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(Blair's POV)

I woke up to seeing Kalma licking her own ass and pussy on the side of the bed, so I just looked away from her and since Sarita was turned over, I took (Y/N) with me when I flipped over. When I did that (Y/N) started to wake up, but I lifted one of my wings to block his view of Kalma licking herself. I just held him close and stroked his cheek to gently wake him up and he looked at me with those groggy eyes of his.

Blair-Morning sweetie.~

He was so tired that he closed his eyes again and I just stroked his head only for him to nuzzle into me and my heart skipped a beat. I just held him close a while longer before Sarita got up and scratched my wings to make me flustered and she only laughed at me before she got on top of me to tease (Y/N) to the point he was wide awake and having a naked demon on me was crossing a line.

Blair-Sarita, get off of me!


She reached over and one of her boobs got in my face before she grabbed (Y/N) and pulled him with her and got out of bed still naked and Kalma got up and stretched and it showed some inappropriate poses in front of a child. Soon Sarita finally got dressed I was fine with the clothes I had on, but Kalma did leave to get changed and for what I hope brush her teeth and tongue.

Sarita-I'm getting you changed before we go out honey. Everyone gets to see you that you belong to me today.

Blair-Are you seriously going to take him out on a walk through hell?! He can't handle that!

Sarita-Well if you want to come for extra security, I won't stop you, but this walk is happening.

Blair-I won't let this happen! I FORBID IT!!!

Sarita-Well I want to show off my new toy, so unless you got something else in mind that I get what I want then please share.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Blair was mad and Sarita only smiled before she picked me up and took me to her closet where all my clothes were and she only gave me some jeans, a black shirt with roses and her symbol on it, and finally Kalma came back in then walked up to me.


Kalma-Come here. She grabbed me and started to lick my face and when I tried to push away she growled and I was scared she might bite me, so I stayed still and let her.

Blair-What are you doing?!

Kalma-Making sure my scent is strong enough. Not every hellhound will take time to find a mark covered by a shirt. They'll sure as hell smell an alpha marked him.

She went back to licking me and even took my shirt of.

Sarita-You soak that shirt in saliva, you're dog meat.

Kalma-Go choke a fat one.

When Kalma was all done she put my shirt back on and got up before they were about to leave with me, but just then Blair got right in front of the door to stop them.

Sarita-You're not stopping us.

Blair-How about this. We go to the living world instead.

Just then they were both surprised and happy and even did things that kinda sounded like coughing.

Kalma-Excuse us? Are- Are you serious?

Blair-Sarita passes for a human in a costume. I have a human form, and you... you do like stalking your prey and stealing stuff.

Sarita-And you're going to bend the rules for this?

Blair-He's not going out in hell where other demons will scare or do god knows what! Do you want to go to the living world or not?!

She held out her hand and the girls quickly took it and it was a 3 way handshake and when they let go Blair had a black cloud coming out of her and it covered her up completely and when it went away...



She just picked me up and when she did she gave me a hug before she looked at Kalma and Sarita.

Blair-Don't get too comfy with this. This is a one time thing.

Just then she put me down next to her, clapped her hands together and closed her eyes and bright light came from her and while I couldn't see anything, but white I heard my ears ring and soon it stopped when I could see again and we were behind a building. I was happy to be back here and Blair took my hand.

Blair-Now if you excuse us, I need a stroller for him, so Sarita, if you could come with me and Kalma-.

Kalma-I'll be watching close by and I meet even have some fun tormenting humans.

Blair-You can't cause a scene! You might get-!

Just then Kalma ran off and Blair was annoyed by this before we just went to a store and Sarita came with us. When we split up in a store I thought this could be my chance to get help from Blair, so I waited for Sarit to be far enough away before I tugged on Blair's arm a bit and she looked at me.

Blair-What is it baby?

(Y/N)-Blair... I wanna go home... Can you take me there?

Just then Blair looked surprised and I was nervous that I might've hurt her feelings and she looked off somewhere before she just picked me up into her arms.

Blair-Let's get this done first and we'll think about it.

(Y/N)-O-Ok... I ju-just want my mommy and... I think you can-.

Blair-*Shhh* *shh* *shhhhh* Just stop talking for a while ok.~

She was stroking my head and Sarita went off somewhere while Blair just held me and soon sat down with me in her lap.

Blair-Now (Y/N), do you believe in god?

(Y/N)-He's the one that's in charge of the whole world, right?

Blair-Basically yes, good. Now, do you know that the lord works in mysterious ways?

(Y/N)-Umm... I-I don't know.

Blair-Well let me put it this way. Everything that happens, happens for a reason and I truly believe that I was given a second chance and the lord is testing both of us now.

(Y/N)-A... test?

Blair-Yes and I should know. Do you trust me to know what's best for you?

(Y/N)-Umm... Y-Yes.


She kissed my cheek and she walked to the front of the store and I felt better knowing I was gonna go home now since we were leaving the store, but she stopped right in front of it and I saw Sarita taking something out of a box with a man that works here and it was a stroller.


Just then Blair started to walk to it and Sarita opened it to show buckles and Blair put me inside and I tried to get out, but Blair pushed me down, pointed at me, and buckled me in.

(Y/N)-Blair?... I th-thought you were t-taking m-me home?

Blair-I asked if you trusted me. You're going to stay in here. I don't want you to get lost at the park. We have to go on that walk.


Sarita-If you're good, we'll get you a treat.~

Sarita just scratched my cheek and poked my nose then they left the store with me and I was almost crying and Blair saw this and looked like she was worried.

Blair-No, no, no, don't cry. You're going to be ok... I-I can be your second mommy just like you're my second chance. Please don't cry.~

She just leaned into the stroller and just rubbed my cheeks while Sarita was pushing, but soon she just stopped and leaned in to kiss me on my lips and put her tongue in my mouth again.

(Blair's POV)

No body was looking and I didn't plan to wait, so I pulled Sarita away from him and got in between the 2 and glared at her.

Blair-What are you doing?! This isn't hell and even so, it's completely inappropriate! *whisper*

Sarita-Do you know who you're talking too?

Blair-... Just "stop" doing that! You're just going to make things worse!

Sarita-Um, you might wanna take a look at him.

I just turned around and he just looked a little groggy and tired and most importantly, not crying anymore and Sarita slapped my ass a bit as she walked by me and started to push the stroller again.

Sarita-You're welcome.~

Blair's mind-I hate her sometimes.

I just walked with them and others just walked by and adored him in his stroller, but something inside me didn't like this. I just sucked it up with a smile and I also made sure to check on (Y/N) in his stroller and he wasn't falling asleep, but he did look like he was about to and it did look cute and later we found a food truck for slushies.

Blair-You've been a good boy for this walk. We'll get you a treat now.

(Y/N)-*Groan* *yawn*.


I just kissed his head and we got in line then Sarita just had to be a flirt with the woman at the window of the truck, so I took over and ordered for us. It came out quick and I had 2 since I was sharing with (Y/N) and when I turned around, my heart shattered... Another woman was leaning in the stroller "rubbing" my baby's cheek.


I haven't even felt this mad since Sarita gave him a deep kiss right in front of me or what they did to him back in hell. Why am I more angry at this?... It's just-... A stranger is-... What made it feel like a stab to my heart was when she played with his cheeks then she had the need to turn to us with a smile and I just wanted to cut it off.

Woman-Awww, you're just look so cute...~ Are you his babysitter or something?

Blair-... You... You touched my child.

Woman-Oh, I thought it wasn't a big deal. Your friend was watching.

Sarita-I wasn't. I didn't even realize what you were doing.

Blair-You touched my child.

Sarita grabbed the stroller and pulled it away from this woman and she walked away with him and I followed still feeling... I haven't felt this way in a long time.

Blair's mind-She. Touched... MY BABY!!!

(Kalma's POV)

I was just chillaxing in the park, in a pond where nobody could see me and everything was nice then soon I saw Sarita and Blair walking down a trail alone other than more humans to scare and I smelled (Y/N) just covered in my scent, so I got up and went to them... also jumped out of a bush to make them jump, but they didn't. In fact Blair looked like she was in shock and Sarita was a little pissed from what I can see, but I know it takes a lot to get her like this before she really snaps.


Kalma-The fuck happened to you two?

Blair-She... She touched my baby.


Just then she threw the frozen slushies she had to the ground in rage and I don't think Sarita was the cause of her being so angry this time and I know i'm sure as hell not.


She just punched a tree and her hand went right through it.

Kalma-Sarita, what happened?

Sarita-... Smell him.

I just raised an eyebrow, but went up to (Y/N) and he looked half asleep and when I gave him a few sniffs... What the fuck?!



Kalma-What the hell is this scent!

They were both either silent or yelling in rage and back in hell I don't tolerate others touching my property and I don't care if this is the human world. If there's a something I hate the most and the reason I have most of my stash of the meat I kill is because every knows or is "going to learn"... You don't touch what is mine.

Kalma-*Deep sniff* *growl*.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

(Blair's POV)

I just made it back home with my child alone and I accidently spawned in hell a few miles away and I caught a few demons looking at my baby in a very wrong way way, so I "corrected them". Thankfully (Y/N) was asleep now because I was going to get a bath with him while he's still asleep then i'm tucking him in my bed, but then I realized a few things...

Blair's mind-If Kalma can get in with my door locked then I need better locks, and a better door. Not to mention there are some sharp knives in my cabinet, so I need to put a lock on that too or if he slips on water in the bathroom after a bath or something... I need a lock on my bathroom door now or maybe... I just need to lock my baby down, so nobody I don't know can hurt, scare, or even see him.

I got started with our quick bath being sure to keep my sleeping baby above water before I get to work on making my room safer for him and maybe even make some improvements on his new stroller. While I was bathing with him, I wonder how Sarita and Kalma are doing with that filthy human woman that put her hands on him and I don't even know where they've been!

(No POV)

It was around dawn time while that woman from earlier was walking home alone and when she made it to a part of her neighborhood she heard something in an alleyway and she was about to turn to look, but then someone already came out.


Woman-Oh hey, you're that chick in the costume from the park today.

Sarita-So I am. Sorry if we came off as rude. Bad day, you know what I mean?

Woman-Oh um, don't worry about it.

Sarita-Why don't we chat? I can show you something you've never seen before.~

Just then Sarita grabbed the woman's ass and gave it a few good squeezes and she was trying to push away, but Sarita kept her close.

Sarita-Come on, we can go to my place and I know a special shortcut. Just relax and...

Just then Sarita traced a finger up the woman's pussy and it made her shiver and Sarita pulled her into the alleyway while still seducing the poor woman and now someone was following them and Sarita made sure to keep the woman's back turn to it.

Sarita-You know, you've been a "very" bad girl.


Sarita-Touching our child and without permission? Are you on some kind of list?~

Woman-What?! No!

Sarita-Oh yes, you are. Listen to this, so I have this other friend you see and it's in her nature to be "very, very, very" territorial, so what do you think will happen when you touch what she marked as hers, what I marked as mine, and when my other friend you saw with me claimed to be her child?

Woman-What are you ta-?

Sarita-You know what, why don't we just ask my territorial friend now... Kalma, what do you have say?

Sarita mentioned to Kalma behind the woman and when she turned around she was horrified by what she saw getting closer and closer to her.


As Kalma in her "Alpha Form" got closer to the woman Sarita suddenly vanished back to hell since her new deal with Blair to find and lure the human to where nobody will see what happens to her is done, it was time for Kalma to fulfill her end of the deal before she goes back to hell too.

Woman-*Hyperventilating* AAAAHHHHHHH!!!



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