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(Hannah's POV)

I woke up to the adorable sight of my little brother sleeping so close to me and I could feel a smile curling up on my face. I started to play with his hair and it just felt so good running my fingers through his hair then I saw him stirring and he opened up those beautiful eyes of his.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to something touching my head and messing with my hair and when I tried to move my arms up they wouldn't move.

(Y/N)'s mind-Oh right, blankets.

I didn't want to do this, but I opened my eyes and I saw Hannah smiling at me while she was still messing around with my hair.

Hannah-Morning kitten.~

(Y/N)-C-Can you pl-pl-please st-stop c-calling me k-k-k-kitten?

Hannah-You want to run that by me again 'kitten'?

She stopped playing with my hair and had a blank look on her face and I felt scared of what might happen if I don't say something to make her happy.


Hannah-How sorry are you?

I really didn't want to give her another kiss because that just feels too embarrassing right now, but I got to think of something. After a bit of thinking I thought of something, but I'm not really proud of it and I'm not sure if this was more or less embarrassing, but I didn't have time to think anymore because Hannah was starting to get mad.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please let this work, I just don't wanna get shocked again.


My face got warmer and now I felt like an idiot, but then I heard Hannah giggling and that just made my face even warmer.

Hannah-Did-did you just meow,*giggles* that's soooo cute!~

She held me closer and just then the door opened and Brittney, Ashley, and Jullie came down the stairs and Brittney and Ashley had plates of waffles in their hands and 1 of them was cut up while Jullie had two glasses of juice in her hands.

Brittney-Morning you 2, so how did you sleep?

Hannah-(Y/N) just meowed for me just before you guys came in.


Ashley-Can we see?

My stomach just growled and everyone just looked at me then Brittney walked up to me and Hannah put me up against the wall then got her plate from Ashley while Brittney sat next to me with a smile on her face.

Brittney-Are you hungry kitten?~

(Y/N)-Yes mommy.

She got a piece of waffle that had a strawberry on it then held it in front of me and I took a bite and it tasted really good. She kept on feeding me then when it was all gone she got some lemonade from Jullie and she put the glass against my lips and poured it into my mouth as I was drinking it. When I was done drinking she put the glass down then put me on her lap.

Brittney-So kitten how are you gonna say thank you?

I held my breath as I leaned in, but she stopped me by pressing her finger on my forehead.

Brittney-I wanna see how cute you are when you meow.

I felt embarrassment and regret when she said that, but I knew if I don't do it she'll shock me again and that hurts... a lot. I prepared myself for this and took a deep breath then I closed my eyes and was about to let it out.


When I did that I heard giggling and when I opened my eyes I saw them all crowding me while looking at me with smiles on their faces.

Jullie-Oh my god, kitten it just the cutest!~

Brittney-Alright now it's time for your bath now.

Jullie-Can we please help?

Brittney-I don't know if-


Brittney looked like she was thinking then she let out a sigh.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please say no, please say no, please say no!

Brittney-Alright then, come on.


My face felt warmer and warmer as we started to head to the bathroom and when we made it Brittney unwrapped me. I never felt my face this warm in my entire life. Hannah, Brittney, Jullie, and Ashley all watched me as I went to the bathroom while Brittney turned on the water. When I was done I flushed and got in the tub and sat down and through the whole bath they all at least scrubbed 1 part of my body and my face just felt like a blushing mess at this point. When the bath was done they all helped drying me off then we got out of Brittney's bathroom so I could get dressed and when she picked my clothes I wasn't happy with what she picked.

Brittney-What do you girls think of this?

They all smiled while I just looked away then I saw the shock collar on the small table next to Brittney's bed and I could feel something inside me and I didn't know how to describe this feeling.

Brittney-Kitten come on, we need to get you dressed before we get you wrapped up.

I looked at them and I just walked up to them and they all helped dress me and every time I tried to dress myself they would slap my wrist and that made the feeling grow stronger. I was all dressed now and while they were getting the blankets ready I walked back over to the small table and picked up the shock collar and the more I looked at it the feeling inside of me got even stronger.

(Y/N)'s mind-What is this feeling?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the others talking to me.

Hannah-Hey we’re ready, come here.

The blankets were all set out and I hated being in there unable to move, unable to do things myself..., unable to be free. I felt something in me snap and I was gonna let this feeling take over now.


They all looked at me with blank looks on their faces, but for the first time I didn't feel scared or nervous.

Brittney-What did you just say young man?

(Y/N)-I-I s-s-said... NO!!!

I turned around and threw the shock collar at the wall as hard as I could and when it hit the wall it broke into pieces and I never felt so alive, but when I turned back around I that good feeling I just had went right out the window and out of all of them Brittney looked the most angry.

(Just picture Brittney making that face instead of her)

They all didn't say anything as they were walking to me and I quickly looked at the door and started running to it, but Hannah beat me there and pinned me on the floor.

Brittney-Hannah, keep him there, I'll be right back!

Brittney ran past us and I started struggling trying to get free.

(Y/N)-Get off me, get off me!

She didn't say anything and Brittney came back then she pulled me up to only where I was sitting up straight and she had a cup of water in her hand and she forcely pressed it against my mouth, but I wouldn't open up.

Brittney-Drink it!

I shook my head no.

Brittney-3... 2!

I felt so afraid of her right now and I opened up my mouth and drank all the water and they still held me still while I was trying to get free, but then I started to feel sleepy.

(Y/N)'s mind-What did she... put in that... water?

My eyes felt so heavy and I tried to stay awake, but soon I couldn't keep them open and everything went dark, but before everything went silent I heard 1 more thing.

Brittney-You've been a really, really BAD BOY!!!


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