeling when you catch them by surprise and the sound he made was adorable. It was a little yelp, but his blush got dark again.

Violet-Then why are you blushing whenever you're called cute,... cutie?~

I gave him one last kiss before I picked him up to take him to his room to rest room to rest and later I took out the brownies and they were perfect.


I put them on the counter and went back to (Y/N)'s room I think he had enough rest for now because by the time his dad comes back home, (Y/N) will be exhausted. I walked up to his bed and he was already trying to go to sleep, but I wasn't going to let him, not now anyway.

Violet-You're not sleeping yet mister. You were rolling all over the dirty floor because you couldn't handle being called cute and you know what that got you?

(Y/N)-*Yawn* No.

Violet-I'll tell you. It got you a ticket to the bathroom for a bath mister.

(Y/N)-But I already took a bath. I don't want another one.

Violet-You should've thought of that before your little tantrum.

I took him to the bathroom and I got a bath ready for him and he was too tired to fight, so all he could do is sit or lay where ever I put him and pout. I have to say, i've never known taking care of a child could be this enjoyable and funny and usually kids screaming and throwing tantrums just annoys me because it's because they want something bought for them and they aren't getting it or things aren't going their way. That's the case for (Y/N), but it's because he hates being called cute and it's his own fault really, he's shy at first approach, his get's flustered over little touches anywhere on his body, and when he's all mad and blushy you can't help, but see that he's just made because he's not being called strong and handsome or thinks compliments are for babies.

Violet's mind-I know his type all too well, he would love it if I was a sensitive damsel in distress that wants her knight in shining armor and will call him strong and brave about every little thing he does... too bad I won't put on that act for him.

When I stripped him and got him in the bath he couldn't fight me much and at all from how tired he was. I got his entire body and I think he was even about to fall asleep in the bath. I tried to keep him awake and it worked, but each time it worked less and I did this ten times before his bath was done and as much as the smell of blood is nice, I do love a nice minty scent. I dried him off and took him to his room and he just crawled in bed without letting me dress him and it looked like he was going to sleep one way or another now. I was going to try and keep him up still, but I suddenly got a text from my apprentice.

Violet's mind-Fine, rest for now.

I opened the text and it said there was another way for immortality, but it was going to take some time as they were helping with a werewolf problem. I always hated werewolves because they're also just so bent on only accepting help from each other, but apparently they were raising suspicion to humans by kidnapping a lot of them for whatever reason. This goes against our laws and some follow more than others and even I don't follow all the laws, but at least I don't raise suspicion.

Violet's mind-Looks like I have to wait for a while for all my problems to be solved.

I heard steady breathing in the dead silence of the house and (Y/N) looked so peaceful and the smell was so nice and I sat on his bed while he was sleeping under the covers and I got cozy on top of the covers and he was dead asleep. I played with his little ear and he stirred, but didn't wake up. He was just so cute and funny I can't stand it. I scooted closer and held him close to cuddle with him and I haven't felt this good in what feels like forever. Sudden while in his sleep, (Y/N) nuzzle his head into me a bit and I stroked it.

Violet's mind-Amazing smell, the rarest kind of blood, and just plain cute... I was planning on using you just for your blood, but... I think you have more than just one use to me now... you make me feel what I haven't felt since my 16th birthday when I was turned in 1837... alive... I'm gonna keep you as more than a drink, but as my child.~

I can't just take him and leave. His dad and neighbors will get suspicious, so it takes a while, but I need to wipe (Y/N) from their minds or make them think he was dead or something. I just need to think of the easiest way for me to do this, but I don't think I will alter (Y/N)'s memories. If i'm going to make a true bond then I want it to be an honest bond, he will remember everything and after I deal with his dad and neighbors i'll take him with me to my manor... and since we're waiting, I don't see harm in taking a nap.

Violet's mind-I know you're going to be feisty and fussy at first, but you'll learn to love your new life with me forever... you won't have a choice.~


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