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(Diana's POV)

I made it to the human territory and on my way here I killed a human to cover up my ears and tail in their clothes. This place was so disgusting with trash everywhere, some humans were putting smoke sticks in their mouths and it smelled bad. I felt bad for the human pups here and I wish I could take them back to the den, but that's too risky and I already have to save my Nightlight and I was thinking on what to do to that bitch when I find her. Not too much though because I had to focus on my Nightlight's scent through all these other disgusting scents.

Diana's mind-Hold on my little pup, i'm coming.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and mommy was gone, but I smelled something really good so I got up and left the room and went to the kitchen and I saw mommy making something, but I want to use my new power in the house now.


Mommy-Good morning sweetie. What is it?~

(Y/N)-As man of the house, I want ice cream for breakfast.

Mommy-Hmmm... Nope, I got something you will like even better.


Mommy-Go sit at the table... and go sit in daddy's chair.~

I never get to sit in daddy's chair and his chair had a cushion just like mommy's chair while mine was just a wooden chair with no cushion or arm rests. It felt better than my chair and soon mommy came to the table and what she had was better than ice cream.


(Y/N)-Wow! I don't think I can finish it though.

Mommy-Then I guess we'll save the rest for dessert tonight.~

I went ahead and dug in and it tasted so good and it even had peanut butter chocolate chips in it and the whip cream was like a smooth taste of vanilla. I was right when I thought I couldn't finish it so mommy took our plates and put them in the fridge while I finished my milk. Next she picked me up and we went to the bath room and I was put down before she closed the door.

Mommy-So how does it feel being the man of the house?

(Y/N)-It feels great, but can I take a bath later.

Mommy-Nope, the man of the house can't be dirty so it's shower time.

(Y/N)-No bath?

Mommy-Nope, you need your morning shower and so do I so we gotta get clean.

She started to undress herself then me at the same time until we were both naked and she turned on the water. Soon we both got in and she started scrubbing my hair with shampoo and I had my eyes closed to keep the soap out of my eyes.

Mommy-After this how about we snuggle on the couch and watch whatever you want?~

I was the man of the house now so maybe I should watch grown up movies like the kind daddy keeps on the high shelf where I can't reach.

(Y/N)-Can we watch 1 of daddy's movies from the top shelf? Like that zombie 1 where there was that red little girl.

Mommy-Red little girl?

(Y/N)-Yeah and she said 'You're all going to die down here', but she had a British accent.

Mommy-You mean Resident Evil?

(Y/N)-I think so and as man of the house I say i'm allowed to watch grown up movies!

Mommy-Hmmm... Ok,...~ but i'm gonna cover your eyes on some parts.

(Y/N)-But i'm the man of the house.

Mommy-Well i'm still your mommy.


(Diana's POV)

The scent I had was getting weaker and weaker, but I think i'm getting close. I was in a place with lots of human dens, but now I couldn't tell which 1 my pup was in and if I break into a human den i'm gonna get so much unwanted attention, but lucky for me my pack told me if you knock on the entrance of a human den, the human will open it sometimes and sometimes let you in. It's gonna take a while, but if I see that neglecting bitch i'll be able to catch her by surprise.


(Tracey's POV)

I was cuddling my scared little man and he was gripping on to me, but the only time I would cover his eyes was when there was nudity on the screen.

Tracey-You sure you wanna keep going?


Tracey-That's my brave little man.~

I gave him a kiss on his little head and just then I heard something.

*Knock, knock, knock*

I decided to let them think that nobody was home so I can have more alone time with my baby uninterrupted. It was probably a neighbor or 1 of my son's friends at the door anyway and I didn't want to deal with either right now.

*Knock, knock, knock*

Tracey's mind-Just go away!

That animal zombie or whatever it is that eats someone to evolve just appeared on screen and my baby was scared of it when it escaped from it's capsule and I could tell he's scared little tough guy act was gonna be adorable at bed time tonight.

*Knock, knock, knock*

Tracey's mind-Oh my fucking-!

(Y/N)-M-Mommy, are you gonna get that?


I put my son on the chair when I got up and went to the door and it was just some woman and she was wearing a beanie and had her hair tucked into her trench coat.


Tracey-Can I help you?

???-... Oh uh, yes. You see, I uh, was brought to the wrong place by a... person I hired and now I need to wait until tomorrow to be taken to the right place.

Just my luck I get 1 of those out of state Russian or whatever people at my door.

???-I was wondering if I could stay here for tonight.

Tracey-Sorry, but there's a motel a few blocks away from here.

???-But I have nothing to give to stay there. Please, i'll only be here 1 night and won't be a bother.

You're doing a fine job on doing that and just then I felt my son cling to my leg and he was looking at this woman.

(Y/N)-Mommy, who's this?

Tracey-Don't wor-.

???-I need a place to stay tonight and I was asking your mother for 1.

(Y/N)-Then why not stay here? My daddy said people should help people in need.

Tracey-Sweetie we.-

???-Oh, thank you!

She came in and my son lead her inside and I felt beyond angry that this woman was in my house and she was near my son so I closed the door and quickly picked him up and turned him away from here. He was mine and she can't be allowed to touch him, I'M THE ONLY 1 ALLOWED TO TOUCH. I BROUGHT HIM INTO THIS WORLD, NOT HER!!!

Tracey-Sweetie, I know you just want to be nice, but she can't stay stay here.

(Y/N)-Why not? She said she needed a place to stay the night.

I didn't want to make him feel like he was 'losing power' because I love it when he thinks he's really protecting me and in charge when it's really the other way around.

Tracey-Where is she gonna stay?

(Y/N)-She can sleep in the living room.

Tracey-And how do you know if she's not gonna steal from us?

(Y/N)-We can call the police and as man of the house I can also kick her out if she's bad.

Tracey-*Sigh* 1 night and she's out.

He looked so happy and I was gonna keep an eye on her and she isn't gonna be allowed to touch my son and i'm gonna hold him the whole time. If she makes 1 wrong move or give me a reason to take action, her next destination is gonna be hell.

(Diana's POV)

I FOUND HIM, I FOUND HIM, I FOUND HIM!!! He was with 'her', but I had a perfect plan. Tonight when my Nightlight is asleep, i'll deal with her since she'll be sleeping alone then i'll take my pup back with me to the den. It did hurt to know my pup didn't recognize me with these clothes on or couldn't recognize my scent, OR IS BEING TOUCH BY THE BITCH THAT NEGLECTS HIM!!! I was watching her holding and cuddling with him even if it should be me, but I had to be patient and tonight i'll do more than just kill her. My imagination was running wild on what I could do to make her life a living nightmare, like I could burn her skin bit by bit with fire, nearly drown her again and again in water for hours, put her in a metal box with no food in the dark and watch her starve to death, the possibilities were endless and all of which she is at my mercy. I'm stronger and faster than her and so far I see no bang sticks, but that just made me more angry that she has nothing to protect my Nightlight with.

Diana's mind-Tonight you'll suffer for how bad you treated 'my' Nightlight... AND FOR TOUCHING HIM!!!


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