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(Diana's POV)

It was getting close for them to go to sleep and when that happens i'll be ready to do what needs to be done. Right now it was dinner time and there was a good smell in the air and my Nightlight was excited to eat while for me I was mad that I wasn't cooking his meal. Soon dinner was done and I went with them to where they eat and we each got a plate of food, but she just flopped mine down without care.


We started eating and ill give her this much, it was actually good. As we ate I saw my Nightlight being forced to sit next to her and it made my tail fluff in anger.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

She looked a a bit annoyed before getting up to answer the door and when that happened I heard something that got my attention.

Tracey-Let go of me!

I went to see what was happening and my Nightlight came too and we saw 4 men and 1 of them had a bang stick.


(Tracey's POV)

I was being held back by Lennon and the others were mad with me and Fox was holding a set of papers.


Tommy-Tracey, we have a warrant for your arrest. You're charged for an accessory for murder, and for grabbing a weapon from an officer. We also have papers from CPS and we'll be taking your child into foster care.

That last part made my blood boil then I saw Oscar spot my child and went for him and I struggled to get free.


He grabbed him and pulled on his arm as the other woman looked mad.


He was pulling him out the door and when the other woman tried to stop him he pulled out a pistol and so many voices were heard that I could barely hear what I was saying and soon I snapped.


I jabbed by elbow in Lennon and it didn't really hurt him, but I got a bit a distance and used it to swing my leg back and nail him in the balls which made him let go and I ran for Oscar and tackled him. While I was dealing with him I saw Fox snatch up my son and run off with him.


I ran after him, but was stopped by Oscar grabbing my foot.

Oscar-You're not going anywh-!

We all looked and we saw 1 of those big wolves in my living room and Oscar finally let go of me as I rushed out the door.


I heard gunshots go off in my house, but I didn't care, but what I did care about is when I saw a jeep drive off leaving behind a military truck.


I was heart broken that my son was taken from me, but I was also more angry and I wasn't gonna let Fox get away with my baby! I went back inside my house where everything went silent and when I got inside I saw the giant wolf transform and my mind was blown after what I saw.


It was that woman that was staying here, but now I could see she had wolf ears and a tail and also had some bullet holes in her and my living room was now a gory mess. I couldn't tell whose blood was whose, but I shock it off since I had more important matters to attend to and she was gonna help me.


She looked at me and growled before panting showing she was really hurt and tired. I had no idea who she is, but if she's part wolf she has to be good a tracking so if I wanna find my son fast, i'll need her alive.

Tracey-I know you track.

???-And why *pant* would I help you?

Tracey-I'll patch you up with some first aid to keep you alive. That interest you?

Tracey's mind-Just until we find my baby.

(Diana's POV)

I am in no condition to fight, let alone track right now and teaming up with this neglecting bitch burns me up inside, but the thought of losing my Nightlight forever was even worse. I'll work with her for now, but when I don't need her anymore, i'll deal with her.

Diana-Fine. I'll help you.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so scared being in the back of this car with the stranger and I missed my mom and wanted to go back home.


(Y/N)-Who are you? I wanna go home.

???-They call me Fox kid and i'm taking you to a better home.

(Y/N)-But I want to go back to mine!

Fox-No can do kid, sorry.

I just curled up and cried in the back of the car wishing my mommy or somebody would rescue me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy.

(Fox's POV)

They should be fine, it's 3 on 2 and we're trained unlike those woman. All I need to do right now is take the kids with me to a foster home, drop him off, report back to my team, we put Tracey on trail, and let the system take care of the rest. After all of this is over i'm gonna head home and throw myself in a hot bath and soak. I tried to call the others, but no answers so I guess they're still busy getting those girls under control.


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