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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and Diana didn't show up for dinner and we were making smores now for dessert... well daddy was making mine since I burned my first 1 and he knows how to make his golden always and it's so good. When he was done cooking my marsh mellow my mommy help him with the chocolate and gram cracker and they gave it to me on a paper plate.


I started eating and I was definitely getting seconds after this.

(Y/N)-How come Diana didn't come?

Mommy-*Giggles* I'm sure your friend with wolf ears and tail was busy.

Daddy-Just get ready for bed soon because we're going for a hike in the morning.

(Y/N)-Can I have seconds please?

Mommy-No, we gotta save them for the rest of the week we're here, but on the last night we can have a bunch of smores, how's that?

(Y/N)-I can have 7 smores?!

Daddy-Sure thing buddy, but right now get ready for bed.


I had the last bite of my smores and went to my tent to get changed while my parents packed up the food.

(Diana's POV)

My pack returned with a different big metal trap box and got the special stick to open it to me and started to bring it to where I wanted it in my private territory.


They put some of the sleeping supplies until the whole bottom was covered and the big soft rectangle were the first and hardest to get in, but they still got in with the soft things I thought looked nice and put play things in it that I liked.


Diana-Why did you bring this metal trap box instead other the other 1?

Omega-The 1 that held 1 of us was broken, but we got this to go with the special metal stick.


I tested it by tying it through the holes tightly and locked it and it wouldn't open and this will do as long as (Y/N) can't open this by himself.

Diana-Very well, this will work. Now when the human pup gets here I want them put in here and make sure to lock it, i'm going to go take a bath and soak for a while.

Omega-Yes alpha.

I went to the stream and stripped down then went in the warm water and started to scrub myself with some of the cleaning supplies we have here.

(A Beta's POV)

I have 7 Selsas, 2 Deltas, and a Omega with me too carry the human pup the alpha wants us to bring back while we deal with the other intruders. We waited until they were asleep in case they have loud bang sticks like the last human intruder did, I wasn't gonna let anymore pack members die tonight. We all turned into our wolf form and waited until the moon was at it's peak then we made our move by slowly approaching the invaded territory. I started by searching the weak little houses they were in and so far I saw no bang sticks in either so I motioned the Omega to the where the human cub was and he turned into human form to open it.

(An Omega's POV)

I saw the human pup I was to carry back and he was sleeping in 1 of those special covers that you can close so I used the pulling thing on the side to slowly and quietly close it so the rest of them was covered up then I swiftly picked up the top part and put it over my shoulder and that definitely woke him up because he started to make noises and scream and yell which is gonna alert his parents so I took off and let the rest of my pack do what they have to as I headed back to the den.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being carried in my sleeping bag by someone and at first I was scared, but then I knew it was my daddy messing with me so I calmed down a bit. It felt like we were running from the way I was moving and I heard fast footsteps.

(Y/N)-Daddy where are we going?

He didn't say anything so I tried asking aging, but he still didn't talk so maybe it was a surprise he was taking me too.

(Y/N)-Can you at least tell me if mommy is coming or waiting for us there.

Still nothing so I guess that was a surprise too, but I was he would slow down so I would stop hitting him from bouncing and soon I heard screams off coming from far away.

(Y/N)-Daddy what was that?

Still no answer.


(Y/N)'s mind-Why isn't he talking to me?

After a bit longer I heard the footsteps echoing a bit and I heard other voices like whispers and I stayed quiet until soon we finally stopped.

???-Is that the human pup?

That voice came from a lady I never heard from before and I wonder if she called me a 'pup', but i'm not a pup, i'm a kid so it couldn't be me.

???-Yes, where do I put them?

That voice was from the person holding me, I just know it and it wasn't my daddy and if it wasn't him... Who's this guy? I started to feel sick to my stomach and I tried to get out of this dark bag to see where I was, but I couldn't get out and noises slipped from my mouth.

???-This way, the alpha is expecting them after her bath.

We started moving again and out of the noises I made they ignored me and soon I heard something like metal and I felt hands on me lifting me up and I hit something hard before I was dropped on something soft and bouncy and I could finally get out of my sleeping bag and when I did I saw a man and lady with doggy ears and tails through bars and they closed it and used a plastic rope and lock to close it along with a metal pole... I was in a cage.


I stood up and tried to open the door and climb out, but the rope was keeping it shut so I couldn't get out.

(Y/N)-Let me out! Where am I?!

Lady-Come on, the alpha can deal with this.

They man just tossed some keys on a bed and the other corner of this room and started to walk through a blanket for a door out of this room.

(Y/N)-No wait!

They ignored me and I tried to open the door again, but all I could do was move the sliding pole. I started to cry, I wanted my mommy and daddy, I wanna go home. I soon gave up and just looked around the room and there was some lanterns on the walls for light and the bed across from me kinda looked like the 1 I was in, but it looked kinda messy and I saw a few treasure chests on the side of the room and there was some blue and purple chairs, mats, and small tables and there was some painting on the walls.


In the cage I was on a mattress and there was some pillows and a fluffy blanket and of course my sleeping bag along with some stuffed animals and toys, but they all were the same color as everything else until I felt my fidget cube and fidget spinner in my pockets still.

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy, daddy please help me.

I sat in silence until someone in and I saw someone walk in and I knew who it was despite them just wearing a t-shirt and I was so happy to see here and when she saw me she gasped while smiling and came to me.



Diana-(Y/N) it's so nice to see you again.~

She bent down to me with her hands on her lap and now that she's here she can help me get out here.

(Y/N)-Please you gotta get me out of here, they left the keys on that bed over there. I need to get back to my mommy and daddy.

Diana-*Giggles* I think you're a little confused.

(Y/N)-No. You can get those keys and let me out of here easily and I can get back to my mom and dad and you can meet them too.

Diana-You're staying in there little one.

(Y/N)-... What?

Diana-I got this all just for you and i'm keeping you in here and made it comfy. Do you like it? I think it looks nice,... but... stay right there.

She went to her bed and grabbed the keys and came back and unlocked it and I was gonna get out, but she pushed my back down to keep me in here and she pulled out my red sleeping bag I had then closed and locked the cage again.

Diana-There, much better.

(Y/N)-Please, I thought we were friends and friends don't lock each other in cages.

Diana-You're not gonna be my friend silly little human.


Diana-Your gonna be my own little pup.


Diana-Yep, like a baby of mine and i'm gonna be your mother.

(Y/N)-But I already have 1.

Diana-Well now that's gonna be me and I let you have those play things.

(Y/N)-That bone is a pet toy though.

Diana-I thought it would be cute if you tried to give it to your soft little wolf or bear.~

(Y/N)-And this bed is kinda girly.

Diana-Well I like it and it matches everything else... except those clothes you're wearing, but we'll get you new ones at sunrise.

Her tail was moving behind her and she wasn't shaking her hips and I couldn't help, but stare at it.

Diana-*Giggle* You like my tail? Well it's real and so are my ears.~

She moved her ears and I was blown away that they were actually real... Was she magic.

Diana-Oh I can't wait until morning! I'm gonna get you new clothes, i'll give you a bath, we'll play in here tomorrow, and most importantly i'm gonna get that 'scent' off of you and put mine on you.~

(Y/N)-What's a scent? I'm not wearing anything like that.

Diana-*Giggles* A 'scent' is something I smell and I need my scent on you so everyone knows you're my pup. A different scent will just show you as you still belong to those intruders you were with and we can't have that.

(Y/N)-But... when can I leave?

Diana-Now why would you leave my little human pup? You're a part of our pack now as my adorable and sweet little pup.~

I felt scared and tried to get out of here again by pulling on the plastic rope.

(Y/N)-Please let me out, I wanna go back to my mommy and daddy!

She only watched my trying to get out and stopped me by taking my fingers of the rope and gave me a mad and scary look so I sat back down afraid of what she might do until I saw she calmed herself down.

Diana-*Sigh* I think I know exactly what you need.

(Y/N)-Y-You do?


She left the room by the blanket door and soon she came back with a big black blanket in her hands.

Diana-You need more sleep.

She threw the blanket over the parts of the cage that wasn't blocked by the wall so it was dark in here now until she lifted part of the blanket.

Diana-Get under the covers now, I wanna see you lay down.

(Y/N)-Diana,... please.

Diana-Get under the covers, i'm being nice right now, so I want you do what I say before I have to get mean.

I started to cry a bit, but I listened to her and got under the blanket like she wanted and she blew me kiss before she dropped the blanket again and it was dark except for the light outside, but soon that went away.

Diana-Goodnight little pup, see you when I wake up.~

I was scared and I just grabbed 1 of the stuffed animals I had and silently cried myself to sleep in this cage. I just hope this was just a nightmare and I wake up with mommy and daddy tomorrow and the 'real' Diana comes to meet them...

(Y/N)'s mind-Please let this be a nightmare.


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