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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to feel that my shirt was off and when I looked around, I knew this wasn't my room or any room in my house and I still couldn't find my shirt, so I was getting scared and trying to find out where I was.


I looked around some more and saw Sarita behind me, turned away from me, and I saw her back while she didn't have a shirt on either, but when I lifted the blanket to get out I saw she had no clothes at all and my mom said seeing a girl naked is very bad, so I quickly turned away and got out of the bed without waking her up. She still had her horn thingies on, but no clothes... What is with her? I just snuck out of her room and I need to get out of here and get back home. My mommy and daddy might be worried and I know that this is kidnapping thanks to videos from school, so I can also find a phone and call 911 for help. I walked down a long hallway and heard something like a T.V. and I went to the room to see a big T.V. was on and I saw a dog tail poking off the side of the couch and I was scared it would bark if it saw me, but then I saw a house phone on the table in front of it.

(Y/N)'s mind-I need that phone. What do dogs like?... They like bones.

I looked around, but didn't see any bones or dog toys to use, then I thought about meat, but didn't know where the kitchen was.




Just then I saw the tell moving a bit then a furry leg stretched out and it almost looked human.


She did sound mad, but I can tell that's not the reason she yelled and soon I saw her get off the couch to stretch and I saw what she really looks like... A MONSTER!!!


I saw she barely had any close on except underwear and some parts were being held together by chains. I hid behind a wall before she could turn and see me, but soon...

???-I can smell you there! You're behind the fucking wall! Come out!

I was scared and tried to sneak away and find a place to hide, but then...

???-Ok,... i'll come to you. *growl*

I saw her shadow and started to run and when she came into the hallway and saw me running around the corner then I heard her running after to me.


I kept on running, but soon I was picked up and pinned against the wall and I saw the dog girl and she was very mad.


???-What are you doing in here kid?! Why is Sarita's scent all over you?!

(Y/N)-I-I-I-... um, I-.

???-Is that all you can say?!

I was so scared and she was hurting me by holding me to the wall and tears started to come out of my eyes and soon I couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cry. I just wanted my mommy and daddy. She just dropped me on the floor and just growled at me then soon someone else was coming down the hall and when I looked, I saw it was a girl and she had black wings.


???-*Gasp* Kalma, who is this?

Kalma-It's a fucking kid and Sarita's scents on him. Ask her while I toss them outside.


Just then the girl with back wings ran to me and picked me up before the dog girl could then held me close while rubbing me to help me feel better. She was even shushing me and after a bit, I did feel a little better and stopped crying, but I still wanted to go home so bad that it hurts.


Kalma-Would you fucking stop?! Sarita brought a child home and we both know what she is! The kid was probably something new she's trying after she was in a bad mood the last few days!

???-I don't care and you can't prove he's tethered to Sarita. She isn't into children.

Kalma-Oh yeah, look at the back of his shoulder!

Just then the new girl put me down and turned me and she just gasped again and Kalma just looked at me before she looked back at her.

Kalma-See? Just throw him out and if Sarita really wants them, she'll easily find them.

I just looked back at the new girl and she did look sad, but shook herself a bit before picking me back up and holding me close.

???-I'm keeping them safe and we'll talk to Sarita later. I'm still an angel and my duty is-.

Kalma-"Fallen angel". You're in hell for over 5 decades! Get over it already!


They stood in silence for a bit while the new girl was breathing heavy for a bit and I hated it when others yelled and I was close to crying again, but Kalma just walked away.

Kalma-Go to the living room with him. I'm dragging Sarita out of bed and we'll see what she says about all this. Will that make you happy?


Kalma left and this girl took me to the living room and sat in a chair with me on her lap and she just wiped my tears while still shushing me.

(Y/N)-Th-... Thank you.

???-Did Kalma hurt you anywhere?

(Y/N)-Sh- She g-grabbed me r-really hard by my ch-ch-chin.

???-Awww, poor baby.~

She lifted my head and kissed the bottom of my chin and my neck too and it tickled, so I laughed a little and she looked at me with a warm smile.

???-What's your name little one? My name is Blair.

She just rubbed my head and also scratched it and it made me feel embarrassed and my face got warmer and she giggled a little at me.

(Y/N)-Um... M-My name i-is-.

???-Ohhhh, (Y/N)!~

Just then I turned and I saw Kalma and Sarita and she was dressed this time and coming to me and even took me from Blair.


Sarita-Baby. Why didn't you wake me up? Now I have to punish you.~

(Y/N)-N-No, I-!

Sarita-Eh, eh, eh, no arguing. In fact, your punishment is no talking.

Just then she sat on the couch and pulled her boobs out of her dress and pushed my face between them. She let me keep my nose out, but I could only smell her now and it was so embarrassing, so I pulled out, but then she just gave me a look.

Sarita-Young man, you get back in there or i'm taking those clothes of yours and spank you in front of everyone and trust me, I have a lot of fans down here.

I could tell she meant more than Kalma and Blair and she sounded serious then held me tighter before.

Sarita-3... "2".

I just gulped and my face got hotter and hotter the closer I got, but I put my face back between her boobs and she just kissed my forehead.

Sarita-Awww, isn't he the cutest girls? Look at those rosy cheeks.~

She just pinched them as best she could and I couldn't see the others anymore, but I knew they were looking and I just wanted to disappear.

(Blair's POV)

I know she's a succubus, but she was manipulating a child to put their face between her breasts themselves and from what I saw before, they were very scared and timid right now. She was just hugging them to keep them in her and for once, I wish she was just kissing and cuddling another demon or a few of her select favorite clients she would bring from time to time.

Kalma-So you're going to fuck a child now? I thought you would hate kids?

Sarita-Now why would you say that?

Kalma-You hate anyone that's wild, out of your control, and resists you. Basically, not a sub and children aren't as you put, "experienced".

Sarita-And what do we have here? A shy little boy and he's doing "exactly" what I say. I just need to raise them then I can my dream sub. He's already close to being there.~

Blair-Why would a child summon you? Why would you even acknowledge it?

Sarita-Turns out that human I told you I hated was a daddy and seeing as he owes me more for making me drag this on, I took some extra payment.

Just then she took them out of her breasts to deeply kiss the child right in front of us before putting them back in her cleavage and their face was getting so red and flustered. She was loving it, but I can't let this happen! I might not be allowed in heaven anymore, but he's a child and will not stand for this! I just stood up and both Sarita and Kalma looked at me and could see how mad I was.

Blair-Sarita! I won't let you do this! You have no right over that child!

Sarita-Oh, I think I do. They have no parents to go back to and I even marked them as my property. See.

The child looked confused by that statement, but i'm not surprised that he doesn't know much about demons and I already now that he was branded by her and know he had to make a deal with her to get it, but I know she likes to play with her words too. She was just rubbing her mark on the child's bare shoulder and it really pisses me off.



I just walked to a solid rock wall and punched a hole into it out of anger and Sarita only smiled so smugly at me.

Sarita-Punch all the holes in the wall you like, but it won't change that this child is my property now.~

I saw (Y/N) looking at me while I was angry and he was scared after seeing what I did, but Sarita only turned them back to her.

Sarita-Hey, you keep that baby face where I want it.

Just then she stood up and had a smile on her face and Kalma took her spot back on the couch and curled up again.

Sarita-I'll let him run around later, but right now i'm gonna be taking him with me for a bath. Bye.~

I saw her looking at me and I punched a second hole in the wall and she only chuckled and lef with the boy and Kalma was just went back to watching her show like nothing happened.

Blair-Can you believe her?! Taking advantage of a child like that is-!

Kalma-None of our fucking business. If she wants to play house with a kid and suck them off then she better not do it in front of the T.V. or in my room. Other than that, I don't fucking care.

That just put me more in a bad mood, so I just wanted to go out for a walk to calm down and I tried not to think what Sarita could be doing to that child, but as long as they have that mark on them, I can't do much or take them because Sarita will just take them back, but just then, it hit me.

Blair's mind-THIS IS A TEST!!!

A test from god to give me a second chance! Play by the rules, do my job,... but I will do more! I can't do much about Sarita, but... OTHERS THAT DARE INTERFER WITH MY NEW CHILD WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I WILL NOT FAIL A SECOND TIME!!! God has presented this child to me with unfair conditions for a test...

Blair-He has to be mine... God has given to me. He still loves me.~

I'll play by the rules this time... and win my way back to heaven.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Sarita took all my clothes off then all of her, but she did hers a weird way like a little slow dance and when I try to look away she snapped her fingers at me and would tell me to look or be spanked and I didn't want to be spanked, so I had to look. Soon she was finally done and started to get a bath ready. I was thinking about what she said earlier about having no parents to go back to, but my mom was home and my dad was in bed, but there were a lot a questions, but this one was pretty big.


Sarita-What is it honey?

(Y/N)-Is this place r-really... Yo-You know-.

Sarita-Hell?... It is and everyone here, including me... is a demon.

I backed away from her and looked at her horns on her head, but she just came it me and picked me up.

Sarita-Why you running baby? Are you afraid of the big bad demon? Your daddy loved me and your mommy had some of me to.~

My body was shaking in her arms and she was slowly walking to the bath while grabbing a bowl of flower petals and poured then in the water.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Wh-What ar-are you g-gonna d-d-do to me. *sniffle* K-Kill me?

Sarita-Awww, no. I won't kill you. You're just too precious to let go. That's why I branded you as mine, but if you wanna know what you're going to now... You're going to take a bath with me and i'll need your help getting my back after I scrub you down... everywhere. *chuckles*

She just got in the water with me and this bathtub was almost big enough to be like a small pool, but she just grabbed some soap and dunked me in the water before she started to scrub my hair, but the way she did felt really good.

Sarita-*Chuckles* Why are you so stiff? Didn't you take baths with your mommy? Lean back into me... Now.~

I leaned back and my face got warm again when I felt her boobs on my back and she kept on scrubbing my head.

Sarita-Just to satisfy that curiosity of your, let me tell you who I and the others are. You could guess that Kalma was a hellhound, Blair is a fallen angel, and just leaves me, the succubus that your daddy wanted so much, he could "die". *chuckles*

I just started crying that my daddy was died and maybe even here or in heaven, but I didn't see my mommy. What happened to her?

Sarita-Tilt your head back for me.

I did what she said and she poured water on to my hair to wash the soap out and when she was done she suddenly picked up her boobs and dropped them on my face, so I quickly moved away and panicked.

Sarita-Hahahaha. I'm sorry, couldn't help myself. You just look so cute when you're flustered.~

She continued the bath and hands felt so good, but I just kept my eyes closed now and soon she nipped my ear a little and laughed at me again.

Sarita-Don't close those eyes... It would just make it easier for me to surprise you.~

I didn't listen to her this time and shut my eyes again and I heard her chuckle again.

Sarita-Fine... More fun for me.~


(Kalma's POV)

I was still watching some of my favorite horror movies then suddenly I smelled that kid and Sarita coming down the hall and in the living room, but to my surprise when I smelled them close something was dropped on my back. I was pissed now and I looked to see the kid on my and Sarita leaning over the couch and it was clear she dropped the kid on me on purpose.


Sarita-Hey Kalma.


Sarita-Oh, don't be like that. I can't find Blair and I thought he could get to know you since he's living here now.

Kalma-I'm not a fucking babysitter! Take care of your own brat!

Sarita-I'm actually heading out for bit to get some new clothes and toys for him. Don't have too much fun, that's my job.~ Bye.

Just then she left in a hurry and ditched me with the kid and I just looked at him and he finally got off me and he was blushing, but I didn't care.

Kalma-Do whatever you want, just don't bother me!


I just went back to watching my horror movie, Human Centipede and during the movie I heard the kid crying a bit, but it's his damn fault for staying and watching. Later I felt the fur on the tip of my tail being played with and I turned to catch the little shit red handed and quickly got up to glare at him and he just curled up and whimpered.

Kalma-Were you playing with my tail?!

(Y/N)-*Whimper* I-I'm s-s-sorry. *whisper*

Kalma-Why'd you do it, huh?!

(Y/N)-I... I d-don't know. I'm sorry. *whipser*

Kalma-You knew what you doing! Tell me what you like about my tail that you just "had" to play with it! Speak up!

(Y/N)-It-... It w-was fuzzy and... I d-didn't think y-y-you would feel it... I-I just like dogs.

Kalma-Dogs?... You think i'm just a dog?!

(Y/N)-N-No! I m-mean, uh-.

I just grabbed the kid by his shirt and pulled him up to me and I saw tears coming out of his eyes as he was wiggling around trying to escape.

Kalma-Can a dog do this, or talk, or swim in lava if she wants to?!

(Y/N)-N-No, *hic* Y-You're not a d-dog. I'm sorry!

Kalma-Since you like dogs so much, how about I show you what a dog can do!

I put him down on the floor and he just backed away in fear.


He was about to get on the couch, but when I growled he stopped instantly.

Kalma-"Dogs" aren't allowed on the furniture... Sit on the floor!!!

He did what I said when I said it and he was still scared which meant he was gong to listen to this too.

Kalma-I'll be right back... Stay.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kalma left and I was shaking and scared to get up thinking of what she might do if I do get up. When she came back she had a evil smile on her face and something behind her back while she bent down to me, but I was still scared about what she might do.


Kalma-You stayed, good boy. Do you want a treat for being so good... Beg for it.~


Kalma-Just like a dog. Hands up front and whimper. Go on, do it.~... Now.

I put my hands in front of me and bent them to look like a dogs when they beg and my face was getting warmer, but I had to do one more thing and she was waiting for it.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* *whimper* *whimper*.

Kalma-Good boy, now open wide for little surprise.~

I just opened my mouth and she smiled before she pulled a bone out and put it in my mouth and she made my bite down on it.


Kalma-Keep this in your mouth, don't drop it, and you're gonna stay like this until Sarita comes back. Understand?

I just nodded my head yes and was about to stand up, but she stopped.

Kalma-What are you doing?... Dogs walk on all fours. You love them so much, so walk like one.~

She got back on the couch and she pushed me with one of her feet and made me crawl like a dog while she watched. She even turned off the T.V. just to watch me. I kept on doing it since whenever I stop she just growls at me and it's scary.

Kalma-Welcome to hell kid.~


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