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(Tommy's POV)

Last night Oscar told me he saw a cos-playing woman go into an abandon mine so I sent him with Fox, Lennon, and a few men to go check it out. I was heading over to Tracey and I could tell all this waiting for her son to be found and saved was really starting to get to her. I wasn't much for comfort, but as much as I can take joy from pushing and messing around with my men I can't stand watching a woman cry especially if she's not a soldier so I went to the table she was eating at.

Tommy-This seat taken?

She looked up at me before she motioned for me to sit down and so I did.

Tommy-Oscar found something, a hideout or something. Your boy might be there.


Tommy-*Sigh* I know your worried and you've been through a lot... lost your husband, your boy is missing... I can't imagine how that must feel and i'm sorry that this is happening to you.


I was getting nowhere with her right now so I just got up and went to go do my own business while she was 'coping'.

(Diana's POV)

I was in the middle of the den with my Nightlight and the rest of the pack going over the plans I had to deal with the intruders we had and the only reason I had Nightlight with me right now was because I just wanted to hold him in my lap and cuddle him.

Diana-So while the decoys get their attention me and the Beta will sneak around the back then pick them off. As for the decoys i'll make it clear you're not to go into the human territory, just run sideways really fast so you'll most likely won't get hit by a human's bang stick. If anyone sees a human pup you are to take them alive and bring them here to the den.

The pack-Yes Alpha.

Diana-Omegas did you get the territories ready ready yet?

Omega-Yes Alpha. We covered most of the ground in each off them with those big sleeping rectangles and used all the spare covers and small softer rectangles we had the switched the locks around, they lock on the outside now.

Diana-Good, now-.


This got everyone's attention then we looked over at the entrance of the den and we saw a group of humans with bang sticks and 3 of them stepped up front.


(Fox's POV)

I don't know what Oscar just made us walk into, but I was getting some mega furry vibes and I did not want to be here any longer that I had to. There was so many people and kids with wolf ears and tails on, but there was 1 person that stood out to me from a picture Tracey showed us and he was on this lady's lap being pulled into a hug.


Fox-Uhhh... hey you uh... wolf lady with the blonde little boy. We've been looking for him for his mother so if you don't mind, you could let him go and he can come with us then you people can do... whatever it is what you were about to do.

She just held him tighter then turned away from us a bit before she growled and most of the others did too leaving us a bit confused.

Fox-I am crazy uncomfortable right now.

Lennon-Listen lady. (Y/N)'s mom has been worried for him so just give him up... now.

???-You're not taking my Nightlight away from me! GET THEM!!!

Just then some of the people suddenly turned into really big wolves like the 1 I caught to make that fur coat for Tracey.

Man#1-What the fuck?!

Man#2-Open fire!

Fox-Don't they have the kid!

1 of the wolves charged at us then Lennon got up front and punched the wolf with his brass knuckles.


Lennon-Let's just grab the kid and go!

The wolf lady ran off with the kid, but stayed behind her friends since she knew we wouldn't risk shooting the kid.

Fox's mind-Clever girl.

Lennon was holding off some of the wolves and I pulled out my knife and so did everyone else, but we were seriously out numbered.

Fox-Fall back!

Man#3-But the kid!

Fox-Ok, just let me know how it goes with these magic wolf people! You died an idiot!

I ran out of the mine and the others did 2 even the 1 that wanted to be a hero and we were being followed, but now the kid was out of the line of fire so it should be safe to shoot.

Fox-Now open fire!

We pulled out our guns, but then the wolves scattered and ran through the trees and bullets were starting to fly. I tried to shoot some, but the trees were in the way and they would sometimes juke us so it was difficult to get a hit. While I was caught up in my shots a big wolf tackled 1 of our men and bit into his neck making him scream in back until he quickly stopped so I knew he was dead and I took this chance to take the shoot. I put a few rounds into the wolf and it fell to the ground dead, but more wolves came out of the mine, a lot more. More of our men were felling and we were getting low on ammo and up close shooting isn't Oscar's specialty so even he was having a hard time with this and I knew if we stay we were gonna die.

Lennon-Retreat, back to the camp!

The remaining survivors of us ran away, but the wolves didn't stop and more of us were doing down. As we ran we made it half way to the camp and some of the wolves that were still chasing us got caught in some of the traps I set some of which killed them and they finally stopped chasing us, but now it was just Oscar, Lennon, 2 more men, and I, that's less than half that came with us. We all stopped running since we were in the clear and I had all sorts of questions in my head and also questioning everything I knew about about life.

Man#1-What was that?... WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!

Lennon-I don't know,... but after we report to Tommy we'll go back and-.

Man#1-Go back?! Maybe in case you haven't noticed, those people just turned into huge wolves... RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!!!

Man#2-That shit is not normal... I say leave the kid.

Fox-*Sigh*... FUCK!!! We can't just leave!

Man#1-All this for '1' kid?! We just lost 13 good men!

Lennon-That's the problem, more people come here and more people die.

Man#2-You're high as shit if you think i'm going back there!

Lennon-SHUT UP!!!... We report to Tommy what happened... then we go from there.

Man#2-Sure, just tell him people turned into wolves and tried to kill us! He'll 'definitely' believe us!

Fox-We say we were attacked by a cult that has the kid we're looking for in an old mine and they used wolves on us so he'll believe that and maybe even call for back up.

Oscar-And Tracey?

How would she react if she heard that, she'll definitely be worried sick for her son and maybe even wanna tag along and the last thing we need is an untrained woman to babysit in the battlefield.

Fox-*Sigh* We keep this from her for now and i'll tell Tommy a lie to tell her so she won't worry as much. That's the best we can do now.

Lennon-Then let's move.

(Diana's POV)

Those human's killed 6 members of my pack and 5 of the humans got away from what the others told me and they were looking for my Nightlight after being told by the mother and the real problem is that she should be dead. I was furious and so was my pack and if they think they can pin this on me they're wrong! After I put Nightlight in his metal trap box I went outside the den to the pack and the one's I sent to kill the parents were gonna feel my wrath.


The group stood out and in front of me and I grabbed a delta by her neck and lifted her in the air.

Diana-You wanna tell me why I heard that the 'mother' was 'alive' after I told you all to kill 'both' of the human parents?!

A Salsas came up to me and I glared into his eyes which made him put his ears down and tail between his legs.

Salsas-Alpha, we thought *gulp*... they were both dead.

I tossed the delta aside and tackled the Salsas and pinned him to the ground.

Diana-Because of that these other human intruders are here, they want to take my Nightlight away, and now '6' members of our pack are 'dead' and it's All. You're. Groups. Fault!

Salsas-Al-Alpha w-we can-.


I got off him and I thought of banishment, but then I thought of something else instead. I looked at the scared group and walked up to them and when they tried to take a step back I growled at them which made them stay where they were.

Diana-When we go out tonight for the attack you 9 are the first ones up as decoys!

Delta-9?... There's 10 of us.

Diana-The Omega brought my pup here while you 9 were supposed to kill the intruders and raid the camp so he's attending to the young since '1' of you could do their job right!

The Omega looked so relived and I went back into the den and into my private territory then took my Nightlight out of his metal trap box. I took him with me to my sleeping pile and cuddled with him and cried over the members that were lost today.

(Y/N)-Diana my mommy is looking for-.

I shoved 2 of my fingers in his mouth and pressed on his tongue to shut him up.

Diana-Nightlight... please don't make your mama angry and just cuddle.

He tried to talk, but quickly stopped from how difficult it was and I just kissed his head and held him closer to me.

(Tracey's POV)

My was is still missing and I think I was losing my mind now since he's all I have left of the family I made with Trent. I'll do anything to have my son by my side right now and when I get him back I won't let him go.

Tracey's mind-I need my son back, I want him back, these woods can't have him... He's mine and when I get him back he won't leave my side... Ever. Again.


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