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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was lost and trying to find my way home or maybe even find my dad to protect me. As I kept on walking I heard something and it wasn't people.

I decided to go the other way to avoid it in case it was Diana or some other dog person that would take me back to the cave. When I went the other way I saw a few giant dogs and people with doggy ears and tails and I knew they were from Diana's pack so I was cut off now. I had to find somewhere to hide, but the best I could do was a bush and they'll just come up from behind me. I can't turn past them and I can't hide from them either so what can I do?

???-Hey, I found him!

I turned to see dog people running at me so I tried to turn and run, but there was others coming at me too and from the other ways I didn't try running... I was doomed.

(Diana's POV)

Tracey was doing some 'cleaning' by getting rid of the bones in my 'room' and also 'making my bed'. She all these weird names for this stuff, but this place has never looked better which was odd since humans make a big mess outside of their dens.

Tracey-Later i'll head back home for a bit to get more things like clothes, more toys for our baby, and what else I can find useful.


Tracey-We'll just give him a bath then a nap before I leave.

After a while our private territory was spotless and we heard noises come from outside and soon after a delta came in and he was holding our pup.



We ran to him and took him into our arms and his wiggling was pointless since he wasn't getting away.

(Y/N)-Put me down!

Diana-No Nightlight. What's gonna happen is that you're gonna take a bath then go down for a nap for running away.

He kept on wiggling and we left to go take a bath and we stripped down and got in the water with the others in here. Tracey got his body while I got his hair and when we weren't washing him, we were washing ourselves. After a nice bath we dried off, got dressed then went back to our private territory and put him in his metal trap box and I tucked him in before Tracey closed and locked it.

Tracey-Now take you nap while I go back to the house get some things.

(Y/N)-I want daddy!

Tracey-Well he's not here right now. Go to sleep.

I decided to cover his trap box up with a spare blanket then Tracey left while I went on my sleeping pile. I had some time to think and that as much she helps me out with Nightlight, I still haven't claimed her. She's in the pack now so I have to claim her soon... When she gets back is when I claim her as my mate.

(Timeskip to night)

(Tracey's POV)

I made it back to the old mine that was our home now and I got all of our clothes, my baby's toys and Nintendo Switch, and my bed set to replace the random sheets and blankets. I went in the den to get Diana or someone to help me unload the car and when I got in Diana had a serious look on her face.

Tracey-I got the stuff in the car, can you help unload it?

Diana-Go bring everything in, Tracey and I have business.

The others went to my car while Diana grabbed my arm and pulled me deeper into the mine and into a room that had mattresses all over the ground and half way up the walls with blankets and pillows.

Tracey-What is this place?

Diana-It's where we're gonna put human pups that we rescue from neglectful human parents, speaking of which. Your way of life is over, so no more giving our baby to strangers outside the pack.

Tracey-Fine, whatever.

I wasn't gonna bother arguing with her over things that don't matter anymore.

Diana-Another problem is that I haven't claimed you yet.

Tracey-Claimed me?

I knew what she meant, but she pushed me do on 1 of the mattresses and jumped on top of me and aggressively started to strip me.

(Lemon Start)

My clothes were quickly off then Diana did the same to herself and I wasn't into women so I pushed her off.

Tracey-What the fuck?! I might be sharing my son to have help keeping him from running away, but that doesn't mean i'm getting in bed with you like that!

Diana-Like it or not, i'm your alpha now and what I saw goes!

She ripped off the rest of her clothes and charged at me and had me pinned down then forced her tongue into my mouth so I bit her tongue, but then she pulled her tongue out and bit my lip really hard.


She let go and went back to the kiss while grinding her body on mine which made my nipples hard and it actually did feel good. She went faster until she pulled out of the kiss for air then went lower while still keeping me pinned.

Diana-You're mine, just like our pup and you will learn the ways of our pack... The alpha claims what they want or need!

She slammed her tongue inside my pussy and she was stronger when it came to physical strength and her tongue was just making tense up inside so much as my breathing picked up.

Tracey-*Pant* *pant* Diana stop!

She answered me with standing up and holding me upside down while still licking my pussy, but then I felt a sharp pain on my ass.


I winced in pain at that, but the pleasure quickly over came the pain and I was starting to enjoy this and Diana's pussy was right in my face. I resisted for a bit in my mind, but then my tongue slowly came out of my mouth as I leaned towards her wet pussy and I started to lick it too.


I kept on going until I was dropped on the mattresses and looked up at Diana only to see her quickly bringing her pussy to my face and she used her incredibly fast fingers to plunge in and out of me and I went back to looking.

Diana-You belong to the female alpha of the pack now and we share the same pup. You're 'very' lucky seeing as we tried to kill each other.

I couldn't respond because my tongue was too busy licking her pussy as I worked deeper into it.

Diana-Now... enjoy this!

Her fingers went crazy in me and the pressure skyrocketed until I couldn't hold it anymore and it made me cum a lot as she kept on going.

Diana-Give me more! I won't stop until you make me cum!

I tried to go faster and even use my hand to rub her as I licked and after a few minutes she finally came in my mouth before getting off and I was completely exhausted, but Diana sat down only a little out of breath.

Diana-We need to work on that some more.

She grabbed her untorn clothes then my panties and pants and put them on then got a blanket and wrapped me in it before carrying out of the room with her and I was exhausted.

(Lemon end)

(Diana's POV)

As I carried Tracey to our private territory I saw the stuff was added to the piles of supplies and it was a lot. When we made it back I put her on our sleeping pile and she was tired from me claiming her and I was gonna have to teach her how to use her tongue better, but she wasn't bad. Our pup was asleep already so I decided to got to sleep too and cuddled with Tracey then we looked into each others eyes.

Diana-Tomorrow we'll let our pup play with the other pups and while he does that i'll teach you the ways of our pack, find a job for you, and also teach you how to use that tongue of yours. *whisper*

Tracey-You trust the other kid not to mess with my baby? *whisper*

Diana-They know better than to mess with their alphas pup. *whisper*

Tracey-But if they do we take care it of? *whisper*

Diana-Right, then, and there. *whisper*

(No POV)

Ever since that day, (Y/N) had learned bit by bit to love his mommy again and his new mommy while wondering what happened to his dad. Tracey and (Y/N) learned how to live with the werewolf pack and they even captured other human children that other werewolves would adopt and teach them to love this life too while Tracey got some 'extra lessons' from Diana. The pack kept on growing and growing in time and everyday the human children were loved and taken care of just like they were really a child of a werewolf especially (Y/N) that got special treatment, because whoever touched him in a way his 'mommies' didn't like were never heard from again.

Tracey/Diana's mind-They shouldn't have hurt what was ours.~

At night the pack would come out and while the 'human pups' would just be there to be watched over by their 'parents' they would enjoy the tradition of the pack whenever new 'pups' have been 'saved from humanities torture and neglect' and given a new and loving family and the tradition was...



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