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(Garret's POV)

I was at the bar and it's been 4 years after my wife died and it's just been me and my son in an apartment. I love my son and he's all I have left of Carly, but the guys at work thought I should try to get back out there and date, have someone to help me with (Y/N) because that boy is a hand full. I thought about how I met Carly and it was at a bar while I was drinking with friends and she was a waitress, so if the bar worked once, maybe it would work again. I tried online dating, but the first date was something that lied to get a free meal, second was a 17 year old that was into older guys, and the third was just someone I wasn't into. There was just one problem... I haven't flirted with anyone in years and I have no idea what to say without fucking up my chances. Maybe I can think of pick up lines.

Garret's mind-Hey girl, I lost my number, can I have yours?~... No... Hey baby, you look too good for this place, let's say we go somewhere more private.~... Now it sounds like a kidnapping.

What happened to me, I used to be good at this,... at least I think I was. I was about to call it a night and leave, but then I accidently bumped into someone and it felt really soft and I looked at the person and she was beautiful.


???-Oh my god, sorry!

Garret-Hey, no harm done.

???-I didn't look where I was going. My friend accidently took my phone and I just need to call and tell my dad that I made it to town, then I have to find a place to stay tonight and all I had was apple pay on my phone for money and- ugh!

Garret-You... need some help... I can let you borrow my phone and if you need a place to crash tonight I have some room at my apartment. You can even call your friend to get your phone back.

???-She took a cab and has a hotel somewhere in town... I would appreciate it if I can stay the night... I'm Violet, i'm new in town.

Garret-I'm Garret... What brings you to town?

Violet-Oh, I lived 3 towns over and I have a new job here. I was planning to stay in a hotel for a week until I get paid and rent an apartment. It's cheap here and i'm on my own.

Garret-Well I was about to head to my apartment and I have a son at home if you don't mind little kids.

Violet-Thank you so much!

She gave me a hug and it's been so long since I felt the touch of a woman. It feels so soft and warm. We left to go to my car and she used my phone to call her dad and I can put (Y/N) to bed early and try getting to know her to see where it goes and maybe even try to flirt to see how she takes it.

(Violet's POV)

Men are so gullible. Dress nice, show some cleavage, act like a damsel in distress and almost every single man will line up and it's been like that for centuries. I called my manor to leave a voicemail disguised as 'calling my father' to leave a massage that I was going to be out for the night. My cattle were getting bland for me and I want some new flavors even if I only feed every 2 weeks and I go out from time to time to get some new flavors. I have a system for food. People on death row or I know are criminals take permanent residence at my manor as cattle, but everyone else is for when I go out from time to time. I'll just take a pine or 2 from him, alter his memory to forget about me and then do the same to his son. This isn't the first time I preyed on a single parent, but I only picked him because his blood smelled like what I was in the mood for, B+ and from what I can smell, he has a good diet.

Garret-My son is 4 years old and can be a hand full at times, but he's a good kid.

Violet-He must be lucky to have a great dad.~

I traced my finger on his arm before I got out of the car. I just need to tease him a bit because I can smell and see the hunger in his eyes that he's been single for a while now. We walked upstairs to his apartment and I just need to wait for him to put his kid to bed, seduce him, knock him out before he makes his move, take the blood, wipe his memory along with his son, and get up. When we got inside I smelled something... wonderful and i've rarely had this smell present to me before and I heard a voice come down the hall of this small apartment.



((Y/N)'s POV)

I ran out to the living room and I saw daddy brought a friend home and she looked pretty, but I was a little nervous since dad never brings an adult home. How do I act, is there something I need to do, do they like games?


(Y/N)-Dad, who's this?

Dad-(Y/N), this is Violet and she's going to be staying the night with us.

Violet-Hello there little guy.


Dad-Don't be shy. She's not gonna bite.

I walked up to them and i've only had friends online or at school, but adults were different. When I made it to them I tried to shake her hand and she took it while smiling and when they went on the couch I was about to head to my room.

Dad-Hey bud, the deal was when I get back, you get in the bath and it's bed time.

(Y/N)-But dad, i'm in the middle of watching Jurassic World. There's only 25 minutes left.

Dad-Bath, finish your movie, then bed or next time no stuffed crust pizza when I go out.

(Y/N)-Ok... Night.

(Violet's POV)

I can't be certain about that boys blood based on smell with other smells on him. I'm so used to smelling past liquor, body spray, and stuff like that, but that boy probably smelled like dirt or something dirty and I can't tell if his blood was O- or O+ or something. This is way I don't snatch homeless or people that wreck of drugs shot into their system because it's usually worse inside than it is out, but I know it's not the case with the boy. I'm getting off focus for the reason I came here, this man's blood and i'm hungry.

Violet-Your boy seems really nice, raising him on your own has to be hard.

Garret-Nah, he listens most of the time and he does come home dirty almost everyday after having dirt clad fights with his friends or snow ball fights in the winter. He and his friends go to some dirty places just being boys.

Violet-Having a full time job and a son to look after has to be very hard. Is that why you were at the bar? Where you feeling and your friend feeling lonely?~

That made him flustered I took him off guard by slipping into his shirt and he was doing nothing to stop me, but he did reach behind me and pulled me close. I know every move to flirting and seduction ever.

Violet-Someone's feisty.~

He traveled down my back, but before he could reach my ass I stopped him and got up.

Violet-Let's take this to your room.~

I unbuttoned his pants before I walked off and it was like have a dog on a leash when he followed me to his room and I pushed him on the bed and crawled on top of him and next comes the fun part. I was pretending to move in for a kiss and before I did I reached into pocket and grabbed a charm my apprentice made and quickly pressed it on his lips, so he accidently kissed it and quickly passed out, so now I can wipe his memories and manufacture some then I would have to do the same thing to his son.


After the boring part was done I sunk my teeth into Garret's neck and not as good as I thought, but it was still nice. He'll feel a little drained in the morning, but as far as he 'remembers' he just stayed up late watching T.V. and had a turkey sandwich.

Violet's mind-That should hold me over for a week or 2.

I waited for a while to make sure that boy was asleep before I got up and went to his room to wipe his memories of me, but when I walked in... The smell of his blood invaded my nose and it was just soooo good. I went up to the boy and I could tell he was pretending to sleep, so I just poked him a little and he was smiling.

Violet-I know you're not asleep.

He opened his eyes and was nervous now. I just sat on the edge of his bed and I can drop that act and wipe his memory later... or maybe...

Violet-Your daddy sent me here to check on you. Should I tell him that you're still awake... or do you want to keep this a secret?

(Y/N)-S-Secret, please.

Violet-Then do you mind doing me a little favor?


Violet-Can you touch this pretty little jewel?

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the amulet then held it out to him for him to touch and when he touched it, he passed out almost instantly.


Violet-Nighty night.~ Let's see what kind of blood type you have.

This was good for more than knocking out my victims to make feeding easier, it could also tell what kind of blood they have with just on drop on it. I just pricked his arm a bit to where he won't notice easily and got the drop of blood and put it on the amulet and I have to wait a moment before the color changed and i've never seen it this color before, but it was so pretty and I recognize it from the book my apprentice gave me.

Violet's mind-He's blood type AB negative! I've never had it before! It's the rarest blood on earth!

I took the blood from the still bleeding wound and tasted it and... it was the best thing I ever tasted! With rare blood, healthy blood sugar levels, and the affect of the amulet to make him sleep peacefully, so stress doesn't ruin the taste... IT WAS PERFECT!!! I couldn't help myself and flipped him over to suck on his wound, but I was still full from his father's blood. I couldn't have as much as I wanted right now, but there was no way in hell I was letting something like this slip through my fingers.

Violet's mind-I'll stick around for a while and come to a decision later. I need to find a way to never lose this boy, even from age, but if I turn him then his blood will be ruined.

I pulled out my phone that I kept hidden and sent my apprentice a message of the situation and see what they can come up with. I just went back to his father's room and manufactured his memories again and starting tomorrow he'll think need a new babysitter for the weekend to get off his neighbor's back and I agreed to it. I just scooted him over and got comfy before I went to sleep.

Violet's mind-I might not be able to feed off your blood for now and only a bit at a time in the future, but one way or another, you're going to be my favorite drink now.


Epic the Orca

Rereading this one. Its good.