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(Diana's POV)

I was planning for attacks against those humans which was extremely risky and I was more for hunting prey for food since humans aren't always predictable as we see sometimes. I wasn't even gonna send so much as a Omega to their death if I could. The only thing keeping me from throwing and breaking stuff out of anger is my little Nightlight cuddling with me on my sleeping pile. After a while I heard a commotion coming from outside of my private territory so I got up and put my Nightlight in his metal box and locked it.

Diana-Stay here Nightlight, i'll be back and i'll even bring some food.

(Y/N)-Why do I have to be in here?

Diana-I know you hate it, but it's where you're the safest when i'm not around and I still think you wanna try to leave.

He only looked down then I left my private territory and saw most of the pack leaving the den in wolf form and I never allowed this so I changed into a wolf and quickly went out to stop them furious of possible betrayal. When I made it outside I saw they weren't leaving, but gathering around something and I growled for them to clear a path for me and what I saw was a little surprise.


It was our male Alpha and now everyone was bowing down to him and I turned into my human form and he growled at me before he did the same and now I could see he was angry at me.


Diana-It's been a while Brendan.

Brendan-That's Alpha to you.

Diana-I'm the Alpha female so i'm not calling you Alpha, especially when you're gone most of the time.

Brendan-All for the pack and speaking of the pack... What's this I heard about a human in the den?

Diana-They're mine.



We were in a standoff with each other and he has the upper hand when it comes to strength, but when it comes to flanking I rule. We started circling each other as we got into our wolf forms. I had to wait for him to make the first move, but before the fight started we heard something almost close by.


We all reacted to this and retreated into the den before we were spotted and went into our human forms and I was gonna head back to my private territory, but Brendan stopped me.

Brendan-Don't think that saved you. Where is that human?!

We looked at each other before he looked up to my private territory and made a run for it, but I was smarter to turn back to my wolf form and just as he made it in I I was right behind him and got in between him and my Nightlight.

((Y/N)'s POV)

A doggy person and a big dog that was taller than me came in and I was so scared since the man was mad at me.

Brendan-Diana. Step aside.


(Y/N)'s mind-Diana?

Just then something was happening to the dog and it was standing up and losing fur until I saw something I couldn't believe.


(Y/N)'s mind-She is Magic!

Diana-You're not touching them Brendan.

Brendan-The way I see it is that they are attracting more humans. Yeah, I noticed more intruders coming and a lot of them.

Diana-He's mine and I will fight you if you're gonna try to take them from me!

Brendan-I want that human either sent away or be killed.

Diana-*Growl* Don't you dare threaten my pup.

I was starting to get scared and they both were just staring at each other until the dog man Brendan turned away.

Brendan-If that human causes anymore trouble I will kill them,... but for now the reason I came back is to deal with the intruders and 'i'm' gonna be leading the attacks since you've gone soft.

He left the room and I wiped the little tears I had and Diana was looking at me as she opened the cage and took me out.

(Y/N)-Who was that guy? How did you turn into a dog? Did I do something bad?

Diana-You did nothing wrong Nightlight. Brendan is the male Alpha, but don't worry about him because if he comes near you I will do what I need to, to protect you.

(Y/N)-He said he would kill me though.

Diana-No he won't. Stay in here or near me and you'll be fine. Now no more questions.

She took me to her bed and gave me the blue wolf stuffed animal then cuddled with me like before and sniffed me before she looked happy.

Diana-My scent is all over you now my little Nightlight, everyone will know you belong to me now.~

She just held me tighter and rubbed her nose against me then licked it again.

(Tracey's POV)

I was wearing some kind of military training uniform and it was awkward being the only woman here and these guys were soldiers too. They were nice to me aside from some of the hitting on me, but my husband just died and my son is missing so some of the other men dragged them away from me. Most of them now were getting ready to head out tonight to go looking for my son, but it just scares me that they were armed to the teeth when they're out there. Just then Fox came up to me and sat on the table while tiring a special knot for some reason.




Fox-Just in case it makes you feel better we're carrying tranches for primary weapons so if something does happen the worst will be a little nap.

This guy gives off a chill vibe, but he's also very smart. He was gone for most of the day so far and I have no idea why though.

Tracey-It doesn't.

Fox-Oh come on at least give us a little credit. We're trained soldiers after all.

Tracey-Did you just come to me just to say that?

Fox-Not exactly. Marching orders from Tommy said that tonight since almost half of us are heading out you're gonna be in a trailer in case of a possible attack. Don't worry, these fuckers are bullet proof.

Tracey-Fine, just find my son.

Fox-Yes ma'am.

He hopped off the table and walked away from me. I felt like a total worried and nervous wreck.

Tracey's mind-(Y/N) where are you?

(Timeskip To Night)

(Diana's POV)

I was holding my Nightlight during a pack meeting and the only 1 who showed he was upset about it was Brendan, but I didn't care because like it or not my Nightlight is a part of the pack now.

Brendan-Listen up, I will be leading the attacks on the intruders and your female Alpha will be in charge here. The hunting group will come with me is that understood.

Beta-Omega Wolves-Yes Alpha.

Brendan-We leave in a few and as for those staying here...

He looked at my Nightlight and I put his face in my chest while I glared at Brendan.

Brendan-Keep an eye on that human.


He left and the hunting group left to wait for his order and he's lucky I don't kill him right now for looking at my Nightlight like that.

Diana-When they leave get all the pups ready for sleep and we'll have a meal. I want the Delta's at the entrance and the Selsa's will scout the outside and as for the Omega you'll be in charge of watching over the pups, i'll watch over my own.

Selsa-Omega Wolves-Yes Alpha.

I took my Nightlight with me to my private territory.

(Brendan's POV)

That human is lucky to still be alive if it weren't for Diana's stubbornness. I didn't have time for that right now because I was about to leave with the pack and when those humans and gone Diana's little 'pup' is next.

The pack heard my call and now we're ready to leave with me. We left the den and headed for the intruders camp. After a while we made it there and turned into my human form, but just for a moment.

Brendan-Circle the camp, but don't attack. I want you to see what they have and when we find a weak spot we strike.

They all nodded then scattered so I turned to my wolf form to see what I can find to attack.

(A Delta's POV)

I was going around the camp and got a spot to scout it and others went along as for our Alpha's orders. Soon I smelled something and I knew exactly what it was.

The Delta's mind-Human.

It was close so I followed the scent and soon I saw it and it had it's back turned so I quietly approached it from behind to get this easy kill and bring it back to the Alpha. I was getting closer to the human and when I was about to pounce them something grabbed my hind leg and I was hanging in the air now then saw it was 1 of those weird looking vines. The human then turned to me with a smug look on its face.


???-*Whistle* 'Look' at the size you. I think you're somewhere at 5 feet on all fours.

I was about to howl, but he quickly held my mouth shut then used a smaller vine to keep it shut and I clawed at him, but I wasn't even ripping his clothes.

???-You my friend are lucky that this suit is almost impossible to rip or I would be pissed.

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I reached for him with my claws to try to at least cut him and the other might pick up on the scent. He was out of my reach and he reached into his clothes and pulled out a sharp metal stick.


???-I got a lady friend at camp that could use some cheering up and i'm sure she'll love a fur coat. You don't mind helping me, do you pal?


???-I'm not hearing a no. Hehehehe~

(Diana's POV)

My Nightlight was ready for bed now and I wanted him to sleep with me so I took him with me to my sleeping pile and if he does try to escape the pack will catch him and i'll just give him a punishment and put him in his metal box.

Diana-Goodnight my little Nightlight.~


Diana-What did you just call me?

(Y/N)-... Mommy.

Diana-That's better. Now what is it?

(Y/N)-Can I go see my uh... human mom and dad soon?

Diana-No. You will never see them again because I have you now. I took you away from them because they treated you wrong and kept you away from them almost all the time. Parents like that in our pack are dealt with by banishment because of betrayal.

(Y/N)-But they did love me.

Diana-No they didn't. Now go to sleep.


I shoved 2 of my fingers in his mouth and pressed on his tongue to shut him up then he tried to pull them out, but I wasn't gonna let him. We do this to baby pups when they cry or older pups to shut them up since it makes it harder to talk. After a while of him trying to get my fingers out he tired himself out and fell to sleep so I finally took them out of his mouth and pet his head gently while he slept. Humans are so cruel to their young. No wonder when they grow up they become destructive and angry while only caring for themselves the most. They probably don't even know what real love truly is.

Diana's mind-Don't worry my little Nightlight. I'll show you what real motherly love feels like...~ and nobody, not even Brendan will take you away from my love... EVER!!!


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