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((Y/N)'s POV)

It felt like 3 hours since Sarita left to go shopping and the whole time Kalma was still making me act like a dog and it was so embarrassing and when the front door opened soon I saw Sarita and Blair walk into the living room and when they saw me Sarita had that different kind of smile on her face while Blair just looked mad before she came over to take the bone out of my mouth and pick me up before looking at Kalma.


Blair-You made him do it, did you?!

Kalma-Oh and it was adorable, funny, and satisfying all wrapped into a little bundle.

Blair-He's still a human child with a life to live on the surface!

Kalma-Really? I think he fits more in with a pet now after what I found I can make him do. While you were gone I made him do all sorts of tricks and even "bark".

Blair-You treat other low rank demons like that all day, but I will not let you do it to him.

Sarita-If both of you are done bitching at each other, let me remind you about who he made a deal with and got branded by.

Just then Sarita came over and took me from Blair before she licked from my neck to my ears before she kinda bit it to where it only hurt a little and the rest just made my spine shiver.

Sarita-He's my property. I did think it was cute and will be fun someday to seeing how much he will do when he's told. I even decided to take him out tomorrow to show him off.

Blair-You can't do that! Those demons out there-!

Sarita-Know who I am and will know who he is. Now if you excuse us, I have lots of unpacking clothes, toys, and other stuff for my new human.

Sarita left the room and when she got into the hall, I saw 5 small monster demons in the hall all pulling carts full of bags.


They did look kinda cute and when I waved at one of them a little their eyes went completely black and they showed yellow razor sharp teeth which was really scary. I accidently held on to Sarita tighter and she held me right in front of her.

Sarita-Don't get too clingy honey, you might make me too happy... Unless you want me to play with you.~

I just shook my head no and she just pulled me in for another kiss before we made it to her room and she just laid in bed with me just to cuddle and I was wondering how much all this costs.

(Y/N)-How much did you spend on me?

Sarita-Spend?... Oh right, you humans have money up there. I have some incase a human takes me on a date and I see something I like, but we don't use it down here.

(Y/N)-Then... how do you get stuff?

Sarita-You can trade, shake down, offer "yourself" to a buyer. I mostly shake down to get what I want fast and I have my "fans" to help me get what I want from others with stuff I like and I got everything here for you. No thanks are necessary.

I was looking at what these demons were taking out of the bags and most of the clothes looked normal, but there was a few that looked like they don't really cover my tummy, arms, or legs much, but one thing I saw they all had was this pictures that looked like it was just sewn on there.


When the clothes were all put away I saw some toys she was talking about, but there was also some weird things too.


(Y/N)'s mind-Is... IS THAT A REAL HUMAN HAND?!?!?!

I just covered my mouth from feeling like I was about to get sick while I was starting to cry and Sarita saw how scared I was from in and she just looked at the monster holding it like it was nothing and even grabbed a second one before they were about to put it in a drawer.

Sarita-You with the finger traps!

Just the monster froze in place and looked scared of Sarita and she got with me still in one of her arms and he got on his hands and knees to bow before her.

Sarita-Did I or did I not saw to take these off and not take the hands out of the bag?! Now look what you did to my prized toy!

Monster-M-Mistress, I-!

Just then she stepped on "her" neck to push her to the ground and I didn't even know that these smaller monsters were girls, but some were definitely boys from what I heard. They weren't helping their friend at all, but just backing away from Sarita.

Sarita-You wanna know why this little boy is higher up than you other than being alive?! His appearance and his completely submissive nature makes him leagues above all my other servants that I branded and "here you are" scaring him and if he has nightmares tonight, the devil or god will be able to fix what I do to you!... Maybe I should take my brand off you and send you back to where I found you.

Monster-N-No mistress, please! I'll do anything!

Sarita-... (Y/N), i'll bring you back in later for dinner and a bath. I'm just going to have some fun with my other toys since they "all" clearly want it.~

All the monsters in here were scared now as Sarita put me in the hall, gave me one more tongue kiss and poked my nose before she started to take off her dress while closing the door. I soon just heard weird noises in there, so I just left down the hall and I don't wanna see Kalma again, but Blair did seem nice, so I was looking for her.

(Y/N)-Blair!... Blair!... Blair!

Just then I saw Kalma jump into the hallway and let out a roar and slide with both feet and one of her arms into a crouched stance and she was smiling at me with an evil smile.


Kalma-Awww, is the poor boy toy lost? If you want,... I can make you my bitch too... I'm already an alpha hellhound to others.~ *growl*

I just backed up and just then I was snatched up quickly and I screamed a bit before I saw how it was.


Blair-Don't you "dare" mark him.

Kalma-Oh, i'm sure Sarita won't mind sharing with me. I won't turn just to keep him on the lower chain.

Blair-He doesn't belong to you or Sarita!

Kalma-Maybe not me "yet", but you can keep lying to yourself if it goes you off at night.


We just left while Kalma was laughing and soon we made it to her room and it looked completely different from the rest of the house.


Blair-Do you like it sweetie. It makes me feel right at home. I even covered the window to help.

(Y/N)-It looks nice... How did you get stuff like this down here?

Blair-Oh, well I go up o the human world since Sarita doesn't care about the most of the money she gets from her victims and I go up to buy stuff. I still go to the uh,... markets sometimes for smaller things.

She just put me on her bed and she saw something on me she didn't like and grabbed a napkin from that tray and it was made of a cloth instead of paper.

Blair-Ugh, Sarita... What goes on in her head is beyond me.

When she was done I just thought about what happened and it made me feel scared and sad again and Blair saw this sat next to me.

Blair-Is something wrong?~

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* I-I saw a real h-human arm, l-l-like it was ripped off. One of Sarita's monsters accidently showed it to me.

Blair-*Gasp* Awww, you poor baby. I'm so sorry you had to see that. Here, lay down.~

She picked me up and got the tray off her bed before she tucked me in her bed. Just then she got up and went to a cabinet where there was food and a water pitcher with cups and she poured me one before coming back to me and I was about to take it, but she pushed my hands down.

Blair-Does trouble yourself with that. Let me do it for you.~

She lifted my head and poured the water slowly into my mouth before she put me back down and tucked my arms back under the blanket.

Blair-You're very well behaved... Do you mind waiting her for me while I go do something? I'll lock the door and have a key so Kalma can't get in to mess with you.~

She just kissed my head before she gave me a hug then got up to leave and locked her door behind her.

(Y/N)'s mind-She's so nice and wouldn't hurt anyone. Why is she here where bad people go?

(Sarita's POV)

Right now I was smothering the demon that made my favorite boy toy cry between my legs and they had pleading eyes. I even felt her trying to get some air, but I wasn't going to let her breath yet and just then my door was kicked open and I saw someone had their panties and feathers in a twist.



Sarita-She's currently under me.

Blair-Give her to me "now"!

Sarita-*Chuckles* Could've taken her out to-.

Blair-SHUT UP!!!

She didn't even let me finish my joke before she grabbed my servant by her horn and pulled her out from under me and it felt nice to grind on her and now have a show.

Blair-You made a defenseless child cry you filthy demon!

Servant-M-Mistress, please help me!

Blair was only angered by that and threw her in the hallway the got out to drag her down the hall and I followed them not even bothering to get dressed since I walk naked in my home sometimes when i'm too lazy to get dressed. We made it to the kitchen and she went to where Kalma keeps her meat stashed away that she doesn't want us touching because she killed that meat herself or sometimes we just throw some in there that we just don't want.

Blair-I'll make sure you don't scare him again!

My servant was about to beg to me for help again, but Blair put her head between both her hands to squeeze really hard.


Blair just glared daggers at her until my servants had finally popped like a balloon and Blair was covered in a little bit of blood and some even got on me.

Sarita-Ugh, now I really do need another bath... You happy now Blair?

Blair just looked to the ground before she went to the sink and washed her hands to get the blood off and just then I think she calmed down a bit, but she just sat on the counter and the demon blood was starting to simmer away, but it makes me feel sticky.

Sarita-Well that killed my mood. I'll be taking my human back for a bath now.

Blair-I'm coming with you.

Sarita-What happened to not bathing with demons?~

She just glared at me and I just put my hands up and i've been trying to get her in a group bath since I met her, but she says she only baths with pure angels or no one at all. When we made it to her room, it was already open and she ran to the door before she looked surprised and when I looked I saw Kalma giving (Y/N) a tongue bath and this is another way she marks her prey without turning them and she even had almost all his clothes off expect his underwear.



Kalma-Oh, what brings you here.~

Blair-This is my room and I locked it!

Kalma-And it was easy to pick. I'm just doing a little marking.~

Blair-I. Said. NO!!!

Kalma-Too late. My scent is all over him and now every hellhound in hell will smell me. I just made him more safe, so how about a thank you.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still under Kalma almost completely naked in front of everyone then Sarita came over to pick me up and when she did Kalma grabbed my and pulled me and Sarita just gave a little smile.

Sarita-Excuse me, but I think you forgot who branded him.

She pulled be back to her, but Kalma didn't let go.

Kalma-And you saw me mark him. That means it's different now and I never lose a fight to something like this.

(Y/N)'s mind-They're gonna fight?!

Just then Blair came over and tried to pull me away from both of them, but couldn't

Blair-Let go! Both of you don't even know how to care for a child!

They were all arguing over me and I hate it when others fight and while they kept on yelling Sarita finally pulled me out from Blair and Kalma before my face was between her boobs again.

Sarita-Ladies, ladies, ladies, you forgot how we got here? Are you going to throw that all away because you know what happens if others here we're not fully a team anymore, right?

Kalma-Then what do you suppose we do. I don't share pack members.

Sarita-Then it's a good thing you didn't mark him as one. How about we all take a nice soak together and see how it goes. Blair was already coming with us.

Kalma-*Growl*... Fine.


Just then Sarita literally ripped off the clothes I had left on, so now I can't put them back on and she held my like a baby while she was still naked and we all went to big bath Sarita took me in before and Blair was getting the bath ready while Kalma was taking what little she had off, but Blair wasn't and the others looked at her and I tried not to look at any one them, but Sarita made me look at Blair.

Kalma-Come on "angel" take it off.~


Sarita-You're not getting in my bath like that.

Blair-I'm doing it, i'm doing it!

Her cheeks were red and Sarita made me watch as Blair slowly red and Kalma even whistled at her to be mean and Blair got mad at her before she was done and we all got in the bath.

Sarita-Oh my, could it be? An "angel" taking a bath with "demons", how unholy.~

They just teased Blair and Sarita let me go, but made sure I could leave the bath then Kalma just grabbed me and started to like me again before she got very close to my ear.

Kalma-Remember that you belong to me now and it you behave... i'll think again about giving you a toy tail.~

Blair pulled me away from Kalma and she didn't like it, but I think Blair didn't care or even that I was between her boobs now like Sarita would do to me.

Blair-I will "not" let you do such a thing to him!

Kalma-Oh and you're so pure. Look at where his face is.

She looked down at me before she moved me up to where my head was on her shoulder and Sarita and Kalma laughed. As the bath went on they kept on taking me from each other and washed me, but mostly relaxed and teased me and sometimes Blair. This was the longest bath in my entire life and Sarita saw her hands were getting wrinkly.

Sarita-Alright, this has been fun, but i'm taking (Y/N) back with me to my room for some cuddle time.

Kalma-Hey, he belongs to me now too, so who the fuck says you can just walk off with him.

Blair-He's coming to my room! I'm not letting him sleep in a glorified sex room or room where there's a pile of bone from "mid-night snacks".

Kalma-At least he won't be surrounded by lies and knows where he is.

Sarita-Now girls, this is new for me too. I want him to make him my favorite subby boy, Kalma wants him to be a mascot or something in her pack, and Blair wants him for... I don't know, her kind nature to have something to pour into, but fighting won't solve anything.

Blair-So we let him decide?

Sarita-No... We'll just all sleep together if you want to so bad and we'll figure out an order tomorrow.

Blair-No way, I know you sleep naked and Kalma always likes herself in disgusting places when she wakes up!

Kalma-Why don't you kiss my ass, prude!

Sarita-Look, i'm getting tired and want to go to sleep and I don't feel like fight, so whoever wants to sleep with us will be in my room.


Blair dressed me in the pajamas Sarita got me and she did go to sleep naked, Kalma was sleeping on top of me, and Blair was asleep on my other side and I couldn't see other than the girl's faces and when I shifted a bit so did they and I had a hard time sleeping, but I was getting tired too and soon I fell asleep still wanting to go back home and if Blair can go to earth to get thing then maybe she'll take me home back to my mommy.

(Y/N)'s mind-Blair's really nice, so maybe she'll help me get back to my mommy, so she won't be alone at home anymore.


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