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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being alone and I had to pee so I tried to get the cage open knowing it was pointless, but surprised is... I managed to get it open. I wasted no time since I felt like I was gonna explode, I left the room to see lots of doggy people working with stuff while the kids were running around playing and it was unfair that they get to run around and I don't. I saw a few of them look at me and some dog lady picked me up.

Dog lady-What are you doing out of your metal box!? Your mother is gonna be furious if she catches you out!

(Y/N)-But I gotta got to the bathroom.

Dog lady-... *Sigh* Fine i'll take you out, but if you run I will catch you and lock you back up and tell your mother.

Dog man-You're gonna tell the Alpha that her human pup got out somehow and you took him outside?

Dog lady-... Ok... just lock you back in your metal box.

She put me down then took my hand before taking me outside and left me behind a tree alone.

Dog lady-Just hurry up before my alpha comes back.

I started to go and after I was finished I saw a bunny so I slowly crawled to it to try and pet it.


I little out a little scream and the bunny ran away, but I was more focused on the sound since it was super loud and made my ears ring a little. I walked to were I heard the sound and saw the dog lady on the ground with a boo boo on her back still kinda moving and growling, but I also saw...



Mommy-My baby!

She put a gun behind her back and ran to me and scooped me in her arms and hugged me while having tears in her eyes.

Mommy-I thought I lost you! You're never leaving my side again!

She suddenly started to run and I had a question.

(Y/N)-Mommy, why do you have a gun?

Mommy-Not now sweetie, we're gonna head back to camp and get in the car and go home.

(Y/N)-Where's daddy?

Mommy-He uh... got a new job here so he has to stay here.

(Y/N)-But I thought since he was in the army he wouldn't need another job.

Mommy-You father is doing his best sweetie, we just need to hurry home!

(Y/N)-But Wh-?

She just pushed my head into her chest as she just kept on running.

(Diana's POV)

My pack was still trying to get in and soon the other group came and switched places so the others could rest. Soon the door busted open and something was tossed out and it made a lot of smoke and covered the metal box we were attacking.

???-Toss 'em!

Glass bottles that were on fire came out of the smoke and when they hit the ground the fire spread quickly and made us back us.


Through the flames we saw the intruders make a run for it, but the neglecting mother wasn't with them. We can easily catch them on foot since humans were slower than us by far.

Diana-Surround them and wait until their tired! Watch out from those bang sticks too!

My pack did as I told and soon we saw the humans go into another metal box on wheels and those things are faster than us so now we had to catch them quickly.


Diana-Change of plans, get them now!

They charged and the humans got into the car, but we smashed 1 of the invisible walls.




1 of my pack mates went down, but was still alive and the metal box on wheels went crazy until everyone fell off then ran away really fast. My pack comes first and now the intruders were gone, besides we already got everything we wanted from them and they better not come back.

Diana-Grab them and take them to the den for a first aid kit quick!

We all turned to our wolf forms and put the injured on a delta's back and bolted back to the den and when we got there we immediate got them treated, but there was another injured pack mate so I turned to an Omega who looked scared now all the sudden.


Omega-Y-Yes Alpha?

Diana-What happened to her?

Omega-A human... with a... bang stick.

I could tell he was hiding something, but he didn't lie since the marking of the bang stick checks out.

Diana-Anything else?

Omega-Uhhh... *whimper*.

Diana-Tell me... now.

Omega-Well uh... your... human pup needed to go outside to go pee.

Diana-Uh huh.

Omega-Then we heard a loud bang when she took him out.

I immediate knew I wasn't gonna like this either way, but I needed to know.


Omega-*Gulp* G-Gone.

I felt something snap inside of me and it couldn't be true so I ran to my private territory only to find my Nightlights metal box open and it was true... he was gone. I went back out to the den and everyone saw how furious I was and I swear I think I can see red out of the corner of my eyes.

Diana-Who! Let! MY NIGHTLIGHT OUT?!?!?!

Omega-He got out by himself, I swear! She took him out to go pee after we spotted him and after we heard a bang we ran outside to find her down and barely alive and he was just gone!

I grabbed him by his neck and I knew who it was that taken my Nightlight away probably just to neglect him some more.

Diana-It was that bitch that neglected him!

I tossed him aside and wasted no time to run out of the den with tears in my ears since my Nightlight was in the arms of that human who doesn't care about him. I ran back to the camp where I found him first to see if they were here, but they weren't. I broke down into tears on the ground in my human form until I noticed something on the ground... it was metal box traps in the dirt. I shot back up realizing my night had to be in it when she took him and they were here not too long ago. I can track them so I changed back into my wolf form and ran to retrieve my Nightlight and something else happened, it was faint, but... I CAUGHT MY SCENT!!! My scent was still on him thankfully as my heart fluttered.

Diana's mind-Don't worry my little Nightlight, i'm coming to save you!~ And i'm gonna do something that would make that bitch wish I would kill her!


((Y/N)'s POV)

After a long drive it was night time and we finally made it home and I missed it so much! When we got out we went inside and I saw my Xbox one s right where I left it along with some of my toys I left in the living that I thought I would never see again. I was about to go play Roblox or Minecraft, but mommy just picked me up.

Mommy-Come on sweetie. I'll make something for dinner and it's off to bed.~

(Y/N)-Awwww, but I wanna play.

Mommy-In the morning sweetie and you'll be staying home tomorrow because i'm putting you in online school now.

(Y/N)-But I thought you said it wasn't as good as public school.

Mommy-Well I changed my mind.

We went to the kitchen and she sat me on the counter and she pulled out some french bread pizza and put it in the oven after she preheated it. She turned back to me with a smile on her face before she picked me up and spun me around in her arms.

Mommy-Mommy's so glad you're okay! I bet you were so scared when the bad furries stole you from us!~

(Y/N)-What's a furry?

Mommy-It doesn't matter anymore, because you're back home where you belong and mama's gonna take good care of you!~

She stopped spinning and just hugged me tightly until the oven beeped and she put me back on the counter before she pulled out the pizza.


She put them on 2 separate plates and put a side of ranch on them and carried them out to the living then came back for me and took me to the couch with her. She turned on the T.V. and put on (Favorite T.V. show) and sat me on her lap with my food and we started eating. She was rubbing my head and giving me kisses on my head and cheeks which I just wipe off only for her to giggle and give me another kiss. After we were done eating I know she wants me to go take a bath so I got up, but she followed me.

(Y/N)-Mommy, what are you doing?

Mommy-Well... i'm gonna give you a bath honey. You always had trouble getting your back so you need your mother to do it for you.

(Y/N)-But i'm a big boy and... I don't wanna be naked in front of you.

Mommy-You think I never saw you naked when you were a baby, I saw 'everything' because I brought it into this world.


Mommy-No 'buts' mister, you don't need to be embarrassed, i'm your mother.

She took my hand and we went to the bathroom and she stripped me down and she did too and I felt like a baby taking bath with his mom. I'm a big boy just like daddy said and I can wash myself. She turned on the water and waited until it was warm before we got in and she started washing me and herself.

Mommy-Does it feel nice to have your body washed while you get to relax?~

(Y/N)-Daddy said a big boy can wash his own body.

Mommy-Well i'll let you in on a little secret. Your daddy and I took showers together and I washed his body.


Mommy-Yep. See, it's perfectly fine. You're still my big boy.

The bath did feel nice, but was also kinda boring until we got out and dried off then I went to my room and got dressed while my mom went to hers. When I was dressed I left my room to go brush my teeth before bed then just I was about to go back to my room I was picked up again.

Mommy-Not so fast mister, you're sleeping with mommy tonight.

(Y/N)-I want to sleep in my bed though.

Mommy-Ok, then we'll sleep in your room.

(Y/N)-But I can sleep by myself.

Mommy-But... I can't. I'm scared.~

(Y/N)-You're a grown up, you can't be scared.

Mommy-Yes I can, your daddy made me feel safe, but since he's gone you have to make mommy feel safe at night. You're the man of the house while he's gone, so don't let him down.

(Y/N)-I'm the man of the house now?

Mommy-Yep and as man you need to keep your mommy safe.

I thought of what I can do as man of the house. I could make rules like having ice cream for breakfast, watch all the T.V. I want, and that's just the beginning! I was excited to have this power all to myself.

(Y/N)-Ok, i'm the man of the house now!

Mommy-*Giggle* Yes sir.

(Y/N)-I'll keep you safe at night from all the monsters.

Mommy-Thank you, little man.~

(Y/N)-We can even sleep in your room if it helps you feel more safe.

Mommy-Look at you, you're doing such a good job already. I feel so much safer with you around.~

We went to her room and got into her bed and I held her close and she wrapped her arms around me.

(Tracey's POV)

It was just so cute how I just gave my baby a little title and he thinks he's a big strong man and it just made him even cuter. I made my body shiver and pretended to act scared and my baby just rubbed my back and snuggled into me.

Tracey-I'm scared (Y/N). The dark is just so scary.~

(Y/N)-It's ok mommy, i'm the man of the house now so i'm gonna protect you.

Tracey-Can I have kiss goodnight?~


He leaned into my cheeks to kiss it and I stopped shivering to let him think he calmed me down.

Tracey-Who's my brave little man of the house?~

(Y/N)-I am!

We closed our eyes to go to sleep and I felt his warm breath hitting my chest as I nuzzled him closer to me.

Tracey's mind-You're right where you belong now baby. In your mama's arms and i'm not letting go ever again.~


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