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(Diana's POV)

I woke up to my little Nightlight with my tail in between us and he was cuddling it and he just looked so cute and peaceful. I wanted to enjoy this as much as possible so I let him sleep and even snuck in some tiny kisses on his little head and I was loving this moment.


That noise woke up my Nightlight and I was furious, but I got up and took my Nightlight to his metal trap box then locked him in and he just went under his covers while I left my private territory to see what Brendan wants. I saw he wasn't happy and I wasn't either.

Diana-You woke up my Nightlight and ruined a cute moment for me so this better be important!

Brendan-During our night out scouting the human camp we found a delta's blood on the ground and trailed back to the camp! He's dead and it's your human's fault.


Brendan-You better get rid of him before I do!

Diana-*Growl* You come near him or so much as talk about him and i'll have your throat in my teeth.

Brendan-*Growl* Don't you all see?! Diana's human is attracting more humans and they 'killed' 1 of 'us'!

I saw some of the pack was siding with him and I was ready to kill them for betraying me.


Diana-*Growl*... I accept!

I'll get rid of him and the other males know better than to challenge me so when I win my Nightlight will be safe and it got me thinking on how humans mistreat their young. I went back into my private territory and saw my Nightlight already sleeping again and cuddling with the bear and I just watched him sleep enjoying this moment since the last 1 was ruined.

Diana's mind-Sleep my little Nightlight, i'll keep you safe.~

(Tracey's POV)

I was just relaxing and having some breakfast while some of the men were running laps around the camp and soon I saw Fox and Lennon walk up to me and I saw something behind Fox's back.


Fox-Hey Trace, you don't mind me calling you Trace right?

Tracey-It's fine.

Fox-Cool. Lennon and I made something for ya.


Fox-We can tell you don't like wearing the training uniform so I got the something and Lennon helped make this.


He tossed the fur coat to me and the way if felt was nice so I tried it on and it was a perfect fit and it felt really warm.

Lennon-That's real wolf fur that Fox brought me.

Tracey-You killed wolves for me?

Fox-Yes ma'am, thought you deserved something after everything. Oh and just a fair warning as i'm sure you're already aware most of the guys here have their eyes on you.

Tracey-Do you do too?

Fox-Sorry, but i'm taken. This was just a gift from a friend, later.

He left so it was just me and Lennon now and we both sat down and I continued to have my breakfast.

Lennon-I'm sorry you're being forced to wait while your boy is out there.

Tracey-... You all couldn't even find a trace?


Tracey-I-... I sometimes wonder if he-... if he's-. *sobbing*

As I was crying I was pulled into a one armed hug and this guy was keeping his serious and stern look he always.

Lennon-Oscar is our best scout and tracker and if your son was dead his body would be eaten by scavengers such as insects gathering around him. The time you've been out here wouldn't be enough for his body to decay in time for scavengers to leave him and so far he has saw 5 sightings of this, but none of which were human. There's a good chance he's still alive.

Even if he is alive he's probably lost, cold, and scared and I can't do anything right now to help him and he couldn't even turn his voice to something sympathetic. He's stoic, but at least he was trying to comfort me even if it wasn't working well it was something and I needed to hold out hope my son was alive because if he isn't I don't know what i'll do. He let me go before he walked off leaving me to eat while I tried to collect myself and just huddled up in my new fur coat.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Diana was playing with me right now by playing pass back in her room and I didn't wanna play with her, but she got mad when I said no so I changed my mind because she looks scary when she's mad and she can turn into a big doggy. I wasn't letting the ball get past me and sometimes she missed me by a lot, but I still got the ball back to her.

Diana-*Giggle* You're so playful.~

I ignored her to focused on stopping the ball then soon a dog person came in and Diana was mad.

Diana-What are you doing in here Omega?!

Omega-I'm sorry Alpha, but the male Alpha wants me to tell you something.

Diana-And what is it?

Omega-He wants me to take the human from you for now and be given to the winner for them to-.

She grabbed him by his neck and pinned him against the wall looking 'really' mad and I was getting scared.

Diana-Tell Brendan to not come 'near' my Nightlight and if you so much as 'touch' him I will do something 'worse' to you!

He looked even more scared than I was as Diana was started to kinda turn into a doggy again.

Omega-*Cough* *gag* Yes *cough* Al-... pha.

She let him go then picked him up and literally threw him out of the room. She turned back to normal and I was still scared and she just put on a concerned look before running to me and picking me up.

Diana-I'm sorry Nightlight. Mama didn't mean to scare you. He was trying to take you from me.~

She bounced me in her arms before she took me with her to her bed covered us in some of her blankets and cuddled with me. She was so hard to figure out because 1 moment she could be happy then the next she gets really mad.

Diana-Wait here for a moment Nightlight.~

She got up and went to her blanket door and opened it.

Diana-Someone bring me food and some for my pup!

She stood there for a while before someone came and handed her BBQ ribs on a plate.


She turned to me with a smile on her face as she walked to me.

Diana-Look what I got for lunch. You hungry?~

She sat on the bed then held a rib out in front of me and when I tried to take it she growled at me for a bit.

Diana-Open up.

I opened my mouth and she feed me the rib and it tasted really good, but I still wasn't comfy around her. She had a few ribs herself and after we were done she licked her fingers clean then she licked mine clean before cuddling me in bed.

Diana-Later i'm gonna put you in your metal box for a bit while I take care of something.

(Y/N)-Like what?

Diana-The male Alpha has to be killed or submit to me so he doesn't try to take you from me and that won't happen.

(Y/N)-But... Diana I still wanna see my mommy and-.


I stopped talking and she went back to cuddling me in bed.

(Brendan's POV)

I was waiting outside the den and the Omega failed to take the human away from Diana which made me furious, but when I win he'll be dead soon enough and when that happens we'll move on to the intruders. I watched the sun just waiting for it to be time for the challenge for dominance between me and Diana and a female will not beat me. I am the strongest and fastest werewolf of our pack and Diana will not just submit to me, but she will be killed by me for betraying the pack by bringing a human here.

Brendan's mind-Just you wait Diana. You and your human will be killed by me before dawn tomorrow.


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