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((Y/N)'s POV)

This man was still taking me somewhere and when I try to talk to him now he just ignores me. I was scared on where he was taking me, but then I heard the radio go static so Fox messed with it then picked up the walkie talkie on it.

Fox-This is Fox, i'm taking the kid to Elfin's orphanage. What's your status?

Mommy-I'm sorry, but your friends can't come to the phone right now. They're in hell and can't wait to see you there.


Mommy-Thanks for telling us where you're going. We already have your jeep on radar in this truck, but still.

Fox-Those were my friends you killed!

Mommy-And you're next if you don't give me back my son.

Fox-You want him... come get him!

He hung up and did a sharp turn making me hit the door.

(Fox's POV)



(Flashback end)

I was thinking on all the memories I had with them and that I just took the kid and ran, I should've been there, I could've helped! No, no excuses. If they have my jeep on radar then i'll let them follow me since I have a good lead on them and it'll give me enough time to get to where I want to go and this kid was gonna help me.

Fox-Hey kid, you're about to go on another camping trip. Only this 1 is gonna end in a bang!

(Diana's POV)

I was in the back of this moving metal box resting up and recovering quickly and less painfully thanks to that little 'pill' Tracy had me take. My wounds were healing at a good time and I was smiling at Tracey's foolishness and picturing when this is over, but the first human I need to kill is the red haired human then Tracey is next.

(Tracey's POV)

I was following the mark on radar that I knew was fox and while I have Diana do the dirty work i'll get my son to safety and when Fox is gone, I got a little surprise for her.


Tracey's mind-He's my son Diana... and i'm not sharing.


(Fox's POV)

I had the kid tied to a post in the middle of our ruined camp where this all started for me and it was gonna end 1 way or the other. Everything was in place so I just waited and this kid would be screaming for help if I didn't gag him. Soon the truck I left behind showed up and out came none other than the 2 people who started this whole mess and brought us to where we are now.


Tracey noticed what I did to her son and she was furious and I could use that to my advantage.

Fox-Nice of you to come.

Tracey-Give me back my son.

Fox-Come take him.


Just then that woman with the wolf ears and tail turned into a wolf and I was ready for it.


She lunged forward snarling her teeth at me and she tripped a wire I had set and the catapult I had set behind a trailer it hit her with a bunch of dirt creating a smoke screen so I pulled out my knife and ran to a rope and cut it dropping a net full of rocks I found to crush her, but she shook it off in time to get out charge for me. I reacted quickly and threw a flash bang which blinded her and I charged for her while she was phased and stabbed her in her chest, but it didn't kill her and she tackled me and pinned me to the ground.


I looked around and reached for another trip wire that I set and tripped it myself not knowing which trap it was again, but beggars can't be choosers. I saw a net come on and it fell on us so all it did was trap me in here with her. I pulled my knife out and when I was gonna stab her again she grabbed it with her teeth and pulled it out of my hand before she dropped it to bite me in my arm that I used to block her next attack.


She let go then came in for another attack that I failed to block this time and she bite into my neck and I felt immense pain when she pulled out taking what she had i her mouth with her and while I was slowing blacking out I heard 1 final sound.

(Diana's mind)

He was dead now and I swallowed his neck and victory was delicious. I transformed into my human form and took this net off which was a little tricky, but I still got it off. I looked to see Tracey freeing my Nightlight and when she did she carried him to the metal box we came in on as he was crying into her so I went up to her while her back was turned, but when she put him in she pulled something out.



I quickly got down and avoided it then glared at her while she had a smile on her face.

Tracey-Thanks for your help, but i'm afraid I have no more use for you.

Diana-*Growl* You took the words right out of me.

I was about to transform again, but then my Nightlight came out of the car and got in between us still crying.

(Y/N)-No! Stop! *hic* *hic*

Diana-Come here sweetie.~

Tracey-No! (Y/N), listen to me and get back in the truck, mommy has to take care of something.

(Y/N)-Please don't fight!

I had to get him back to the den, but I had to take care of Tracey first so I transformed and circled around him and Tracey tried to shoot me with her bang stick, but missed so I took this moment and tackled her while my Nightlight was screaming and crying. She hit me with the bang stick in the face knocking my sights off her and I saw my Nightlight running away so I tried to go after him, but my leg was grabbed.

Tracey-Oh no you don't!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so scared! Why was everyone fighting?! I saw that man get bit really hard and he needs to get to a hospital, but I didn't wanna be there. I was running aimlessly through the woods crying having no idea what to do.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why?! What are they fighting for?!


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