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(Diana's POV)

I woke up to silence and stretched for a bit earning a couple of pops and I got out of bed then looked at the metal box covered up in my private territory. I went up to it and lifted the cover and saw my new little pup still sleeping soundly and holding his little bear that I gave him. All this cuteness... and it's all mine now. I tapped on the metal to make some noise to wake up my little pup and just the name 'little pup' is cute and all, but it's so original in the pack and I think my special pup needs a special nickname. After a bit of tapping I saw his eyes slowly open with a sleepy look and I squealed like a little prey at this and I pulled off the cover from the metal box and got the special stick for the lock.

Diana-Good morning (Y/N).~


Diana-*Mmhm* Lets get you out and get you a bath and new clothes.~

I unlocked the lock and opened the hole in the metal box then pulled him out from the covers and he felt the cold breeze and curled up for warmth and I held him with both my arms to hold him close.

Diana-Let's go.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was so cold and when we left the room it was even colder and she was taking me for a bath in the huge cave where ever that is. I saw more people with dog ears and tails even kids and Diana took me lower into the cave until I saw a huge cave with a lake and fog coming out of it and it looked pretty aside from the lots of naked doggy people.


(Y/N)-I thought you were supposed to take baths alone when you're older.

Diana-Who told you that?

(Y/N)-My mommy and daddy.

Diana-*Growl* Well there will be no more lonely baths. You get to have baths with the rest of the pack now.

She put me down then she took off her shirt and the underwear she had on then she took the clothes I had on and when she sniffed them she growled again.


A doggy person came out of the water and he was completely naked.

Omega-Yes Alpha?

Diana-I 'hate' the scent of these clothes! I want them taken away and buried!

Omega-Yes Alpha.

He got dressed and took my clothes and ran then Diana took me in the water and something confused me.

(Y/N)-Why did he call you Alpha?

Diana-Because i'm the Alpha female of the pack, our male Alpha is mostly a lone wolf. Now no more questions, i'm gonna wash you and get the bad scent off you. After this bath you'll get new clothes and we'll start getting you to fully submit to me.

(Y/N)-What does submit mean?

She ignored me and got some soap and put it into my hair and scrubbed it harder than mommy and daddy do, she would stop to smell my hair then growl like she was angry before she kept going.

(Diana's POV)

I find out his 'mommy and daddy' make him bathe alone, I can't get their fucking scent off him right now and it just burns me up. I soon washed the cleaning stuff out of his hair, but I can still smell and faint sent of 'them' so I tried scrubbing his body with cleaning stuff while I got myself too and I don't care how long it takes to get this scent off him so I can put mine on to show him as mine.

(Timeskip 15 minutes)

I finally got their scent off completely and I was so happy so it'll be easier for mine to be on him now. We got out and I got a dry cover and used it to dry both of us off and I went to the clothes pile, but when I tried to find something for (Y/N) I couldn't find his size with the colors I wanted him to wear so I stood up and went to a Delta of our pack.

Delta-Yes Alpha?

Diana-I'm going to give you some green paper we have and I want you to bring back clothes in my pups size in colors blue, purple, white, and black with my preferred style. If I see something I don't like, you answer to me.

Delta-Yes Alpha.

I gave her some clothes (Y/N)'s size along with a stack of green paper and she kissed her pups and mate before she left and I took (Y/N) back to my private territory and put him in the middle of the floor.

(Y/N)-What about my clothes?

Diana-I don't want you wearing those so you're gonna wait until you get some I like.

I went to my own clothes pile I have in my boxes and got some clothes that I liked on then picked up (Y/N) and sat him on my bed with me. I tried to think of a new cute nickname that no other werewolf of the pack can call their pup and it was kinda hard to think of 1.

(Y/N)-Diana, can I see my mommy and daddy?

Diana-No, they didn't even love you and they dare leave you to bathe for yourself, how do you get you back?

(Y/N)-I don't know, but they do love me. They let me have my own room and when they take me to school they give me a good lunch.


He started to explain what he meant and told me abut everything in his life to make his parents sound good, but what really happened we that they put him in a different territory at night all alone, take him to a place during the day with other pups and strangers not in their pack, leave him in their den alone with nobody to take care of him or protect him even for a second, AND MADE HIM THINK THAT ANY OF THAT WAS OK!!!


(Y/N)-Diana, why are you mad?

I pulled him into my chest and rubbed his head and back then I realized something. It's not just me that wants him... it's him that needs me to 'really' love and take care of him.

Diana-(Y/N) i'm gonna start teaching you and if you don't listen you get a punishment.

(Y/N)-Uhhh... ok.


I put him on the ground and I moved all the bones out of my private territory so it was cleaner in here now and his delicate little feet won't get hurt.

Diana-Now we're gonna start with pack rules. You can't leave the den alone, no arguing with higher up werewolves, and when they tell you to do something, you go it. Ok?

He nodded his head 'yes' and I smiled and kissed his head to praise him.

Diana-Now here's your first set of rules I give you. You listen to me more than anyone, you'll show me love just like I do you, do cute things sometimes, I really like it, and no more talking about your 'mommy and daddy' or any other humans.

(Y/N)-But they-.


He stopped talking showing he submits to me so I continued with teaching him. I patted my big soft rectangle to see if he could understand this and he did so I gave him another kiss on the head for being good.

Diana-Now when I do this or point to anywhere, that's where you go to. Next I want you to point at what you think where everything is ok.

(Y/N)-Like a game?

Diana's mind-How cute.~

Diana-*Giggles* Yes, like a game.

(Y/N)-I like games.

Diana-*Giggles* Hmmm, where are 2 territories where you can sleep at night in here?~

(Y/N) pointed to his metal box and my sleeping he was sitting on.

Diana-Good. Now where's your new pack?~

He pointed at the cover that was covering the hole most likely pointing out to the rest of the den. I was so happy he understood that.

Diana-Good. Where's your new den?~

He pointed all around us really fast with both of his hands trying to be funny and it was just so cute.

Diana-*Giggles* Good. Where's your mama.~

I was waiting for him to pointed at me,... but he pointed at the cover of my hole to the den, but he might be pointing outside and it hurt me that he got it wrong so I fixed his answer for him by pointing his finger at me... and he went back to what he had before.

Diana-Hehehe, Noooo. It's me.

(Y/N)-No it isn't, my mommy is back at camp waiting for me with daddy.

I got so mad when he said that.

Diana-You're not theirs anymore, you're mine so i'm your mama.

(Y/N)-No you're-.



Diana-Call me your mama... Now!


Diana-Now, where's your mama?

He finally pointed to me and that was much better, but I had 1 more thing to do now.

Diana-Since you hurt your mama and your Alpha's feeling, you get a punishment.

(Y/N)-No wait please, i'm sorry!

Diana-Begging will not help.

I grabbed his ear and pulled and he winced at me which meant it hurt which was good and I lead him out of my private territory and through the den. Everyone looked at us, but I didn't care and when we got outside it was cold and windy and he hated it due to his lack of clothes.


Diana-A mother is always warm and loving (Y/N). You know what happens when you don't want that then what happens.

(Y/N)-It... It's cold and makes you sad?

Diana-That's right. You wanna be out here all alone?



I took him back inside the den and to my private territory and to my sleeping pile with me and I was smothering him in my scent in the territory where it was rich of and it was nice to cuddle with him and he was cuddling me for warmth. We stayed like this until the delta I sent out come in with bags of clothes.

Delta-Here Alpha.

I got out and took a look at them and I was happy with what I saw since the clothes were the right colors.


There was so many other clothes and the delta left seeing how pleased I was and I picked up (Y/N) and put him down and got him dressed and he matched everything in here and it was so cute!

(Y/N)-I don't like these clothes.

Diana-Well I do.

I picked him up and kissed him again and again until I saw that his nose was dry so I licked it until it was nice and wet.

(Y/N)-Why did you lick my nose?

Diana-Because it was dry, that's not good.

I smelled him and my scent was coming off him a bit and soon he'll be good enough to fend of other females. It was almost time for the hunt and he wasn't coming with us and I couldn't let him run around the den because he might leave so I put him in his metal box and locked it so he was safe.


Soon he came in and looked at (Y/N).

Omega-Yes Alpha?

Alpha-I want you to personally watch over my human pup and if he gets hungry just give him a little food to help him before I get back.

Omega-... Yes Alpha.

I bent over to my human pup in his metal box.

Diana-I'm gonna go hunting, but i'll be back sweetie.~

I turned back to the Omega and gave him a serious look.

Diana-Just so we're clear, if there's 1 little hair hurt on his little head... i'll make sure you don't have even 1 hair left when i'm done with you.

He looked terrified and i'm glad he understands so I left to go lead the hunting members out on a hunt.

(???'s POV)

I was cold, hurt, lost, scared, and worried sick about my boy since last night. I was also covered in blood and dirt, but I was looking for my little boy and after a while I heard a noise off in the distance.



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