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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up to talking and the sound of a fireplace then I felt I was still stuck in this blanket and being held still. It was really hard to open my eyes and when I think I heard some bells they sounded smell and everything sounded all fuzzy like I was trying to listen through a door. When I finally opened my eyes I saw Bela was holding me and the others were here, but Alcian was looking at something that I couldn't see.


Bela-Mother, he's awake.

They all looked at me now and Alcian hid something behind her back before she walked up to me and poked my nose.

Alcian-Well good morning little pet. My daughters simply adored you at dinner when I showed them some tricks.~

I tried to stretch, but that was really hard and I couldn't do it, but then I felt Bela scratch behind my ear and I just tried to move away from it, but she followed me.

Bela-Don't think about fighting us, don't forget we can still punish you.

Alcian-Enough threats, i'm sure he was just stretching. Don't forget something special is happening.

Bela-Yes mother.

I had no idea what she was talking about, but when she sat next to us and started to pet my head and move down to my cheek.

Alcian-You've been such a good boy considering your situation and only needed to be punished once. You were even so close to failing my test to become our pet, but at the last second you passed with flying colors and for that, I had a few things made for you and my favorite so far is this one.~

She showed me what she was hiding and I was surprised that they were not kidding and just giving me a weird nickname to be mean about this... They really want me to be a pet!


Alcian-Congratulations sweetie. Bela, be a dear show me his neck.~

She pulled the blanket down a little bit and Alcian put the collar around my neck then I heard a little click when Cassandra reached behind me and something small was on the collar. When she gave her mommy a small key I think I know what she put on.

Alcian-Thank you Cassandra. Now, you can't take your collar off.~

I couldn't even move my arms out of this blanket, but then Bela gave me to Cassandra and they all still looked scary, so I tried to hide my face in the blanket, but she made me look at her again.


Cassandra-Why did you turn away from your mistress puppy?... I can't wait until we get your bell on you, so we can know "exactly" where you're hiding if you're bad.~

She just kissed my forehead and curled up on the couch with me in her lap then she held my head on her soft chest before she started to scratch my ear and I tried to hide how good it felt, but they all only laughed.

Cassandra-Mother, besides the ear and head scratching, what else can you do with pets to make you feel better.

Alcian-I did enjoy caring for him in ways, such as feeding and giving him a bath. I never knew caring for someone could feel nice, but you can also ask him.

Just then Cassandra, Daniela, and Bela all looked at me and got closer with those creepy smiles. She didn't speak to me, but she did grab my ear and pulled it to her and leaned in.

Cassandra-Be a good puppy and bark for us... Or else this blanket gets taken away.~ *whisper*

She leaned away from me and I remembered I was naked in here, so I didn't want her to take it and leave me naked. She gave me a look like she was just waiting and I didn't want to do it, but when she pulled on the blanket and Alcian was not doing anything to stop her.

(Y/N)-Bark. *mumbles*


(Y/N)-Bark,... bark, bark, woof.

Cassandra-Good puppy,... but who told you to stop?

(Cassandra's POV)

This was amusing and more pleasing than pinning him down and forcing him into submission, not that it isn't still fun. He was putting on a nice show for us until we heard a knock on the door and it sounded really hard, yet sloppy and mother got irritated, but went to go answer it. I gave our pet a look and he went back to barking for us and I gave his ear a little nip for fun. Soon mother came back in and walked by, but she did not look happy.


Mother-The 3 of you keep our pet close, stay in here, and stay quiet until this is settled. I need to grab something.

Bela/Cassandra/Daniela-Yes mother.

She left and I was a little sad that our pet can't bark for us right now, but Daniela scratched his neck and he let a cute giggle fill the room, but then he quickly stopped and looked at us while blushing. He thinks we'll take advantage of this and he will be right since he's our pet and we can and will do what we please with him. We just had to be quiet a while then that spot will be all ours, but soon the doors opened again where the front door should come from and when we looked, it was not mother.


Moreau-... Who is that?

Bela-Our mother doesn't like unwanted guests in our manor. Wouldn't she leave you by the front door to wait?

Moreau-I have a duty to tell Mother Miranda everything I know and find... Wait,... that has to be the child of the 2 Mother caught by mistake! G-Give them to me! Mother must know and see them!

When he got closer I felt our pet shake, squirming to try and get away, and he was whimpering in fear of Moreau from the way he looked and if anyone scares our pet it will be us, so I turned him away from the fish.

Cassandra-He's our pet, he broke in to our home, so that makes him our property!

Moreau-I must get him to Mother Miranda!

He wobbled over here faster and I simply flew with our pet to get some distance from him, but I can only go so high in this form to carry something, but he lunged at me while I was still trying to get away from him, but he managed to snag our pet from me and tackled him on the ground and I accidently took his coat off, so now you can see his disgusting guts and extra eyes on his back.



(Y/N)-*Whimper* AAHHHH!!! *sobbing*

I rushed to them and pulled our pet away and he was covered in slime and it felt gross and Moreau got back up and was about to try again, but then...



Mother-"What" is going on in-?! *gasp*!

Mother saw the scene in his and came over and saw our pet covered in slime and crying and her eyes went dark while he skin got a little pale before she turned back to Moreau.


Moreau-Wh-Why haven't you told Mother-?

Mother-She will know about my pet soon enough and odds are she won't care! I told you wait and you barge in to scare and put those slimy fins on my pet?! Can you understand the simplest of instructions with that slug you call a brain?!

Moreau-N-No... Don't be cruel... It's not fair.

Mother was more furious with him and he razor sharp claws came out and he coward before her before she took a deep breath.


She threw a bag at him and took it before he ran away crying and left before she calmed down and she took our pet from met and was disgusted by the slime. She just held him close to muffle his cries with her body and scratched his head.

Mother-*Sigh* And he just had a bath too... Girls, get a group bath ready for us, all of us.

Cassandra/Bela/Daniela-Yes mother.

(Moreau's POV)

It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair! They're all so mean to me and when I try to do my best they just get mad or laugh at me! When I made it to the court yard I was crying from how unfair everything was then things got worse when I heard a high pitched laughter and tiny footsteps and when I looked it was Donna and Angie.


Angie-Hahahahaha, what are crying about now?! You seemed happy when mother sent you to get Alcian's empty flask and you looked like you luck was like your face!

Moreau-Alcian y-yelled at me. She won't let mother see the child she missed. She's keeping it as a pet.

Angie-What?! She gets 2 new victims and I only get one toy?!... Fuhuhuhuhu, i'm gonna go annoy her and it'll be so much fun!

She ran past me and I just went to go drop off the flask that was useless with mother's special baby here and go home where they can't yell at me anymore.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Alcian said that the food she doesn't like that much filled this bath, but now it was full of hot water and they took the blanket of my and put it in a basket with other clothes, so other people in black robes could take them. I didn't look at them taking their clothes off because my mommy says it's very bad to watch girls do that.

Alcian-One of you grab our pet and get him in the water.

Daniela-I will mother.

She picked me up and I closed my eyes to still not look at them naked even if they were looking at me.

Daniela-Look, he's just so shy.~

Alcian-(Y/N), I know some people in the village that had baths with their pets. You'll be doing the same thing sometimes, so you may as well get used to it.

I was put in the water and I felt some poured on my head a few times before I felt Daniela scrub my head. I started to think about that scary zombie man and his scary voice and it made me almost cry again, but I was whimpering.

Alcian-Awww, our poor puppy is still scared... When you're done with his hair, give him to me.

When she was done I didn't open my eyes, but I felt Daniela pass me to her and I was wrapped in a hug.

Alcian-I know you loved your clean hair, that nice fluffy blanket, and your new collar so much and that disgusting fishy ruined it all.~

She was petting my head and back and I know she was still very bad, but it felt good like when my mommy helps me after a nightmare. Soon she rubbed my eyes a little and she was trying to open them, but I kept them shut.

Alcian-Show me those little eyes of yours... You have "3" seconds to open them... 1... 2.

I slowly just opened my eyes thinking she would punish me and what they do hurts, but from how scary she sounded a while ago, I don't want to get her mad. When I opened them and looked at her I saw the others too and I don't think it was that bad, but my mommy said it was very bad.

Alcian-There they are... After this bath I think you need some play time. I hope you like fetch.~

She held me closer to her and scratched my back with her nails before she stopped and let me go into the water, but I didn't know who deep this was and I can only swim a little, so I went the closet edge which was by them.

Alcian-Go ahead and splash around. It should be cute to watch... Go.

I knew she was not asking, so I just went to the bottom of the bath under water and jumped up as hard as I could only to get splashed and they laughed.

(No POV)

While the Dimitrescu family was playing with their pet by making him play Donna and Angie found their way in through an unlocked door Moreau left behind. The helped themselves in to sneak around and soon to get a look at this new pet, but in the mean time something else was happening.

(Chris's POV)

I just got what had to be some of the worst cases scenario to be added to this mess. One of our trucks containing the (L/N)'s was attack with both men dead and the family missing, Miia is still not located, activity is greatly increased not outside, but in the areas we need to check, and the only good thing is that Ethan and Rose made it to the facility.

Radio-Ethan and Rose are both soon to get a vaccine. Any and all mold in their systems will be destroyed and since Rose has not yet fully developed from the previous exposure from Miranda she should be fine. *static*

Chris-At least there's that... My team and I are going through resources like water. Requesting a resupply due to increased activity at the nesting areas.



Radio-Resupply approved and will arrive in 5 hours. We are also sending in more personal. *static*

Chris-What?! No, this is an assignment for my team! We don't need more people and casualties!

Radio-Negative, they are coming. A small elite team of hand picked available troops along with BSAA officials. The order has already been passed.
