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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was in my room playing on my Nintendo GameCube that I had for a long time with a few games for it. I got all my chores done, my dad was getting ready to spend the day in his room again, my mom was gonna work late, so she could get a promotion, and i'm just going to be alone with dad again tonight. I try to play with him, but he says he's gonna be busy and he always has this book when he says that, but it does look kinda cool. It was getting late and my dad just got out of the shower before he walked into my room and I saw everyday he was getting more and more tired for the past 4 days.


Dad-Game over. Go get in the shower, brush your teeth, and get ready for bed. I don't want you to leave this room.

(Y/N)-B-But it's only seven and a weeken-.

Dad-Shower! Now!

I just quickly turned off my game and went to go to the bathroom to get in the shower before he really yells at me.

((D/N)'s POV)

That boy knows to listen to his mother and I like we raised him. I just went back to my room and the circle was almost ready and when he gets to his room for the night, i'll had the final touch and get ready to have another round of fun. I feel like I got one more round in me then i'll stop for good and I know I said that last time, but I just can't help it. She just does things and I love a good fight for domination, and it just feels soooo good. Later my son came in for a quick check up before bed to help me make sure he did everything right and I couldn't find nothing wrong that I cared about.


(D/N)-All good shorty. Go to bed.

(Y/N)-Um, a-a-actually mom says th-that i'm a late bloomer.

(D/N)-Trust me. I'm you dad and i'm saying you're short for your age. Now go to bed.

He just turned and left to go to his room and when I heard his door closed I closed mine and finished the circle by lighting the candles before I chanted the speech from book and wind picked up to blow out the candle and while I kept on going soon the circled glowed and a smile curved on my face then soon "she" slowly rose out of the circle as it was starting to disappear.


Sarita-Oh, you again. Did I show you other, more submissive succubus girls last time?

(D/N)-None of them are you and you know... I love a good fight.~

Sarita-You look tired. Are you sure you can make it with me.~

I just smiled and she started by kicking her shoes off and sliding her arms in her dress to take it off, so I just dropped my pants as we were about to get this party started. This was defiantly the last time I will summon her then i'll make it out of this alive and had the best 5 days of my life.

(Sarita's POV)

It was worth a shot to get him involved with another succubus, but it was no use, rather if he knows it or not, he can no longer resist the erg to have me again until I have what I want. I just wish he was someone I could just bend to my will and have fun my way and I can't use my paralysis since he won't let me kiss him on the lips. I love the shy and subby men because I barely have to anything to keep them in line with what I want, but instead, I have to hold this man down only for him to fight to dominate me and be so hard headed about it. He didn't have much left, so this is most likely the last time, but this wasn't worth just one soul because he broke my rules for both parties to enjoy. I'll just hurry up and give him all I got and get back home to my friends.

Sarita's mind-I'm gonna want more than just one soul for this shit.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

((M/N)'s POV)

I couldn't pick up extra hours today and it was nice to go home, but i'm so close to this promotion, I can feel it. I just feel sorry for not spending time with my boys as much anymore, my husband is always sleep when I get home, and my son needs a mom too just as much as he needs a dad. I made it home early and I plan to have some fun with my husband since I haven't had sex with him in 5 days now, so when I pulled up I fixed myself up a bit before I got inside quietly, so I didn't wake up (Y/N) since it was his bed time. I made it to my room and did a little sway of my hips, but then I saw a woman with a costume getting dressed while my husband was laying naked in bed.


(M/N)-What the fuck?! Who are you?!

???-Ugh. Just what I need.

(M/N)-Derek! Get up now!

???-That's not happening honey.


???-I don't feel like explaining myself. I already had a bad night.

(M/N)-Get the fuck out of my home you skank! I should be kicking both of you out!

She only got up while I was still yelling at her then she suddenly surprised kissed me with her tongue and everything then tossed me on my bed next to my husband and I couldn't move or talk and she just leaned over me. I was so confused, but I couldn't even talk to her anymore and she was checking me out.

???-Not really my type either. Too stubborn like your husband when you showed all that fire. How about I send you to where your husband is before I leave.~

Just then she covered my whole body under the blanket except my head before she just turned around and sat on my face, so I couldn't breath or see anything, but I feel her rubbing her ass on my face and chuckling about it. I couldn't even lift a finger to fight her off and now I was terrified I could die if she doesn't get up soon.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard yelling and I was scared to go out and see since it sounded like my mommy was the one yelling. I did leave my room when it was quiet and and went to my parents room since I heard someone laughing a little.

(Y/N)-Mommy? Daddy?

(Sarita's POV)

I was somewhat I was enjoying myself from what little I can, but I was already in a bad mood, so it was going to take more than this to make this trip worth it from 5 nights of bad sex for me. To make matters worse, I suddenly heard a voice of a child and I didn't even know that this guy was even a father and i've been doing this for 4 minutes now, so odds are this kid was an orphan now and soon I saw the child walk in the room timidly by peaking his head through the door first.


???-Wh-Who are you?

Sarita-Oh, well... i'm your daddy's friend.

???-Wh-Where my mommy?... I-I h-heard her yelling.

He sounded so shy and was even playing with his fingers a bit and stealing glances to look away... I decided to keep his mother hidden under me until I find more out about him.

Sarita-Oh, she was really mad, so she went out for a walk. I'm Sarita, what's your name?

???-Um... (Y-Y/N). *mumbles*

Sarita-Awww, what a cute name for such a little boy.~

He tried to turn away from me to hide his face, but I saw him blushing with those little cheeks of his. Too bad he was too young to be big enough or mature enough to do with a woman's body,... but how would he be if he's older? This client I had for the past 5 nights was an utter waste of my time, but since he still owes me proper payment and this is his son...

Sarita-(Y/N), come here for me.

(Y/N)-Um... I-I'm... I g-gotta go back to b-b-.

Sarita-Come here, "now".

I pointed to the ground and tapped my foot and he started to come to me so timidly like a scared bunny. When he got close enough I picked him up without getting off his mom's face and put him on my lap and even when he was looking down to avoid eye contact it made me chuckle that his mom was right under me and he doesn't have a clue.

(Y/N)-Why are you laughing?

Sarita-No reason... In fact i'm having a little problem and I would love it if I got some help. Do you mind helping me?

(Y/N)-Umm... I-I guess.

Sarita-You see, I helped your dad with something and he doesn't have enough to pay me for all the hard work I did that made me really, really tired.~

(Y/N)-Oh uh,... I... I don't know how to help you, s-sorry.

Sarita-I think I can work "something" out.~

I slowly traced my finger up the middle of his back and he was shivering from it, but over all staying still until I made it to his ear and twirled my finger on it. When I gently blew on his ear he finally hopped out of my lap and just looked so flustered that it was amusing.

(Y/N)-I-I gotta go to bed!

He just fast walked out of the room and I waited for him to close his door before I...


I kept on laughing for a bit longer then I looked at my now dead and soulless client and most likely dead mother under me.

Sarita-Hey sweetheart, your husband owes me interest on this deal. You'd understand if I take said interest, right. Just do nothing for yes.

Soon I actually felt a tiny bit of movement under me and I was frankly surprised.

Sarita-Woah, you're still alive under there? You're a fighter like your husband.

I soon just smothered her deeper into my ass to make sure there was no air getting to her.

Sarita-We'll just take care of that, but lets see what you feel about this plan. I'll take your little boy to raise into my perfect subby boy and when they turn the right age, i'll take them for a joy ride. What do you think?

I felt more tiny movements down there and they were smaller than last time, but I was glad she heard what I had to say.

Sarita-*Chuckles* I'll take good care of him and have some fun... Don't know about my friends I live with, but i'll make sure he's ok. He's mine now after all.

I was gonna keep this up for a while longer and I did feel a few more tiny movements shifting between my ass, but when they finally stopped I just smiled.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to go back to sleep, but I kept on thinking about daddy's new friend in that costume and what she did to me. Soon my door opened and I saw it was her, so I just hid under my blanket, but I felt her crawling on my bed and she was over me, but I wasn't coming out.


Sarita-Why you hiding from me? It's hurting my feelings... Do you think i'm ugly?~


Sarita-Then can we sit and talk, please?... Let's get rid of this.~

She was pulling down my blanket and I didn't want to hurt her feels by having her think I was hiding because she was ugly. My mom told me to be nice to girls and soon my blanket was off and she pulled me to sit on the side of the bed while she stood up in front of me.

Sarita-Now remember what I said before you ran off? You daddy can't pay me what he owes, but I found out how you can help. I think your daddy would be happy to have his debt paid off to me.

Just then she held out a hand for me to shake.

Sarita-Let's make a deal. You agree to pay me what I want and your dad will owe nothing else to me. Do we have a deal?

I thought about this and my dad already talks about owing a lot of money and he's mad about that, so I think I can help him.

(Y/N)-... O-Ok,... but just one thing.

Sarita-We gotta shake on it.~

I slowly took her hand and it was so soft, but then I felt funny and I think her hand was glowing a bit before it stopped then I had another funny feeling on the back of my shoulder. Sarita was smiling before she let go and looked at me while bending over to me.

(Y/N)-So uh... wh-what do you want?

Sarita-Not "what" I want, "who" I want and... that will be you.~

(Y/N)-Wh-What?! But I-!

Just then she grabbed my head and gave me a kiss on the lips, but then she pushed her tongue in my mouth and it felt so weird while she was moving it in my mouth.

(Y/N)'s mind-What is she doing?!

My cheeks and whole face was getting very warm and I tried getting away, but she held the back of my head and I was getting very, very tired and I couldn't pull away anymore. She just picked me up while still doing what she was and I couldn't stay awake anymore and fell asleep in her arms.

(No POV)

Sarita just broke the kiss that put her new baby to sleep in her arms and adored the blushes he left behind on his face. She packed up all of his clothes that she liked then walked in the parents room to find the two dead parents. She also chuckled at her work of shoving a dildo down the mom's throat to make it look like she choked on it to death for the police to find. With that she summoned a portal back to hell and her room she had and put her baby on her bed then took off his shirt to find her mark on his back that branded him as hers.


Sarita's mind-Have a good nap my little subby baby.~

Just then she wanted to take a little nap too and she likes to sleep naked, but she smiled at how he would react to her sleeping habits that he will be living with for now on. She just crawled into bed and held (Y/N) close to her before she just closed her eyes and went to sleep.


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