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(Brendan's POV)

It was almost time for the fight and I was waiting just outside of the den and most of the pack was waiting with me. I was getting really pissed off from waiting and that I have to do this just to get rid of a human pup. The sun was almost gone and still no sign of Diana coming out yet and if this keeps up i'll go in there and drag her and her human out.


I waited a while longer before I saw her come out of the den, but her human wasn't with her.


Brendan-Where is the human?!

Diana-Don't worry about my Nightlight, you'll be dead soon enough.


We both transformed into our wolf forms and got into a fighting stance and I wasted no time in charging at her to make the first move.

(Oscar's POV)

I just left the camp for some late not scouting and to get away from the captain keeping the men away from Tracey by threatening extra laps around the camp or later meal times. I wasn't gonna get involved in any of that and maybe a few hours away will be good enough. Lennon was doing extra exercises because he always thinks he needs to be stronger from listening to his instincts, Fox was planning and setting traps just being... Fox and as for me I prefer to be alone and away from conflict, but something always pushes me to fight and with that I knew there was no question in what I would become. I climbed up a tall tree and reached behind my back and pulled out my pride and joy.


My Barrett .50 sniper rifle became a part of me, never leave on a mission without it and in time I taught myself how to shot on point, how to track, how to hunt through trail and error. Tommy himself even thinks of me as the best hunter and scout of the group, but enough about myself. I looked through the scope and around the forest testing my luck on finding the kid. After a while of looking I saw 2 really big wolves, like what Fox found running around and fighting off in the distance.


(Diana's POV)

I brought the fight into the woods and use the territory to my advantage and we both had good hits on each other and bleeding. I pounced on him then he pushed me off him and over a bush and I quickly got on my feet and hid and when he came to get me to find I wasn't there I waited for his back to be turned to me and when he did I jumped out of my hiding spot and managed to bite into the back of his neck. He threw me off and I landed on my back and he used his claws to scratch my left fore leg and it really hurt me. I bit his leg on his next attack and he backed off then when I got on my feet I couldn't walk on my hurt leg.

Diana's mind-No!


I looked at the leg I bit and he can't walk on it either so I still had a chance.


Dirt was kicked up in the middle of us and we looked to where it came from, but we saw no human with a bang stick.


I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my hurt leg and fell to the ground and Brendan took this chance to charge at me and I was helpless.

Diana's mind-No.


I saw blood come out of the side of his hips and he landed on top of me whining in pain and I pushed him off then got up and ran on 3 feet as fast as I can behind a tree and looked back at Brendan while I turned back to my human form and held my arm in pain, but I managed to smile.

Diana-I win.~



Blood came out of his head and some of his face even came off and I left before the human could arrive.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the cage that Diana left me in for a while now and I was so bored from playing with my toys and I wish I had a movie to watch right now. It's been hours now and I was started then I started to hear voices outside and soon Diana came in breathing hard and she had bandages wrapped around her arm in in a sash and I saw some blood on her clothes.

(Y/N)-Diana, what happened?! You're hurt!

She looked at me for a moment before she pulled keys out of her pocket with a smile on her face and she unlocked the cage. She took me out with 1 arm and held me before she kissed my cheek.

Diana-Did you worried about me my sweet little Nightlight?~

She kissed my cheek again before she took me out to the rest of the cave where every other doggy person was and they were staring at us. She stopped at a ledge close to her room before she put me down the held my hand.

Diana-I have killed the male alpha so will the male beta step forward now and tell us you name!

Her voice echoed in the cave then in the crowd I saw a doggy man walk closer to us.


???-My name is Blitz!

Diana-You are now the male alpha Blitz! Now with that out of the way I have plans for the future of this pack! New ways for order!

I heard them all speaking to each other, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

Diana-I'm sure you all know about my human pup! I discovered that humans mistreat their young and manipulate them to believe that it's ok! Sending them to a place called 'school' where they put outsiders in charge of their young, living them all alone at times to go to a place called 'work' to do other jobs rather than protect and care for their young which is why humans are so mad and destructive!

She makes it sound like it's all bad and everyone was talking again.

Diana-As alpha I demand we use a empty private territory to put humans in to protect them before we introduce them into the pack, but not just any humans-.

Blitz-You want to allow destructive humans into our pack, they'll kill us all!

Diana-SHUT UP!!!... As I was saying the grown humans are mostly gonna be too dangerous and we shall treat them like we treat any other intruders in our territory, but... the young can be saved and be taught the ways of our pack!

Blitz-And what purpose will they serve, what job?!

Diana-When grown up they will be in charge of tending to our young, be sent out for emergency supply runs into those big human territories with the green paper we have. We will have more of our hunters out there and since humans aren't stronger or faster than us they'll be more useful to be caretakers!

I didn't understand everything, but I don't think it's a good thing whatever she's talking about.

Diana-I want both Omegas to empty out some territories we have green paper, food, and supplies and make the territories lock from the outside to keep the humans in and make it comfy in there for them! Anyone who feels to participate in this is free to grab a human from there and for now on we bring young humans here 'alive'!

Blitz-This is crazy, this idea is gonna put all of us in danger!

Diana-Do you... want to challenge me already!?... Do you!? *growl*

He just looked down and backed down.

Diana-Ok then... i'll think about a plan to deal with the current humans in our territory and i'll go over it in the morning! That's all!

She pulled back in her room with her and we both got into her bed and she pulled me close to her side and rubbed my head.


Diana-What is it?

(Y/N)-What did you really mean out there?

Diana-Well... you humans aren't very threatening alone so I thought you would be gentler with our young in the future and give them a loving life. Just relax and let me love you and everything will be fine, you don't have to worry about those bad parents anymore.~

(Y/N)-They weren't bad though, they loved me!

Diana-*Sigh* You'll understand when you're older. Now let's go to sleep.

She pulled a blanket over us and held me tighter to her side and closed her eyes and I didn't wanna sleep, but she wouldn't let me go so I just give up and closed my eyes and we both fell asleep with the lights on.

(Oscar's POV)

I followed some weird woman to an old mine without her knowing and now I was heading back to camp to report this to Tommy.


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