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(An Omega's POV)

I was forced to watch the Alpha's human and this was kinda weird watching a human other than killing them, but if I tried that the Alpha would kill me. He was playing with some of his play things the Alpha gave him and I didn't even know what to talk to him about, I didn't even talk to him when I retrieved him and put him in the metal box. I just hope the Alpha gets back before...

(Y/N)-Mister, i'm hungry.

Crap. I can't leave him hungry because the Alpha would be mad if I did so I left the Alpha's private territory and went to where we keep our food and I grabbed a box of something for him to eat.


I went back and used the special stick to unlock the lock and open the hole to put the food in for him then closed and locked it.


(Y/N)-Thank you.

He opened it and started eating the little bit of food I gave him and I went back to just starring at him.

(???'s POV)

It was so cold out here and I was trying to find a place to warm up then I heard a truck honk so I headed for that sound and ran as fast as I could warm up. I made it to where I heard the sound and I saw a camp site off in the distance. I ran to it and saw men unloading stuff from trailers and some of them had guns so I had to be careful and make them know i'm not an animal or something and when I was close enough.

Tracey-Hello, please help me!

I got their attention and they saw I was in bad shape and 4 men came up to me.


???-Hey, you ok?

Tracey-Please, my family have been attacked by wolves, my husbands dead and my son is missing! *sobbing*

I was crying uncontrollably then I felt a arm be place on my shoulder and I looked up and saw a buff man.


???-Well i'm sorry about your husband, but we can help look for your boy. Names Tommy. The boy with the red hair goes by Fox.

Tracey-*Sniffle* Is that is real name?

Tommy-No, he's just clever like 1. The strong 1 is Lennon and the masked 1 is Oscar.


Lennon-We got showers and spare clothes you can borrow.

Oscar-Hope you don't mind gun shot sounds.


Tommy-Think nothing of it, we're just with our squad taking a little vacation and what better way to spend a vacation than to 'play a game'.

He lead me inside a trailer and I saw it was all men here and it was embarrassing and that would effect me if my husband wasn't dead and my son wasn't missing. He left me alone and this trailer was all shows and stalls and I just wanted to get washed fast before a man comes in.

(Tommy's POV)

The lady was taking a shower now so I thought I should inform and rally up the troops. I took the center of the camp and banged on the grill with a rifle to get their attention.

Tommy-Alright men listen up! We got a woman here now and she has a son out there so let's make the game interesting! The 1 to bring the boy back to her alive if possible will have 1 favor granted by me to the best of my ability.

They seemed to like that since I was a good friend with the general and we go way back and they knew that.

Tommy-But!,... If I can bring the kid back then you all get 'triple' the morning warm-ups! If you ladies don't like the stakes then it sucks to be you does it?!

My men looked determined and I like that, we came here to have a hunting trip/boot camp, but this is even better.

Tommy-Good,... NOW LET THE GAME BEGIN!!!

(Diana's POV)

We had a herd of deer surrounded and when I moved in for the first blood my pack followed my lead and when we were done we had our meal and still had some to give for the pack. The deltas turned to human form to carry the deer and along the way...


We heard a noise off in the distance and I know that sound from anywhere.


I quickly turned into my human form and turned to my deltas holding the deer.

Diana-Take the deer back to the den and we'll take care of the intruders.

Deltas-Yes Alpha.

Diana-As for the rest of you they have loud sticks so stay quiet and we take them by surprise.

I turned back to my wolf form and we split up as we went after the intruders and when we got close we saw a camp with lots of humans and most of them had bang sticks with them and they were big so we held off and I thought this over. This many humans with bang sticks can be really dangerous and we already lost pack members with just 1 human because we didn't see that bang stick, but I can't put a small group against this because we'll all die so we'll leave them alone... for now. I lead the pack with me and we were heading back to the den... and...

Diana's mind-If I see my little human pup crying, hurt, or hungry that Omega will feel my wrath.


((Y/N)'s POV)

It was boring in here, but this guy would barely talk to me and wouldn't let me out even for a minute. Playing with my toys got boring and I couldn't even talk to him because he was quiet so I might as well be alone. Diana might be mean for taking me away from my mommy and daddy and keeping me in this cage, but at least she talks to me. After a while Diana came back in and she was naked and opened her treasure chest where she had her clothes in and started getting dressed and she looked at me and paused before she looked at the guy just sitting there.


Omega-Yes Alpha?

Diana-Why does my human pup look sad?

Omega-I mean he was playing and he wanted to talk and I didn't know what to say and-.

Diana-So you're saying... you ignored my human pup the whole time I was gone?

Omega-No, I gave him food when he asked for it Alpha and he asked to leave the metal box and I thought you wouldn't like that so I kept him in there!

Diana-Is that it?

Omega-Yes Alpha.

Diana-For keeping him fed i'll let you off this time, but next time you watch him while I hunt I want to see them healthy 'and' happy. Do you understand me?

Omega-Yes Alpha.

Diana-Then leave, the others will tell you what we found.

The man left and Diana gt finished getting dressed before she came to me and bent to my height and looked serious.

Diana-Why did you wanna get out?

(Y/N)-It's boring in here and I just wanna walk around some more.

Diana-If I take you out are you gonna be good?


Diana-Ok, but if you're bad i'll punish you more than I did last time.

She went to get the keys and I was so happy when she was coming back to let me out and when she unlocked the lock and opened the door I tried to get out by myself, but she picked me up and put me down then I stretched as she went to her bed and laid down then just looked at me with a smile.

Diana-Well go ahead, do something cute for me.

(Y/N)-Like what?

Diana-You have play things so get 1 and entertain me.

I went to the cage and reached in to get a toy and when I did I could only reach the blue wolf and the purple bone and leaned out of the cage. With them in my hands I don't know what to do with them to make them 'cute'. Being 'cute' was for girls and I only look cool stuff and I had girly colored clothes and toys except for my fidget toys.


(Y/N)-What? I didn't do anything yet.

Diana-You just look so confused on what to do. Holding your little soft wolf and bone.~

(Y/N)-How's that cute? I don't get it.

(Diana's POV)

That look on his face was just so adorable I just wanted to squish it in my hands. He was so clueless too which made it more cute and this was nice to relax and have my little human pup entertain me after a hunt. During him just trying to find something to do for me I had a perfect nickname for him.

Diana-You're my little Night Light!


Diana-Everything in here has a night sky or dark color and you too cute to be a common star for all to see since you're mine. My little Night Light!~

I got up and ran to him and scooped him up and covered him in kisses before I put him down and I couldn't hide my excitement and my tail was wagging so fast.

Diana-That's your new name for your new life I gave you. Night Light.~

(Y/N)-B-But Night Light isn't a name.

Diana-It is now Night Light.~

I poked his dry nose so I had to lick it again and I picked him up to cradle him in my arms while I licked his nose until it was nice and wet.

(Y/N)-Can you put me down please.

Diana-No, I want to hold my little Night Light right now... how about we...

I got back into my sleeping pile and wrapped us both up close together and got comfy.

Diana-Your mommy had a long hunt for food so I want my little Night Light to take a nap with me before the pack cooks the meat we brought back. They bring the food to us so there will be some food for us.

(Y/N)-But i'm not tired.

Diana-Well I am and if I want my Night Light to sleep with me then that's what he'll do, or do you wanna go back in your metal box for a nap for not wanting your mommy?

He just gave up and snuggled into me and my tail wagging as much as it could right now and I closed eyes and went to sleep with my Night Light in my arms.


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