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(Diana's POV)

I was in my sleeping pile this whole time loving this moment because my Nightlight was sleeping in my arms and sucking on my fingers in his sleep. He just looked so cute and peaceful and just then someone came in to my private territory and I was so mad because they were threatening to end this moment.


Delta-Uh alpha... it's night now. We're ready for the attack. *whisper*

Oh right, the attack, but my pup just looks so cute.~

Delta-Soooo alpha? *whisper*

I guess it can't be helped so I just got up carefully while pulling my fingers out of his mouth which woke him up.

(Y/N)-*Groan* Diana?

Diana-Shhhhh, just go back to sleep my little Nightlight.~

I put him in his metal trap box and he just looked so cute getting under his covers and cuddling his soft little bear to go back to sleep. I got lost in this then I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was the delta so I grabbed him and lifted him up by his top clothing.

Diana-We're going already, so stop ruining my happy moments with my pup.

He quickly nodded his head in fear so I dropped him and we left to let my pup sleep.

(No POV)

When they both left they were unaware that they lock that kept (Y/N) inside the cage was left unlocked by accident.


(Tracey's POV)

All day I felt like the boys were something from me and some were hiding it better than others, but the story's were getting mixed up. I went over to Tommy and this time I wasn't taking a 'no' or a lie for an answer.


Tommy-Whoa there. What's the matter Tracey? Did 1 of my men hit on you or look at you funny again?

Tracey-You're all hiding something from me! Don't try to deny because I heard different stories so I wanna know the truth!

(Tommy's POV)

Tommy's mind-Why do all the cute women I meet that look so nice always gotta be scary when they get mad?

She looked fed up, but if I tell the truth that we found her son with a cult of people wearing wolf ears and tails my men found in a mine, she'll flip her shit if we don't let her come. Of course i'll have a few men to keep her here, but she'll just worry and stress out so much that it could be very dangerous to her health.

Tommy-Ok fine i'll tell you seeing as we're heading out soon... We found a group of escape asylum inmates roaming around the woods with sticks so we're just gonna capture them and.-


Tommy-... Just the escaped inmates part at least.

She got very angry and just when she was about to slap me.


I turned around and I saw my men heading back to the camp to regroup and some of them fired a few rounds so I went over to them ignoring Tracey.

Tommy-What the hell is going on here?!

I pushed through the crowd just behind the first line of fire.

Man#1-Wolves, sir! 1 came out of nowhere and and got 1 of our men in his neck, sir!

Tommy-How many?!

Man#2-We just saw 3 more and we can assume their more and they're just as big as the 1 Fox brought back a few nights ago, sir!

Tommy-Bunch together and push through, if you see a wolf put it down! Be cautious of any citizens that might be close by!

All men-Yes sir!

They moved forward and it wasn't long before we saw a wolf run by across the trees and a few men opened fired.

Fox-Careful, I have a few traps in this area!

I turned around back to the camp and I saw Tracey behind me to my surprise and there was no way I was dragging some untrained and unarmed person into a shot out.

Tommy-Tracey, go back to the camp and wait in the trailers.



Tracey-No, if any of this has to do with my baby then i'm coming too!

Tommy-We're dealing with a cult! An! Armed! Cult! With! Wolves!

(Fox's POV)

We weren't even dealing with that and while Tommy was arguing with Tracey Lennon, Oscar, and I just looked at each other.

Fox-Give the lady some respect... Not a lot who argues with Tommy without backing down.

Oscar-Even more when she thinks there's gonna be a gun to her head.

Lennon-She's worried for her son.

Fox-Well i'm worried about ending up a wolf's midnight snack.

We all pressed on and we kept on spotting more wolves trying to shot them with no luck and all that was happening was we were burning through clips with nothing to show for it. I know what they're up to and it stops now.

Fox-Hold your fire! Switch to your knives and bayonets!

Tommy-Fox! I give the orders and we have to be ready for when this cult is in sights and they could be nearby since their wolves are here! We stick to our bullets! Only fire when it's a confirmed attack to conserve your ammo!

Lennon leaned into my hear looking frustrated.

Lennon-We need to do something! At this rate we'll be low or out of ammo before we reach the mine! *whisper*

Fox-Give me moment, i'm thinking! *whisper*

(Diana's POV)

I was watching our decoys doing their job perfectly and so far none of them are hurt and soon their bang sticks will be weakened and when that happens the rest of us ambush them. The raiders are back at the empty intruders camp to search for supplies and young humans to bring back to the den. The intruders used their bang sticks more until we saw a few of the intruders run away from their pack which was a pretty dumb move.

???-Hey, get back here!

Too late because they were picked off and killed so now their group was smaller and more of the intruders were scared now while my pack was winning aside from getting hit a few times which they can take as a punishment for not doing the job I gave them correctly. We will have blood for our fallen pack members and more and with all of the intruders gone nobody will be able to take away my Nightlight.

(Tracey's POV)

I just saw men get tackled by wolves and scream behind threes and bushes until they went quiet.

Tracey's mind-My baby's out here, I just now it! He might be hurt, he might be scared! WHY ISN'T HE ALREADY FOUND?!?!?! THESE GUYS ARE ONLY GOOD FOR HITTING ON ME SO FAR!!! I NEED MY BABY!!!

I felt so made then I noticed some grenades in Tommy's belt loops and those might scare off the wolves so I quickly grabbed one and pulled the pin.


Tommy-Tracey, what the fuck are you doing?!

I ignored him and tossed it and when it went off it turned out it was only a smoke grenade and the breeze covered us all in smoke so I covered my nose with my shirt. Some of the men were coughing and I thought to myself... they lied to me, they're not finding my son,... they're useless to me so I reached for 1 of then men I saw and gun a hold of a pistol in their holster and ran.


(Diana's POV)

A cloud of smoke came out of nowhere after I saw the mother throw something and I felt so mad when I saw her and now they were covered in smoke and probably couldn't see and their smell was terrible to begin with so this was perfect.

Diana-Get them!

I turned into my wolf form and we all charged into the smoke and I tackled and killed 1 of the intruders. Bang sticks went off and some of the intruders ran off and when the smoke went away I saw that some of us were hurt, but weren't dead and a lot of dead humans were on the ground bleeding and not moving, but something made me really mad.

Diana-Where is she!?

(Fox's POV)

Everything went to shit so fast and now a lot of our men were dead and right now it was just Me, Lennon, and Oscar together. Without a word we all ran back to camp to meet up with the others, but when we made it back we saw Tommy with us arms bleeding with 2 men next to him, but that wasn't it... our camp was trashed and most of our stuff was gone.

Man#1-What the hell happened?!

Tommy-Fucking Tracey happened! I should've made her stay her! She only cares about finding her kid to the point she put all of us at risk!

Lennon-What are our orders sir?

Tommy-See if you can find a first aid kit or something for my are and if you she Tracey again put her under arrest.

Man#2-Yes sir.

We all searched what was left of our camp to find some medical supplies for Tommy, but that was interrupted by the howls in the distance and an army of huge wolves heading straight for us.

Fox-Quickly, inside the trailers!

Tommy-Weapons free!

We opened fired on the wolves and they quickly scattered which bought us enough time to get inside our captains trailer then lock it. Soon after we heard the wolves clawing at the walls and windows and while it was good the trailers were bullet proof so they couldn't get in, we can't easily pick them off by shooting through the walls and there's no sun roof to get on top of the trailer and shoot from there... were trapped in here.

(Diana's POV)

I made it clear to the pack that we don't go back to the den until the intruders are all dead, especially that woman. We ran into the scavenger on the way to the camp and they found lots of good supplies, but no human pups so all we need to do is finish these humans off which should be easy since we have them trapped in a box and their gonna die 1 way or another now since we took all the food, clothes, sleeping piles, and other supplies.

Beta-Alpha, we can't get in and the humans are inside.

Diana-We just need to wait them out. Head to the others and bring more back and also tell them groups will be switching until we are sure the humans are dead from starvation or from us.

Beta-Yes Alpha.

She left to go to the den and I just stayed here because when we they die I wanna see (Y/N)'s horrible betraying mother dead with my own eyes. A smile curved on to my face from the thought of her getting what she deserves for mistreating my Nightlight.

Diana's mind-Bye bye~... you pup neglecting bitch.

(Tracey's POV)

I was running through these woods and during that time I tripped and fell into mud, but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from finding my baby. Soon I saw a group of people with fake wolf ears and tails carrying lots of stuff somewhere and curiosity got the better of me so I followed them and if I was lucky maybe they'll lead me to my son.

Tracey's mind-Don't worry (Y/N) mama's coming and when I find you you'll always be by my side forever and ever AND EVER!!!~



That mom is a Level O.P. yandere